Happening in Cairo?

Gf sent me this

Flooding everywhere

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What is she doing in Cairo? I heard there is a LOT of BBC there

>mutts law

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what’s the obsession with BBC here?

Black or Hapa?

The pyramids were built for the BBC.

You don’t like good TV?



Literal shit coming from sinks

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it's nibiru!!
the whole corona hoax is to cover up planet x approaching!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stupid Nile

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same guy. ids are meaningless. they post this every chance they can and it leads to effective derailment at times. solution is to ignore.

this is like a fucking horror movie

>egypt housed terrorists who beheaded american tourists
Fuck egypt.

based redpiller

I made her wet, i didn't know she was your gf

flooding is not a happening
especially in shithole countries like Egypt or New Zealand

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sewer is clogged! quit flushing!!!! aAAAAAGGGGHHHHH

Imagine all the feces and urine in that water,


Someone is getting very wet right now. I think we've got a gusher here anons

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Any egypt anons confirm?

reminds me of the (((fatbergs))) that were attacking nyc and london

Their infrastructure isn't designed to drain off rainwater because it just doesn't rain over there. I guess it's raining now and whatever drainage they have is choking up. I was over there when it rained one time and everyone went mental


It would also explain the whole toilet paper thing

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Backflow preventers.... why do people outside the west suck?

The nile floods like it has every year for millenia. News at 11.

Looks like another great opportunity for American politicians to take tax payer money and give it to jews who will take care of the situation.

uhh the nile floods from flow not rain

Not happening, it's just raining a fuck ton, and since we're a retarded third world country, where it seldom rains anyway, we don't have any kind of infrastructure to deal with the water, besides normal sewage/manholes, water just remains in the street till it dries up.

in Low elevation areas, most of which are high income fags anyway living in town houses and villas, the sewers just couldn't handle it and started flooding apartments and residences, toilets and drains erupting and all it's fucking hilarious, garages and even streets are flooded to the point if you didn't get your vehicle somewhere safe, you're not gonna be driving it any time soon.

Seeing shit like this makes me thankful I live in a shit, relatively high altitude area where the most you have to worry about is your shoes getting too muddy.
That's here nigga, and we don't even have storm drains, you want back flow preventers too?

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And the Tequila song in Italy

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Perhaps no river on Earth has captured the human imagination quite like the Nile River. From stories of Pharaohs and man-eating crocodiles to the discovery of the Rosetta stone, it was here, along the river's fertile banks, that one of the world's most remarkable civilizations — Ancient Egypt — was born around 3000 B.C. The Nile was not only the source of life for the ancient Egyptians, but is still so today for the millions of people living along its banks. Known as both the "Father of Life" and the "Mother of All Men," the Nile was the center of life in Ancient Egypt. In the ancient Egyptian language, the Nile was called Ḥ'pī or Iteru, meaning "river." The Ancient Egyptians also called the river Ar or Aur, which means "black," in reference to the black silt left behind after the yearly flooding.

The Nile is associated with many gods and goddesses, all of whom the Egyptians believed were deeply intertwined with the blessings and curses of the land, weather, culture and abundance of the people. They believed the gods were intimately involved with the people and could help them in all facets of their lives.

In some myths, the Nile was considered a manifestation of the god Hapi who blessed the land with abundance, according to the Ancient History Encyclopedia. Isis, the goddess of the Nile and the "Giver of Life," was believed to have taught the people how to farm and work the land.

The water god Khnum, who ruled over all forms of water, even the lakes and rivers in the underworld, was believed to be in charge of the amount of silt that flooded the river banks every year. In later dynasties, Khnum branched out to become the god of rebirth and creation as well.

wow could you make that video any fucking smaller?

Egypt is a cesspool. I'll never forget the CBS reporter groped and raped digitally(fingers) during their political upheaval. That country along with the rest of the M.E would be best turned into glass.

Why do entire egyptians drive with their lights off at night?

Will the pyramids be okay??

The Sphinx has withstood flooding for thousands of years.

who cares, alien buildings can go fuck itself

Egypt is white.
Change my mind.

Well, if it does flood and the Giza Death Star (ridiculous title I know) hypothesis is correct. It will start pumping ions into the atmosphere.... If it still works. It was originally surrounded by water.

Unironically, to lengthen the lifetime of the bulb, old shit from back the Halogen days, the cheap ones wore out fast, also no one gives a shit what you do on the road, I drove for a lengthy amount of time with no bumper, among the myriad of stupid shit that you'd be thrown in jail for in the US that I casually do on a drive.
No it isn't.

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ahh, the famous "egyptian bidet"

fake video everyone in Cairo is black

Ah Cairo... Wonderful City. Takes me back to Tahir Square and the revolution

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Days long gone my man, we low key totalitarian now.

On a side note, if you ever have to stay in a pic related matchbox building, even a town house, never ever choose the top floor, contractors skimp or don't even consider roof insulation especially in shitholes, in the summer the sun will cook you alive, when it rains the water will seep in and after the years the roof will crumble apart, and if the place is yours you'll eventually have to buy the material and diy.

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don't worry post10's got this.

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Only been once. My last digs. I had chicken wings and got food poisoning from a white russian (cocktail) not a spy thing.

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wow what a dump

Cairo nigger here, AMA

Bars here are mostly shit run by amateurs or cunts with the right connections and money to get licensed, if you're not out clubbing or something drinking out is a waste of money.

And as with any shithole, you don't get the full experience without having a local cunt with you.
Most of it yeah, but here is the catch, you can pretty much do anything, and if you have the cash, and not much btw, you can separate yourself from the rabble and live like a king.

The food, labor, etc, cheap as shit, I would sustain myself quite happily on like 400 bucks a month, rent and utils included.

gb2 /egy/ يا عرص.

هو مش ايجى و 8شان وقعوا من شهور باين؟ هو بقى على موقع تانى دلوقتى ولا ايه؟

no thanks, ill pass

Imagine the smell

Imagine being such a faggot that the first thing you do in this situation is grab your phone and start videoing.

The fuck are cars doing in the ocean?

Mad respect for Hisham Zahran


bet it smells no worse than the outside

You need an exorcist, not a plumber.

Quick! Send aid and doctors to Egypt! They are experiencing a disaster!

8kun(top)/egy is the alternative, 8kun has been up for age nigga, what rock have you been sleeping under?

Thank Horus I got out of that country a month ago. Was a lovely time!

corona, locusts, floods ... what's next??

cool if true but gay if not