/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2031

► Detected: 145,630 ► Died: 5,423


Spain using hotels as hospitals

France closes schools and universities

More than 100 US colleges shut down, go online

Spain declares emergency, shuts down schools and public events

Survives 28 days in bacteria on surfaces at 4°C

29 year old doctor dies after 4 weeks

983,006 infected in Wuhan alone

Virus invades nervous systems

Patient tests negative four times, was infected

US hospitals: no tests, CDC: tests only for travel cases

Wuhan scientist predicted Dengue-like enhancements before outbreak

China province outbreak 52 times worse than admitted

210 dead in Iran, regime covers it up

China biowarfare program might have gone wrong

01:42: 1 new death in the Philippines.
01:25: 1 new case in Puerto Rico.
01:06: 107 new cases and 5 new deaths in South Korea.
00:35: First 2 cases in Puerto Rico.
23:46: 120 new cases in Norway.
22:59: 4 new deaths in Switzerland.
22:00: 559 new cases and 2 new deaths in Germany.
20:50: 1,001 new cases and 12 new deaths in Spain.


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Other urls found in this thread:


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► China 80,817 (3,177) ► International 64,431 (2,239): Italy 17,660 (1,266) Iran 11,364 (514) S. Korea 8,086 (76) Spain 5,232 (133) Germany 4,234 (10) France 3,661 (79) US 2,269 (48) Switzerland 1,143 (11) Norway 1108 (1) Sweden 814 (1) Netherlands 804 (10) UK 798 (11) Japan 701 (19) D. Princess 696 (7) Belgium 559 (3) Austria 504 (1) Australia 203 (3) Greece 190 (1) Canada 158 (1) H. Kong 132 (4) Iraq 101 (9) Ireland 90 (1) India 82 (2) S. Marino 80 (5) Egypt 80 (2) Lebanon 77 (3) Thailand 75 (1) Indonesia 69 (4) Poland 68 (2) Philippines 65 (5) Taiwan 50 (1) Albania 33 (1) Argentina 31 (2) Panama 27 (1) Algeria 26 (2) Ecuador 23 (1) Bulgaria 23 (1) Azerbaijan 15 (1) Morocco 7 (1) Ukraine 3 (1) Guyana 1 (1) Sudan 1 (1) Denmark 801 Qatar 320 Bahrain 210 Singapore 200 Malaysia 197 Finland 155 Brazil 151 Czech Rep. 141 Slovenia 141 Iceland 134 Israel 126 Portugal 112 Kuwait 100 Romania 89 S. Arabia 86 UAE 85 Estonia 79 Russia 45 Vietnam 44 Chile 43 Brunei 37 Serbia 35 Palestine 35 Luxembourg 34 Croatia 32 Slovakia 32 Pakistan 28 Peru 28 Belarus 27 Georgia 25 S. Africa 24 C. Rica 23 Oman 19 Hungary 19 Bosnia 18 Latvia 17 Colombia 16 Tunisia 16 Macedonia 14 Cyprus 14 Mexico 12 Malta 12 Macao 10 Senegal 10 Maldives 9 Armenia 8 Jamaica 8 Afghanistan 7 Cambodia 7 Lithuania 6 S. Lanka 6 Fr. Guiana 6 Moldova 6 Paraguay 6 Dom. Rep. 5 N. Zealand 5 Réunion 5 Turkey 5 Cuba 4 Kazakhstan 4 Liechtenstein 4 Uruguay 4 Bangladesh 3 Bolivia 3 Chan. Isl. 3 Faeroes 3 Puerto Rico 3 Fr. Polynesia 3 Martinique 3 Monaco 2 Nigeria 2 B. Faso 2 Cameroon 2 Congo 2 Ghana 2 Honduras 2 St. Martin 2 Venezuela 2 Andorra 1 Jordan 1 Nepal 1 Ant. & Bar. 1 Bhutan 1 Caymans 1 Ivory C. 1 Ethiopia 1 Gabon 1 Gibraltar 1 Guadeloupe 1 Guinea 1 Vatican 1 Kenya 1 Mongolia 1 St. Barth 1 St. Vincent 1 Togo 1 Tri. & Tob. 1

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nice ID

All this is fake its naughty dogs marketing team taking things up a notch

UN Niggers probably be panicking since our diplomat in their HQ is the first detected of the virus

>CCP are animals
There ya go!

Reminder that "Coronavirus" is a social experiment on crowd control.
This Chinese disease is a joke, it has killed far less than H1N1, SARS and even the seasonal flu. It's but a souped up common cold.
This is an experiment to verify how far they can make us go in a media-induced panic situation. How much they can limit our freedoms while still making us thank them for it.
It is also an attack on our economies. Paralyzed countries like Italy will create a gigantic recession. That's not to mention the cancellation of sporting events, the closing of colleges and cultural centers, businesses, etc. And of course, precisely as this unfolds, Saudi Arabia "coincidentally" decides to fool around with oil prices!
Normally, a similar situation would foster other sectors like tourism and air travel - except this time they thought of that too - artificial panic convinced people we need major travel bans! This was carefully planned.
Shall we remind ourselves of how much money George Soros made for himself when he shorted the pound sterling in 1992? Of course, this time around, oligarchs will hit the jackpot with the predictable currency and stock devaluations.
Rest assured that the American people will pull through with unrivaled tenacity!
A silly cold does not scare us, and we have the best healthcare in the world. No matter how hard the lugenpresse tries to scare us, we will not give in!
America does not stop! Do not allow your local businesses and towns to stop! Remember that it is unconstitutional to limit the free movement of Americans throughout our territory.
Say no to quarantines and lockdowns! Call your representatives and community leaders. Tell them we will not sacrifice our economy to the profane Chinese bat god. Do not be forced to stay in!
The show must go on! America is not for the weak! Let Europe and the rest of the world be embarrassed at how silly they'll look as this barely even scratches us!
Fear not, my patriots, for God is with us! God bless America!

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thanks for updating aus count

So what do you think the real Chinese death toll is?

I got coronavirus. I've got it... beating a man... to death... for few bucks.

>muh consensus
That is not how science works

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I think we need to start using 3 letter country codes

rip drumpf

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Hi mods
>Sandhya Ramesh
Go fix my cable tv first before tweeting. You fucking robot

We have 26 now

Daily reminder there's a total of about 10 videos almost all from Wuhan of this media hype job. Based Xi has played an absolute blinder when he starts back up production and everyone else is literally begging the Chinks to get supplying again.

The opening act of tonights show: 1.5 trillion dollars.



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only irrationality is dangerous

these fucking communists really are pushing their own fuckups to others and may start another world war!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

> MOD id

They say no cases in the Okanagan BC. What do you think?
>Passengers 2,080,372 per year

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I believe her. Came from chinks eating bats. And don't let those chinks tell you otherwise. They've been subhumans for a long time. It was bound to catch up to them. Shame they're dragging us down with them.

>scientific consensus
This shit pisses me off just like "authoritative sources." It's fucking Orwellian.

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Only here to collect chrona-chans. Stay safe anons

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I had to go see my doctor yesterday for unrelated pre-existing health issues. When I arrived at his private practice, half of the waiting room chairs were lined up outside the door. Sure enough, his office was near empty, as his secretary was busy disinfecting one of the examination rooms. Usually she would greet people, but instead, it was my doctor who greeted me. Straight to the point: "Any cough, sore throat, or fever?". I told him I was fine in that regard, so I got sent to the other examination room.
Well, anyways, apparently my pre-existing condition has gotten pretty bad, to the point where my doctor recommended I go to the hospital. He admitted that this was a bad time for it, but he wouldn't have insisted unless it was life-threatening.
Sure enough, the local hospital is on high alert, checking people at the door for "flu-like symptoms" before they even hit the usually Emerg triage. A huge chunk of the waiting room is cordoned off for potential patients, and there's only a small portion for non-flu-like, non-febrile patients (like me). Out of the Emergency ward, most of the rooms have isolation or contamination notices, though these are maintained even after they've been cleaned. If you go to the hospital without symptoms related to Covid, you're on the bottom of the priority list and have to wait for the few unreserved rooms. I spent a lot of time in the waiting room, and I've spent enough time in Emerg in the past year to tell when the wait times aren't ordinary While I was there, they had a salesperson come in to explain to the nurses (read: brag about) their new translation system, funded through emergency money allocated for the pandemic. The nurses were handing out test swabs like lollipops, including to the obviously panicking mentally ill patients.
In any case, as early as it is, the local healthcare system is fine for now, near to the point of being overprepared. If we get flooded, it probably won't be next week.

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>Hearing TedNigger say it was a PANDEMIC
That was one of the perfect cooms I've experienced in my lifetime

How can neets make an absolute killing when this rolls over next month anons?

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trump made his pharma cronies very powerful over you burgers. at least the cities in the east coast will be a super Hubei ahahahahaha

This timeline is absolutely hilarious and keeps showing how clown world truly fucked up is:
>Chinese eating batsoup and pozzing entire world
>Americans and Aussie panic-buying TP instead of food
>Middle easterns licking doorknobs as proof of faith
>Italians hugging sick chinks during a pandemic
>Brits don't even try to get tested anymore

Have anything to add to the list?

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>mod id

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What have other world leader said in regards to the futures outlook? I respect that Boris Johnson just plainly said that people are going to die, may as well find out if it's you

>It's not a bio weapon goyim

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>>muh consensus
>That is not how science works
that is exactly how science works



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Ok Burger

but what if it backfires?
>industry returns to the west

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>President Donald Trump said Friday he will “most likely” be tested for the novel coronavirus, as questions swirled about why he, his top aides and his family weren't doing more to protect themselves and others after repeated exposure to COVID-19
Will markets crash on positive?

Me too!

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>Chinks been lying out there ass
>Suddenly everyone believes them

Is this some form of mental gymnastic to make it seem like it's not so bad?

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Pfthahaha, fucking nothing burger as expected. Canada already made a vaccine and is testing. Expect this “””happening””” to fizzle out in the next couple of weeks, schizos.


i am a biological girl. could i stay with any of you anons in cali? i didnt prep

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>Sr. Asst Editor @ThePrintScience
>Mod @GeoSciTweeps
>| Science, astro, climate, gender
why yes, i do trust her opinion on this matter

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>UK only country to take a different approach to the virus
Will the gamble pay off and anglos become immune? Will we help the whole world once again afterwards, like we did with colonialism?

Taking bets on when Madagascar will get it.

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Someone a few threads ago compared Boris Johnson to the fucktard Mayor of Amity in Jaws.


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Every other flu comes from the Chinese doing some bizarre unhygenic shit with animals; but the schizos on this board want me to believe that this flu, which originated in the same part of the world where every other flu comes from, was created in a lab

Only if you're a cute japanese girl

it's yet another jewish black magick over the airwaves!

> nothing burger, only kills old people!
this thing infects us permanently and kills the old 60 and over with ease. You're not safe if you're young, it literally just cut your life expectancy from 80-90 down to 60, at best. You just lost a third of your life even if you don't die from this. Boomer remover indeed.

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you can have every single doctor in the world in 'consensus', but if they will get blown the fuck out if the data comes back and shows that theyre wrong. Consensus means nothing in the face of the truth.

There was a meeting here yesterday about banning large gatherings which they decided to implement starting from NEXT week, so all the large gatherings this weekend are still going on.

Chinks made this virus knowing they had the means and willpower to stop it with quarantine while the west didn't.

based Pajeet

I live in the north-east of GERMany (the most rural part in the republic). The universities, schools and kindergardens are closing as soon as monday. I was shopping friday afternoon. I've never seen so many fully stacked shopping carts in a LIDL (discount brand). There were leaks from meetings of the mayor and the healt administration that said, that public life will be shut down too. I live in the biggest city in this part of the country. Shit is going down.

Didn't they already have a positive case?

Hospitals are at 115% capacity before corona. When the nurses get it and flood of people get it they will collapse.

Can someone post the cvg movies pic? I want to get coomfy.

Repent, Nigger.

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>implying that news is gonna go public. he has probably already tested positive and is just ignoring it for now and when symptoms show hes gonna go into hiding for a while but still claim its all ok.

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In 6 days


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>bongs become walking bioweapons

I hope so Doneld. I hope so.

I can already hear her how she says " Sow-lee-dah-ree-tee". You didn't say you had smug pics of her

>inb4 Canada accidentally creates another mutant strain
Be careful, leafs... please!

> trusting leafs
dumb fucking britshit

You know the rules

im from el salvador

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>wat is gain of function research

Ignorant cunt

>prepped and self-quarantined in january
>warned my friends weeks ago how bad shit is gonna get
>"yeah, the media is gonna hype it but no one will panic over a silly flu"
>try to explain it to them in a way they can understand
>"i don't care user. just let me enjoy my hedonism. it'll all blow over in a couple weeks"
>now they're seething on social media the grocery stores are empty and they have nothing in their fridge or cupboards
>blame me for the panic and won't talk to me anymore
>still don't understand the death count is doubling every 3 days
>quarantines starting soon

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>"Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world."
you are holy, holy
Are you Lord God Almighty
Worthy is the lamb
Worthy is the lamb
>Agnus Dei, qui tolis peccata mundi,
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
>miserere nobis.
have mercy on us.
>Agnus Dei, qui tolis peccata mundi,
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
>dona nobis pacem.
grant us peace.

Then I saw heaven opened, and a white horse was standing there. Its rider was named Faithful and True, for he judges fairly and wages a righteous war. His eyes were like flames of fire, and on his head were many crowns. A name was written on him that no one understood except himself. He wore a robe dipped in blood, and his title was the Word of God. The armies of heaven, dressed in the finest of pure white linen, followed him on white horses. From his mouth came a sharp sword to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron rod. He will release the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty, like juice flowing from a winepress. On his robe at his thigh was written this title: King of all kings and Lord of all lords.


Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Make sure yours does so of your own volition, before you are made to in the terror of His coming.


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But they didn't stop shit.


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no matter how it turns out, you have cemented your place in history as the biggest psychopaths, a country willing to gamble the lives of their entire population on a theory that has a not so insignificant chance of being completely wrong if people can get reinfected in a short timeframe.
just a few

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Why is Trump still shaking people's hands?

When I told him he could be put on the priority list for the Israeli vaccine, he was so willing it was almost pathetic.

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>Black face president's wife gets infected
>probably infected too
>now thinking of closing borders
What did he mean by this?

can cats be retarded?

>first case in my shitty country
oh boy, give me the redpill

same "scientific consensus" 4 weeks ago was "it's just the flu bro" - scientists are shills that will say anything to stay in their positions, twist any day any way, just like presstitutes.

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What's your pre existing condition? I've been treating a pericardium inflammation for a few weeks now and i'm worried that it'll exacerbate corona if I get that too


>Check global pandemic stats
>India: 0
When are you going to take the Poo Pill?

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Trump is literally a super spreader

ok boomer

"Before we kill you, Monsieur Gigachad, how did you access our secure Bioweapons network? Its in a SCIF on the moon!"
"I just mashed random buttons on my Bloomberg terminal to the drum beat of 'Africa' by Toto"

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Montana down

if he gets infected people are going to lose it

>muh consensus
Scientists have to be the biggest faggot shills in the world right now.

you finna die

why don't they kill him/her and then you have 0 cases.

why is there no tp-chan?

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What are the chances Trudeau walks around in blackface now since they’re apparently immune?

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Stop posting fucking Chink Waifu LOSER


Shit's getting real now.

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lololol, you ever seen farm cats bruh?

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>Herd immunity
Basically they're just
Rowling for immunity fgsdfs

No one will mess with us after this! Pay tribute, EU vassals!

>tfw one of the only coronachan-free counties in England

feels good

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>have a fever
>have the "what if?" thought in the back of my mind

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who needs stinky deenz when there is hash?

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is coughing up shit tons of green and clear phelgm a symptom?

How easily does this transmit? I know its insanely contagious but break it down for me please, if I breath in the same room that an infected person was in ~30 minutes ago, I'm fucked? I touch a fomite, wash my hands, touch my face and still get it?

You're into scat? You degenerate fuck

Asking the important questions right here.

I guess black people aren't immune after all.


He's the fourth. Trump has it.

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u r gay XD

>since they’re apparently immune?
You're not updated. 1 Basketball american infected at least 4 people.

lol. absolutely not.

What's the situation in italy? is every other region going to blow up or just the north? this could be a test to see how effective lockdowns are

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And nothing of value will be lost

I'm in West Virginia laffing at all the multicult shitholes dealing with the nuflu.


Could Corona perhaps be a cover story for the largest greatest economic downturn in history. The united states is the world largest debtor. Maybe this is being orchestrated by the central bankers to give a patsy for the fiat currency collapse. Maybe they have been hoarding gold,raiding ghafaffi and other countries like Canada all selling off their gold reserves the ((them)) because they knew the fiat system would collapse leading to a prolonged economic catastrophe and a return to the gold standard.

Do you just eat that out of a can or do you make something with it?

>Trump isn't worried about himself dying, he's using it to infect world leaders
uh based much?

Anyone have the
>nightmare vision goggles
maymay but there's 3rd panel that says they actually make things look better?

niggas on suicide watch

Enjoy the last moment
We are doomed

Probably got a complete blood replacement transfusion or some shit

It's one among several. Keep an eye on your temperature.

stop being a stinky nigger! NIGGER

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I have kids but they have been pulled from school from Monday 3/17 until 4/26 at the earliest. But it’s not guaranteed to be the latest. Mason County, WA reporting.

Don't worry, you'll be just one of millions of new hypochondriacs being born this year.


they did not implement quarantines on time though. it got out of control in chinkland and their gov is respondible for it.

>Will the gamble pay off and anglos become immune?


This just a continuation of the genocide of whitey.
The virus has moved to Europe for a reason, very soon ALL the old white people will be replaced by young brown people.

Remember, Nothing in this world happens by accident.

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Fellow burgers: How much ammo should I have stocked up?

Russia and India hoarded most of the gold over the past decade

Utah is doomed.

White people like KFC and Chick-fil-A. Black people like Church’s and Popeyes

>~30 minutes ago
iirc it survives in the air for like 3 hours.

i have tits and a fat ass

Post pics for research purposes

i heat it in a skillet then eat it.

I know. I just wanted to make a Trudeau-blackface joke



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>licking your fingers is irresponsible after you put the food you touched in your mouth anyway
oh the lefties

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Based arkbro

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Well this was fun. I guess.

Yeah, I didn't mention, but there were a LOT of nurses talking about getting their reimbursement from the BCNU over this. They're getting paid, at the very least, just hope they know when to tap out.
Kidney disease, heriditary. My mother is post-transplant, so I'm more worried about her than myself. As far as the general opinion went: stay away from hospitals unless absolutely necessary. They are the first line of defence, and you shouldn't go there unless necessary. Keep your doctor appointments and lab dates otherwise, and follow general precautions.

Tits or gtfo

>pics or GTFO

>turned out the case in alaska was a crew member on a cargo plane who didn't even have any contact outside the airport
lmao false alarm polarbros, we can go back to being a cleanchad state

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Imagine if it is actually causing people to become clickers tho.

That's what is b.s. it's so hard to get tested unless you're a celeb then it's instant test regardless of symptoms

give me that lmd user, i need it
i beg you

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You're gonna be alright, fren. You haven't even got a headache or coughing yet! Just relax, take some medicine, drink some orange juice or take some dissolvable Vit C in some water and get some rest.

i wont post lewds cause i was raised christian, sorry

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Your body weight at least

PLEASE POST SOURCES OF EVIDENCE that virus is a permanent infection that continually works against immune system until cytokine crash death. Thank you.

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Beting on over 10.000 deaths in the USA over the course of next week.

did it really had to happen now when I started to get my life together? I was even close finishing college after centuries...

you absolute fucking retard. Consensus comes from data that proves the consensus is right.

Hey Yas Forums, I promised a HQ Corona-chan earlier so here's she is!
>Our Lady of the Grievous Happening
>Nuestra Señora del Suceso Doloroso
Rate her pls

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>becomes the last living man on Earth
damn MREs are kinda based tbqhwyf

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It's good thing you don't have dry coofs and muscle pains or fatigue, right? Right?

>no matter how it turns out, you have cemented your place in history as the biggest psychopaths
But the rest of the West follow the same strategy, since the elites needs open borders to the third world, so herd immunity is paramount.

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Are normalfags still forgetting about the existence of asymptomatic carriers?

God I want to get assfucked by corona asap

I've got maybe 2,000 rounds in various calibers. Idk what the correct metric is for ammo hoarding but I dont think you can ever have too much

bros i was just in cali for a show on march 9 right before all this crazy shit started and i definitely have this shit, just got the throat tickle today 7 days after exposure im fuckign scared bros. i had to try really hard to piss while drunk the other night i was pushing like i had a kidney stone then some shit came out after i strained so hard my chest start hurting it was sticky like cum but completely clear with a slightly sickly yellow nasty tint to it, i did jerk off and cum at least 5 times that day though and my cock hurt at the end of the last sesh

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They'll give him Remdesivir without telling anyone.

oh no, where are the 'muh 3s' schizos at

Sorry. Here's something to cheer you up.

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Rate the /prep/ faggots

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Two months from now the average age of all human beings on earth will jump 20 fucking years.

>and they are dancing, the globe’s surface glittering with the flights of the normies grinning hideously over their canted profiles
>towering over them all is coronachan and she is naked, infecting
>her small protein lively and quick and now in doubletime and attaching to ace-2 receptors
>small and spiked and brilliant, like a mote black sun
>she never sleeps, she says
>she says she’ll never die
>she bows to the preppers and sashays backwards and throws back her lipid membrane and laughs deep in her ion channel
>and she is a great favorite, the sweet death
>she touches her vector and the symptomless vessel of her gift passes palely under the borders and she swings about and takes possession of another nation
>and she pirouettes and makes an infection, two infections, dancing and destroying at once
>her proteins are light and nimble
>she never sleeps.
>she says that she will never die
>she infects in light and in shadow and she is a great favorite
>she never sleeps, the sweet death
>she is in, wasting
>she says that she will never die

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I like it user thanks a bunch

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Why is it that places that should be hit harder (Mexico, Russia, Countries in Africa) Have hardly any fucking cases!? We need them to be wiped out

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They see it all as a joke
None want to accept that someone they will know, or themselves, may die.

Terrible bro, may you have time to try and improve your shitty skills


Come north, if you dare. Test kits are being handed out extremely liberally at both clinics and hospitals. I saw nurses grabbing kits by the fistful last night, and they're not hesitating when flu-like symptoms are present.

>everybody in the meeting got infected but Trump and Bolsonaro

I call bullshit on that


If this isnt a conspiracy the lack of commerce we will see if mass quarantines go into effect in more countries will be truly staggering. Were talking trillions of dollars not being traded daily. All fiat currency systems collapse eventually when they are not tied to tangeiblie products. So corona has the capability to pop the largest bubble in human history and destroy currency's through inflation of the money supply with no corresponding rise In production.