>warmer weather and humidity are a bulwark against the virus
>this is why India and Africa barely have cases or spread

Fucking sucks to be in virus havens like the coasts or Northern Europe. Meanwhile the 80 degree weather and sweltering humidity of Texas will kill surface and stifle airborne transmission.


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Thats been proven to be fake user. You guys aren't safe. If anything, the virus is going to thrive more.

>>this is why India and Africa barely have cases or spread
Yeah two places with functioning public health systems.

But Australia is being hit hard by it? Gtfo

This. Maybe 120 degree 0.0002% humidity mid summer tx weather will kill it, but right now is perfect weather for it to thrive, and we have had the misfortune of allowing infected corona chinks to visit malls and hotels.

They wont test you, theyll just send you home even if your fever is severe.

Australia, and Singapore have already shut down this heat meme

What did I fucking tell you user? That's right. We gonna get our stolen land back soon.

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fuck yeah TEXAS ya fuckin faggots!!!!!! YYEEEHHAAWWW

>>warmer weather and humidity are a bulwark against the virus
Wuhan is in a tropical zone. Try again.

>1 confirmed case in Irving
Goodbye texbros, we had a good run

I know a woman in Austin who has it right now.

you some kinda incan? look bro, u prob have white blood in u, youre late to tha game, your tribe got raped hundreds of years ago

Texas is flooded with filthy spics and borderline retarded boomers

You're completely fucked

Lol no, the virus is thriving in warmer areas already.

Got my rifle, some ammo, and a nice stock of dried and canned food to ride out the coofpocalypse

t. Houstonfag

austin here, i have had flu symptoms for around 3 days now, its getting better, you guys will prob get sick, just fight it, eat garlic, drink plenty warm water, plenty rest, sunlight. fight the chink disease

those filthy spics will probably get wiped out. I mean honestly mexican grocery stores are fucking nasty and a great hotbed for bacteria and viruses to thrive

It started during their Winter

my chunk gf and I are bunkered down. got a bunch of tp I prepared months ago and plenty of ramen

damn autocorrect, chink*

That map is the Republic of Texas' original borders, which were claimed along the Rio Grande. Those were based borders, but we lost some land when we joined the United States.

>Lol no, the virus is thriving in warmer areas already.
It's existing not necessarily thriving. The hardest hit places have been cold.

Bro the president of UT's wife has it, he probably has it too

Its like winterchan turned on her creator.

It's true. The weather in Texas will kill you and anything else.

I provided my sources, you provide yours.

Amazing isn't it? Geographic advantage with the heat and humidity.

Aussie is dry and has a lot of contact with China because they own them. Getting infected is one thing, but getting spread is another.

Its getting hotter every day in Texas. It won't do anything for the AC dens, but it not being outside and in public locations will help contain the spread of it outside of person to person.

Yes, the Panhandle is rightful Texan clay.

Wuhan is 15 degrees colder than Texas on average and only 50% humidity compared to the 100% humidity Texas has daily.

We just gotta contain those that we have user. We have an advantage in stopping the spread in our republic.

yeah the Dean of UT's wife has it. But just because there ARE cases doesn't mean we don't have the geographic advantage to stop the spread in our borders.

Survive and hit up Shakespeares on 6th for me when the coast is clear.

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>functioning public health systems

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Absolute bullshit. We're filled to the brim with foreigners who regularly visit a third world country and have no concept of personal space. If any state in the country is going to get absolutely asshole trucked it's going to be texas.

SARS. This is SARS. You can read the ncbi on it . Reams of it. Mild weather and low humidity are the sweet spot. Anything outside of that is fragility to destruction.

nice quads, what kinda chink may i ask? good for you i suppose, i dont blame people for wanting to avoid it altogether, for my own situation, it was too late, i started coughing pretty bad, mucus, luckily no chest pain or fever. not sure if what i have is actually related to corona at all as i havent been to see a doctor

light skinned looking chink born in china. kinda ruined our vacation plans tho

hats off brother, where in tx you at?
this weather is harsh but ive grown to love it, people bitch and moan about it all the time, it weeds the bitches out

sorry to hear, i have plans to visit denver with a chick, hopefully things chillout by then

Too hot, too cold.
Too much rain, or not enough.


>warmer weather
Meanwhile countries near the equator gets it

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Texas is dumb.

It's already hot here. 80s all week.

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Just South of Huntsville, but comfy. The rough summers make us strong. Its like inverse Winter-chan.

Texas and surprisingly Florida are the 2 states that are best equipped for this. Coasts and mid-west are fucked if they don't contain it. They'll go full italy

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It used to be great man..

Now it is just a spic indian colony with niggers.

Before all the czech and german boomers got greedy and fucked us all.

said a nobody
go back to jersey or whatever fuckin yankee fuck hole you crawled out from

when you consider our insects can barely survive the summers it seems like we have pretty good odds, to me

>State full of Niggers
This place is gonna go up like a Bonfire!

I'm a dishwasher at a Texas Hospital.
Plans are being put in place to reduce exposure by reducing non-patient visitors, diverting foot traffic away from ER, and removing the salad bar and self serve toasters.
A lot employees already wash their hands before and after they pee pee poo and there's already hand sanitizer dispensers every where, but there are still so many visitors and patients who don't.

>tfw no big tiddy czech-tex gf to drink beer and go hog hunting with

>inferior statesman can't even to basic American history

ayy lmao

there are some hispanics/blacks I really do fuck with. some have better work ethic/moral compass than some whites i know. For me you have to judge the man on actions,

Texas bros, we're gonna rely on you to lead us out of the wasteland in the aftermath.

GF. That's all she'll be cuz they're whores.

Are you immune to sarcasm?

shed some light then brainiac, also where are you from claim yo set lil nigga

Fuck you nigger, Texans always tired to resist and do things against the invasion but the shit federal government stopped us.

those countries are populated by chinks. the virus is specialized to take them out.

dont worrry, many of us in texas have that sense of duty in our genetics, we will come in to save the day when necessary , no matter who or what or when

Did you know they let nazis go after WW2 in Texas?

>warmer weather and humidity are a bulwark against the virus
You are fucked, bro

t. Louisiana

I'm from the Republic of Texas. Now that the US is fucking bankrupt, it's time we reassert our old borders back.

Texas fag here. I work in a hospital in Austin. I can tell you Austin Tx has Corona pos. Pt's. My hospital has one confirmed, one possible but they pretty much know he's pos. Plus they are testing a current unknown number. We are told to expect an escalated increase in Corona pos. Pt's. We are screening Pt's and general public that come in the building but hell... everyone is sick that comes in and the Sx that we are asking if they have. Pretty much everyone going into the building, have.

The only reason why india and africa don't have any cases is because they dont have the money for testing for the coronavirus. watch their numbers increase dramatically in the coming weeks.

a woman from austin just flew over my house!


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Not enough

Thinking corona chan won't fucking melt in april when we starts seeing 100 degrees

>I can tell you Austin Tx has Corona pos
Lets hope Austin get's purged bro. Full blown ship anyone from Austin to jew york or eurape.


Georgiafag here. Based.


Well Austin is a sickpan of degeneracy, regardless, its just a matter of containment and stopping Person to Person with the infected to keep Texas safe.

Testing or not, with their lack of infrastructure and population density, they should have massive numbers but don't. The heat and humidity are keeping the virus from spreading outside of person to person.

Ok but are we still on for Crayfish in Port Arthur?

I'm skeptical, Southern China is already pretty warm.

Nice shill thread

im sure u niggers want it to spread like wildfire in one of the toughest states in the nation so its easier for u to take control their but ur still gonna have boogaloo ass niggers whod odnt buy ur bullshit running across the state with their AR10s and dogs.

Fuck right off faggot.

yea, but the virus is literally designed to take out chinese.