Washington will be quarantined by tomorrow...he is a very level headed guy and kinda made fun of my prepping and is not one to ever jump the gun, LARP, or play conspiritard. Idk if true, but I trust the source. I'm ready, are you, washingtonianfags? Cali next?
I'm a dad in Washington state. The only other dad at my shop is from a military family and says
Other urls found in this thread:
>source: my friend, who is a dad, said so
Wa fag here. All schools are closed for a month. Grocery stores are packed with retards. I bought napkins. I’ll be selling my tp stash
My dad works at Nintendo and he just confirmed
FPWHBBP but was posted by a meme flag.
my dad works at Nintendo and he says you're full of shit
Not for nothing, but I delivered to two schools today. Orders from on high say six weeks of closure.
Sounds like quarantine numbers to me.
5 thousand dollars
5 thousand dollars
SF techfag here. We've been prepping for a quarantine as we fully expect it. A lot of companies have already closed their offices and everyone's remote working, and employees have been advised to try not to travel in case they get stuck somewhere when the order goes out. There's a big gold rush in video conferencing going on right now with a lot of deals and free trials getting handed out.
Lmao love how you neckbeards caught the gen-xer movie 12 monkeys meme
>There's a big gold rush in video conferencing going on right now with a lot of deals and free trials getting handed out.
Same. But in the hills. Hope you have boards to nail up your doors, keep the zombies out. Imagine when all the junkies run out of junk. Or when the police just stop responding - like they are now with property crimes.
>made fun of my prepping
More likely he made fun of you for not keeping it to yourself instead of dropping spaghetti at work.
When USPS stops, shit has officially hit the fan. That's the final warning before things get real.
I'll post here when the order drops to upper management. We're expecting it soon.
You are a retarded. While the National Guard is literally already deployed in WA, it’s 1000 troops. Do you think that is to enforce a state wide quarantine? If so please kill yourself.
Yeah how much a roll ya think? 50 bucks?
How would we go about this?
a nintendo just flew over my house
Stop using Yas Forums. This is a website for social outcasts only. By using this website, you are violating the unwritten code of conduct and will be liquidated. Enjoy your last few days. Running wont help. Arming yourself definitely wont either, Nobody will find your body.
I’ve sold 1 12pk for $50 so far
No, spaghetti rarely falls out of my pocket at work. It was in the context of him asking me what guns I like because he's concerned about his neighborhood getting so fucked
I was already disqualified from Pol bc not white/ hate anime.
a dad just flew over my military family
>t. newspaper boy
>500+ confirmed cases
It should be quarantined.
I bought a huge pack from Costco more than a month ago. Need rent money.
It shouldn't be quarantined anywhere at all. Y'all fellow humans can, must and will suck the culling cock of nurgle. The thing that's a bummer is having kids. It's conflicting both wanting us all to die, but not wanting your kids to die/ suffer.
Bull. Shit.
There are zero reports, worldwide, of any post or mail being halted. Not Italy, not China.
You know why?
Pic fucking related.
Uhhh guys a dad just flew over my house
Lying ass motherfucker.
>T. at work now, and will be back Monday, in WA
Oregonfag here. Was hoping I'd see the day that you parasites are finally banned from my beautiful state. Hopefully there's a shoot on site order for trespassers.
Every kids dream. A flying dad. I'm trying not to be dad in pic related. Stay positive. Go work walks. Fly over user's houses, all that normal shit.
Yeah, hopefully. I'm from Colorado, you can. Kill all Washontotians even if I get friendlied. Fuck these people.
>t. lvl 18 EAS
Sucks to suck I guess
fake and gay. sage in all fields.
Just gay
I wish we had Nazi mail carriers. They're all Chinese here. Ive had to sanitize my packages since this all started.
You're full of shit, that's all. Nothing has shut down and they haven't sealed off this state
If true, more precicesly my buddy has gone off the rails, not me being full of kaka
Any reports that corona virus can stay on plastic more that a few hours are provably false.
If this were true, the entire world would have been infected by their letter carrier within a single week of the outbreak.
That's good to know. Pic related is the text, so at least you know I was inconvenienced for 10 seconds to create it if y'all think LARP.
>Source...my ass.
>Washington will be quarantined by tomorrow.
Imagine letting the insanity spread through the TV and internet all over the world. That is the real virus. The media and social media.
I always wondered how he got his eyes to do that for the role.
Also nice digits
Checked, here's some kek cnn.com
Checked? Wut?
This is an interesting image you have, user, where's it from? Rev search turns up not a lot.
You're going to trade your rolls with yards of fresh, clean, fluffy, soft, white, TP for... little pieces of filthy green paper that might have the corona on them? You’re crazy, lol.
I wish. Richfags and higher ups are too afraid of losing a dollar. They don’t care if the the regular person dies. They will expect us all to go to work no matter if it’s fucking on fire or not.
WAfag here, and I say it's about god damned time.
But realistically it's going to take till the end of the month, or about a week after we finally get our fucking tested sorted out.
Who would have thought the government was so pants-on-head retarded? Oh wait
digits confirm. Listen to your glowy thing.
Real shit.
I'm a mailman, my girlfriend is a hospital cook. We ever get a shared day off again, boogaloo by 3pm.
I’m in Mississippi and I fully anticipate a quarantine. More cases are getting reported. All of our colleges have already closed for the semester, public schools are shut down, and nursing homes are on lockdown. This state has a history of being extremely pro-active when an emergency is looming. It’s what got us through Katrina. Everybody prepped, buckled in for the ride, and a state of emergency declared and military on standby before the storm hit us.
I unironically hope it fixes the real estate market up here. Also I probably won't be able to see it.
>T. Half Japanese gonna die
Washington will shut down, and soon, and possibly the whole left coast (to commercial air traffic) that is NOT to say that the mail will shut down. It will not, and never will. The Postal Service is bound by a directive higher than the Constitution.
Boeing and Microsoft mandatory work from home, paying hourly poos whether they work or not.
Good luck em-eye-ess-ess-eye-peepee-eye user. Please accept samurai refugees with white passing daughters in a few months. I can fight and fix any machine in existence.
I’ve no corona fear. I’m youngish, in shape, water from a well and a generator. Besides, if I die, I had a good run
Based Kurosawa poster.
Kevin Costner is that you?
> (OP)
>Oregonfag here. Was hoping I'd see the day that you parasites are finally banned from my beautiful state.
Your Portland is our Seattle, you're no better, faggot.
Can't we just agree to merc EVERYONE in Seattle AND Portland?
wtf is missippi?
I think we’re going to be okay down here. My guess is we’ll have more deaths from unrelated illness and injury if people go full panic mode and overwhelm the hospitals with their seasonal allergies, convinced they are dying from the corona. It’s really going to hurt our economy, though. Nobody traveling, staying in hotels, or eating out. Empty theatres, empty stores, empty everything. A lot of people live paycheck to paycheck but a lot of businesses float paycheck to paycheck, too. I know some ballroom dance instructors, for example. This is absolutely going to ruin them.
I approve this message. King and Multnomah Counties need to be glassed.