Reminder that all women are whores

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All though?

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Attached: All. Women. Are. Whores.png (660x443, 234.67K)

Why do white women fuck dogs?

white girls fuck dogs.

Not all woman are

I knew a lesbian who fucked her german shepherd, women are living sin.

I'd have to see where this poll was taken bong, please tell me it was a generally liberal place. I don't wanna take the "true love is a fairy tale" blackpill yet.

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Xenoestrogens making literally all whites crazy.

Proof? Sounds like an excuse.

Especially your mom

I'm sure his doctor was raising an eyebrow, thinking "Yeah right, your GIRLFRIEND was fucking the great dane, sure"

Fucking hell I thought the dogpill was bullshit

Incel threads are lol
Youre INFERIOR, full stop


>"true love is a fairy tale"
True love IS a fairy tale.
When you are in your first relationship. it seems magical at first and you want it to last forever ... but it never does. You'll either turn into a crabby couple or one of you will get dumped.
Go ahead and pursue lovey romance if you desire. Just know that a person's first romance ALWAYS crashes and burns ... and it ALWAYS hurts like Hell, even years later.

>If a woman fucks a dog then her man is inferior.
LOL No. That's not an excuse.

These threads are full of literal Jews who are trying to make you hate women. Resist the judenpill and shoot for a conservative country girl. I’ve been married for years now and I couldn’t be happier. Take time to find a good one


Her 40+ life is going to be sad.

wow, a guy on the internet said it, it must be true.

Holy shit. It really is over.

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>Resist the judenpill and shoot for a conservative country girl.
My mom is a "Christian conservative". She divorced my dad, took me and my sister with her, and used dad as a source of child support and alimony.
I'm 28 and I've never been married. My childhood taught me that marriage is shit because of feminism ... and dating a "conservative" woman doesn't help.



OMG THIS PLACE IS A FUCKING MESS. A bunch of faggots giving women advice about dating.


I withhold thoughts on this until I see what she looks like.

>I’ve been married for years now and I couldn’t be happier.
Your happiness won't last. I know this from my own experiences with my ex-girlfriend, as well as seeing the many painful divorces in my family.

guys how to find one of these dogfuckers
it's my biggest fetish

A woman's post-menopause life is always sad.

For the 43% that claim to have a backup, 90% of the 'backup' men are clueless. He flirts = 'undying love' the last 10%. This poll is female desirability fantasy.

Ok incel

>guys how to find one of these dogfuckers
You could try a woman's prison.

I don't understand that place. What "strategy" is needed? literally just:
1: Don't be fat
2: Stop rejecting all of the compatible men who want a committed relationship with you.
That's it, end of strategy.
but that only accounts for 43% of women. Some may have lied on the survay, but it's still probably only 60% or so.

>dogfuckers in prison
thought it was legal in canada?

Absolutely disgusting.

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Well. At least he was cucked by the Chad of dogs. He can keep his head up like a champ

They all do this to a degree.

Dude, your mom is nothing more than a whore. Neither a true Christian, nor a true conservative. May she get the rope.

Not a mother's/grandmother's who have loving families.

Seriously though what's with the white girls fuck dogs meme? Why has there been a huge uptick in feral porn on r34 sites?

Love is your mind playing tricks on you. It's like sugar, you crave it because just like good sources of energy were scarce, women were scarce. But in a post scarcity world both cravings, for love and for sugar, will end up working against you.
The fact is that there's tons of women who will suck your dick just like theres enough carbs to go around for everybody.

I do believe in companionship love however, which is a bond strengthened through decades of living together. But it's absolutely not what people call love. Hell with the amount of divorces I would say there's barely any of it.

>These threads are full of literal Jews who are trying to make you hate women.
I need no urging to hate jews

Cope. No it won't.

Are dogs CHADS?

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that's why you never go for the heel sluts
just a hole, nothing to offer
let the apes have it, honestly

Women should NEVER own male dogs, and not just because of degen sex practices, but because feminism does not exist with dogs. Any male mammal will assume it is superior to a female, no matter the species. This us especially true with dogs. Look at all the single females BTFO by their male dogs.

i looked it up and this is a disease which only female cows get.
humans can't get it.
dogs neither.

cool now post one from a guy about how he fucks girls he doesn't even like in some bizarre pokemon-like degenerate frenzy

Because that’s what they are, bitches

Churchianity is feminized cancer.
They will pay for what they have done.

Salvation is only for those who trust Jesus and turn away from their sin, not embrace it and blame it on Him.

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Faggot retard. Women are a product of societal power dynamics. They're not "conservatives" or "christians" those things are social props for them to play with.

Nah, she'll kill herself long before she hits 40

faggot cucked by le doge

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Bruh any act done with a dog for sexual purposes (straight up just getting a boner while petting a dog counts) nets you jail time and you're placed on the pedophile section of the sex offender's registry. We unironically have some of the harshest bestiality laws behind places that kill you or chop off your hands. All that shit about canada having weak laws was just being used to push even harder ones. Stop falling for memes.


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True love can exist, but women's instincts have to be taken out of the picture. If all men are above all women, it's easier for a woman to think ANY man is worth it, so she can look for love instead of status. In this world, it's a fairy tale. Women are free, and all they do is play status games, seek higher status arrangements, and have no sense of loyalty.

Toastie roastie

This, animal to human diseases are exceptionally rare, and the few highly dangerous ones normally only occur in people with compromised immune systems. Yas Forums needs to not fall for unsourced youtube comments
>Metritis is inflammation of the wall of the uterus, whereas endometritis is inflammation of the functional lining of the uterus, called the endometrium.[1] The term pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is often used for metritis.

How does a male dog pass metritis to humans when the word 'metritis' literally means uterine inflammation?