Where in America will be easy to live off the Earth? Idaho maybe since potatoes and deer are so abundant?

Where in America will be easy to live off the Earth? Idaho maybe since potatoes and deer are so abundant?

I'm in Phoenix area and I don't feel particularly safe here

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Live off the earth? What are you gonna do? Fly?

Look out for this guy

No where, you have to come to Canada if you want to live off the land. We have an abundance of land, game and natural resources.



idaho is pozzed beyond words.
obama flooded us with rapefugees.
maybe monana isn't gayed up yet.

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alot of deer are getting chronic wasting disease and we dont know what to do about it
poor deer


canada is where you wanna go if apocalypse comes so i guess any states around the border preferably not by cities or large metropolitan areas

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Says the Boise local , Boise is a gentrified souless town full of people who want to have shit on the sidewalks and the crime rates to skyrocket . 1A plates can fuck off and are hated by every other county except Blaine , Canyon and Latah . I tell 1A people to go home already and stop the climate change they all believe in .

You don’t know how to hunt. You don’t know how to skin or gut game. I’ll bet you’ve never fished.
Please, just die in Phoenix.

I'm in Alaska. You fuckers are going to die!!!
>don't come here.

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I dont know much about the topic, but the Midwest is home to the largest aquifer in the world. Cant go wrong with a forsure supply of freshwater

guns are gay

I plate is comfy.
We're full though.

North Carolina is full, just so you know OP. It's also a terrible place.

Go to Austin. I hear you can catch bats there. They fly out from under their bridges. Makes a delicious soup.

Go to Wisconsin

We mostly live off of liquor

Cold as hell in the winter.

Fuck off, we're full.

>Guns are gay

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Ohio, go join the Amish

Actually not. Not one day of below zero this winter. Shit-ton of snow though.

You should only post in this thread if your state is longer than it is tall.

where there is forest, there is rain
where there is rain, there are rivers
where there are rivers, there is life

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>not being able to go out with a few friends to an area like this
>point at a distant forest and say "Let's go over there"
>jumping over the creek and fucking around as you meander towards your destination

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I'm from California and I'm going to Wisconsin for that fucking cheese

We need to reduce the global population and keep it under 500 million

>I'm from California
I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I didn't realize you're retarded.

Vote pro-gun or drive off the Grand Canyon

shhh, don't tell them that

Literally people have been farming in the Phoenix area for thousands of years

Sure it’s not nice in the summer without air conditioning but desert climates are very suitable for long term subsistence farming

But if you are that nervous go up to Prescott or the verde valley and have a small farm or ranch.


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Arizona is 1/3 pine forest

They won't.

Florida is full of niggers and spics. Not there.

Some states could be self sustaining, at least food/water-wise. Some.


I'll vote pro-gun and pro-eugenics. Are there many niggers in Wisconsin?

thousands of years? who has been doing this?

So does America, leaf.

Eastern Washington or Southern Oregon

Iowa, the Midwest in general, if you like pork northern texas even.
Sierra mountains as well, remember the Indians lived off of the game and pine nuts for many generations

North Arkansas


Pretty much just anywhere hilly

Various tribes of the Aztec-Puebla language group

Hopi, Pima, hohokam, Anasazi etc

best place to be in the northeast?

>Midwest is home to the largest aquifer in the world
Which is being rapidly depleted.

They named it Phoenix for it was built on the “ruins” of an old native civilization

We still use a number of their original Indian Canals for irrigation.

Northern Minnesota, and you're welcome

>Are there many niggers in Wisconsin?
Southeast Wisconsin, in the larger cities.
And anywhere there is Section 8 or "community" housing.

If you know how to fish and hunt you can live off of the land fucking anywhere outside of a city. I'm not sure how someone can even go through life without knowing how to fish. I was taught when I was like 5 and I don't even like fishing.

>abundance of food everywhere
Explain your grocery prices then

This. During the great depression, fishing was a big thing to get food. I don't know how anyone could live life without knowing how.

Here currently. Its true. The UP and northern Wisconsin. Fertile land with forestry for cover.

We know what to do about it, cull herds infected and ban the transport/rearing of live deer. The problem is people want trophy class bucks and those bucks come off deer farms and get let loose on fenced hunting operations where they contaminate more deer and eventually one escapes (or are let free for various reasons) and infects wild populations. That said at this time there is no evidence that CWD prions can infect humans at this point although it's not unreasonable to expect that some time in the future theymay mutate enough to pose a threat and we won't know when for 20 years cause you can only test the dead. Lazy trophy hunters have potentially ruined the hunting of deer species world wide and hunting is how we manage populations so entire ecosystems could be fucked, all because they wanted a trophy class buck without all the effort of making habitat/scouting/hunting one.

You can't just join the Amish. They don't trust outsiders.

Based Indiana. Come down south.

On a lake with great fishing and deer in the area. And we can still go further north.

Sucks to suck
>t. oakley boy

We should just release wolves to do the hunting for us than since faggots ruin everything.

Stay on your latitude my fellow crazy state

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Alaska if you can handle the cold. The best fishing, the best hunting, and the long daylight in summer is great for growing vegetables.

Comfy in Ak.
Fuck off we're full.

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How full though you are kinda big. Please just let me in

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Voodoo donuts is gay as fuck

Well, ok.
Just one.
Dont tell anyone and don't bring anyone else.

You're no fun, come to DC. We're just getting started.

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