BBC Studios has announced a documentary series about the teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg. The new show will follow Thunberg’s “international crusade” against the climate emergency, focusing on her campaign work as well as her “journey into adulthood”. It will also see Thunberg meet with scientists, politicians and businesspeople to explore the evidence around rising global temperatures.

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literally who

She's looking cute but she needs a haircut

Greta Thunberg, that activist girl from sweden, you should know when shit like this apparently happens over there

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she's taller, huh

What's with UK? Brexit didnt help shit. They appear more cucked than Germany at this point.

tits too big couldn't finish

Are you suggesting what I think you are?

got some protein for the first time in her life

I cant believe that the endresult of hyperactive feefeeprotection politics is that the left keeps embarassing the poor downsyndrom kid on an international stage. this is bullying

She looks so hot.
I love Greta.

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A child soldier in the 'war' against climate change

Who was the lucky guy?

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I really want to lick her little pussy

greta is the messiah

I hope she gets CoViD and dies

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Us she really that hot for you? Fuck we're infested with pedos

Looks more like Putin in a wig tbqhfamalam

The fuck you smoking, Dimitri?
But to answer your question, yes she really is hot. One of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen.

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i hope to see Greta on BBC

She's legal where I live and her face is losing her baby fat so yeah she is getting cute, she just needs to cut that hair

She's not getting cute, she's always been cute.

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wtf, wrong pic

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She’s seventeen, which is legal in many countries.

Yeah I know, what you telling me for?

She have any feet pics?

I don't think GRETA is really all the GREAT

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But since we're talking about Greta again, tell me this little girl on oboombas right knee (pink dress) doesn't look like Greta? Been creeping me out lately thinking about it

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Brits are naturally cowed people.
It's not until I left that I realized what absolute cucks the majority are. They are willing to lay down and die if the upper classes tell them to and quite happy to give up all rights.

When I started getting guns my friends back in the U.K. were horrified. Even the ones who shoot were thunderstruck that you might use them to defend your own life and therefore inevitably kill someone.

Words cannot explain how fucking livid I am about what has been done to the country 1000 years of my ancestors came from.

Same cheeks, chin, same nose same different sized eyes I swear it's her lol

She looks like a skull that was carved into a potato.


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It's the BBC. Never has there been a more aptly named TV network.

Is she a celeb now
has she even done anything at all?

Achmed getting thirsty at the first thing he sees that's not a camel

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The fuck are you on about? Our country has been voting more and more conservative with every election for the last ten years. We're getting better all the time, nowhere near as cucked as the rest of Europe. Muslims and Jews are being made to feel very unwelcome here, too.

Btw, the fact that all your mates are a bunch of pussies scared of guns says a lot more about you than it does the UK. The fuck sort of people were you hanging around with?


I dont listen big black cock television network

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Victim of a stolen childhood by her parents and victim of bullying by adult conservatives with no life outside of "libfags BAD!"

so the obvious question is...

When do (((they))) team her up with a black boyfriend?

give it a year when she is 18, they wont push the envelope just yet, then expect a black muslim transgender boy/girlfriend

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Fuck me lad, I'd happily turn into a black mussie trannie if it means I get to sample that delicious little pussy


not my proudest fap

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describe what panties you want her to wear and I'll see what I can do

there's only one BBC that's relevant when discussing Greta, and it's not the news company

shimapan or 'bike shorts'

What software you using senpai?

we both know what she really needs

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like this?
not sure what 'bike shorts' are

daz studio with hundreds of resources

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yo this thot is kinda cute tbph

needs bigger stripes, more bluer
look at the 'bike shorts' tag on gelbooru for the other pantsu style

>climate emergency

He's fucking tall, isn't he? that boy will grow up to become giga chad

black servant?

IIRC the last Children's Crusade failed dismally with all the kids either dead or enslaved.

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She must know her fate. Burn the coal, pay the toll = Burn the carbon, pay the carbon tax.

Have her pull them to one side and show off her little cunt

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