About the "usury" crap

If one kid on the playground asks another kid to loan him 12$ and be paid back the same 12$ three months from now the offer be regarded as absurd. Even if the borrower could guarantee the lender that the money would be paid back, the kid asked to lend would rather have that 12$ in his pocket than a promise of 12$ in three months. So they negotiate, come to an agreement. The kid who loans gets interest to compensate for delaying consumption and the risk of borrower defaults. It seems perfectly fair.

Variants of this basic story have existed in every society which has had money. They've existed long before the you-know-who. The anti-interest people don't have a coherent vision for the society they want to create. I see two basic options:

1. Without interest rates, no one lends anyone else money(excluding to family members) and no one is able to borrow money.

2. Other people are forced by the government to loan you money.

Variant 1. would crash the economy. I don't see a meaningful difference between variant 2. and the ghetto thot demanding her food stamps. At least she's honest about wanting a handout.

>inb4 you like Jeff Bezos.

I'd be fine with raising taxes on corporations and the wealthy and reducing them for middle class workers.(I'm sure TrumpCucks will tell me that means I have no job) I'm not fine with us all acting like ghetto naggers. Personal responsibility matters. You took out the loan? PAY BACK THE DAMN LOAN!

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i agree except for those "PayDay Loans" and "Title Loans" scams that charge 500% interest per year. there must be limits. 24% per year max like credit cards.

just don't use it, they go out of business

problem solved

OP not a fag for once

All usurers deserve death. Parasitic bankers deserve death.

People are retarded and don't understand the destructive capacity of compounding interest.

I'm all for loans of a set period with a set flat fee.

Usury is about unreasonable interest rates, not reasonable ones. The real problem is price fixing through mandatory Gov programs that end up making loans a requirement to do anything

The only reason why you believe this is because usury is normalized to you. Had you grown up in a world without it, it'd be a foreign concept to you and you wouldn't be shilling for it.
You can't refute this either.

Bait thread.

Your example assumes the loaner was using private money. In reality, money is conjured from NOTHING and loaned out with interest.

This is wrong and immoral.

You're ignoring lots of factors here.

Companies have different bargaining power than individuals.

Some services aren't adapted to loan models.

Hybrid systems are the best approach.

I'm a commerce major, picture related. AMA.

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Why does a private entity have to borrow someone the money? Why dont americans borrow directly from treasury department at 0 zero interest?


Interest-free loans accorded to those in need work very well, especially for student debt.

Americans just don't believe in helping eachother out and acting as a united country, they'd rather see their less fortunate struggle while they hide out in private communitites.

Things like foreclosures would be a thing of the past, Everyone with a sensible business idea would have access to capital, The economy would boom (Not the stock market)

because the monetary system is scam

that is not private businesses fault

How much boomer money is bound up in buying student debt?

What are you talking about? That has nothing to do with what I said?

>You can't refute this either.

I guess not. And in Orthodox Jewish society eating pork is considered an abomination.

We can still debate whether the prohibition is logical.

>Everyone with a sensible business idea would have access to capital

In other words, a lot of waste.

Because the treasury department would lose money thanks to opportunity cost and defaulters. Who'd pay for it? You would.

What does a pepper have to offer

Theyd borrow momey directly to the people at the current 1.75% interest rate they give to banks. They wouldnt lose any more money than they do now because people wouldnt be struggling to back banks (private entitys) at extortionate interest rates.

Also the fed is perfectly capable of just writing off loses cause they just print the money and dont owe anything to anyone. Germany went from 3rd world shit hole to most powerful country on planet earth in a few years doing this. Thats literally why WW2 happened.

Ursury allows capital to be allocated more efficiently. The problems around it are when those who allocate the capital gain political power and abuse it.
Defaulting on debt should not have a negative stigma and political help to the borrower and borrowee should not be allowed. They both must pay for their poor risk assessment.

Treasury* I know its cool to bash commie but the current federal reserve banking system is just designed to consolidate power and wealth in the hands of the already extremely powerful and wealthy

>cause they just print the money
>t. Mugabe and Maduro

Hi Shlomo. I'm officer Goldberg 2nd class. How can I assist you?

I lived in the islamic world, and lending money for interest is forbidden explicitly under sharia law.
There are many "islamic" banks that will not give you interest on your deposit because it's forbidden- with the understanding that they themselves will not lend your money for interest.
In the same way members may receive interest free loans for productive enterprise like building homes or starting businesses.

Interest implies a fixed commodity and thus interest is charged to be comparable to what this money could generate in the market.

With this in mind, one could argue that all interest is usurious as it would imply infinite growth from money lent. One could argue that any money lent with a rate higher than market return is usurious as that receiver cannot truly outperform market return in the long run. Regardless, one should ask what the goal of lending should be? To make money for banks? To foster business? To provide liquidity for individuals?

With this in mind, why not use an Islamic model?

You dont print money to create wealth like the africans do, You just print it to create private debt.


debt free loans faggot
debt free currency faggot

fucking newrag

What if the government just loaned you money and taxed you on your profits?
No fees.
no interest.

Worked for Germany pre WW2


I hope you know that people like crowder get heavy investment from private entities OP. He would never bite the hand that feeds him.

It isn't private debt, though. It's how modern economies work. Nazi Germany did the same thing with the labour backing.

what's the difference between public and private money

Exactly so instead of labour backing, Just use debt straight from the treasury? Borrowing the money to banks for them to borrow it to the people just consolidates power for private entities.

fuck off kike

they don't end the fed under article 1 section 8 clause 5 the congress shall have the power to coin money fix the standard weights and measures and of foreign coin etc.

The public(Treasury) borrow money to private entities so the private entities can borrow it back to the public(People) Its a stupid system made to rip off the working people.

>Just use debt straight from the treasury?
But where is that debt coming from? What's backing it?

>Variant 1. would crash the economy. I don't see a meaningful difference between variant
This is why you’re a filthy you know who. You’d actually have an honest estimate of the actual economy rather than your nonsense. Fuck you you usurious pice of shit. You will be first against the wall.

#2 happens anyway, and then the taxpayer is forced to bail the bank out.

I'd be fine with usury with limits. You take out a $200 loan? You can be made to pay a maximum of $400 on it. The guy who loaned you can get up to a 100% return.

On the flip-side, I think you're due reimbursement if you miss a payment and have property repossessed. If you're 50% paid off on your house and they then take your whole house, you should get 50% of the house value back (as such, you can make money if you improve it, or miss out if you trash it). It's mortgage, it's not rent to own.

Oh goy ,we own all houses. Jew now prices houses where they cannot be bought without loan. Oh goy, boy it sure good thing you able to get loan from me to buy house. And there you have the "housing" market.

Gold, Oil, Silver, Fucking meme coins could be a very good solution thinking about it.

Couldn't you just say "Here's $12 but you got to pay me back $15 in return" without any compounding interest?

Horseshit. $100 return get the fuck out of here. If you want to loan someone $200 to start a business the business owner gives up 10% of the company. Maximum. That way you still have actual risk of both the borrower and the lender.

What about selling debt?

The treasury just sets up its own crypto. Wtf, I've figured it out. Take this idea and run with it for a better future America! I dont wanna get whacked so I'm gonna leave it at that and go sleep.

Too limited for anything bigger than Lichtenstein. KSA only manages on oil because it's the world's leading exporter.
It's no coincidence that we have to use entire national production now.

Debt is sold after the creation of it.


4 more years tranny janny hurtin’ fanny

Crypto based on what? What would make it more desirable and useful than GDP?

>So they negotiate, come to an agreement.
You (borrower) don't negotiate the loan. It is take it or leave it. And the lender exploits how much you "need" the loan. If they already haven't conspired to get you into that desperate need.
You sound like one of the Who Moved My Cheese simpletons.

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>playground analogy
stopped reading immediately

>f one kid on the playground asks another kid to loan him 12$ and be paid back the same 12$ three months from now the offer be regarded as absurd.
no? i've done this plenty of times, but maybe it's because my friends werent repulsive little kikels

>You took out the loan? PAY BACK THE DAMN LOAN!
Ah yes, the example of Student Loans. Most Western Civilization countries (including Israel) have Free College programs. And all during the 80s-90s, anyone could hear on the news how the cost of college education was being manipulated upwards, and being breathlessly reported by the MSM as if it was new Stock Markets heights.

We need hard laws regarding interest limits.

except those are high-risk short-term loans. the companies that actually try to accrue interest for an entire year are predatory, but many of them only charge so much because they offer credit to people that cant get a loan at a bank or credit union, and only need money for a few days or weeks. if people cant pay the loan they shouldnt get it. maybe legislation shouldnt be about stopping the loan companies, maybe it should be about stopping people who aren't competent enough to borrow from borrowing

That's negotiation

>10% of the company
>Trading hard value for speculative value
>Implying this won't be used to jew your shit

The banking system is built on fraud. Promissory notes, loans, savings, its all based on a giant shell game because of fiat currency. The paper only has value because the bank says it does, the value is not backed by something of actual worth. If the paper had actual tangible value, like the old US silver certificates, then that would be a different story. But as it stands now, interest is generated an a piece of paper for no other reason then the banks say so.