Why is Russia so rapidly becoming Christian?

50 years ago the church there was non-existent and there wasnt a single Christian soul around.
What happened?


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Getting massacred in the millions by kikes will do that to you

I don't know but they're gonna be a superpower again soon if they keep it up while the West continues to descend into degenerate nihilism

>50 years ago the church there was non-existent and there wasnt a single Christian soul around
Not true, they were just forced underground. This is why the woke left hates Russia, because they're not succumbing to cultural marxism with all the faggy identity shit.

The russian orthodox church is 100% controlled by KGB

russia is the new ireland

Russia is much more rapidly becoming Muslim

this. Russia is learning from our mistakes. not only that, Russia encourages our mistakes and highlights them to cause social division.

Orthodox christians were quite abundant in the 1800s. WW1/2 forced them to be non-existent.

>50 years ago the church there was non-existent and there wasnt a single Christian soul around.
There was always a lot of churches in Russia, even under USSR and there was always a lot of Christians. How can you be that dumb?

The Russian Orthodox Church has been weaponized by the post-Yeltsin Russian governments. As they did during Communist times; ratting to the Kremlin about Catholic Churches so the priest and nuns could be killed.

Communism is over. They can be Christian again.

I'm russian.

It's all smoke and mirrors. Very little people truly believe in almighty God in Russia, most of them believe in things like "Don't go under the ladder or you will be cursed".
A lot of people protest against this "3 churches a week" becaues ruissian "church" is totally corrupted and is actually A CORPORATION. Complete anti-christianity

What "KGB"? KGB is not even exist anymore. Jesus you Westerners are always so delusional.

Russias muslim population was always around 6%. It has actually declined a bit the last years

This, Sergianism is real. Russia is shit.

Are people actually going to the churches?

it's a propaganda device, that's all

most Russians are degenerate, AIDS-stricken, promiscuous alcoholics who don't care about Christian values. It's just an identity thing and insult to true Orthodoxy

also Putin is Christian

>50 years ago the church there was non-existent
False. 50 years ago was 1970, the church was reinstated during WW2.

Are they actually real Christians or fake Christians?

The handful of Catholics praying the rosary

Because Putin is based

>degenerate, AIDS-stricken, promiscuous alcoholics who don't care about Christian values

just like the Irish

Is russia the next great white nation?
Can't think of any other short of manually detaching continents from each other

Tы пpeкpacнo знaeшь, o чeм oн гoвopит, лaхтa. Bcя "элитa" - выхoдцы из КГБ, Пyтин cлyжил в КГБ, y нeгo былa кликyхa "Moль".

based post

Is Georgia a real Christian and non-degenerate country?

One of my Rosary intentions is always the Consecration of Russia, as Our Lady of Fatima requested and was never done properly. I also ask for the conversion of England.

Bruh, Christians were almost more persecuted in commie soviet union than they were in pagan rome.. they destroyed so many churches and tried so desperately to destroy Christian spirituality with 24/7 anti-Christian propaganda. On paper you could be a Christian in soviet union, but in practice? Not really

brit/pol/ hates this. they think that we should have less children to save the planet and also so things are less crowded. they want to reclaim environmentalism from the left and, if you tell them that 5% of farmland should be built on to house 40m more Brits, they blow a fuse. they are pozzed completely

Are you seriously this fucking stupid?

If we speak about abstraction, Orthodox Church is closer to the True church, than catholic, not mentioning protestants.
In reality, however, this is not working in Russia

But ethnically jewish.


because once you're a Christian, you'll believe anything as long as your pastor says it. if your pastor says that God wants you to give all your money to the Jews you'll do it. if the pastor says God wants you to let your daughter fuck niggers, you'll do it. That's why.

Christianity is the greatest trick the Jews ever pulled.

A y тeбя былa и ecть кликyхa Питyх.

Пaпизди, питyх.

>Christianity is the greatest trick the Jews ever pulled.
No, atheism was

You need religion to place humans on this world. Atheists are pretty much useless. The Mormons, Jews, and fundamentalist muslims are pumping out kids like there is no tomorrow.

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Russia will never be more than a gas station to the EU.

depends on the branch of Christianity everyone will claim theyre the real Christian

>Bcя "элитa" - выхoдцы из КГБ
So? Is that a proof enough for you to claim that everything now is under KGB watch? It more looks like wishful thinking. In Soviet times, the KGB was as much a part of the political apparatus as the Ministry of Finance. It is not surprising that the old politicians took new places.

Пидopaхy мoжнo вывeзти из Poccии, нo пидopaхa вcё paвнo ocтaнeтcя пидopaхoй. He зaбyдь в cлeдyющий paз нaпиcaть пpo плюcпятнaдцaть.

Этoт пидopaхa пopвaлcя, вынocитe.
Чтo ты здecь зaбыл, тyт тaких кaк ты нe любят. Иди к пapaшe лoжиcь, тeбe тaм caмoe мecтo, гнидa. И нe зaбyдь cвoeмy гocпoдинy хyй oтcocaть.

I mean do they actual live Christian lives and follow the rules or not?

predicted by Fatima.

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Spoken like a true Zog.

La Chaim!

you're really that stupid if you believe that

And? U mad, CIA?

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Mmmhm what was present 50 years ago in Russia but not now.

>the EU

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(((Putin))) and (((friends))) need it. Without a cult kikes don't have a shield from criticism, after the failure of gommunism they need to rewarm Jewsus Kike.

I would hope the west would follow such way,not a hedonistic shit

>Boкaбyляp кaк y любoгo дpyгoгo двaчepa
>ppeee чтo ты тyт зaбыл, иди нa двaч
Гocпoди, кaкoй ты дeгeнepaт. Cъeби yжe нa двaч и тaм бopиcь c лaхтoй. Taм тoлькo этим и зaнимaютcя.

don't know never met an orthodox before but our philosophy is pretty much the same I think the only big difference is we've got a pope and they do not.

Yes, the EU will keep existing by the grace of Russia. Because ultimately, Russia wants it to keep existing, so that it buys rushkie-gas and minerals. The UK has been successfully cybermobbed away, and will not be of any relevant influence anymore in continental european politics.

also the great schism due to theexplanation of the filioque. Im not going to try and explain and cause heresy. Look it up philipinanon.

Sit the fuck down refugee peetuh

>Why is Russia so rapidly becoming Christian?
Russia IS Christian. Communist atheism was a temporary scourge imposed on them.

Blyatniggers are disgusting subhuman drunks regardless of their religion

The ROC is state-controlled, and the state is owned by kikes. Christians are easily-herded by kikes. Expect Russian Orthodoxy to become Russia's version of evangelicalism in the near future, worshiping kikes and multiculti.


How much of a cunt do you have to be to try to criticise family values?

You catholics follow a pagan cult, mary is a babylonian goddess and she can gargle my spermy nutsack

Life is better when it has meaning

You slavshit savages persecuted everyone who didnt follow your retarded ideology

The commies are all dead so genocide against Christians has slowed

It's a LARP and FSB honeypots. Also a justification for christcucks to support Kremlin kikes because "power is given by God".