/Ourguy/ Tarrant wins again

/Ourguy/ Tarrant wins again

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Absolutely based.

Jesus. She aged like shit. Tarrant alone must be responsible for a couple of those wrinkles kek


I cannot believe that Australian men vote for this bitch. Dont' vote for women, don't vote for homosexuals.

it's in New Zealand, m8

How’s Tarrant doing these days? Anyone hear from him?


nice bait, inferior asian dude

Okay not gonna lie this is BASED

i heard he still lurks Yas Forums

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I heard he was chatting it up with AH and God

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How so? I generally prefer Japanese or Chinese I would say.

>asian dude
You aren't that fuckin' dumb, are you?

mudslimes btfo

I love you Corona Chan!

Heil Hitler
Absolutely based, fuck sandniggers, regular niggers, jews, chinks, and jannies.

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having that image will give you up to 10 years in prison my dude

oh fuck i thought he got killed
based nevermind disregard my dumbass post

She hit the stable's wall

We didn't

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Christ she looks like Steven Tyler

i'm calling the kiwice for him, don't worry

It's funny because it was a glowfaggot op, but celebrate it anyway because remove kebab. What times we live in.

show me a more slappable face

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Wait how did that happen? Is labour in NZ coalitioned with other parties? Or am I missing something

Vote with their rifles?


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this is why coalition voting system is shit

how is she prime minister? burgers can't into parliamentary politics

>Is labour in NZ coalitioned with other parties
Yes. Don't get me wrong, apart from the embarrassment things would be just as bad under National. She beat National by running against chink immigration/housing speculation and has subsequently done nothing

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MMP isn't the problem, the problem is there is no legitimate nationalist party.


95% sure that your prisons have parental controls on the free internet there.

You guys need to sneak him a burner phone with a data plan.

Having tarrant do an ama on /pol would be legendary.

god that bitch is ugly

This thread has now been blessed.

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The memeGod that is Tarrant.

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Seriously though . Is that the look on a mans face who is about to commit mass murder? To go into a mosques where he himself may get shot ?

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Do you not see the faceapp logo with in the corner, you dumbass fucking leaf?


Still from the photos I did see , he seemed a little calm .

All the Khanshayoun (Fake gas attack ) videos have disappeared from the web.

>engages in literal nigger behavior.

Why should I love Tarrant again?

Did they really give that video sharing kiwi 10 years?

The absolute state of Cucksland

Sorry Jeremy, No Refunds :^)

If you don’t already know then you’re not white. Scurry off shitskin.

Jack looks like he could be Mick's son.

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He's probably lost his mind from solitary confinement. They're absolutely making sure he doesnt know the impact he had. That's what I've heard at least

I never claimed to be white. But why would I respect a man who kills unarmed civilians? Oh wait, that's right, i'm not a kissless virgin like the lot of you degenerate scum.

The only impact he had was paving the way to the disarmament of NZ's populace.

>95% sure that your prisons have parental controls on the free internet there.
Absolutely no way, NO WAY, to get around that.

her pussy lips now resemble dried mango peels, i read it on channel 4

He's a hero who killed a bunch of invader hajis.
You don't even have to be white to appreciate that but the man took a stand for his people.
He's right about everything.

>he seemed a little calm
It was his defining moment, he knew this would be his last taste of freedom but if you constantly live in your head anyway then whats the difference, he produce the greatest shitpost of all time.
>The Music, creating a running theme for his actions in real time
>The Writing on his guns nice aesthetic
>Switching guns
>Good aim
>The timing of his actions to the playlist
>Had multiple target locations
>The Manifesto kek
>Making jokes, laughing
>51 KD
>We are not going to get this again for a very long time.

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She was always pretty weird looking, I thought she was a tranny the first time I saw her.

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