Google Captcha saves your message

When you type your message and hit "Im not a robot", Google Captcha saves your message and sends it to their server.

Attached: Capture.jpg (1897x535, 171.35K)

I didn't get this on mine?

If you ever posted here you're already on a kill list.
>You think it's not real. But it is.

Imagine not being behind several proxies before posting on this honeypot.


Imagine not running a vpn endpoint from your IP address for plausible deniability

so what are they gonna do? come at your house?

Google caches the entirety of Yas Forums. That's why you get search results from Yas Forums sometimes. You fucking utter retard, just kill yourself due to stupidity.

anyone got the pasta?

Haha then i am beyond dead. Been posting here on Yas Forums on and off since 2007.. mostly lurked in 2005 to 2007 after 2009 spent some time away until 2010 after i moved the third time... currently finished my 6th move.

>he thought the "night of the black bags" was just a meme

Attached: 4chan compromised servers 1.jpg (1882x954, 227.83K)

Haha what browser do you use to log into your ip?

A "red pill" for you: The schizos here make these kind of claims because they desperately wish someone would pay that kind of attention :(

Attached: 1533054402933.png (788x699, 20.85K)

Attached: 4chan compromised servers 2.jpg (1107x364, 22.55K)

I know just sharing the love. *hugs user* thanks for caring user.

I use a chromebook running chrome and I make sure to sign in with my personal email which includes my full name


All my posts are satire

thank you for delivering OP

Attached: 4chan compromised servers 3.jpg (905x651, 58.28K)

>All my posts are satire
Same here. I need the full version, someone provide it pls


hello from 9 years ago

Attached: 4chan compromised servers.jpg (1298x963, 229.17K)

lol couldnt before i... put everyone else alive on earth on my kill list.

Google can't even make a functional video game console. They're a one trick pony and that's serving ads.



oh yea?

We are all dead
Brb buying jmoot pass

I post, therefore I am.

I actually never post here. If you think the posts tied to my google account are from me, you're wrong. Your servers or code probably got hacked and put those messages on my account by mistake. Plus my posts are all cringe and bluepilled, so even if it was me posting them, and I didn't, I dindu nuffin.

>be ecelebs
>fan the flames of racism and anti-semitism
>encourage user to engage in hateful rhetoric
>tag and bag him
>rip user

Attached: pol-maymay.jpg (1066x600, 132.18K)

If shit gets real enough that they have to start killing random Yas Forumsacks then it's happening and you should bug out innna woods for a few months.

Based dindu, I too have never posted here

op is lying

And it somehow removes the 's' from niggers, too. Go fuck yourself.

under cover of corona they will assassinate a thousand of the most potent memesters on Yas Forums

Even when you try to be anonymous, google is rather disrespectful indeed.

Attached: guess I'll die.jpg (700x570, 40.26K)

>night of the black bags
quick rundown


Attached: 664011201498.png (714x859, 711.36K)

Holy shit, this place is full of itself.
I post shit all the time from home, from phone, whatever .
Fuck your vpn and proxies and meme flags.
They don't give two shits about fedora wearing fat fucks who think they are gene hackman in Enemy of the State.

OP is a faggot

Attached: test.png (1919x685, 165.44K)

jews are great people, we would be nowhere without them

Try and get me CIAniggers. You're just making it easier for me to reach my ideal afterlife and become the god of my own universe.

OP enjoys the feel of a large peen

Attached: test.png (1919x792, 103.79K)

vey nice

Attached: yht111gkr -- 1329 -- fls111bou'.png (2790x9886, 1.62M)


I let pretty much anyone use my stuff to post online including all my friends, they all use Yas Forums.

How many millions of "nigger" does google have saved?
Entire data centers full of storage medium taken up by the word nigger being posted on a wuhan nigger-weaving forum.

So that in addition to shitposting fallout you have to deal with somebody downloading CP over it?

All my posts are satire. Only a fool would take anything posted on this site seriously.

Anyone who tells me they watchs me on the internet is a dead men.

Oy vey shut it down

Maybe, if so, I hope the cops have bullet proof faces.

wew lads that digit

Cops should be more worried about having bullet proof families. In Minecraft.

>imagine thinking your proxy provider hasn't sold you out already or it doesnt take the alphabet boys 5 seconds to map your shitty Squid server right back to your bedroom

Yeah literally whatever you want, the broader the sample size the better.
>I just downloaded some crypto mining software, I didn't realize I was part of a VPN botnet officer!

Who cares? Just a bunch of “sauce” and “kek” replies. So what if they store that?

Your IP is not available in a cache. It is available when your computer makes a request to a server. This means google has a record of all your posts here. If you use a Google account for any other product with personally identifiable information, then Google certainly has a record of everything you are saying on here.... that is if what OP says is true. I'll check.

someone hacked my account, i don't know even what is this tentacle porn?

kill all niggers

ewwww, bottom locked dev tools.

Who cares. Let google start doing NKVD style raids, they can find out how much power they actually have the hard way.

Even then, who gives a fuck? If you're making overt threats on a public message board you're already at nigger tier intelligence.

So why should we care if Google has a log of our bantz on a basket weaving forum? If they send someone to your house, you're well within your god given rights to vaporize them.

They want you to live in fear, thats why 98% of this board is cucked faggots who call anyone who says anything worth a damn a "glow nigger"

all my posts are satirical in nature, only an idiotic cucks like ABC's (google father compnay) CEO, vice president, directors, would take aynthing i say here seriously

I love Google! I think they are a fair and balanced company with a heart!

Props for effort at least, seems to fool a lot of anons

Attached: op.png (1338x347, 72.96K)

Checked and this

Yeah, so I don't it. But, it's obvious that they can still associate all posts with your IP because they have the time of the submitted request, and if they are actively scraping the site, they can correlate the captcha request with new posts.

Who cares?

Question everything

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i thought everything posted here was satire

Attached: First time.jpg (1280x855, 429.92K)

G-google is one of the greatest companies to ever grace our planet earth. I-I am s-so blessed to be a part of a society t-that is reliant upon such impressive t-tech. There is n-no need to w-worry about the state of our world when we have G-Google-chan around UwU

The only useful thing for them would be a record of who's awake and who's asleep. Each type of person thinks similar thoughts. Honestly, the government would welcome any type of illegal attack. That's what gives them a case for increased control. What the powers that be really fear is peaceful enlightened movements that actually have influence over normies. All of those things are within the law...but those are the people they would need to take out. I'm sure you know a few people... including presidents.

In sum: the most dangerous things you can do are legal.

lol at the tryhards if you arent balls deep in this bitch by now youre fucking scum.

>he doesn't know that capcha saves your message as you type it

They only watch so they can give you funding and assistance.

Fake news. Checked and it doesn't send your message, just an ID.