State your age, and feelings about the Coronavirus

Inb4 data mining thread, because I already know a 1/3 of responses are going to be bull-shit anyway. So please be genuine in your answers.

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me chinese
me play joke
me coof on you
now you choke

Dallas, Texas 30

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out of work, fully prepped, hope it goes batshit insane. Only have to look after my boomer parents and brother, other than that IDGAF

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But how old are you, you fucking faggot?

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How can you be "out of work"? My company is a piece of shit, and still has to turn jobs down.

I’m a white 25 year old. I’m also an alcoholic. I believe the Coronavirus is going to kill millions of Americans. It may kill many more than that, if the some of the fatalistic info I’ve read turns out to be true.

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680. It's fine bros, I already survive the black plague, we can get through this one too

Nice numbers, but I just wanted age, and how you feel.

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I'm sort of an alcki, and I smoke pretty heavy. I'm also a little over weight, and 39 yrs. old. How bad would it affect me I wonder?..

I quit last week unrelated to coronachan, turned out to be good timing because it was a crowded ass call center

I'm the 22.8%.
My parents will possibly die. Not excited about it.

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How old are YOU and how do YOU feel about this outbreak? We’ve shown you ours, now you show us yours. You’ll be taken more seriously and get more responses if you share your own perspective.

Not giving a fuck.
If anything I hope it kills us all.

31. Buying shotgun tomorrow.


28. pretty sure i've had it. now into week 6 and finally recovering. has been REALLY bad. posted breakdowns of symptoms a few times here. mostly get ignored or called a LARP.

19, nyc, immunodeficiency, and i'm leaving my school tomorrow to live with the boomers again

I hope I get it, just for the thrill

40,thrilled,many loved ones might die but i hope restarting planet and killing some elites member will make a better world

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You wan sum cum of sum young man?

over 9000

eleventy three and fourteen months young and i FUCKCING LOVE CORONA-CHAN!!!!!! GOD BLESS HER!


Terrified due to alcoholism and obesity.

33 boomer. Coronavirus is a cold. Hospitals are overwhelmed because anyone with the sniffles is freaking out and going to the emergency room.

When should I stop sucking strange dick? 30.

I have no idea what to expect from coronavirus.


currently out of work and would look forward to settling down and being comfy and watching the world burn if it wasnt for the fact I live with two retards

I don't deserve to get the virus from them

23, love the concept, disappointed in the execution. I want a true global pandemic, with catastrophic results. I don't know that I can trust this'll deliver the chaos I wanted.

We’ll soon find out. There’s not enough info on this yet for any of us to realistically gauge the threat level. As it stands right now, the fatality in Italy is 7%. With a fatality rate like that, this virus may not discriminate by age as much as we like to think.


Any reports on how the virus effects us boozers?

That's hard to believe, because if you ain't fucked, then hospitals will release you for more serious conditions that will pay more to treat.

23, waiting for the world to end so I can larp

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22 i am sexually attracted to the corona virus

Been prepped for weeks, wish I had 2 more but Coronachan reached my city this week
All my friends and family looked at me weird and thought I was joking


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>As it stands right now, the fatality in Italy is 7%

Seems likely that only severe cases are being testing. Hundreds of thousands likely have the virus in Italy at this point.


I wish i had a girlfriend

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We are probably at a higher risk of death.

i'm drink a lot myself. makes it way worse. had to stop. even just stopping for a day makes big difference. think i would've recovered in half the time if i wasn't still drinking throughout. shrug

35, not afraid, concerned. Talk to me in 30 days and ill tell you.

Sage bot

I know vitamin C will protect me to never get coronachaned, this isnt a joke im very serious.

Original thread :
Vitamin C is the real Chad against little bitch CoronaChan.

30 yo boomer comfy AF

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My feelings are that it will expose how shirty the USA are when everyone is dying on the streets with no healthcare.

what's that in human


Well you survived so that's good news.

Coming off a bender when this shit really took off was not good for the nerves.

Legit burger-cuck.
Where is your stash of vitamin C ?

31, looking forward to working from home for weeks, playing video games and drinking myself stupid.

I've got a small stockpile enough to last a few weeks and I'm used to fasting so I should be fine.

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this guy's right btw, literally drank shit loads of orange juice over 2 days and 6 weeks of terrible symptoms went away

they kicked me and my wife out of our home to make place for a quarantine to protect immigrants and then I had to thank the immigrants

I hope I get off work soon so I can relax a bit, that'll be nice.

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That’s likely. But, aside from official numbers, there’s no other way for us to glean new information on the fatality rate. If we’re serious about survival, we have to operate under the assumption these numbers are legitimate.

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i'm annoyed by the fact that my local supermarket never has rice and pasta now. i'm not sure, I just want my relatives and close friends to stay healthy.
Also I have a feeling that I had the virus about a month ago, since I suddenly had the exact symptoms.

I don't drink everyday, but Thursday night through Sat. night is feasible. The problem is I'm up to a 1/5, or litre, by myself each time. Pints of hard liquor don't do it anymore, nor 12 pks. of beer. So Im looking at, at least a 1/2 gallon of liquor a week. Is that considered heavy drinking?
Because I can put that away in 2-3 days. But I stay sober Mon. -Thru. night.

people are stashing on TP and shit but when the news breaks that vit-c basically kills it, orange juice and vit-c tabs will be the new TP. screen it dudes i'm that confident. go and buy 100% orange juice in bulk right now and vit-c tabs. taking those over 48hrs was enough to stop symptoms i'm not going to bother to list because when i did in last thread i got called LARP so CBA

That shit is real, it works.

Picture isn't me you dumb shit.

I don't think any of these "prepers" are as mentally prepared for the boogaloo, and the people who've seen real violence are going to have a field day like a 7 y/o Korean kid who just trashed on you in a battle royale game

32, We're all going to die.

Cool so am I! Induced immunocompromised, RA medication. 27 year old mutterino, paid to stay at home. Got all the supplies and N95s and P100s and am considering going out there and just getting it over already before the hospitals are overrun with dead bloated boomies.

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and I'm torn between
the virus is fake or this is the end of days
looking forward to lockdown though cause I'm tired as fuck from working all the time

44. I work in water/wastewater. My immunity due to being exposed to all kinds of dangerous and lethal shit (literally) is pretty strong.

I'm legit worried about all of this. Especially the food shortages. I'm well prepped

Just get 3grs of vitamin c a day spread out through the day, and you will not get corona-chaned.

Original thread :

i mean. it's hard to judge. your beers in the US are what we call baby beers at 330ml. ours are 550ml. i drink 4 a day minimum. most days though, it's 6-8. and that is every day, with the odd exception that if i get super super drunk i might spend the next day in bed and not drink at all. that's p much the only days off. i think if you take breaks in the week, you're ok. UK gov said people should not drink 2 days a week to be healthy or some shit recently. obviously bullshit science but shows the extent of the problem here. what i do know for sure though. is that i replaced alcohol with orange juice for 2 days and it basically cured it. started to drink beer again and it came back. shrug. too many variables. could be fundamentally drink and not corona related, but i doubt it. symptoms too corona-related. in my exp. drinking makes it worse, almost makes it flair up, and drinking orange juice has opposite effect. if only orange juice got you drunk eh.

i'm 12 and what is this

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oh boy you fucked up

That is not true. Vitamin C will not protect people from the Coronavirus. Stop spreading disinformation.

>Is that considered heavy drinking

I go through about a fifth and a pint in three days each week and I consider myself a full blown alcoholic.

It's been awful, difficult to sleep, difficult to not think about. I'm more concerned about what the public will do. I'm fully stocked, yet considering flying home anyway.

25, not going to prep. If society actually collapses I'll either join a group of raiders or put a bullet in my skull.

boy oh boy, do i love being god.

RH+ faggots will all die. us Elohim angel blood RH- people will survive, and we are your controllers in the first place. bow down and accept this new reality.


fuck you, nigger blood faggots. you will COOF until the end of time.

40. concerned. things are going to get really fucking stupid when people start dying in droves

30, don’t really care. I don’t care what the infection rate is, it’s not deadly to healthy people.

I took public transit on Monday. Emptier than usual, it was nice.

34 worried for my parents that´s it

30, pretty concerned. I'll get scared if a lot of people in Germany start dying in a week or two.

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I've graduated to dog fish head on my beer drinking which is like 9% alcohol (18 proff), it destroyes European baby beers. My liquor is unironically Jager, but in my defence I have been drinking that shit since I was 15 in 96'. But I will heed your warning on alcohol. What do you know about moderate smoking and the virus?

30 not concerned for virus but for how people are reacting I don't get what changed from the swine flu to now where this is making people go insane

i love how every thread - literally every thread.... when i bring up RH POSITIVE NIGGER MONKEY BLOOD... it's s thread killer.... whole thread goes silent. no matter what time of the day.


>>It’s a nothingburger.

>Not giving a fuck.
same . its all pure BS. the media do this every 2~3 years to sell kikecines. we've seen sars, avian flu, swine flu, ebola and more...
kids ad normies fall for it every time though