
Name a reason to ban abortion that doesn't rely on religion or appeals to emotion.
>muh killing babbies
Is an appeal to emotion.
>muh degeneracy
Undefined and subjective buzzword.
You can't argue against this

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Murder - it's either always ok or never ok.

100 IQ post. sound like a rick and morty fan. Saged all fields. Bye now!

>rreeeeeee help me pls
The reality is that abortions are eugenic in nature as they are most typically sought by undesirables and those incapable of caring for children. American conservatives don't want fetuses to "die" but as soon as you're born they don't give a shit about you, which is why they vote against welfare for single mothers whose children are far more likely to be a burden on society without proper care.

>reeeeeeeeeeeeee nooo
Would Yas Forums let this fetus live if it was Jewish? You can't even tell.

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The more people dead the better

“It should be obvious that abortion is automatically ruled out as well, since it constitutes a particularly violent interference with nature’s purposes. But there are other reasons too why abortion is immoral, and indeed especially wicked. The growth of a new human being in his or her mother’s womb is not simply one natural process among others; it is the beginning of that relationship among human beings that is perhaps the closest of all, that between mother and child. A mother’s natural instinct is to protect her child at all costs, especially when it is at its most vulnerable; the womb ought therefore to be the safest place in the world. The will to override that instinct – not only in a mother, but in a father who consents to or aids in the act of abortion – necessarily manifests an extraordinary degree of perversity and moral corruption.”

Excerpt From
The Last Superstition
Edward Feser

Following Christ and basing our lives around the word of God is not religious. Religion is the foolish traditions of man. Whether you know it or not, you're contributing to unborn children being sacrificed to Moloch by the satanic powers that be. There is more to abortion than simply dodging the consequences of your actions.

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Appeals to nature don't apply either. Fire, tool use, the cooking of food, medicine, bipedalism among mammals, computers, anime forums; technology in general, are all unnatural phenomenon. Abortion is a rather abstract hill to die on when it comes to the grand human transgression.

oh ok, appeals to emotion huh...
well, name a reason why we should let in refugees that doesn't rely on appeals to emotion.


We don't kill humans out of the womb, why would killing humans in the womb be just?
>In b4 "Its just a clump of cells bro!"
If The mother kills her baby its an abortion. If another person kills a pregnant woman its a double homicide.

>Name a reason to ban abortion that doesn't rely on religion or appeals to emotion
Appeal to emotion is completely valid in this case, but fine. Abortion on demand is used as a form of birth control, which encourages reckless, promiscuous sex among the young which leads to spikes in STDs and a breakdown in social norms. It is bad for the mental and physical health of a society.
It also further destroys Western birthrates at a time when Westerners are having fewer children, anyway, encouraging politicians to replace us in our own homelands with foreigners.
Now abort yourself, leaf.

Name a reason to ban murder that doesn't rely on religion or appeals to emotion.
>muh killing people
Is an appeal to emotion.
>muh degeneracy
Undefined and subjective buzzword.
You can't argue against this


>Name a reason to ban murder that doesn't rely on religion or appeals to emotion.
>>muh killing people
>Is an appeal to emotion.
>>muh degeneracy
>Undefined and subjective buzzword.
>You can't argue against this

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Listen here. Use bullets, not words.

Because women dont deserve rights.

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Abortion should be illegal for White babies. All other should be encouraged to abort as much as they can.

The world is a shithole, let's level it as fast as possible. Ban abortion, and we make this happen faster.

I’m not agreeing necessarily, but I’m checking. Oh, and jews aren’t white.

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Well you are a materialist who believes humans are nothing more than disposable automata, nothing I say will change your mind, child of Satan.

>Name a reason to ban abortion that doesn't rely on religion or appeals to emotion.

You are taking money from taxpayers who find it morally reprehensible and funding the procedure that should be the responsibility of the mother and the family. I don't fucking tell the government to fucking fund tying my tubes dipshit.

You seem to think I'm socially liberal, but that's an easy question. Demographic shifts, especially those by force i.e. invasion or government mandated quota migration have a direct and demonstrable correlation with the failure and replacement of the host society and therefore governmental, economic, and culturally instability that inevitably leads to violence, poverty, improperly placed borders as a result of dirty wars, and corruption. This has been observed and documented since the bronze age and is an infallible feature of how incompatible civilisations interact when there is a conquerer/conquered dynamic at play. No more off-topic.

an actual 80 IQ post. I hope you're inebriated and not actually this retarded.

>Appeal to emotion is completely valid
never. Everything you mentioned is a symptom of a subverted culture and a demoralised people and not a side effect of abortion itself.

>equating murder to a medical procedure

based and mengpilled

Yes I believe abortion should rely on the father's consent except in extenuating circumstances.

Take your meds

If the only people having kids are impulsive with no future, in other word no reason to have an abortion, abortion increases reckless bahavior as a group.

abortion is only murder if you believe in a soul. if you think destroying amino acids is murder you're a retard

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>Take your meds
Are you jew posting ironically? Are you jewish?

Ok but are you going to have the taxpayers fund my fucking dental visits?

Name a reason to not kill gays that doesn't appeal to emotion

Goddamn right they're not. Fuckign satanic vampires.

besides if god knew it was going to be aborted why would he put a soul in it. can't souls be recycled anyway.. . well it's a stupid question to ask anyway because they don't exist


what's your point

banning abortion would lead to more equality between the sexes

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I'm starting from the assumption that babies in the womb are human. You are starting on a faulty assumption that fetuses aren't human. Also, if you want a reason based purely in practicality. How many future doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc have we killed off?
>In b4, "yeah but we kill retards too."
Not an argument as that makes up a minority of cases.

You are taking money from taxpayers to fund a fucking personal medical procedure you stupid cunt.

uncurable fucking retard.

It is clearly a human being (what other species could it be?) in early stages of development. It is innocent. If intentionally taking innocent life is wrong (do you agree?) then this is wrong.

Good job newfag shill, keep trying!

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did I say anything about how it's going to be paid for?

If the government isn't funding it, then I have no problems with your infanticide.

promotes irresponsibility

Who gives a fuck? No one mentioned who paid for what, unless you want to talk about how much raising a kid on welfare costs taxpayers?

Name a reason to ban murder that doesn't rely on religion or appeals to emotion.
>muh killing people
Is an appeal to emotion.
>>muh degeneracy
Undefined and subjective buzzword.
You can't argue against this

a man of principle I see

This. If I kill a pregnant woman and her fetus on the way to an abortion clinic, I get charged with a double homicide.
If she gets there and kills her kid, shes "brave"

>You can't argue against this
Absolutely, and this is why i am "pro-life".

Or you could just get outbred and go extinct. some 2/3rds of abortions in the US are performed on black mothers, and as America becomes increasingly hispanicised, the latinos approaching middle class will increasingly seek abortions as the trend shows. Abortion is eugenic. You can't argue against this.

>there's no schizophrenics on Yas Forums
it's a meme you dip

They molest children and have a higher rate of infectious disease both of which have an actual cost on society beyond an interpersonal capacity.

I'm not starting on any assumption faggot, that's you assuming that I'm assuming, lol. I don't care what age a person is, if they're projected to be a burden on society should they not be eliminated? If both parents want not the child then what does the child have to offer? Resentment? Reflexive abuse? Inculcated neglect? Raising more like himself? Think about this pragmatically.

>no argument
>emotional ad him outburst
Guess how I know that you're mad and realised you have no argument

See above

That it is the killing of babies is an appeal to emotion? GTFO.

>Who gives a fuck? No one mentioned who paid for what, unless you want to talk about how much raising a kid on welfare costs taxpayers?

Nigger this is WHY there is such a fucking massive debate. Roasties want us to fucking pay for their fucking mistakes. A lot of us don't give a fuck about them making sure they are not breeding.

We have a problem when we have to fucking fund infanticide and their fucking tampons. Yes, they want us to pay for their fucking tampons and birth control. Women shouldn't fucking vote. PERIOD.

>Answer me this what's 2 plus 2
>And don't you say 4, give me a real answer
Sorry you're too fucking dumb to see why killing babies is a bad thing.

If you found a bundle of cells on Mars it would be international news. If you found a bundle of cells in a women's body it's insignificant, and "her body, her choice".

You didn’t answer my question, very subversive.

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>Name a reason to ban abortion that doesn't rely on religion or appeals to emotion.
A man has no legal equivalent to abortion.
Abortions must be made illegal, or men must be allowed to "abort" all responsibilities of an unborn.

Of course, I'm an accelerationist looking to end the world, so frankly I rather you choose the latter to the former.

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Pro-choicers disagree with this though, it should be a harsher penalty but not a double homicide, those laws were drafted by pro-lifers.

Best nigger removal

Aborting white babies is a crime. Nobody cares if niggers kill other niggers but white babies must be protected

Simply put, It is against the laws of nature.

classic Yas Forums level non-argument. unironically kys.

That's a parasite. You know, how parasites usually attach to members of their own species?

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Every sperm is sacred,
Every sperm is great

>can’t recognize an argument
Maybe the time for arguments has passed

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>I'm not starting on any assumption faggot, that's you assuming that I'm assuming, lol. I don't care what age a person is, if they're projected to be a burden on society should they not be eliminated? If both parents want not the child then what does the child have to offer? Resentment? Reflexive abuse? Inculcated neglect? Raising more like himself? Think about this pragmatically.
Nice non argument and deflection. Double homicide.

You were one

Someone photoshop the monster can in its hand. This thing looks like the 30yo boomer

>thinking I give an absolute fuck what pro-murderers think

it's growing in her womb, not his. sticking my dick in a woman doesn't give me control of her body

It's literally not "her body" or she would be the one dead after the abortion.
>>there you go faggot

Do you know when life actually begins? No. No one does. Would you rather take the risk of killing an innocent life just for convenience sake or suck it up, deal with the hardship of having a kid and protecting an innocent who never asked to exist in the first place. Every time a person has sex, protected or otherwise, they are making a choice with repercussions. Taking a life because you took the risk isn't fair to the innocent.

Even in rape or incest an innocent is the real victim. Shit happens, deal with it, taking the life of another doesn't balance out the bad thing that happened to you.

>If I terminate a fetus without the parents' consent why is it a crime
I can't believe you retards keep thinking this is a valid argument. You sure are fucken' stupid.

>everyone who gets accused of being a kike on Yas Forums must deny it otherwise they're a kike as of that means anything
Funny how you didn't refute me and fell back on rote ad homs.

>Every sperm is sacred,
>Every sperm is great
t. murica

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It's an infringment on the most basic human right. The right to live.
If it's ok to do this, then it's ok to kill people?

You were implying they wanted to have their cake and eat it too, which isn't the case.

I don't live in my parents basement though

There's no good reasons to allow them
> Not based on religion or appeals

>The reality is that abortions are eugenic in nature as they are most typically sought by undesirables and those incapable of caring for children.
Logically the opposite is true, as abortion will select against people with enough intelligence to plan for the future and select for those too lazy and incompetent to plan a trip to the abortionist as well those too stupid to understand the consequences of being pregnant.

No, it is a form of life that is gestating in to a more complex form of life over a predictable timespan. By your argument, yourself and every single person that has ever lived is a parasite. Obviously you are stupid enough to believe that, but rational people are not.

>it's growing in her womb, not his
Oh, so you're saying once born the baby will grow from her WALLET too?

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murder is subjective, and it's justifiable in a lot of cases

Morally speaking I believe people should be able to do with their bodies as they please, that being the only thing that is truly ours on this earth. I don't see abortion as any worse than other forms of birth control or a vasectomy.
Is there cause for sadness at what could have been wasted potential? Maybe, but also the opposite. But that is the greatest appeal to emotion.

>give me a reason that fits within my arbitrary parameters that already confirm my bias, oh you can’t? check mate

Abortion proves women have no agency.

Abortion is the fall out of extending women freedom, while they cannot make decisions in their own best interest.

Abortion is by all definitions murder.

Sexual promiscuity, chemical contraception and the actual process of abortion are all destructive for the individual body. This destructiveness leaks into the family unit and into society at large. The associated behaviors are contagious and lead only to widespread misery and suffering for individuals, families and society as a whole. Encouraging people not to take responsibility for their actions, whether (not only on a sexual/reproductive/relationship level, but that is what we are discussing here) is unhealthy once again for everybody in the process. The definition for what all of the above is, and the escalation it leads to, is in fact the 'degeneracy' you dismiss as a 'buzzword' (buzzword itself is a leftist strawman, which they would call 'buzzword').

Re 'killing babies' - it is an act of violence and murder regardless, which is once again in no way healthy or worth the payoff.

"Pro Choice" implies allowing people simply because they want to have the choice, which is drastically different from 'available in medical emergency' or 'response to rape', which is really the only remotely valid ground for abortion that stands.

>calling an argument a non-argument without refuting it
try again

I don't care about muh feminism, that's a strawman on your part.

>begging a moral wager about arbitrary definitions over taking the pragmatic approach

>the right to live
Nothing dictates this.

Again, it's not about women. rtft before you post newfag.

Why should people care about you putting up blockades to certain arguments? I don't give a shit about making any arguments to cretins like you and would rather work towards getting more conservative judges and hopefully another conservative justice.

if you don't want a baby don't put your seed in a woman. no the father is not going to have equal rights to her womb, that's just the circumstance

I'm pro choice when it comes to shaniquas on section 8 and welfare getting knocked up for the fifth time by who knows. Who wouldn't be against it?

It's murder. Don't care if you don't agree. That just means you're a lowlife, not right.

Because murder is wrong.

Fuck these shit slides.....


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C'mon nerd
Reply to my post
You pussy

>if you don't want a baby don't put your seed in a woman
So you're saying abortion should be made illegal and women who don't want babies should be forced to have surgery to tie their tubes?

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>I'm incapable of logic and must rely on emotional appeals and inculcated Abrahamic belief systems
>here's my aptly rote and emotional attempt at a reply anyway
I'm sure google appreciates the captcha work you just did to say nothing at all.

>Again, it's not about women

Abortion has everything to do with women. When a man kills a fetus he is charged with murder

A whore has more rights to kill a baby while I am having less rights to kill a home invader or a tyrant

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>Everything you mentioned is a symptom of a subverted culture and a demoralised people and not a side effect of abortion itself.

How do you counter the charge that abortion is also a symptom of a subverted and demoralized people?

we charge men with double homicide if they kill a pregnant mother, therefore the state recognizes the child's right to life while still in the womb.
under our constitution, we have a principle of equal protection under the law, due to the 14th amendment, meaning that if you recognize one fetuses right to life, then we are required to recognize all of their rights.
otherwise, we need to drop a bunch of charges off of pregnant-lady murderers.

that is a sound argument, based on existing law, that doesn't make a single emotional appeal.

I already explained why it's up to woman

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Name a reason to ban murder that doesn't rely on religion or appeals to emotion.
>muh killing people
Is an appeal to emotion.
>muh degeneracy
Undefined and subjective buzzword.
You can't argue against this

>why should I attempt to argue without using cliche fallacies as a crutch
>I'm a cuckservative btw

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Slippery slope is good enough reason. Giving into any demands from these degenerate groups pushes the limit on what we consider normal and ok.

>"I made the gut wrenching decision to keep the child." - no one

Wonder why it's framed that way though. Really does you a think.

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Yeah, like when a mother doesn't want to take responsibility for raising her child. Totally justifiable to whack your own offspring to avoid the stresses of having to raise them.

>Or you could just get outbred and go extinct. some 2/3rds of abortions in the US are performed on black mothers
Abortion has had no effect on the black percentage of the population, if anything the percentage of blacks has gone up since abortion was legalized.

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name a reason to ban killing an intern that fucked up a database deployment causing you to stay late to fix things

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dumb nigger, it's still a part of the woman. it's like popping a zit.

once the umbilical cord is cut is when that child has inalienable rights. not before.

>Murdering children is an appeal to emotion
Then I dont know what to tell you man. May as well start up the human live stock farms and start raping ten year olds if we're going to throw out any form of ethics or morality in law

>be white chick. get preggo. your state bannd abortions. go to state with legal abortion since your white, your not a poor ho. get abortion.
>be black chick. get preggo. your state banned abortions. too poor to travel to other state. have child.
>black and hispanic populations expode. surpass white populations much faster that anticipated. whites forever a minority over their own hubris and stupidity

There is no child in that scenario.

>that doesn't rely on religion
go f*** yourself, you presumptious leaf