If Hispanics are 'naturally conservative', then why don't they vote conservative?
If Hispanics are 'naturally conservative', then why don't they vote conservative?
They're not fucking conservative by any definition of the word.
It's a lie (((they))) tell gullible christcuck normies in states being invaded by beaners, like Texas.
Because the conservatives are trying to deport their family members. They hate new immigrants. Hispanics are selfish as fuck too. If Conservative were to offer amnesty in exchange for a border wall, Hispanics would vote for it.
Aren't catholics conservative?
>Aren't catholics conservative?
Hispanics get free shit from democrats, they don't want all that to stop. They're not as hard working as you think, I've been around them for years. All they wanna do is dance all day, fuck all night, make babies, drink cheap liquor and maybe get a job cutting grass.
THAT IS WHAT REAGAN DID AND YOU KEPT VOTING BLUE! Fuck you and you all your brown-eyed shitskin cousins. You're just a different flavor of nigger.
They're not naturally conservative. And even if they are that means that they're willing to support abortion-supporting democrats to get free things.
Which I think is worse
fuck spics, disgusting cockroaches
Conservative for their own people, sure.
To conserve gibs
They just need to be trained with BWC
Because Republicans belittle us and consider us trash. Plus we know white people will never consider us "American" no matter how "white" we look.
My family has roots from El Salvador.
You have two types of Salvadoreans. Ones who's served in the military and the guerilla commies. They vote accordingly.
>if conservatives turn leftwing we will vote for them
Fucking spics are worse than niggers
Do you comprehend that there is a difference between Iberian Europeans and Amerindian spics? Hispanic is a fake and gay meme.
>haha you won't like us, we'll just vote in a communist shithole that will make everyone worse off!
We don't "consider" you trash. You ARE trash, you worthless taco nigger.
If Republicans didn't threaten to deport my smoking hot DACA gf i would vote republican
Did Tulsi make a baby with the Bernie chick?
made for bbc
Go fuck yourself, our women are disgusted by niggers
spics want their cake and to eat it too. These fuckers want the gibs, but believe they will have no trouble cheating the system. Break all business laws, tax laws, labor laws etc. They just want the free shit. They don't want personal intervention in daily lives. That's why they need big government to put them in their fucking place. lock em' up and deport their sorry asses.
Because Hispanics are naturally socialists
have sex
Because mexicans dont count
The only socialist country in Latin America is Cuba, white people have most of the socialist countries from Greece, France to Scandinavia.
Fucking a farm animal isn't sex, you incel. Take your goblina back to whatever third world shithole she came from.
Isnt Argentina the most liberal country in south America after Bolivia?
fpbp and literally this
same reason negroes vote democrat. gibs.
fuckin tons of democrats are conservative, by the way, the whole progressive liberal faction of the party isn't the main part, it's just the loudest.
something like 15% of people who voted democrat in south carolina called themselves 'conservative' and another 50% were moderates, which by american standards is pretty conservative. i'm sure lots of states outside of cali and jew york are the same.
Everybody is naturally conservative in their own lands
They’re conservative because of their culture and religion. That does not mean they’re politically conservative. Most of them are dumb when it comes to American politics and see Trump as a racist because the media said he hates Mexico and for majority of Hispanics that’s enough to not agree with anything republican
Cubans and Venezuelans do vote conservative you fucking retard. Hispanics don't vote as a monolith like niggers do, they're much more varied.
if blank are blank, then why blank?
Making free speech illegal is conservative?
Taking away your guns is conservative?
"White" hispanic here. I dont vote because fuck the federal government and I can handle the the local government by myself.
You faggots have forgotten what we were all trying to accomplish here in the USA.
Ask yourselves what youre great great grandparents would think about your decisions and restore power to your immediate communties.
Fuck death. Make sure to let them have it on your way out.
You know nothing about the rest of the world, burger.
This. Not only did spics continue to vote blue after the Reagan amnesty, but the Dems also didn't hold up their end of the bargain regarding improved enforcement to newly-entering illegals. And they have the fucking nerve to want the same deal again.
Because they are also naturally BOOT LICKERS.
Just look at the history of Latin countries all over the world: a parade of Monarchists, Fascist and Marxist dictators on after the other interrupted by failed, corrupt as fuck ''republics''
That is why they vote DEM: Democrats promise them gibs and all the government intervention they could ever ask for.
Can anyone decipher this beaner babble?
Because why would you vote for someone that wants to reduce your welfare and send your family back? /thread.
1. Fuck the federal government
2. You've lost your ancestors knowledge
3. Your communities have failed catastrophically
4. Anyone that tells you otherwise is lying to you and deserves 00 buck to the chest
>Because they are also naturally BOOT LICKERS.
they even have a word for it PEONS
While Santa Anna was captive in Texas, Joel Roberts Poinsett – U.S. minister to Mexico in 1824 – offered a harsh assessment of General Santa Anna's situation:
Say to General Santa Anna that when I remember how ardent an advocate he was of liberty ten years ago, I have no sympathy for him now, that he has gotten what he deserves.
Santa Anna replied:
Say to Mr. Poinsett that it is very true that I threw up my cap for liberty with great ardor, and perfect sincerity, but very soon found the folly of it. A hundred years to come my people will not be fit for liberty. They do not know what it is, unenlightened as they are, and under the influence of Catholic clergy, a despotism is a proper government for them, but there is no reason why it should not be a wise and virtuous one.
Taco-American here, if you faggots are young white, and fit and want Hispanics to vote Republican, Mary a Latina and pump her with kids. She'll vote whatever way her white husband says so.
Any population that isn't young white men and can vote themselves free money will.
Mexicans aren't really catholic. Their version of Catholicism is a weird combination of Catholicism and their Incan pagan cultist shit
Pretty based imo.
You just figured out the rift between castizos and metizos.
>Cuba only socialist country
Bolivia (until recently)
Mexico was ruled for 70 years that started as a pseudosocialistic regime that murdered catholics. Mexican nationalism is pure spic socialistic ideation. Their current president is a self confessed socialist.
Ecuador's last president was a socialist. And the list goes on and on.
You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
Mexican famialies are strong and highly communal, and strong women are valued highly. I one day hope to be a strong mexican momma.
Because it's not true. The people that tell you that are either retarded or they think you're retarded. Cut them out of your life either way.
yes goy make more brown kids
Untrue. Only certain regions practice any sort of syncretic bullshit. Most Mexican catholics are very traditional.
>marry brown
>nice try paco
They're not naturally conservative. They're not even really Christian as the gatekeepers of the right always say (e.g. Santa Muerte worship).
I said Mary a Latina, not a squatemalen user.
Because democrats promise them citizenship every fucking election cycle and intentionally don't deliver, otherwise the 15% that actually believes in them will still win elections.
Youre kids would look like Nick Fuetes or Marco Rubio in the worst case scenario if you Mary one who is at least 60% European. White nationalism is already a Hispanic movement anyway. Just take a look at this place.
>(e.g. Santa Muerte worship).
Almost no one worships that shit. It's as meme-tier as the Church of Satan here.