BBC Studios has announced a documentary series about the teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg. The new show will follow Thunberg’s “international crusade” against the climate emergency, focusing on her campaign work as well as her “journey into adulthood”. It will also see Thunberg meet with scientists, politicians and businesspeople to explore the evidence around rising global temperatures.
What's with UK? Brexit didnt help shit. They appear more cucked than Germany at this point.
Evan Brown
tits too big couldn't finish
Jason Gray
Are you suggesting what I think you are?
Easton Parker
got some protein for the first time in her life
Grayson Lopez
I cant believe that the endresult of hyperactive feefeeprotection politics is that the left keeps embarassing the poor downsyndrom kid on an international stage. this is bullying
But since we're talking about Greta again, tell me this little girl on oboombas right knee (pink dress) doesn't look like Greta? Been creeping me out lately thinking about it
Brits are naturally cowed people. It's not until I left that I realized what absolute cucks the majority are. They are willing to lay down and die if the upper classes tell them to and quite happy to give up all rights.
When I started getting guns my friends back in the U.K. were horrified. Even the ones who shoot were thunderstruck that you might use them to defend your own life and therefore inevitably kill someone.
Words cannot explain how fucking livid I am about what has been done to the country 1000 years of my ancestors came from.
Jack Sullivan
Same cheeks, chin, same nose same different sized eyes I swear it's her lol
Samuel Reyes
She looks like a skull that was carved into a potato.
The fuck are you on about? Our country has been voting more and more conservative with every election for the last ten years. We're getting better all the time, nowhere near as cucked as the rest of Europe. Muslims and Jews are being made to feel very unwelcome here, too.
Btw, the fact that all your mates are a bunch of pussies scared of guns says a lot more about you than it does the UK. The fuck sort of people were you hanging around with?