Is this coronavirus that bad or is the media out of control again? And why is there no fucking toilet paper anywhere? Does it cause you to have major diarreah or something?
Is this coronavirus that bad or is the media out of control again? And why is there no fucking toilet paper anywhere...
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pretty easy to make mass hysteria on the public. thats just downright sad
Perceived scarcity.
the media is out of control again and something has to be done about it
Coronavirus causes severe respiratory illness. Chipotlevirus causes explosive diarrhea
Where have you been the last 2 months, ribbit?
i dont know any chinks that are sick.. sorry
Maybe instead of painting a red or black cross on your door if you’re diseased you tp your own house
>Strength correlates with right wing beliefs
>Mensa is a hotspot for racists opinions
>Agriculture is intertwined with white nationalism
Seem like we got a pretty good team. What does the opposition have?
based fatty killer
that's a man btw
toilet paper (((news))) is a key indicator of geopolitical fearmongering, which media outlets are pushing the fear and which are not
It's...somewhat scary, but not the scariest. Yes, even second rate grocery stores are packed to the gills.
Still, reading this doesn't make me feel better:
That explains where the toilet paper went, but what about the other questions?
>Is this coronavirus that bad or is the media out of control again?
Yes and no. Turns out, it will really fuck you up if you have a pre existing respiratory condition, smoke, or live in a place with air quality similar to Wuhan. (Pic related. )
>And why is there no fucking toilet paper anywhere?
People are morons who think they're going to be stuck at home for months on end with no shit paper.
>Does it cause you to have major diarreah or something?
No. See above.
That makes my dick even harder.
As Q said:
These people are sick!
Celebrities and government officials are getting the coronavirus because the adrenochrome they were getting from the lab in Wuhan was purposely contaminated with coronavirus. were
Chinks all smoke and live in places where you can cut the air with a knife. Incidentally, northern Italy also has terrible air quality. Pic related.
fuck chinks
>Cosplay little house on the prairie
That actually sounds pretty based. Is this a compliment?
We have a situation that isn't great, but a population of people that are massive fearful faggoty sheep. You have the media reporting on it and people who think it's an end of the world scenario, so go out and buy out all of the toilet paper, of all things. In my town people are buying even the dumbest shit as they do the last minute panic shopping bs. Twenty loafs of bread and shit like this. Plus all of the TP. Plus everything else. Because they saw one person doing it, then another, and another, until suddenly it's a domino effect with the force of an avalanche and everyone is doing the same thing.
I couldn't even park in the store parking lot today. I had to walk from the fucking gas station because of everyone trying to buy their bread and ass wipes. Fuck them and fuck all of you here too, since I know 99% of this board is shitting a chicken and helping to fuel this reaction in their own communities too.
The toilet paper was wiped out in the smellocaust. Remember the 6 trillion rolls.
checked mate
the motivation to hype: exaggerate and use fear to grab attention, sell something, make a group look bad/incompetent, make people scared, make the public accept mandatory vaccination and martial law
the motivation to downplay: cover up and hide the true extent of the damage, morbidity or mortality so as to appear competent and in control, to lessen possible anger, backlash or disorder
Learn to spot social engineering. We always fall in the middle of the two motivations.
Make predictions how much obesity will go down in the US during 2020.
Most accurate rundown of the day.
This shit is happening up here too.
I live on an island with less than a million people, there are two quarantined cases and 2/3rds of the population are losing their minds.
It’s always the Christ cucks. Notice a pattern? The Bible is always predicting “the world is ending”. Christians are always saying “the world is ending”.
My analysis is that its fuck all and its it's literally just a slightly more dangerous flu, people should just live their lives normally and eat more strawberries and citrus fruits for that vitamin c immunity.
even liberals are fire and brimstone faggots now too tho
I’m only prepping because the mass hysteria has caused economic growth to come to halt, causing stocks to drop, jobs to lose.
Lol you didn't prep. I bought $1g of groceries back when Italy first put troops on the street. Make sure you get your rest before you go face those lines again.
>media out of control
Literally the opposite.
what happened faggots?did they canceled the justin biebers concert or something?you look tired,you had no life before neither now,Christcucks bother you but muhamads don't?So what are you gonna do,what is your plans?How are you gonna deal with the situation?cry on Yas Forums all the time?
The media is in a shitstorm. If Trump had closed all borders right off the bat the media would be calling him a hysterical racist fascist, hellbent on cancelling the upcoming elections and becoming a dictator. There were early reports calling border closing racist. Quickly it changed because the media is fickle as fuck. If you get your opinion from CNN or Fox News or any twittertard with a checkmark, you're actually retarded. Your entire brain doesn't work.
prove it
The Coronavirus is clearly being exaggerated by the liberal media to hurt Trump’s reelection prospects. You didn’t hear this much fear-mongering when tens of thousands died of H1N1 under Obama’s watch.
Authoritarianism doesn't just pop up overnight, this is the beginnings of the end of our democracy. Yas Forums should be terrified, but instead you are in complete denial to what is happening in our government. Authoritarianism won't look too different from what our country looks like now, but the powers of the institutions that once served as checks and balances on each other will become irrelevant. North Korea has a parliament. What meaningful function do you think it has in its authoritarian government? Iran has a parliament. Russia has its federal assembly.
This is how authoritarianism begins. This is not hyperbole, it is happening right before our eyes, and you choose to be blind to the abuses of power. Soon, congress and the senate will be completely subordinate to the unmatched power of the executive branch. The justice department will no longer be independent, it will be a tool of the executive to be used against political opponents. It might look the same, people will still work there, there will still be a senate, a congress, but the ultimate authority will be the executive. This is the direction our country is headed, straight to authoritarianism. If you people were libertarians, not edgy monarchists chanting "le ebic god emperor XD" maybe you would understand how dangerous the road Trump is taking our country down is.
We need to amend the constitution and bring back checks and balances to our government.
>And why is there no fucking toilet paper anywhere
That's not even all of it. Apparently there had been a fist fight over soup and a wreck during the rush of it all. This is the world we live in. These are the people we live with. Hang in there canadabro. This shit is going to just get weirder.
>his is the beginnings of the end of our democracy
>Yas Forums should be terrified
I must imagine you're new here. I certainly don't want to have anything like a democracy that allows non-humans to vote. A dictator would be an improvement.