She left me. I gave her fucking everything she needed and she just left me. Two kids, a house, a dog...

She left me. I gave her fucking everything she needed and she just left me. Two kids, a house, a dog, she wanted for nothing. Didn’t have to work, she kept everything looking fresh & cooked too, free to do as she pleased at home when the kids started getting bigger. Which apparently means the piece of shit she met at the gym. Lost her virginity to me, gave me her first kiss, got her dad’s permission to marry, but apparently everything that I did for her couldn’t hold a candle to “it just happened” half an hour after meeting this prick.

What the fuck do we do? How the hell can we get women under control? You can give them the moon but a day later they’ll say “What have you don’t for me LATELY?”. I hate them so fucking much.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Tough shit faggot, start lifting

She found someone better than you, with a bigger dick.

Just remember, DONT TAKE HER BACK

Shitty larp

>You can give them the moon
That's your problem, thinking she deserved a damn thing. Let alone, "the best".

Quit acting like you're the only person this is happening to.

This happens to most men.

Legit OP. You spent how much money on her? And it took, what? 30 bucks worth of drugs to get her on his dick? Top keks.

Ahe left you because you didn’t stock ip on tp, you failure of a man.

Whatever you do, do not try to get her back. It will be the hardest thing you’ll ever do but you need to cut contact and move on. It will hurt like hell but in five years you’re going to be glad that you did

In a perfect society, her father would be the one to hand you the stone that is going to kill his whore daughter.

At least she didnt take the kids user.
You can rebuild

nice larp
kill her

>he fell for the marriage meme
>he fell for the 'grow up and be a man' meme

shoulda just fapped to 2D anime tits bro.

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i bet you were one of those cucks that would call dudes incels or that the reason a guys wife left him is cause hes a cuck. well look at you now bitch i told ypu it would happen to you too.

Good goyim.

>Lost her virginity to me, gave me her first kiss, got her dad’s permission to marry, but apparently everything that I did for her couldn’t hold a candle to “it just happened” half an hour after meeting this prick.

she never found your sexually attractive because she never knew what sexual attraction was

only idiots marry young. the virginity meme should be left in the desert religion books where it belongs.

It happens dude. I'm lucky I learned very early in life. You just had bad luck. Move on, become something better.


Murder-suicide is the only answer.

>shrimp limp dick detected

You havent killed her and the nigger she cheated on you with... what a gay. you deserve the despair.


How dare you say that about a Queen. Have sex incel.

>only idiots marry young.
thats right goyim. morality for me, not for thee. try that used up 30 year old cunt when youre done fucking repulsive obese coalburners in your """youthful wild days"""

Women are not your property. She left you because you weren't good enough. Simple as

>1 post by this ID

>What the fuck do we do?
celebrate, nigger
you have children so your bloodline won't parish, and now you're free to do whatever you want. you can bang moar pussies and live your life. stop crying, it's for the good.

That’s the plan. If I don’t lift I’ll cry.
It still hurts. I thought all the time and love I invested would mean something but she just looked at me like I was the one who did something wrong. Because her faggot is a bit taller, richer, better looking, and more muscular than me apparently everything I did isn’t shit. I feel used.

Marriage only works if women who commit adultery are killed in public.


many such cases.

Stop having relationships under the false framework of monogamy. You can still make it work and she can fuck people on the side. Don't let animal jealousy take over your life and ruin it.

>How the hell can we get women under control?
The same way you get anyone under control. Violence or the threat of it.

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Kill em. That’s what I’d do. Fellow inmates will understand.

You let your wife go to the gym? WTF is wrong with you?

Or even worse for women... publicly shunned/shamed. The pill is what really ruined society.

>giving women freedom
idiot. you were supposed to impregnate her the second she got some free time

If a woman is good to you, doesn’t she deserve good back?
I never imagined it would be me though.
I don’t wanna think about it. Dates, wedding, honeymoon, baby showers, anniversaries, massages, birthdays, manicures, christmases, valentines, fuck.

I understand your pain friend. I know a guy, the best councilor you'll ever talk to. He works for free and you don't even need a phone to talk to him either. He'll always be there for you through thick and thin and he can make you realize just how inconsequential the sorrows of this world are. It just so happens that he's the one and only begotten son of the living God too.

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Move your money if have not already

This. The pill is the /real/ problem.

Beat her to an inch of her life and then get on a plan and leave the country

This is why I’m gay. Not about to let some woman with no balls steal my house, turn my kids against me, and take half my income. That’s a hard no from my end.

>1 post with this ID
we got baited lads. OP is fake and gay.

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>tl;dr marriage

This. But playing along, who cares? If you are rich like you say, you can find younger, better poon. You've already bred so you have that covered. All that matters now is that you make sure you get as much custody as possible and you avoid letting her ruin your children. Don't worry. Kids aren't stupid. They will know she was a dumb whore.
Shitty LARP though.

Did she leave the kids with you? If so you are quite blessed. Cheers user.

That's what you get for having a tiny dick, wh*te boi.

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I want to beg for her back but I know it’s over. It fucking stings like fuck. My heart has been raped. We used to hold each other and talk until the sun came up.
I don’t wanna cause chaos in the family. I’m trying to keep this quiet.
I was raised to be a gentleman, marry, have kids, and treat my wife like my princess. A mother is the angel in the home.
I’ll admit, yeah I did say that and I do still kinda think so but I’m opening my mind to new ideas

You're now free to do as you please. Youre now free to get a better woman. Youre now free to do all the tthings you couldn't because of her. Youre now free to spend your money on yourself and children and persuing dreams she took away. This is not a curse user. This is a blessing. She clearly didnt deserve you

Imagine being the type of failing faggot who watches 30 minute videos by "better bachelor" to learn how to be a stud.

Fuck her sister or her best friend.

> hit and run attack

That's how the VC work.

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>Have loveless, vapid young sex goy

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White women are spoiled and ungrateful, entitled above all.
You found that out in the hardest way possible I'm afraid user.
Thank the jew for that.


Dudes a rapist. Hes just faking his love for her long enough so she cant say she didnt want him to overpower her later.
Shes obviously mentally weak but the dude she "fell" for just gave her a fear/rape orgasm and shes too dumb to realize it.
Sucks bro, ur probably a weak idiot as well.

Based Achmed.

Thanks monkey
God no. She’s not retarded. He was white.
It wasn’t a nigger. I would have totally written her off it it was and laughed at her AIDS.


Picturing miserable marriedfags calling gamers incels for not being enslaved by a woman just put so many pieces together for a gayfag like me who never quite understood the paradigm.

>1 post by this ID
Shitty larp

Salvia Officinalis

Murder only works if the law is on your side

based Boomer

One poste sage fake gay

Happened to a coworker. Two small kids.
She and the kids' soccer coach.
Ruined their family.
Go see a family counselor, they can recommend a lawyer who will help you try to dissolve the marriage agreed to save yourself a lot of grief and money.
("Why are divorces so expensive? Because they're worth it.")
Condolences. Shake the dirt off your shoes and move on as soon as you can.

Read the thread, idiot

yeah same thing happened to me and instead of blaming the woman when i post my story here i get called a weak beta and that it was my fault she cheated and left me by other married men. just because it hasnt happened to you yet doesn't mean it wont. statistics say 70% of women initiate divorce and 90% if college educated. but no dude fuck you enjoy your new hell.

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I’m not rich but I do pretty well

>treat wife like princess

Wow dude. Is this your first time on Yas Forums ? Have you not learned anything from what you’ve read here? No woman on this earth deserves to be treated “like a princess”. Thats one thing the muslims got right.

You ever just found someone repulsive and no matter how nice they are they still disgust you physically? That's you.

I don't fear my wife leaving me. I fear her finding me physically disgusting, then leaving me.

>she never knew what sexual attraction was

Nor should she. Every productive society controls female sexuality for a reason. When women decide they want to learn about sexual attraction and act on it, they get stoned to death. This is how you base a society around higher aspirations and virtues than muh dick and muh cunt. Control women. Otherwise, become a peacock society ruled by women until the patriarchy next door comes to put you out of your misery.


i wish i had learned sooner. 11 years of my life wasted with women.