Wow! Some moron just pulled a gun on people in a Loblaws because of panic shopping. Someone probably had the last coveted roll of TP.
This is madness. We aren't even allowed to open carry in Canada. This clown fucked his life forever over toilet paper.
Also this is my local grocery store. Good thing I went shopping last night.
Gun pulled for TP Loblaws
this is it buy all the tp you can find
every tp thread increases the panic, tp tp tp
buy buy buy
Alright. Fuck going out and trying to restock on tp, ill just shower every time I take a shit. Not worth being within 50 feet of these nutjobs.
probably southern ontario
i've heard people in alberta and the maritimes are less retarded
i dont know about saskatchewan or manitoba but the big cities in bc and ontario are for sure full of normie npc retards
>probably southern ontario
it's toronto dummy
It was dt Toronto. I live 5 mins from here. This is were I buy my TP.
yeah i never read the article
so i was right and it was southern ontario
toronto is full of retards, dumbest place on earth or top 10 at least
buy it somewhere else
>tfw no hope
Why even bother wiping if you still smell like shit regarless, nigger
it's definitely the dumbest place on earth but i wouldn't say top 10
are you a non white?
According to eyewitness reports the following conversation took place
>hand over the TP roll
>I saw it first. Hand it over.
>no. go away
>pulls out a gun
>What are you gonna do? Shoot me?
I am running out of TP. I'm scared to go out.
Literally nothing was said about toilet paper in the article, they were fighting in the food section and according to police it was just an altercation and had nothing to do with corona virus shortages.
Read you fucking niggers.
How long till the riots?
FUCK off shill
Photo of suspect
It's not even TP. The other guy looked at him. That's it.
Selling TP: $1/sheet.
Take it to your law blog
Fuck yes niggas. I admit I prepped today but it was strictly booze. I forgot about the most important thing which is beer and liquor.
You suck cock you stupid fag
Definitely not
youre from near downtown Toronto, Im struggling to believe you
>Literally says Toronto Police on the car
Why don't people just buy those clip on bidets and some super cheap rags?
Honestly, I'm surprised this is the only incident I've read so far. I figured it'd be worse this afternoon when I went shopping.
I saw an old lady crying in the empty to isle today
Read my post you fucking sped
I said probably. As in joking. Thought it's likely the truth.
Lol ! XD
>yeah i never read the article
I moved from a beauty town called Orillia. Not one nigger in that town.
Should have told her to behave and mind what her mother had to go through 75 years ago
Ungrateful minx
No photos of suspect
>it was a cop
>It was a nigger
My money is on that it was a off duty cop that pulled the gun. They hate crowds like that and not feeling in control.
top fucking kek man people are getting stupider every day
Toronto. It was Pahjeet.
??? You're probably from fucking Toronto
Naw, it likely was a cop.
Toronto cops... They get a different kind of training than rural cops.
He wasn't in uniform, he was getting pushed and bumped around like the rest of the people, had zero authority, no one was bending to his orders and he pulled.
Notice no weapons charges for the suspect? Only cops can conceal carry in Canada. Only one non law enforcement concealed carry permit has ever been issued in Canada to the best of my knowledge.
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
>he will face firearm possession charges.
Hmmm.... now IDK.
"Will face" doesn't sound like charged and doesn't say for what.
What! You use a whole roll of TP a day?
How often do you shit?
>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
I use one (kirkland) roll in 4 weeks when I have no ladies over.
Tits or gtfo
Only woman use anywhere near that much. And even then that is a bit much.
Could be those dollar store shit tickets, two shits and the roll is done.
Fucking based just give me more chaos I just want something to HAPPEN I want someone to get brained over spaghettios already i'm so sick of this nothing day after day after day stocks going down dosen't even do it i want a fire on the trading floor
average person is recommended to shit 6 times a day
This pic makes me really mad
>maybe if i talk like some kind of retard i will fit in
still not working
>The virgin complainer
>The CHAD TP kingpin
Are they rats?!
>pulls gun
>Country shuts down
You guys need day of the rake SOON dont you. Guns get pulled all the time at schools and no one bats an eye down here
OMG so fake you fucking loser
>leaving them in full view of the window
Hence my naming of it, but the family is cursed. Those kids are fucking ugly as fuck.
Family of 4 here, three females. We go through one roll of charmin ultra every 3/4 days depending on poop load.
>and that's a good thing
Please clap.
Imagine telling your kids their dad got shot over toilet paper.
Okay I Kek'd out loud at that.
I'm actually rather sure it's 6 farts per day.
a shit in the morning and then a shit after every meal
That would wreck havoc upon anyone’s anus, especially shit ply Kirkland brand tp
will face means he's been charged, retard.
>Guns get pulled all the time at schools and no one bats an eye down here
This opens up the opportunity for some Canadian on to American election interference.
nigger, how fucking fat do you have to be to use a roll a day? do you take like 4 1lb greasy shits a day? constant diarrhea? what's wrong with you?