What happens here

NYC fag wondering if it's worth a damn

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Califags are ruining it and Idaho with their mass migration. They ruined the PNW and are now moving East. If you really want to go innawoods only Alaska is left.

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Nothing happens there, that's what is great about it.


Meth and unchecked rape of city folk stay out

There's still no corona case registered, that's all you need to know right now.

Leave our "hick flyover areas" alone you city fuck. Stay in your cesspool where you belong.

Thats where I plan on moving, Montana is top enviornmental beauty

As a recent California transplant I can tell you that it’s a heck of a lot cheaper. Most of the people around here are chill except for the occasional dumb redneck that thinks everyone from California is anti gun. I’m not a single issue voter, I actually do my research on whom I’m voting for. If that happens to be a Democrat that has the best policies and they aren’t bad on the second amendment then so be it. There’s nothing wrong with common sense gun measures like universal background checks.

pic related but with meth and Indians

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Nah it's shit. Cold as Canada in winter, summer is just smoke and forest fires. Everyone is a retarded hick and the Indians will steal your car just to huff the gas. No jobs. Some rich fucks buy a summerhouse here thinking it'll be nice and then never come back after one summer and then the injuns move into their place and claim it and the owner can't do fuck-all. I'd stay far away if I were you.

kys or go back from whence you came faggot

>There’s nothing wrong with common sense gun measures like universal background checks.

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Kill yourself California faggot

You will burn at the stake.

coasties stay where you are
reap what you have sown

I got drunk on all my panama schedule days off while stationed at Malmstrom Air Force Base. Literally nothing there but bars and stripper bars for SF guys like me. I’m sure there were cooler stuff out there, but my constant exercises and recertifications kept me from doing fun stuff like Hunting and Fishing.

poor meth-heads and Ben Garrison

You're trolling but if I ever found you in Montana you'd never be found again

FUCK OFF! Go back to California shithead!

You have to go back

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Smells like reddit

Based Montana literally looking down on California, always makes me laugh when I see a map of the US

I just smoke meth all day.

Lived in Cut Bank then Kalispell a decade ago. My advice to anyone considering a move to Montana is...do not fucking do it. You will be surrounded by angry, inbred trailer trash. You can not escape them. They are everywhere. They are all related to one another. The cops will make your life a living hell. Once the locals find out you are from New York, they will slash your tires, gouge your windshield, bring their dogs to shit in your yard in the middle of the night, dump their trash in your allotted dumpster, set you up for arrest, break into your house when you are away, and murder you if possible. Search "Denton Moberly" for more information in that. One of the best movies that explains Montana culture and people is "American Meth" with Val Kilmer narrating. If you value your sanity, avoid Montana like the plague. You have been warned.

Thank god you retard socal fags are leaving California.

>Thats where I plan on moving, Montana is top enviornmental beauty
True enough. Beautiful scenery, ugly people.


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Stay and die in your city. leave actual America alone you fucking kike. We will legit shoot you.

It's awful, you'd hate it. fresh air, lots of trees, white people and guns. lots and lots of guns.

I'd recommend you nuke it, but honestly it's probably not worth the expense.

Faggots like you give the rest of us from California a bad name. You fucked up California with your bullshit "fair voting" practices and now you want to spread that to other places. You are probably a flaming faggot to boot, bitch.

I'm not from Montana, just south of it actually and I think I speak for my state as well as Montana when I say that you're not wanted and you should stay your faggot ass in new York, you yuppity fuck face.

Leftists disappear and become bear food

Agreed.. Later sk8r!!

serves you right. stay the fuck out of the midwest you coastie cuck.

Why does Montana have a nose?

Anyone who considers voting left right now should be forced to leave the country.

A volcano is about to pop there, I keep hearing.

There are better places, just with more people. Not saying you’re wrong though.

>common sen...
you are a meme of yourself

>serves you right
>post didn't share any warnings based on personal experience
the smartest board on Yas Forums

Fag drags and serial killers need to make a comeback. Preferably make the serial killings community caused and made to look like some vague puerto rican ghost.

To be fair if he's looking to flee Jew York and browses here then assume OP probably shares the same values as you. So long as he assimilates.
I apply the same logic to those fleeing Jew York and Maryland, fuck Jew Jersey though. Those fuckers can't drive properly for shit.

>if it's worth a damn
Do you want to cease living in a Mafia state? Sure but only if you're self reliant else the cold and dissoluteness will kill you.

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>starts post with "I lived in Montana"
>anecdotes in post about being bullied by locals aren't based on personal experience
>ad hominem

fuuuuuuck off pilpul hypocrite

god you kikes are the absolute worst

Think of a pancaked turd frozen at 233° Kelvin.
(It's so cold they measure temperature in Kelvin.)

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>To be fair if he's looking to flee Jew York and browses here then assume OP probably shares the same values as you
Same as refugees. If you want a better place, make it. Urbanites are corrupted worthless creatures and can only spread it.

It's not worth a damn. It;s expensive, they'll price you out and THEY WON'T LIKE YOU.

I know because they didn't like me, and I'm a white man. Imagine a NY kike there.

Even if you're not "jewish" it's TOO LATE.

oil and sheeeeet

Urbanite culture is transmissible so anything against that should also be too else you'll keep losing more ground. Or have you forgotten the fate of Virginia and Arizona?

Californian here. You should bomb our state while you still can.

Everyone outside of NYC and CA hates people from NYC and CA. Good luck with the move. Just stay where you are, you'll be rejected vehemently unless you're a community oriented Christian

Boomers sold off the states by letting rich foreigners invest in real estate. As a 3rd generation Californian, I can assure you that boomercide has been a long time coming.

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Dental floss

>As a recent California transplant
>common sense gun laws
You're a god damn meme. You all just love to move to other states in droves until you outnumber the local population in the metro areas and fuck up everything for everyone.

CA transplants are bad news:

>Property values increase by 2-3x
>Property taxes increase by 2-3x
>Political landscape radically changes in just a few elections
>Homelessness and crime increases as people are priced out and displaced.
>CA transplants vote for stupid feel good policies that prolong the homeless problem.
>Drug markets pop up, now that they are supported by desperate & displaced natives.
>Can't curb the CA problem Democratically because they're importing 30,000 families a month to the state, often concentrated in a single area.

Fuck off, seriously. There's a reason you're all universally hated. All you give a shit is about yourselves and making the area more attractive for other Californians. You all don't even know what community is.

Elk hunting. Fuck off and stay away

This is copypasta

Calicunts are in Idaho and Montana now? Man I was considering a move that way from fucking Washington, they cucked my state.

Montana is great because New Yorkers are in New York.

>what happens here
>I saw hunt for red october too many times
One ping only, vasili


okay, am sending the drones now...

its no different than buffalo just go there instead

Fuck you kike stay put

Fuuuuuxk. God damnit pol why you have to wreck everything good? Mt is ball sack. I'd is ball sack. Were lib as fuck and taxes are high. CVirus is coming, no love loss bois, just take a step back and think about the valor of Cali and the great PNW...

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Were not all bad, I moved out here to Montana after hearing about it on the Joe Rogan podcast. Rogan loves hunting up here and I can see why, so much wild life in such a big empty place. I actually told all my buddies in L.A and they're all thinking about coming over to our new home in Helena to visit. The locals are kind of.....stand off ish but it is what it is.

>thinks everyone from California is anti gun
>common sense gun measures

Betrayed by your own words you lying fuck. California transplants bring California with them.

There's nothing wrong with California, it's the assholes from there.

Oh get fucked "dude weed lmao"

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im in nyc and im going back home to connectichode fuck you all

celebrities and religitards importing shitskins.

>Calicunts are in Idaho and Montana now?
Yep, unfortunately. They realized they shitted up Oregon and Washington, and are now moving out that way.
>Man I was considering a move that way from fucking Washington, they cucked my state.
My uncle bought a cabin to retire in Montana from Washington (Longview) so he could get away from the retards about 10 years ago. For the past few years he's been bitching about Californians nonstop on Facebook. They're shitting up his /comfy/ retirement, so he's looking into Alaska now. Californians ruin everything.

Fuck you. Go deal with all the spics and niggers that you shitheads love so much. You fuckers are what's wrong with this country.

Montana is empty. Even if they bused 500,000 Hispanics it wouldn't make a noticeable difference.

you went to cranbrook

Mostly meth, a lot of heroin, and white niggers. Stay away, go to Nebraska instead.

Came here to post this. Raise the wax, based zappafag