White Ethnocentric Religion

Why doesn't Yas Forums found an ethnocentric religion that protects European people in the same way Judaism protects Jewish people?

Wouldn't a minoritarian strategy like this be the solution to all of your problems?

Instead of complaining constantly about how Jews control everything, why not learn from them and actually do something to protect your people?

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Too late for that. Whites are gone in less than a century my dude.

I wanted to get into celtic paganism because of /muh heritage/ but it's just filled with fat tumblr sjw's.

It already exists, its called asatru

Take it back you stupid weak fuck.

Developing an ethnofaith and getting it to the point of any kind of widescale acceptance is difficult, especially when white ethnocentrism in any form is essentially modern heresy. Greco-Roman paganism would probably be a good place to start, though.
Have sex, incel

We already do
It's basically just 14 words not too difficult

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Good thinking, Bodhisattva

Theres your problem.

You need nordic/germanic paganism.

Because we have christianity already.

Also this. Jesus is king of jews. He’ll slay them all for their evil deeds.

We just need to make people realize “judaeo christian” is an oxymoron.

I see the kikes pushing this meme everywhere. Theyll say bullshit like “our country was founded on judaeo christian beliefs” people who say this bullshit should be called out. Our country was founded on christianity and nothing else. Name one fucking founder who was jewish.

Jews weaseled their way in

European christians founded this fucking country.

Jews arent your friends christians. When they gain full power theyll kill you in the streets for not following the noahide laws.

And for worshipping that demon Jesus. Who dared tell the jews there is neither jew nor gentile.

White isn’t an ethnic group

Jews are a subset of Northwest Semites

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It already exists, you just got Jewed so hard you missed it.


White nationalism is our religion.

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It has had that for years now, and just a few days ago there were three threads with 1000+ posts each all dedicated to this topic in /x/. It's the new religion founded by the nobody, which replaces and exposes all previously existing religions and restores the origin myth of the white man to historical prominence.

I mean, you guys think you're cute meming pepe into existence, but over on /x/ they created a living god called The Nobody. there isn't a whole lot you can do about it, this figure was predicted by every major religion as the person who would unite the whole world and defeat all the satanic evil that there is, creating a new kingdom which reigns for hundreds of years.

then the antichrist comes, right after The Nobody passes away. so, as far as the christians are concerned, world peace = antichrist, so they can't have world peace. i'm sure you understand what the consequences of this are, for their faction.

Christians and jews are supposed to hate each other. Well. Christians should hate jews as much as jews secretly hate them.

They say jesus is boiling in a lake of demon shit for blasphemy. Oh what nice friends you have there.

Its baffling.

Christianity does not protect whites o Europe. You'll find many Christians being at the forefront to open the borders and openly armed to accept waves of migrants.

Jews take advantage of Christian kindness.

Those are fucking retards. Not christians.

true, very zen, but this alone does not defeat them.

Thats up to god. All i do is give coordinates.

You realize one of the first Christian nations was Ethiopia right?

>implying politics isn’t already a religion

this is my thoughts 100%. Jews have a "moral" code that tells them exactly what to do to make their group safe and it has been proven over 3000 years to be a winning strategy. I think it is not only possible but NECESSARY to do the same thing.

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On one hand, religion is dead, the average white worships his dopamine hits.
However, if there's one thing I learned from the Republic: The current generation won't accept your gods, but their children might.
I think reaching out to yoing whites in places where they're a minority is the best tactic; being a firsthand victim of nonwhite savagery and TV antiwhitism will make them very receptive.
Resurrecting paganism would start with boiling it down to its core values and starting from there, maybe invent initiation and routine rituals to really give people a sense of community.

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Planet earth of the milky way galaxy. Coordinates
31.0461° N, 34.8516° E

Another “christian”. Yeah. And im a jew.

christianity didn't have a racial component and it didn't have good enough strategies for dealing with intergroup competition. we need something more similar to the torah than the New Testament. we need a religion with a god that tells US that we deserve all the wealth and power in the world.

I don't want a religion of meekness and turning the other cheek and thinking that chasing money is a sin.

I want a religion of strength, prosperity, viciousness, ethnocentricity, etc.

Did you know germany was one of the first jewish countries? Its true. How do you think they killed 6 million of them.

Its a universalist slave morality religion. Basically proto-communism.

Fuck off with your prosperity preaching.

Jews really scared that whites leave Christianity

Underrated post.

Jews are more scared that white christians realize jews aren't their friends. And their morality and lifestyle are incompatible.

Have any of you ever eaten shellfish? You know. Shrimp. Lobster. Crab. Congrats. Youre going to hell.

Do any of you own a dog or cat? Congrats. Youre no different than the beasts you dwell with.

cosmotheism. creativity movement. they exist already

pic related shows how sophisticated jews are in their organization as a group. whites need to do the same thing: meaning separation from the mass culture into a movement that is about race, religion, and nation - and we need to build institutions so that we can be coordinated on a transnational level

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Dont even get me started with the insects. Theres 6 legged insects and 4 legged insects. Jews are allowed to eat the 4 legged insects. I wonder what kind of bugs theyre putting in those impossible burgers. Jews trying to get people to unknowingly banish themselves from heaven.

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Please continue this dialectic and mainstream it. Would donate.

all religion is retarded and greypilled

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No. We dont. The jews dont have any of that shit. You know why? Because once you create a government you can be hijacked and ran into the ground. Example. America. Before the revolution america didnt have much of of a government. Then the British invaded and we needed to cooperate. So we created a big government. And look at it now.

The abrahamic religious works were written by various authors over long periods of time. Maybe we should identify our core values, steal whatever promotes them(like Nietzsche, etc.), throw some gods in there (or make the white race its own God, like a hivemind or collective body) and fables for the kiddos.
What if we invented a sect of Judaism for white people? We can be Jews when it suits us and whites when it suits us, and if liberals have a problem with it, we can just cross-reference the anti-liberal bits with Jewish literature.

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Of course you would kike.

>Wants to save European people
>Gets called “kike”
This is why you will be a minority in your country by 2100.

Hmm. Interesting choice of words.

how do I mainstream what I am doing and facilitate donations? I have been obsessing with this topic for a couple of years and feel like I am so close to understanding what we have to do.

You know what helped the romans conquer germania? They kidnapped german kids and raised them to be roman so that later theyd return to their homelands and get this, start a government. That the romans could then hijack.

Post it somewhere you can get regular views and critique. Revise and improve your stuff. Post everyday without calling for violence or anything illegal. The only limit is our collective willingness to repeatedly do this everyday. Pierce said any movement like this wouldn’t be suited for couch potatoes.

Id like you to watch this.

I actually think sometimes that they are so powerful and we are so weak that we should just graft ourselves onto the kike juggernaut. I don't want to do it but it is one option.

Can you shut up, judeo-christian?
>muh america
Nobody respects Americans so who cares.
Evropa suffers. The only hope for whites is a genuine pagan revival. Return to the moment (((you))) have forced Jesus down our throats, pick up from there and evolve. I am forcibly vomiting Jesus out and sticking him up your ass.
Why do you think Americans are peak comedy? It is based on christian values as you said. Glorified weakness. However Evropa was based on pagan values. Those who didn't fall for the jewish meme remain trad and based.

There is already one.


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The government still won't recognize it as a legitimate religion. 1A only applies to a handful of religions that the government has approved of. It's a joke, just like thinking suddenly adopting a religion is going to make people take you seriously.