Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - East Aryan Edition

>Election analysis 2014-2019

>Meme Collections

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

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>English language analysis

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>Andreijs Aporje

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>AfD TV (german)

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>A f D W A V E



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Other urls found in this thread:

Thank you, based thread maker. Inb4 Cataloniman insults you for OP pic.

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enjoy your "waifu"

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Wenn das der Genetiker wieder sieht..
Sieg Heil! Immer vorwärts bis zum Endsieg!

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Nope, but don't hate the playerjust hate the game. You'll get'em next time

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Fick Dich und Deinen Asiafetish Piratefag

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kek nice pic. I avoid to buy stuff that advertises itself as redistributing some of the price to niggers.
A separate place for every race.
Chinks can stay were they came from.

There we go.

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Ich musste mit diesen Resultstaten in der Uni sitzen. Das ist wie mit diesem Dolch in der Herr der Ringe. So richtig hab ich mich von der Scheisse nicht mehr erholt.

Whats Germany looking like right now?

And the sexy ebonies. Don't forget them pl0x.

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this makes the yellow fever fag hard

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depends on where you are. east west. berlin münchen

Gross pic.

>next time without italy
there will be no italy soon if the shit keeps on rollin

>plebbit free thread
awwwww yeaaaa

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Where is the least amount of diversity?

>not liking that trollface

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ofc they can, but they won't, they're set to conquer everything, I'm always saying how South America is being bought by Chinks and they're building and building non-stop, before USA realizes it they'll have military bases filled with chinks through all the continent, mutts coming through their borders are a lesser problem compared to these Asian commies, they're the fastest increasing immigrant group here in Argentina. And we get shit ton of niggers from all the northern shitholes

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My Grandmother was German. Merkel is an ugly whore who should step down or die.

>I see you have a valid point there, allow me to refute it with a cherry-picked webm

Every fucking time

small towns in the east
>liking that face

Attached: pathetic.png (942x726, 673.17K)

It's fun for like 10 minutes, but their retardation is just too strong.

Tits are solid. Nipples even pink-ish. Dark nipples are degenerate.


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thats true
its like a retarded potato child trying to pick a fight with you
its funny first, but then it gets just annoying

dude those tits are maybe not "perfect" but highest league nonetheless

Take a selfie, fren.

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I’m a female. Married to my husband. Asians larping as Germans disgusts me.

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90% of Ukrainian women look like that. So boring, every face is the same. Even worse, their personalities seem to be the same as well. I get along well with all other Eastern Europeans, but not Ukrainians. They're made in some cheap porn factory.

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No doubt, I'd give those tits a 7/10. Maybe a close 8 if they hold up when viewed from the front.

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Most yellow fever fags on this cypriot snow shoveling forum have never met an asian woman irl otherwise they wouldn't want to see one ever again
Snap out of it, ya scheisses

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Let me guess, you're the same „German“ that spams the Eichmann and every1 evil nazi is a Jew?

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dangerous territory those almost perfect tits for a will want to perfect them, with a daughter as your mom's tits will mix with your almost perfect tit wife to create the perfect tits.

Walk into your teen daughter's bathroom by "accident" and it is all over for you. May as well be named Fritzl.

>East Aryan
Mongolensau, willst du die Wuhanseuche? Arier sind nur die Hyperboräer, verstanden? Oder muss ich wieder mit dem Derwan-posten anfangen?

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Stop posting that... thing, kamerad.

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nihonbros knew it all along
they created anime as a revenge for hiroshima & nagasaki to subvert young white men into white nationalism when the endtimes are upon us
our greatest alley :DD

Hahaha! you replied to everyone.
Episches Redditgold für den Redditjuden.

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get help
post or link whats a 10 in your opinion

Dark nipples are cute as fuck on Asians. I can't explain the science why, it just is. To all their own I guess.

take that back

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hope things stay that way

Ayyy, I paid good money for that Yas Forums pass. No bannies.

Suppress the mutt in you. Dark nipples are disgusting.

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D-don't forget to optimize for feet.

>Oder muss ich wieder mit dem Derwan-posten anfangen?
I won't read it.

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its gonna get worse

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This. Portubro knows what he's talking about.
Last time I was within 5 feet next to an asian was while I still lived in Buenos Aires, went to the chinese market and the average 20 year old chink female was constantly scratching her hair and kept dropping tons of how do you say kopfschuppen in english? while at the same time handing the cash to clients, this happened on a daily basis, other chinks eating their boogers was common, they're the most disgusting shit you can find, worse than smelly latinos

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I know I gave you undesired shivers with my real talk.

It only awakens my deep ancestral desire to slaughter Mongoloids. Westerners are not redpilled on the Chinks because they never lived near them.
>So boring, every face is the same.
LMAO that's most true for Chinks.

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give me the chance and I give you an undesired piece of wood up your ass

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of course, the German is into shit fetish. You do need those perfect shit paddles during foreplay.

You're ill user, you've shekelfever, they caught you, now they laugh at you. Khazars are disgusting
Fucking captcha psyop driving me mad, I'm probably out if it keeps annoying me

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>I won't read it.
Don't worry, pictures will be enough ;)

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honorary aryans and all that.. fuck whatever I'm gonna COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

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>shit fetish
You and the jews had a bond which went beyond borders of decency and geographical delimitation.

No, he isn't. You are because you an amalgamation of disgusting fetishes.

sorry I love milkies too much. go on without me guys I lost.
yeah fucking joogle captchas

Attached: who would win khazar milkers.jpg (660x504, 49.52K)

Oh man, I wish that more people simply listened to most if not all *testimonies* when you put them all together one can just imagine pic related

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built for bbc (big bavaian cock)

lots of cherrys in china

Click audio, type nigger as first word.

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Not here.

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that comment kek

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a man of fine taste...the single eyelid insect has been engineered to be bukkaked

You have the power to stop it by redpilling people

>not "perfect" but highest league nonetheless
best tits are available tits

(FYI, this isn't the usual piratefag, that's me.)

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Join me brother. You have no idea what you're missing.

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>I paid good money for that Yas Forums pass.

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Dem, Tzu looking fab in that trad europoor dress.

Gook girls are so noice. Eunha is my fav, I like her hair.

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Heh. I don't mind some cases if they're Jude in name only, many don't have much difference from germanics, if they're Noble and are white, go for those milkers... be wary of the greedy ones though

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Leftover memecoins. Can VPNfag in peace.

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>sorry I love milkies too much.
Then why do you go for small-titted Khazar bitches?

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>you are because you an
Does meme country Canalonia have test kits for COVFEFE cause I think your brain is swiss cheese by now.


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>I paid good money for that Yas Forums pass.

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>My Grandmother was German.

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>My Grandmother was German.

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Mein Gott, ich hasse diese Leute

Are you a moral fag or somth? Do you understand where you are?

Let my gook wifus eat whatever they want.

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Are germans this dumb believing that they got betrayed by italy?? Also germany aided the chinese while the japanese were against so who really was the real traitor..

Sure, Mohammad. Spoken like a true "westerner." Here's the thing, most of us who don't follow a pedo "prophet" hate bugmen, but we hate you sandniggers more.

Just keep to raping those girls in Cologne and stop being salty that Chingis and his horde pushed your camel-fucking ancestor's shit in back in the day.