I have to attend a disciplinary hearing this week at my university after I was reported for racism after I said that coronavirus was caused by the Chinese eating habits. What do I do bros?
I have to attend a disciplinary hearing this week at my university after I was reported for racism after I said that...
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Claim you're a transexual
gott strafe zoomer
Show up with the facts to support your claim. Or tell them you're self quarantined and do it remotely. Don't be a bitch, stand up for yourself.
This could work.
just say you were scared because of corona and acted out irrationally, that you are sorry and will apologize publicly to Chinese students
you'll be fine mate
All this bullshit is because of one stupid faggot chink who ate a bat. Stick to your guns.
*COOF* during the hearing and watch them squirm
it was caused by that, how is stating facts considered racist ?
Claim you feel like they're attacking you for your sexuality and threaten to sue if they carry it any further.
[spoiler] stand your ground [/spoiler]
your uni is probably addicted to chinese tuition money. they browbeat a bunch of students at my college for a similar incident not too long ago
bring in the data. the data is there for this and similar outbreaks have happened, Do NOT just admit you were being racist. Go in from a position of facts.
All you can do is cut your dick off and come out as trans.
imagine living in your head instead of the real world
i'm sure he'll own the dean with race realism and facts then get a blowjob from every female student on campus for being so based as he leaves with his full degree and all his debt pays when he does this
Lay down like a faggot and apologize. You have no autonomy or control over your life. The sooner you accept this and internalize it, the sooner you can become a full blown alcoholic, and the better off you'll be.
It's not like the universities will be open for much longer.
Don't go. Ignore Sodomite orders.
>As if the Christian Truth Police exist
I wish.
although it wasn't really worthy of being called an "indicent", but these people will call the FBI over racist bathroom graffiti, so those are the sort of assholes we're dealing with
Get infected by the Kung Flu and cough violently during the hearing, preferably while wearing a straw hat while the upper corners of your eyes are taped up and with mustard smeared all over your face. Pic related for illustrational purposes.
Stop falseflagging maybe
Screenshot all news stories that back up your claims and defend the fact that your opinion is in fact a fact.
You should be getting a written copy of it right?
Also present evidence that the uni has endangered your health, safety and wellbeing by not closing their doors to students returning from China.
Make the claim that their actions have caused you to become stressed due to not wanting to lose your place in the course but not wanting to harm any elderly people you have to encounter (family).
You say that their eating habits is not a race but a part of their culture. That there is no reason or logic to their claims. Its the other way around, they emotionally falsely accuse you because you are white.
Walk in and start coughing
Make them eat the insanity they've helped make
Say you were wrong. Tell them China created it in a lab and flip them the bird.
What is it with you Canadians? Seriously, why are all of you such complete and total faggots? You're just corny people.
solve problems?
Take the news articles that you sourced for this info. Redpill those dumb fucks. Then quit school and do something worthwhile.
Ffs user, just print out the articles regarding bat soup being the source ( X to doubt).
Case fucking dismissed.
It depends on whether or not OP is white. Since they are having this meeting in the first place, I am assuming he is.
Bring in news articles showing the Chinese eating habits and how they were responsible for the Coronavirus. Act gullible and naive too, they usually fall for it.
No matter how convoluted the premise and delivery of the disinfo,
Tell them you're sick with Coronavirus after eating out a Chinese student and can't attend. Pay off a random woman with wuflu to confirm your story. Then sie them.
Start with "As a jew"
>All this bullshit is because of one stupid faggot chink who ate a bat.
say literally this word-for-word, OP.
based leaf
but thats the official story from the cdc lol
call them conspiracy theorists and use the who and cdc as citations
not that anything you say will matter, you are trying to reason with insane people
Must suck living in a country where there is laws against hate speech. AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH
you can barely speak english VPN boy
This. Don't claim your trans OP. You will regret it.
Say you've got the flu and are getting tested for Coronavirus. Mention that you've to be self isolated
Post proof or you're fake and gay.
Tell them that you were wrong and after further research you believe that Chinese espionage efforts in Canada and through the recruitment of MIT Professor Dr. Lieber led to the Chinese playing with fire they didn't understand. Further, the complete ineptitude of Dr. Zhengli Shi in running the BSL-4 Wuhan lab (which Google moved the location of on Jan 26 2020) and overall poor quality of Chinese work quality led to their inadvertently releasing a biological weapon, which per the Geneva convention constitutes an act of war upon any country which has an infection. IE: The entire fucking planet. Why do they support a communist regime that has declared WW3? Why must you apologize for restating a cover story that the Chinese themselves perpetuated?
Tell them you’re half Chinese and if they question you, how dare they insult your race. You struggle with people discriminating against being half Chinese and no one believing you. Then you pull your phone out and pretend to call your lawyer.
Bringing the research papers linking it to the wet market?
Tell them you're 1/4 Chinese and they won't be able to tell you anything.
Don't go?
Say you are fucking sick?
Coof all over the hearing until they dismiss you.
Show them this video of the wuhan meat market youtu.be
>be leaf
>advocate showing your belly
sounds about right
Make sure to call the "the heathen Chinee" or "the Celestials" whenever you can
He identifies as Chinese. Doing the fellow white man; as a Chinese i’m for the safety of my own folks to ensure the closure of all wet markets and a change of eating habits.
>be teenager online
>advocate acting like a retard
ooh this could work if you bring a bat snack with you
Show them pol China webm threads
You go in there, appologize, and claim that it was instead an american bioweapon created to destroy the coloured utopia that was china.
If you want to drive home the point of culture vs race, try using an example of say, Americans loving guns too much. Youre not racist against white hillbilly americans, you just think their culture is bad.
Bring a phone to the meeting live streaming yourself to twitch IRL and double down on the original claim.
That's nice, but you didn't answer my question. Why don't any of you ever contribute anything to the world or this board? With your cross-legged faggot PM.
this, coof on dem haters
Tell them you made a mistake. The Chinese were actually eating scaly anteaters.
put them on trial, call them conspiracy theorists for implictly pushing it is an American bioweapon
>Chinese could be any race
this is the only way
Get a gun and shoot the hearing up
Dab and do a pro gamer move
Go armed and kill them all
if you actually believe that this virus naturally occurred in nature, eating or not eating bats would not stop it, it would eventually spread from bat bites, exposure to bats, etc. even if no one touched one for food
this is how the dean would respond to meme answers
This will likely get you out of trouble.
we used to
when Yas Forums was a place for smart people instead of idiots and bots
um hello, police department, there is a based man on the loose
Just tell the truth
I guess you could also characterize your initial response thusly. Either way, it was dumb and you should feel dumb.
Calm down Jim, did you run out of camels again?
GTFO fed
Say that you were wrong and it's actually a Jewish scheme and that there's a massive coincidence that the countries affected like China, Iran, the USA, and the EU all made lots of money for Jews playing stock options or geopolitically stengthen Israel
Serve them bat soup.
You need to show dominance.
Terrible advice. They will eat you alive if you are a white male. Hire a lawyer to accompany you to the hearing. They will get the message that they will be sued into oblivion if they try to fuck you over for nothing more than repeating the current most widely accepted hypothesis. Remember- this is not about right and wrong. If it was, you wouldn't have to go to a hearing. It is about leverage and power. Hire a lawyer. The university will not want to make this a national story.
Walk in with a projector and treat them to a compilation of Chinks torturing animals to death.
or bring up that it was the chinese government's negligence to stop the sale of live animals in wet markets because that shit's been illegal for years yet these retards keep eating and selling them
Whats it like having hate speech laws? I couldn't imagine it.
>If you want to drive home the point of culture vs race, try using an example of say, Americans loving guns too much.
americans don't have enough love for guns.
do like congressmen do, bring a huge collage of pics of chinks eating weird shit to prove the claims
Pass around a photo of a Chinese guy boiling a dog alive. Claim you're a member of PETA. Shame the admins into supporting animal torture.
My condolences, aussie. You shitposted too hard.
first time ive seen this mentioned but yes thats a possibility
corona might be a canadian invention. one more reason to hate canada. so im not the only reason
for a second I was going to say call Tucker and become famous, but you're strayan so you're technically a subject of China already. Good luck user.
Reveal your full power level
Honestly, this. You have to out jew the jew.
Also say you’re part native.
Sounds like they are scared, so are by DOING SOMETHING !!!! by punishing those who rely upon them.
Lawyer up, and get the union involved.
ok pussy
Show up with documents showing all the virus outbreaks that started in the Chinese wet markets. Stick to facts and don't be a bitch
that dean better have a double ph d in zoology and epidemiology, or he can suck a fat cock. Nephi virus is caused by bats contaminating fruit and sap which is commonly used as food, but because it happens in the rural areas of South Asia, it never causes a fucking pandemic. Bush meat markets in major urban centers are a major hazard. Even if youwere to argue the zootropic transfer to livestock at a meat market could be a hazard, it is less because,again, the outbreak would likely start in rural area first, giving some opportunity to limit urban exposure. in short, the chinese market for bush meat isa unique risk in thespreading of plagues in the 21st century.
i'd be tempted to do this and call them out for courting chinese interests at the expense of real aussies. someone has to get the ball rolling on this.
t. 24 IQ "zoomer"
This but unironically. You're a PETA advocate.
Correct the record and inform them that the Coronavirus was caused by an accidental Chinese bioweapon leak.
anyone with a PHD would laugh at your first sentence thinking its a joke, then walk away from the lunatic raving about disease when he knows nothing.
What you said was not itself racist. Whatever you may otherwise think of filthy ching chongs facts are facts.
If you show fear - they will eat you alive.
If you apologise, they will hate you more.
Flip the script. Ask them where the virus came from.
Why did it spread at that market as opposed to Woolies?
Fuck these fucking people. The reason they are attacking you is because they know you are right.
Of course you are wrong though. It was actually a bioweapon built by chinks but whatever.
Digits confirm that's how Italy got the Wuflu. Hugging Chinks to prove they weren't racist.
Tell them the facts about where the virus came from. The fact is it came from some Chinese individuals eating bats contaminated by the virus that evolved. This is fact. Now do all chinese people eat bats and rats? No obviously. Do not back down from the facts.
Post gay larp and get banned
Good plan
Do you honestly care, if you care truly you will take what is yours and don't be a virgin fag and just let them do what ever the fuck they want.
Don't even go, and if you do call them faggots and leave. Or you can just be a faggot and actually debate with people who don't care what you say even if its 100% true.
> Buy a Chinese rice field workers hat.
> Walk I’m confident and speak in the most shittiest Chinese racist accent as possible. Squint your eyes and pretend to have buck teeth.
> Sum Ting Wong disciplinary board. We must do quick as my people in Taiwan be oppressed by China.
Jesus, just print out articles and say you thought it was a fact.
You made a choice. Now commit and live with the consequences. Fuck this system and fuck the tolerasty. Enough is enough.Speak clearly and with an even tone.Do not raise your voice. Speak the truth.As I see it, the clown world is coming to an end.
it's a disciplinary hearing you retard
not a debate club
You're a bit behind on the curve. Started following the virus in early Jan. Sen. Tom Cotton (U.S. Intelligence committee) blew out the Wuhan seafood market story months ago. "That virus went into the market before it came out of the market."
Chinese fuckery is afoot. They've been trying to blame the U.S with shitty astroturfing since late Jan, but dropped it around mid feb.
[spoiler]I need to get out more and stop watching this but there are cases near me and I can't go or I'll get the coof[/spoiler]
This is a good primer:
Start with, "I initially thought this was due to the Chinese eating bats, but considering that both Iran and Italy have much higher numbers of infected and deaths reported, I have to ask, who exactly benefits the most from Iran and Italy being infected? And I am forced to say that if you look at the facts, the Israelis benefit the most from it."
You'll either redpill them, or they'll toss the entire thing due to (((pressure))).
The perfect answer to your problem.
Don't forget to be outraged at them
> how dare this university, which is supposed to be a place for STUDENTS to have a VOICE support such cruelty to animals. I'm tempted to have a CALL FOR ACTION against you and the college for promoting violence against animals.
say that theyre the racists for thinking bat isnt a good food, tell them its the chicken of the cave and you ate it regularly when you went to china 5 years ago.
they think eating bats is unethical therefore not allowed to be spoken of, you on the otherhand dont see a problem with it ....
you apologize for being a racist
that picture cracked me up.
Come on aus user you can do better than this IRL I know you can. The best evidence are the headlines of Australians sneakily allowing the chinks in for their money. Also
>uni has endangered your health, safety and wellbeing by not WELDING their doors SHUT to students returning from China.
OP, do not fucking go to that hearing. Drop out if need be and think of something else to do. It's all kinds of fucked up and fairy bread parties are not going to fix this.
some homo witha doctorate in administration is not any more qualified than any other layman to opine on the unique risks of bush meat markets in urban center. in other words get raked leaf.
>what do I do?
tell them again??
remind them that YOU are paying THEM, that they work for YOU, and walk the fuck out of there. Send them a bill for YOUR FUCKING TIME.
Joking aside get a lawyer and don‘t talk. They will likely already think about it, if your lawyer talks about canceling the meeting.
>Chinese eating habits
Talking about chinese food is racist now?
>Nephi virus
Is actually the virus that the movie Contagion was based on. It only has an r0 of 2. Bat, pig, human.
Also. Stay calm.
Don't talk more than you have to.
If they say, 'Do you see how that could offend a Chinese student user?' , respond by saying the conditions of that market would offend anyone, which is why the practice must be stopped - for everyones safety CHINESE INCLUDED.
Print out the wiki page for gutter oil.
tell them to fuck off
sit here with us and watch the world burn
This. For bonus points, tell them your asian grandma thankfully got out of China a few weeks back. She's staying with your family. It's a 2-fer. You can't be racist if you are part Chinese, and they won't want to keep you long with the coofing.
go in wearing a pointed straw hat and with your eyes pulled into slits and go
they'll love it.
Then show them this.
Just stay at home and tell them you're self-quarantining. Or you can show up and start coofing uncontrollably.
Have you seen the state of their country?
Tell them to fuck off
You’re 1 Supreme Court justice away from them being a thing in the USA
actually a dean usually has education in the field over the faculty they are proceeding, so if OP was in a science field he might be talking to an organic chemistry PHD
layman opinion is not understanding that a disease as infections as covid-19 could spread from a dead bat in a corner getting touched by a kid in some small town to pandemic with bat consumption banned worldwide
That's not racist.
Hand them a stack of news articles where the Chinese government blamed Chinese eating habits including passing laws banning the practice in response to their people eating bat ass.
trains is hard job
run in and start singing OK BOOMER
>I have to attend a disciplinary hearing this week at my university
Couldn't imagine being a Uni cuck. Like aren't you the customer? Ahahah You know you can easily make six figures in the private sector if you're not too autistic to make friends with the SLT of whatever corporation you work for. You don't even need schooling I literally just asked them to give me a chance and something that becomes incrementally more challenging and they said they were impressed because no one had ever tried.
I got out of an attendance failure and got an indefinite essay extension by doing this. It works really well just say it was due to gender dysphoria, students and staff misgendering you and not feeling safe to express gender identity in class
the fucking president of my uni can barely keep himself from slipping into ebonics as he delivers a speech. these are not smart people. tptb put idiots in key positions to sabotage public education.
Take my advice in seriously user.
Big emphasis on your stress and their negligence by not taking action to limit your exposure to covid due to foreign students.
It is a work place and they have a big legal responsibility to protect staff and students, read up on what the gov is doing, if they stop unis due to the restriction on crowds you can say you were ahead of the obvious conclusion and that their educated professors should have been ahead of you due to their education level.
If they say they are not doctors reply with so you endangered my safety by not knowing what they were doing and the same goes for your interview.
Make them prove it wasn't chinks that started covid.
Law suit.
Do you get a written record of the interview afterwards?
If not sure find out in advance and demand a written copy as it effects you financially, they won't refund your bucks if they kick you out.
Can you have a support person?
Request queen pauline.
Turn up dressed as Batman.
deny deny deny. Inform them through an attorney that you will not be attending their witch hunt, and that they will be held personally, jointly and as an institution, accountable for their actions. Then dox them.