Okay faggots shit is hitting the fan, this is a government breaks down situation...

Okay faggots shit is hitting the fan, this is a government breaks down situation, millitary will most likely take control in the U.S. Trump has most likely contracted the virus, we need to develop a plan as Yas Forums to figure out what we need to do come out on top in this situation

•group together
•pool weapons, resources
•recognize and recruit friendlies
*survive and return order

The best place to start and execute this Is Maine, when it happens U.S. and Leaf posters gather there

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Other urls found in this thread:



I knew I should have bought a gun

> we

But Godspeed to you burgers.

weapons can be improvised.
you should be buying antibiotics.
plus this is america, you're on your own.

Get on Brazil message board and coordinate

the glow is strong

Thatis true, I'm ready to kick ass with pic related.

Attached: nunchuck gun.jpg (640x512, 27.22K)

There's a hueboard?

I’ll run you over faggot, glowie

Smells like honeypot, but since SHTF is occuring anyways; how would you even go about this? Also why Maine? Do you not realize how hard winters are to survive without supply lines?

I imagine there’s a Portuguese language board

good luck convincing rank and file FBI and ATF goons to do checkups in a virus

Looks like you’re gonna have to jump...!

Most forested part of U.S.
little military presence
95% white pop
Summer is coming gives us time to prep for winter

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I ain't going to other boards with all the fucken normies.

I'm in Virginia get on the official Yas Forums discord and we can meet up at my farm if you are willing to pull your weight. I have 100k rounds of 7.62 NATO and 38 ak-47s

Now this is the real glowie

if a side wanted to win a war they should identify and locate strategic points like power facilities, water supply and roadblock supply routes.

if you want to come up on top you have to plan

Download Wikipedia to flash drives, down load local maps, print out local maps (note this plan is 100% peaceful)

>Northeast is corona central and will be the first to fall into chaos
>Almost guaranteed to get infected especially if you form a big group

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You can't hunt all of Maine for a community of 300-3000 boogalooers. You're better off making your way to Kansas or Wyoming. Maine is an awful state for settling and bunkering down.
You need a temperate climate for farming and livestock with access to fresh water.

maine is the least diverse state and whites have better chances of handling corona virus.
maine would be optimal foothold into northeast territory to apply pressure to both sides of the coast

Midwest will be under complete military control

>Wyoming and Kansas
>Under complete military control
Its fucking tornado alley and cornfields, dude

Central of Country where main force is, right where norad base is

any non coastal areas are not under military control when shit gets wild. there may be bases but realistically when the mil splits the right wing will own all the non coast areas

love literal spics on pol all the time

What about fishing and crabbing?

Well this shits getting nowhere. You got Maine, which is a fucking pandemic epicenter, and the Northwest Coalition; which is apparently where a bunch of military bases are, or Kansas/Texas.
I'd choose Kansas for sake of agriculture alone. But ya'll aint serious about this.

Doesn't sea fishing have seasonal peaks and lows?

You still can buy a gun. Make sure it is something practical. Maybe a pump shotgun if you think you will be defending your home, or something light like a pistol if you think you will be bugging out.



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If you really knew what was going on in Maine you wouldn't want to stick around

We going to Hawaii, lads.

Tell me

tfw live in mexican hood
at least i have my wits and my firearm

Feels fucking good to live in regional aus population fuck all. Caught 3 drummer and 4 bream this morning without seeing a soul. Still have 34 bog rolls too.

Yeah, let me give my weapons, resources and expertise to a bunch of useless Yas Forums retards with zero feeding qualities. If you’re fucked in this pandemic the world is better off without you.

I'm forming a team Yas Forums

Attached: CloutPepe2.jpg (374x302, 20.23K)

make Yas Forums autists into weapons. we do it to sandniggers

4 of clubs, the eternal Yas Forums id


Our hospitals will be completely over run if this hits and as it is, there is a case confirmed in Portland by someone who has not traveled out of the country. This means community transfer is actively happening and it is only a matter of time before it starts getting bad.

Dude what the hell is wrong with you, I would have bought a gun weeks ago if this weren't fucking Europe and I didn't have to do a Master's degree in gun ownership


Trump is vaccinated. No jews will die from coronavirus. Screencap this.

Maine's a meme state. Fuck you.

Someone in each town putting one bullet in one of these, (aim towards the bottom of the tank) 3006 should work nicely

Attached: IMG_1392.png (613x710, 416.81K)

>Destroying electricity when the feds are literally going to supply it willingly and freely in a full blown quarantine
This is the wrong fucking time to do a boog my dude

We going innawoods bro

>group together
Enjoy the spread of disease.

agreed. bad time to boog. no one is hateful to join. that's election time

>group together
>pool weapons

come near me or my shit and i'll blow a hole in your fucking gay face.

fuck niggers and jannies.

>tfw epileptic
Guys if SDHTF I'm screwed. Might as well kill myself

>We going innawoods bro
>The Maine woods in late winter, early spring.

Unless you're from here, you're not going to just take up residence in northern Maine, at this time of year, and be ok.

Its ok little feller. I'll protect you and in return I'll use your boipussy as much as I want.

I'm in Maine. Let me tell you, in detail, why you need to fuck off and find a better place for assembly.

>1. It's FEMA Zone I
This means that the second SHTF up here, or in Boston, or in NY, Maine is cut off from the rest of the country. That's good because you know who's here and who's not, but it's bad BECAUSE YOU CAN'T GET OUT. And you're at the end of ALL supply lines.

>2. Forest and climate
If you don't live here or in a similar northern climate, you're not going to know how to survive or even cope with the terrain. Hell, I've been raised in the woods /out/doors here forever and I still have a hard time imagining how I'd secure food in the winter.

>3. Regrouping initially
No one lives here. I think that there have been 4 other mainers on this entire board for the time I've lurked here, you would have a small army migrating into Maine. Which defeats the purpose of being in Maine, no people and a very good grasp on resources.

In summation, your idea is so fucking retarded and self-defeating it must have been devised by a room-temp IQ nog or a deliberate shitposter.

Good day, user


I already have multiple structures built with a natural spring

roger that

Well what do you suggest then

shut up, chimp. we;re going to maine