How do I stop browsing this shithole?

how do I stop browsing this shithole?

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pls halp


Just go outside and kill a bunch of white folks

Have sex incel and have children.

This damages soul. If you leave you come back like a beaten dog comes back to owner.

just stop browsing. it's shit and not worth it. i have almost 50 corona threads filtered and 5 happening thread filtered for bitches who want to draw attention to themselves. it's easy to see how garbage this whole board is

have sex

Came here to post this.

JUST LEAVE and never come back like forever

Shit has seriously gone down in quality even more so lately. Unfortunately most of the people that post on Yas Forums are here only for the memes and laughs. These people wont be making the changes that any serious user wants to see in western society. They don't give a single shit about any of the things that we believe in. Its the unfortunate truth, but it must be known, because people like us cant just sit around all day and expecting these fags to get up and join us. This place has been politically neutralized. I find myself reading more books everyday and spending less time here. Break free from your chains anons.

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Tarrant doesn’t brows here any more.
Just sayin’

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You can't.

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I feel the same user. This place sunks you in. I always come back to take the red pills and I'm not even that interested in political activity. Help bros.

>how do I stop browsing this shithole?
why do you want to do that

Start by asking someone who isn't also trapped here.

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by going to Italy.

Psychologists might tell you that the best way to break a habit or an undesirable preferred behavior is to give yourself a substitute. Find something else to fill in the time that you would normally spend on Yas Forums.

i with mexibro, i love it here

This place just seems so "comfy" that I keep coming back. I can't really explain the feel but it compels me to return.

Made for BBC

Made for BBC!

Im the opposite. I want political activity, but Yas Forums only seems to care about ironic memes. Anytime someone gets serious they all rush to call them feds.


Retarded shill faggot. Kys kike.

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Is it possible to do relevant political activity without joining party politics or pull a Tarrant? I enjoy political theory and read books, Yas Forums is really more for the memes.



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this place is a tight jar of self flagellant faggotry and idiocy

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why do you want to stop?

Not everyone can compete with black men wh*te boi. Just accept the fact that white women love us.

Mutt’s law

The same way you stop fapping.
You die.

>spacing. memeflaggot.
Can some artfag make a merchant go back to plebbit pic?

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>install k9 web protection
>put Yas Forums on the black list (besides porn, is automatically activated)
>figure out a goal
>figure out how to reach that goal
>work on reaching that goal

seethe more newfaggot

This BUT only if those crackers are Anglo*ds, leave all the other white folk alone.
Don't forget what bomber Harris did.

Also this Unless your a shut in neet though. A case could be made for welfare whores I guess that it's okay for example Varg is a welfare queen...

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nothing will be interesting after corona might even chuck my entire rig and just drink beer at the park dunno

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Yeah, thats what I mean. Im talking more about groups like Patriot Front. I just wish I could have redpilled and serious political discussions like I used to have on Yas Forums. So many nufags are here just to get (you)s now. Where am I supposed to go for politically incorrect discussions now?


Good goyim.

Boards been shit for about 5 years now it’s still good for shitposting on tho

Indeed it is, one of the few places on the internet where you can openly share your retarded opinions and call each other faggots.
I'll miss it when the DemocRAT's and Repugnantcan's eventually sign laws making a anonymous messaging boards illegal.

>how do I stop browsing this shithole?
Switch back to watching mainstream news and being lied to?
Fact is once your here for more than 2 months you're likely here forever.

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You're here forever. Sorry, Dorothy. Kansas is gone for good.

stop paying for internet

t. discord tranny

Fucking leave we don't want you and we're not going to convince you to stay, if that was what you wanted to hear

This mentality is why the board is shit

I'm not to worried about corona if this shit shill still has instructions to keep posting

>spacing. seethe. newfaggot
Lurk for 2 years before posting again newfag then kys!

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I know Stormfront has a very complete forum with discussions on many topics from philosophy, religion to economics. Never participated in it but Yas Forums says they're fags and low iq and some seem a bit larpy.

I agree, Yas Forums seems like reddit but without filter.

Yeah the fact that this is anonymous makes us loose ourselves and write any crap we want and get it out. I sometimes feel this dissonance IRL, I feel the need to drop red pills and I can't because that would damage my college life, so I keep returning to Yas Forums...

You are here forever
We are your only family
Your only network
Your only souls to reconcile with and find comfort in this hellhole of an existence

We are the abyss of esotericism, and once you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes back into you.

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stop being an idiot, you can't win it newfriend

What books do you read?

You’re wrong about this. The jannies are enemies of the board. The board is overrun with paid shills, newfags and raids. There is not enough oldfags here to set up a beachhead of a fight. If someone makes a newfag mistake and only a couple anons confront them it has no impact. This board has been a sea of piss since exodus.

Kek, kind of. I keep feeling more and more isolated and Yas Forums is solid ground to stand in this atomized world. The whole early 2000s aesthetic of the site also helps to make this place comfortable.

2013 was one of the worst years for Yas Forums. It was even worse than it is now. I have faith that eventually it will get better, because 2015 was a golden age and 2013 was literally unbearable. We hademe flags back then too, I think we had north korea, JIDF, Israel, and Galactic Empire or something like that as options. I miss the old Yas Forums, Yas Forums in 2008 was basically like Yas Forums in 2015 but 20 times better.

I fucking can't believe all the archives went dead. Do yoj have any idea how many memories were flushed down the toilet forever.

Does Israel have a nuclear arsenal? This is just the beginning in case you’re wondering? You’d better get ready to do some research on board history.

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Always start with baby red pills and work your way up to your friends and family's limits.

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oh shit mang
you already lost the battle
take your med simp

just stop
you will be back in a few months because what the fuck else are you going to do? go outside and make friends? lol get real. you're here forever

BTFO! Thanks for playing! Now fuck off!

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My parents were fairly easy to red pill (the jewish question has not completely been accepted by them by they are aware and sometimes discuss "jewish bankers" and the like). In college red pilling my colleagues is not that hard if you start with baby red pills, the problem is if professors know I hold to the positions...

Exactly. We are loners. Back then we would say stuff like "normies get out reeeeeeee" and now in 2020 this entire place is filled with normies who wanna discuss Abigail Shapiro amd whatever the fuck that jewish anti-alt-right midget's name is.

cope harder fag

you don't

>most of the people that post on Yas Forums are here only for the memes and laughs.
more like bots. i just want 2012 back again... It's been so long... Fuck.

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