Post your immunity stack to help Yas Forumstards survive coronachan.
>vitamin c
>stamets 7
>vitamin d 10,000 iu
>high fruit/vegetable consumption
>10 hours sleep
>green tea
Post your immunity stack to help Yas Forumstards survive coronachan.
>vitamin c
>stamets 7
>vitamin d 10,000 iu
>high fruit/vegetable consumption
>10 hours sleep
>green tea
Other urls found in this thread:
Oregano oil.
Whats the green tea for?
Testosterone enanthenate, 150 mg/week
Trenbolone enanthenate, 300 mg/week
catechins can kill viruses.
Green tea is a powerful antiviral
You are retarded
>cottage cheese ass
White women are disgusting.
dont forget the aromasin and GH
alcohol . it doesnt like alcohol, ill raise my alcohol lvl in my blood.
Enough Vitamin C to megadose
Zinc powder
Keto diet
Going no fap.
Good goy, inject yourself. Hahahahaha stupid goyim. Always falling for my tricks.
Didn't know that
It kills influenza, not corona
Thymosin Alpha-1
Wh y do you need to megadose for?
should be fine bros
it has protective benefits regardless and is only good for you.
Coffee is good for you. It got a negative stereotype but it's actually the highest source of antioxidants for Americans. It comes from a fruit.
no nigga needs AI on 150 test. if they get titties, it was not meant to be.
HGH good call though.
Probably keep some adrol on hand in case you need a temporary increase in blood pressure.
Only if you drink it without milk though.
>using long esters
>boomer tier
test prop + tren ace + anavar
>toilet paper
>unlimited tap water
built for BBC breeding
chads of Yas Forums whats it like to have sex with a true 10/10 like OP's pic (paying for it doesn't count)
has lots of potassium too
Is coffee good for you?
>a fucking immune system
The only people (if you want to call them that) that pin prop/ace are ones that are willing to quit on a moment's notice. No getting off the e ride when things go south.
Do you have bandaids over your nipples right now by any chance?
>10,000 iu Vitamin D
The fuck are you on about. Enjoy your beach ball kidney stones.
>4 coffes / day
>4 hours sleep
>lots of face to face contact with the public
>I guess I eat alright though
>no gh
>No letro
Nigga u gonna have titties like me.
You can have lot of vitamins but the trick is to take them at the first sign of symptoms. Dont wait until you get a fever.
you're retarded, 10kiu is perfectly fine, i've been taking that daily for years with impeccable bloodwork
when it's time to go supply ravaging i'm going to take 1g of ace straight to the glute and 2 adderall and go full Beserker
I only take multivitamins and vitamin C. Took 100,000 UI if Vitamin D a month ago. Also bought NAC and Lysine but i'm scared of taking it, don't want to have side effects and be weak if i'm infected
>one whole bat per week
It's not a trick, hillbilly, it's science.
D3 10,000UI
30mg Zinc with Copper
Oregano Oil Capsules
Green Tea
Magnesium Glysinate
Lugol's Iodine Transdermal Application
COQ10 100mg Capsules
Iron 18mg
And a multivitamin I can split into many or few doses that has boron, k1 & 2, ect in them
Woah 25 grams of heroin is pretty high dose isn't it?
pqq caps too but i ran out
>no liposomal vit c
Boring but you get to brag about it to losers
180iq medical advice, Thanks user.
>eat til im fed
>hunt til im dead
fuck people
except for that disgusting tattoo, she looks exactly like my wife. same smile and everything. beautiful teeth.
based and tea pilled
Vit c
Men's multi
Fish oil
Tumeric and or l theanine occasionally
Super Male Vitality
This. Fuck.
Dis nigga knows. Also, apple cider vinegar with mother.
i was never big on the C but maybe i should.
dont waste your time with normie tablets/drink mixes/etc, you absorb a pitiful amount through your gut
liposomal "encapsulates" the vit c which doubles/triples the absorption rate. Intravenous is even better but i'm not equipped to do that safely yet
I dont know if there's any "science" behind it, but i've been eating raw garlic all winter and havent had so much as a sniffle
Testosterone actually lowers your immunity you dumb fuck.
Meat only, piss
>10kiu is perfectly fine, i've been taking that daily for years with impeccable bloodwork
Do you combine it with vit K, or its ok as is?
Man this guy really rustles my jimmies, imagine walking into a gym and seeing this shit.
Oh you wanna get down on this?
>extra vit C
>half glass of OJ in the morning
>Orange or Grapefruit at night before bed
>2 tablespoons of chlorophyll
>salmon filet each morning until I run out
>half cup of brown rice each morning (have a fuckton, unlikely to run out)
>1 probiotic
>8 to 10 hours of sleep via melatonin/zquil mix
Yes I know I piss out what Vit C doesn't get absorbed, I'm adjusting. Yes you're a moron for not stockpiling probiotics, because if you get sick it's one of the best things to help keep your lungs clear of shit.
Vitamins are toxic and have no bioavailability. “Natural” can mean derivative of 20 chemical processes. “Impeccable” bloodwork means your body is probably still using its stores, just look at non elite/rich vegans after a decade
>ctrl-f elderberry
>no results
It's already too late, the decent quality elderberry stuff is all sold out
Anything over 4K iu requires vitamin k
/r/ing the Yas Forums vitamin warrior's full supplementation log. Bonus points if you include the cartoon of the kid who tried to copy him and got jaundice.
Ah yes, the five B's. Add one more...BASED.
lmao not one faggot dosing black seed oil
This. K2 not K1 which comes from leafy greens
10kui daily keeps my blood levels around 90.
You are running at least 5k per day right? A strong respiratory system will save your life
also C60 and Chaga mushroom.