Someone please nuke this Earth

Someone please nuke this Earth.

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Yeah we have it too easy. I don't, at least I don't think I do, but in general the "western world" is in easy mode and well, easy mode can't last forever.

Wish I was a boomer, the prospects of this timeline look painstakingly grim.

I mean, those are pretty well made. I am honestly impressed.

>Someone please nuke this Earth.
Have you not been paying attention since December?
Bro, you're getting your wish.

corona-chan take me i am ready

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I like watching the great wheel of stupid ass liberal shit complete it's full rotation every couple of years. Makes me happy.

>triggering feminists with oppressive dickcakes

>muh vagina
Color me surprised


why............why does it have to be like that? I don't have big desires in life? I want to have my stupid bike hobby, ride on weekends, attend to my wife, work my job that I kinda enjoy on average, enjoy some photography, read about some local history and discover my surroundings...just simple shit really...

Why........why does it have to be ruined with individuals like pic rel? Why?

just why.

You know (((why)))

God look at how dysmorphic, mutated, and domesticated that group of creatures looks.

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This, this is what made you lose all faith in humanity? You are like a little baby. Take a look at this and then tell me a nuclear holocaust wouldn't be a mercy killing.

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i would eat it tho

It is all so damn tiresome

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>vagina cupcakes
>every one looks gross like fat roastie
Figures.'s so depressing. vile. they probably feed on it, on misery.

We need to get this into the rotation

Lmao, these genital obsessed weirdos are going to murder eachother to prove they're more oppressed while the rest of us laugh.


If there is a higher power then may he smote these disgusting creatures with the coronavirus

This will be your child in 5 years

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>just why.
because of Antichrist. You think the world will last forever?

Why are the penis cupcakes so small?

fuck you. just - fuck you.

Now wait was that a girl who became a guy, or a guy who became a girl then changed his mind and went back to being a guy?

nice hi res spurdo + trips

How many genders/sexual orientations/mental disorders do you want? 20? 50? 367?

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Those are some pretty cute feminine cocks to be honest though.

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Wtf is that brown vagoo abomination on the left? And is that... Is that bacon?

where are the uncircumcised penises


Dude. You know this is like 0.1% of general population?


This is slowly waking up women to the tranny question. Which normally would make a person easier to redpill, but women are sorta bad at seeing the bigger picture.

Lads, I find that I am quite bepenised this afternoon, shall we drink our Chai and eat crumpets posthaste?

Because freedom isn't free user. Spread the good word of a joyous life one can have.

Flaccid circumsized dicks are so gross looking

hole pastries

As you age you learn to tune it all out.


And to sum it all up in two words? Mental. Illness.

Did he just have these cupcakes on hand ready to go? I doubt they announced they had vagina cupcakes days in advance and it must take a at least hours to make these "girldick" abominations

I know I do, Cope crybaby

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circumcised penises just look like erect penises. i dont understand all the hand-wringing and bluster and complaining and whinging over flaccid penises with foreskin. the male sex organ is such an inoffensive organ. so much hysteria and nitpicking over the human prepuce. imagine performing genital body mod surgery on a baby because you are so neurotic you cant stand the sight of the default male sex organ.

I'll take queer femme mommy plz
FTMs look super cute if they detranisition though

Ye cry ((white)) boy

>bepenised women
>girl dicks
It really is mental illness

man wtf is going on

That’s what refugees are for

>feminist shelter for abused women and rape victims
>bringing them cupcakes shaped like their rapist's cock
>they're bigots and transmisogynists if they complain
Based tranny tbqh.
Eat. The. Cupcake. Bigot!

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>mischievous butch fag
finally... i am represented.....

It really is the Jews fault. Why didn't Hitler actually burn them like a mountain of coal?

How common is this as a stat for young people?

I'm more interested in the table. Is that wood walnut?

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mentally ill people have always existed, we are just temporarily trying an inclusive approach on them

Why don't trannies pick normal names? Why is it always yass qween slayyyyy drag or stripper names?

o i am laffin


Roastie BACON FLAPS!! My sides!!


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>>feminist shelter for abused women and rape victims
Good, abuse shelters shouldn't be discriminatory. If a male gets abused they have nowhere to go

Jesus, Lord, I am so fucking sick of this disgusting degenerate bullshit, All this tranny shit needs to be made illegal. fo fuck sakes.

It’s about cultural programming, making us think subconsciously that our bodies are inherently ugly and broken, and that they need to fixed, so you dumb goys better go out and buy that surgery/drug/beauty product etc

Can't all these mentally ill fuckheads just kill themselves already?

that family should take a ride off the cliff together