Tom Hanks gets award

>Tom Hanks gets award
>adressss cold
>gives creepy coded farewell message
>bill gates to leave Microsoft board
>Nov 2019 B&MG foundation releases event 201 pandemic video
>soros connected to wuhan
>Trudeau gets quarantined
>wuhan connected to adrenochrome"3B Scientific (Wuhan) Corp"[SourceName] AND "Adrenochrome"

Did someone sneak into wuhan adrenochrome lab (bio lab) and realease corona to infect and cull out the pedojewelites?
>inb4 take your meds

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Other urls found in this thread:


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My pp is HUGE

he truly looks scared for his life in that photo

he's an actor

Coming back from the ded (bant)?
Based user

I would too if I sould my soul.

it's either that or they're faking to be silently and safely ushered away to antartica for a coming XK-Class Happening

Ok reasonable question
Why do others test positive for covid?

Where is OP image from?

Trump tweeted again at 6:09 am: "Who can figure out the true meaning of "covfefe" ??? Enjoy!"[8] Later that day the White House press secretary Sean Spicer implied that the tweet wasn't a typo but was intentional: "I think the president and a (((small group of people))) know exactly what he meant.

They are all on the inside




probably busy at the airforce base

Good question. Maybe it needed to be covered in some grand scheme to prevent mass panic when the truth is revealed and the Borneo’s find out who their “gods” and idols really are and who’s running the show? Or like some anons have been posting “show me one dead body” well have to see tho


Found it on another thread was wondering the same if anyone knows

But how will a house divided against itself stand?

I hope sooooooooooooooooo

To be fair seasonal flu was/is pretty bad
So could be just dat

Pretty sure he posted it on either Twitter or Instagram.

Fuck off nigger.

We’re already divided gtfo

Tom Hanks killed Isaac Kappy. If you don't know about Isaac Kappy look into it if they haven't fully purged it all by now. It's absolutely insane.
>Isaac Kappy is a C List hollywood actor about 40 yrs old
>starts making videos online saying there's a pedophile ring in hollywood, goes hard with the info no holds barred
>starts naming tons of big names
>says Tom Hanks is a "high level" member
>Tom Hanks replies to him on Twitter with veiled threats and coded messages and weird shit like he always does
>Kappy makes video saying his life is being threatened by the secret cabal and that he will NEVER commit suicide and if he dies it was them. says he will have to release his dead man switch. also says they offered him to join them and took him to a secretive location where he pretended to accept, until he got home
>like 2 days later he is dead. threw himself off a highway bridge into heavy traffic and got ran over by a truck. it was ruled a suicide.

Holy fuck looking into it rn

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>his dead man switch video releases and its two almost fully naked little girls about 7 years old dressed ancient Roman style in an ancient Rome style bath house with Freemasonic floor/wall tiles and there is an Altar in the middle of the room which the girls are carrying buckets of water to and pouring over to clean
clearly filmed by Isaac himself in the secret location "they" took him to to force him into the club. but he didn't accept so they killed him.

don't forget the best part. i'm looking for the dead man switch video right now but this situation has been censored so hard its insane. it was only last year.

thats what that was? I saw that video when the Epstein shit was going down.

>Two teens reportedly attempted to stop Kappy from jumping but were unsuccessful, and he was then struck by a passing vehicle.

honest officer we were just trying to help him off the bridge

this Narrated version might be better:

Girls were in swimming suits top and bottom
Vidya didnt contain anything anons could continue working on
>turkish bathhouse


Whats your point?



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>bill gates to leave Microsoft board


>soros connected to wuhan

Definitely yes

>Did someone sneak into wuhan adrenochrome lab (bio lab) and realease corona to infect and cull out the pedojewelites?

No, just you, me, and everyone else who isn't a certain "bloodlines".

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Interesting theory.

a time traveller could know these things...

What is with the eye and who is the other chick beside oprah?

Yeah I did it you can thank me later when feinstein gets it

Yeah sadly

I didn't travel in time, it simply hit me that the typo was made and the "joke" was pushed

Trump tweeted again at 6:09 am: "Who can figure out the true meaning of "covfefe" ??? Enjoy!"[8] Later that day the White House press secretary Sean Spicer implied that the tweet wasn't a typo but was intentional: "I think the president and a small group of people know exactly what he meant.

Wait he's fucking dead?
I remember him he was big into nxvim.

I double checked if he really died and fox news had an article on it.


What could FEFE mean?

>I didn't travel in time
Sounds like something a time traveler would say! In all seriousness is seems like it was an easy to crack code if he openly shared it.

And the threads / chan was going down almost immediately whenever it was posted.
Weird 2-3 posts would immediately 1post the thread with a number / letters string. Shoa in like 1 minute after that.

Attached: CoronaTrueInfectionofElites2ba3bd36cb65e0d6d8b28a76af1e9f26aa7f00b7b55ab05d6c15c99438c27f12.jpg (1152x2048, 193.71K)

But also a bold one that if someone did no one would believe the person that cracked it.

>Did someone sneak into wuhan adrenochrome lab (bio lab) and realease corona to infect and cull out the pedojewelites?

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Fefe: Fear; afraid ; or an expression of mockery

I'd prefer there public hanging but if those demons are stopped that way it's fine with me

>"Who can figure out the true meaning of "covfefe"

COV is the first three letters of the virus name...

"fe" is iron

>>Tom Hanks replies to him on Twitter with veiled threats and coded messages and weird shit like he always does

can you post screenshot his threats? What did he say exactly?

How can you anyone look at those kids and think "I want to fuck and torture that to death"?


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so qtards are right?

Yeah we gotta see screens of this twitter spat, this is too juicy.

Yes. Forever and always. We are the eternally vigilant.

nah you're just deranged boomers lol

I'm thinking this is either going to be the start of good times, or really bad times. Its a coin flip. Someone said this is really just the swamp being drained. IDK. COVFEFE = CO virus Iron? What # is iron on the periodic table?


You wish friend. I’m younger than you. The truth escapes you for you don’t want the happenings to be true. You’ve been brainwashed into thinking everything is bad, and no good can come of this.

It’s okay. We will free you from your shackles. You don’t even need to say thanks. Just live your life. You’ll know what this means soon enough newfag friend.

26 iron is 26 on the periodic table.

>Always tomorrow.
>In hindsight , to0?
>When a thing happens

>ferrous ferrous
What would that mean?

Ferrous means Containing Iron. Iron is a Magnetic property found in any metal containing Iron.

>instead of looking into it and understanding
>NoOoO!!!! I hAtE gOoDnEsS aNd PeAcE rEeEe FuCk YoUuuuu!!!!

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Honestly his mispellings are usually on purpose to be fair. Stil the tweet was at 12:06 may 31st 2017


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