I thought we would see a bigger response to this. I guess it's not that big a deal?
Trump Waives Student Loan Interest
lmao single-handedly shutting up those screaming for removing student loans
>I thought we would see a bigger response to this. I guess it's not that big a deal?
not exactly a large sample size in your picture
it is also clear they are deranged liberals with full-blown TDS
what is your point?
Spoiled children want it all paid for.
This is a based move by Trump. Helps idiots who got student loans like me by attacking exorbitant interest payments from the global banking leeches but still forces idiots who got student loans to actually have to pay instead of everyone else.
im actually fucking pissed by this move, ive been toiling avoiding debt fuck all you debt slaves you did this to yourselves, where the fuck is my hard working bail out?
Would have saved me nearly 20k
>think that will save me like fifteen dollars
of course these absolute fucking retards wouldn't understand interest, if they did they wouldn't be in so much fucking debt
Because when leftists cry for “help” or “relief” with the debt they willingly took to earn a retarded meme degree with no marketable demand, what they actually mean is “I want a magical do-over with a clean slate because personal responsibility is fascism”
Instead of letting the Jews abscond with 1.5 trillion, we could have paid off all student loan debt and allowed people all over the nation to have spending money which would have boosted the economy
>taking less of something is a bailout
Do you also cry if your tax is reduced?
So your definition of Jew is anyone with any sort of investment, aka anyone who isn’t a poorfag unemployed/McJob Zoomlet.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if all this does is stop interest from accumulating for maybe a couple months, I'm pretty sure the average student won't see much of a difference?
I think you still have to make payments if you have been, so functionally it's not like there's going to be any changes in their lives right now. At best it's like maybe a payment or two less years down the line.
Pay your bills you fucking loser bums.
"wtf i love paying student loans now" - retarded lib trash cultists
Nothing but complete capitulation is good enough for radical leftists
Depending how much you owe and your interest rate the difference is easily several hundred dollars unless your loans are tiny or have an incredibly good interest rate.
Why can people NOT understand that some things are not free, like FOUR YEARS of school? FUCK
You have no fucking clue what the $1.5 trillion was for. Just shut your retarded mouth, brainlet.
I fucking worked my ass off in college so I could pay for college. And never had sex, while you roasties rode around on the cock carousel, fuck you. Pay your stupid loans.
>I'M 100K IN DEBT!!!!
>pft that will only save me like 5 bucks.
>Implying students or young people ever watch Trump pressers..
I suspect these people are retards who have never actually looked at their loan payments. My loan was 22k principal, and I pay $58/month in interest. A lot of these people took out a lot more than 22k for their basket weaving degrees.
Like Europe?
This is bullshit. I didn't go to college because I couldn't afford it. Now Trump is paying for Stacy whores little art degree? Where's MY bailout, Trump?
How about we smash the universities with wrecking balls and make online education free? If you can pass the tests- you get the degree. Sound fair?
No, I stopped paying mine. Stop supporting the scam.
They are retarded and don’t realize they’re saving thousands
these people are mentally ill nothing is good enough
Trump is dragging us kicking and screaming into socialism and they still think it's not enough and that we should go full communism
>retarded debt slaves don’t realize interest is what keeps them in debt
and people wonder why these stupid faggots are hopelessly in debt in the first place
Nobody paid for my (Euro) student loans except me.
> dumbasses taking out massive loans not understanding the concept of interest
> dumbasses not understanding the benefit of no internet on their student loans
good job dumbasses
Okay what's stopping me from never bothering to pay back anything anymore, then. Because as I see it now there's zero incentive or punishment for not doing that.
>ITT: faggots bitch and complain because their student loan payments just got smaller
God damn you people are retarded sometimes
Sure glad I struggled and paid mine off in 5 years while the rest of my friends partied their asses off well into their thirties. Fuck this backwards world.
This, it's an easy way to smooth out the next couple of months for people in that situation without having to write checks and send money out. but that will never stop faggets from looking a gift horse in the mouth expecting some horse dick.
do you have a better definition? how many poor jews do you see?
If you are one of the big loan people with 100k loan and a 8% rate you are looking at saving $600+ month. 20k at .08 is about $100 a month. Depending on income levels that could be meaningful savings.
What was it for then, steinberg?
>do you have a better definition?
Yes. People who are racially Jewish.
Pay your bills, loser.
the principle is a scam, too. and they know it.
>mfw no studen loan debt because I worked hard at getting a apprenticeship at a place that pays for my school
I'll be laughing at all the english majors when they graduate and can't get a job doing anything but teaching english, and even then the starting wages for apprentices is more than teachers make.
Trade pill is based anons.
I guess they don't understand that interest free is how it should already be.
>FED balance sheet for temporary loan for margin calls and maintaining solvency is the same as giving people $1.5 Trillion
jesus fucking christ you're literally retarded
It has to be paid back you absolute fucking cretin. The government would never see a dime for paying back 1.5T in Liberal Arts loans
i've taken out one loan in my life and it was for $1,200 when i was 18 lol. suck more jew dick though, nigger
>mfw 2% of a typical $150,000 meme degree is still $3,000
college or not, democrats cannot do math.
would have saved me $800/month on my doctor loan but I just finished paying it off on the 1st of the year, lol
They would in the sales tax of millions of students actually being able to buy goods, property tax now that they can afford homes, you're so dumb and that wouldn't even be a bad thing if you realized how fucking stupid you are
>I think that saves me like $15
That means their loan and the payments must be so inconsequential, that it practically doesn't effect them at all. This is what they've been whining about all of these years though.
Your bail out is the friends you made a long the way.
Not even a Trump fan and I'm really really happy about this.
I haven't been able to figure out any details, but since I have monthly payments of over $300, most of which have been going towards interest so far, I'm curious if that if I keep making payments (I have a salaried job that lets me work remotely), if I can start paying off the principal (around $30,000 of student debt).
lmao, those losers aren't making any money. If they were, they wouldn't need student debt forgiveness. These people are fucking bums.
Interest is fake money anyways. The idea that they are inherently entitled to predatory interest rates is laughable.
>federal deficit has to be paid back
Get a load of this guy
technically, right now, the government already pays for the student loans. allow me to explain, when a student gets a student loan, the bank is immediately paid in full by the US federal government. the bank itself cannot lose money on the student loan. what's interesting is that nobody knows about this, and what's incredible is that the bank never pays the government bank, and nobody knows about that either! yes, the bank gets paid by both the student and the government, making a 200% return on every student loan.
that's what's hilarious and scary about this, on one hand our government is capable of having free education because it already foots the bill. the proof is in the pudding. on the other hand, the people who think they are geniuses with masters degrees and phd can't even fucking understand basic commerce, and are being defrauded out of the loan. how did i make that deflection? look at it this way, the student is a tax payer, right? aren't we all taxpayers? so why is that student paying for the loan twice? that's how stupid the people who are being trained to run the world really are. this is frightening.
Says the impoverished street person who can't even pay back his loans.
Don’t blaspheme.
>piss poor understanding of interest rates
>muh netflix subscription
Yup. Sounds like college kids.
not an argument
Why pay them when there's literally no penalty if you don't?
>cannot lose money on the student loan
That's a huge part of the problem.
These people deserve coronavirus
Fucking leeches. You borrowed money. Pay it back.
Student debt is currently the only debt in the U.S. that can't "go away"
You can declare bankruptcy to get out of any sort of debt *except* student debt
>no penalty
Enjoy getting sued while having a shit credit rating
>14 days of paid sick leave at full pay for people with coronavirus.
Sounds like a good idea.
People will need proof of infection. Which means this will just encourage people with coronavirus to stop self isolating at home, and go out to get tested for what they already know they have.
Young people buy netflix instead of cable tv, it's much cheaper (and lower quality).
Imagine if Trump paid off the loans in full
>Yeah my loans are paid but how am I supposed to afford to live, I don't get paid enough, give me more gibs!!!
These retards will never be satisfied
These fucking roasties dude.
>um, that doesn’t even come close to covering my 18 tattoos