/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2028

► Detected: 145,361 ► Died: 5,416


Spain using hotels as hospitals

France closes schools and universities

More than 100 US colleges shut down, go online

Spain declares emergency, shuts down schools and public events

Survives 28 days in bacteria on surfaces at 4°C

29 year old doctor dies after 4 weeks

983,006 infected in Wuhan alone

Virus invades nervous systems

Patient tests negative four times, was infected

US hospitals: no tests, CDC: tests only for travel cases

Wuhan scientist predicted Dengue-like enhancements before outbreak

China province outbreak 52 times worse than admitted

210 dead in Iran, regime covers it up

China biowarfare program might have gone wrong

20:50: 1,001 new cases and 12 new deaths in Spain.
18:20: 22 new cases and 1 new death in Spain.
18:15: 785 new cases and 18 new deaths in France.
17:19: 2,547 new cases and 250 new deaths in Italy.
13:03: 190 new cases and 5 new deaths in the Netherlands.
12:56: 136 new cases and 28 new deaths in Spain.
12:48: 115 new cases and 1 new death in Spain.


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Other urls found in this thread:



► China 80,817 (3,177) ► International 64,431 (2,239): Italy 17,660 (1,266) Iran 11,364 (514) S. Korea 7,979 (71) Spain 6,255 (146) Germany 3,675 (8) France 3,661 (79) US 2,269 (48) Switzerland 1,139 (11) Norway 988 (1) Sweden 814 (1) Netherlands 804 (10) UK 798 (11) Japan 701 (19) D. Princess 696 (7) Belgium 559 (3) Austria 504 (1) Australia 199 (3) Greece 190 (1) Canada 158 (1) H. Kong 132 (4) Iraq 101 (9) Ireland 90 (1) India 82 (2) S. Marino 80 (5) Egypt 80 (2) Lebanon 77 (3) Thailand 75 (1) Indonesia 69 (4) Poland 68 (2) Philippines 64 (5) Taiwan 50 (1) Albania 33 (1) Argentina 31 (2) Panama 27 (1) Algeria 26 (2) Ecuador 23 (1) Bulgaria 23 (1) Azerbaijan 15 (1) Morocco 7 (1) Ukraine 3 (1) Guyana 1 (1) Sudan 1 (1) Denmark 801 Qatar 320 Bahrain 210 Singapore 200 Malaysia 197 Finland 155 Brazil 151 Czech Rep. 141 Slovenia 141 Iceland 134 Israel 126 Portugal 112 Kuwait 100 Romania 89 S. Arabia 86 UAE 85 Estonia 79 Russia 45 Vietnam 44 Chile 43 Brunei 37 Serbia 35 Palestine 35 Luxembourg 34 Croatia 32 Slovakia 32 Pakistan 28 Peru 28 Belarus 27 Georgia 25 S. Africa 24 C. Rica 23 Oman 19 Hungary 19 Bosnia 18 Latvia 17 Tunisia 16 Macedonia 14 Cyprus 14 Colombia 13 Mexico 12 Malta 12 Macao 10 Senegal 10 Maldives 9 Armenia 8 Jamaica 8 Afghanistan 7 Cambodia 7 Lithuania 6 S. Lanka 6 Fr. Guiana 6 Moldova 6 Paraguay 6 Dom. Rep. 5 N. Zealand 5 Réunion 5 Turkey 5 Cuba 4 Kazakhstan 4 Liechtenstein 4 Uruguay 4 Bangladesh 3 Bolivia 3 Chan. Isl. 3 Faeroes 3 Fr. Polynesia 3 Martinique 3 Monaco 2 Nigeria 2 B. Faso 2 Cameroon 2 Congo 2 Ghana 2 Honduras 2 St. Martin 2 Venezuela 2 Andorra 1 Jordan 1 Nepal 1 Ant. & Bar. 1 Bhutan 1 Caymans 1 Ivory C. 1 Ethiopia 1 Gabon 1 Gibraltar 1 Guadeloupe 1 Guinea 1 Vatican 1 Kenya 1 Mongolia 1 St. Barth 1 St. Vincent 1 Togo 1 Tri. & Tob. 1

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hello friends

So, all I understand is that you literally just need shots of Vitamin C to cure it?
This almost sounds too easy to be true


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literally just the flu lol

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howdy dude!

/r/ Corona wearing this outfit. If anyone feels like drawing her!

You guys were right last thread. The other lady might have been a lady boy and not a real woman.

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Trudeau will include free rent and mortgage for leaf virus stimulus
Ngl jealous af rent is my biggest worry atm

This virus was a attack against the west by china and the worst part of it is that they will get out of this like winners and the west will be fucked for years

New thread means new cultists!
Plague bros report!
>make sure to sabotage any prepper fags equipment

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It's over.

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Movie night! Post corona-themed films!

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To help us cope with the pain, hunger, loneliness, and death that awaits us this year, let us talk about the silver linings. What do you have to look forward to?
>if civilization collapses I will never have to deal with the incompetence and lies of Canada Post ever again

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So now that we know it's a bioweapon directly/indirectly funded by the Bill Gates foundation, what's next for this global pandemic faggot virus?
I un-ironically think a based chink committed AN HERO and released it before its final form and it didn't kill us all immediately lol, considering they were projecting 65 million dead in 18 months.
The though itself is hilarious if it were true.

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Actual doctor here.

From what I've read, particularly from the Lancet article, it appears to be capable of correlated loop chains, long-term dichroitic inhibition and innate caspase structures. Its von-Wille pathophysiological agents sub-units exhibit non-toxic repair dysgenesis utilizing phospholipid functional kinase. This is in line with novel medial dismustase and active catalytic time-course but surprisingly its non-androgenic caspase traffic seems similar to short-term wild-type proliferation though if it's capable of ectopic negative transcriptome and can endure equal unilateral stress, it's not unusual.

If its specific epidemiological expression engineered arrayed kinase coagulates strongly with unregulated triplex mutant retroposon moderate positive transposon then engineered non-covalent chains should be applicable for a potential cure issuing generic experimental mutagenesis with phospholipid proteomic modifications.

>family members were at Disneyland the day before it got shut down
Why are they so fucking stupid? Who would willingly go on vacation right now?

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Daily reminder

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What should I answer to people who say that this is just a flu bro and it'll disappear in the next month?

Free groceries too with delivery. Canada is saved bro.

And why did it affect them too? I mean that is not a good weapon if it also affects you.

Op-ed idea: Minimizing the Chinese role in the coronavirus pandemic is actually racist against the Chinese because it fails to recognize the suffering of the people of Wuhan (and Hubei more broadly), where the overwhelming majority of cases to date have arisen and where the greatest concentration of human suffering from the virus thus far has occurred. Concealing the fact that the virus arose in China simply because a few idiots and crazies refocus their paranoid hateful behavior towards the Chinese people instead of whomever the previous target of their hate had been is overall a disservice to the people who have suffered from and died to this virus.

What do you think?


Official Pol Corona Chan Map

Yellow - 1 case;
Light Orange - 2 to 9 cases;
Dark Orange - 10 or more cases;
Red - 100 or more cases;
Dark Red - 1.000 or more cases.


>Italy, 17.660 cases - 1.266 FATALITIES / 46,8% Mortality Rate (MR);
Iran, 11.364 cases - 514 FATALITIES / 12,7% MR;
>South Korea, 7.979 cases - 71 FATALITIES / 12,2% MR;
Spain, 5.232 cases - 133 FATALITIES / 40,8% MR;
>Germany, 3.675 cases - 8 FATALITIES / 14,8% MR;
France, 3.662 cases - 79 FATALITIES / 86,8% MR;
>United States, 2.269 cases - 48 FATALITIES / 53,9% MR;
Japan, 1.397 cases - 26 FATALITIES / 5,5% MR;
>Switzerland, 1.139 cases - 11 FATALITIES / 73,3% MR;
Norway, 995 cases - 1 FATALITY / 50% MR;
>Sweden, 814 cases - 1 FATALITY / 50% MR;
Denmark, 804 cases - 0% MR;
>The Netherlands, 804 cases - 10 FATALITIES / 83,3% MR;
United Kingdom, 799 cases - 11 FATALITIES / 36,7% MR;
>Belgium, 559 cases - 3 FATALITIES / 75% MR;
Austria, 504 cases - 1 FATALITY / 14,3% MR;
>Qatar, 320 cases - 0% MR;
Barhein, 210 cases - 0% MR;
>Singapore, 200 cases - 0% MR;
>Brazil, 151 cases - 0% MR;
Galiza, 112 cases - 0% MR;
>Portugal, 112 cases - 0% MR;

127 infected countries.

Attached: BoaMa Portugal Infectado.png (4496x2233, 414.65K)

Reminds me of the (somewhat) good old times


Me and my cute wife can probably find a home after this blows over. Or more rental vacancies. :)

I would be using it right now 10/g a day minimum ascorbate to keep your immune system working at peak performance.
If you get sick switch to liposomal and up the dose unless you can get access to an IV.
Most doctors will laugh and some will even say the Vitamin C is harmful, I shit you not some will.

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reads like your typical /sci/ post

Isn't Canada working on a vaccine

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No fuck chinks and fuck humanizing them in any way
Just keep reminding every normie who lost their loved ones, their job and their livelihood who did this to them

What are the most based places?

>In Europe?

>In North America?
West Virginia

Now, it's not up to dispute.
Montenegro and West Virginia were the last places to be touched by Corona Chan.

My deepest respect to all Montenegrins and West Virginians.

Out national news station report of G/ conference led by trump next week

Just tell them you hope they're right but so far it seems like it's spiraling out of control and they should prepare for the worst just in case

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>the west: we have a problem?
>the west also: WE (THE WORLD) HAVE A PROBLEM *gun noises*

Who the fuck wants to go to disneyland. Those kind of places suck ass

I concur.

nobody will be able to tell me my girlfriend is "nine" when society collapses

Your stash. NOW.

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is this a lefty meme?

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and the soup?
regular or.....

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Why are retards freaking out about toilet paper? Just buy a bidet or do what I am doing and use a dish rag and rotate it every few days.

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Uh oh

>Mfw one of the super markets near me still had toilet paper
Im saved bros.
I probably got infected though

1000 as soon as the news get updated tomorrow lads

Indeed... a wise choice.

Fucking obviously!
That is what I've been saying since thread 200 but the skills keep sliding

do you not have disneyboos in finland? there are a bunch here and it's fucking weird.

Greek Medicine is like Greek Fire...

How long until Amazon shuts down (I got a gift card)

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Has anyone taken China's reported numbers and applied Italy's curve to them? I suspect that might give us a better idea what China's real numbers are.

>So now that we know it's a bioweapon directly/indirectly funded by the Bill Gates foundation

Fucking retard

Ok so what the fuck is going on, how did china managed to contain that? I find it hard to believe. South korea also seems to be winning.


I work at a paper mill so I don't understand shit.
What's the difference? Can i buy this directly at some store?

I study medicine and I only recognize half the words - I am at this point convinced it is a bullshit post but I believe it

Forgot my face

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How the fuck has Canada's number been the same all day?? Are we even trying

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Fags are buying it up and price gouging on Ebay. I hope those kikes and chinks die from this shit. ALL OF THEM! NO SURVIVORS!!!

>1. Aggressive containment and enforced quarantines
>2. Lying
Pick one

My family is braindead. I went to Disneyland once as a child and I didn't care for it even then

>one of the confirmed cases in Uruguay, a woman who came back from Italy, went to a wedding with 500 people right after returning instead of staying at home, all despite being worried that she might have caught the virus in Italy
Source: elpais.com.uy/informacion/salud/estuve-casamiento-personas-relato-diagnosticada-coronavirus-uruguay.html


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You're not far from the numbers I've been registering.

Panic tends to impair a person's judgement, I guess. I don't know.

How did you shave your beard so you mask was sealed?

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China shutdown their whole country and South Korea seems to only have a had one super spreader event that was easy to track down the cases.

they don't care if 100 million people or more die because they have a population of 1.4 billions

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Why can't americans be useful for ONCE and NUKE THOSE FUCKING CHINKS

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There probably are but I haven't noticed because I've always avoided people like they are the plague, turns out they are now lol

In English, doc!

Share with me. I wanna wipe my ass


Fucking kike

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I have a 99.6 temperature and no other health issues


>DAD IS 62

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>if civilization collapses i can see normalfags, redditniggers and magakikes suffer then die

we need to shill a war with the chinks

If you get put into quarantine, what happens to your finances? You can't go to work, and thus you can't pay your bills. So what then?

What am I looking at here?

UBCO to switch online only

I'm living in my parents cuckshed I recommend it easy quarantine

Yes. ascorbate is just the cheep Vitamin C you can buy in pill or powder. If you don't like the acidic variety get something like sodium ascorbate.
liposomal is vitaminc C that has been encased in a liposome which means its is easily absorbed by the body. So 1g of liposomal Vitamin C is almost as good as 1g ascorbate IV.
read up on this site everything is backed with peer reviewed research

hes heading for the bunker

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Is itchiness a sign of infection?

Hey it’s me florida again- also felt like I have had allergies for the past week but suddenly feel like shit

Coughing a little with mucous- it’s pretty clear

then you get sick

It's just people that don't care about the well-being of others, sociopaths. Only a minority of them are actually ignorant or retarded
The government should punish all these faggots for putting us in danger

couldn't hurt.
give it a try.
don't wear white.

the shitpost was so bad they had to confiscate his leaf

It's just a flu

You live off your savings
If you don't have any you die
Welcome to the free market, don't snek on me

Stay safe baj

Immune system helps but ultimately better to just neet it out

>a woman
there's your answer.

i see the italian quarantine is going well

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First two cases confirmed here

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please please convince me this shit is gonna collapse the world. all I see is "good" news im getting worried I though we would finally have it

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Boomers are so retarded. I'm sorry bro

It's too early for elites to escape to Mars, and their bunkers can be filled with concrete

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Based post.

>weeks away from hell
The only consolation are environmental factors that may affect this

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>the bunker

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It would probably help get an idea, but I feel Chinas numbers would still be higher since they have sanitation practices worse than the Congo

What a strange timing

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Do it and report back plz

Yeah, I always hated being dragged to amusement parks or other shit. Fishing with grandpa was much more fun as a kid.

maybe she is very bad at the flute?

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Not an option

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She just sucks at music. Have you heard recorders? Old man is probably out of liquor too

this ones cooler

rip primo

no way they can test 100m people in 2 months tho

great news