Unlimited clean energy could be ours
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It will be soon, just few more obstacles to go
>just a few more (((obstacles)))
We have to exterminate the niggers quickly. Unlimited power means unlimited resources, and niggers will expect all of it to go to them.
What a coincidence, just as biology rears its ugly head to smite the world, physics raises a fist to help it. Oh irony.
bump just to counteract the toilet paper shills.
free energy disclosure.
just in time for our demise as a species.
A-At least we got to see it. So cute. Like a tiny purple sun. My son...I wonder what he is doing right now...
What's the overunity efficiency of electric generation? 1 kW in = 1.05 kW out?
But I prefer unclean energy
wow thats pretty neat. Never heard of safire. I hope its as good as they say it is. Seems promising.
The electric universe is pretty fucking cool. Check out the entire channel that posted the video.
Plasma fusion with only 180 watts of power, and it's self-forming too
Absolutely based, God bless
Send this to thunderfoot so he can make fun of you
brainlet here, what does energy actually do and why is it neededs?
DOOM Eternal looks great
who tf is that?
An actual scientist who debunks stupid bullshit in his free time
well have unlimited water with liberal tears once trump wins again
Thunderfoot is a massive faggot that doesn't even recognize race realism
>he doesnt even like say the one thing that could literally end his career guys lol what a faggot
What does whole Corona virus thing is just to limit our travels and CO2 emissions from airplanes to Automobiles and everything else will be doing a regular basis. What if they put a global time frame of one month of very limited to almost quarantining all nations to get these atmospheric measurements from CO2 emissions and if we actually do affect the climate with our travel habits.
he looks like one of snarksneezians pets like that other bong pussy shitgon or whatever
carbon does not affect the temperature of the planet, only the sun does that
The Jew will steal any surplus(profit) by act of government, and hand you a bill for far more than the next generations could ever produce, while teaching your children how much you all deserve your plight.
This sun-in-a-can is nifty but we have a much more serious task.
They'll just suck your blood faster than you can make it, if you don't remove them.
Oh shit I was right, he is one snarkeezians pets, this is who you're promoting?
that's why this project became a company so that no outside force could control the patents, the downside is they can't share their intellectual property
A smaller SAFIRE experiment was first created to prove the electric sun model, but instead of a cathode based system, like the related img shows, they chose an anode based version.
The plasma still arranged itself much like the sun where the surface is far cooler than the atmosphere around it
sorry faggot, Safire is producing actual results
Go suck gravity-centric model cock somewhere else.
Transmutation of elements is the real deal. Safire will produce trillion dollar industries.
Niggers in hamster wheels?
in the 2017/2018 conference they showed that beryllium showed up on the anode but there wasn't a trace of it anywhere in the entire reactor, that's when they realized something huge happened but didn't want to say more.
Since then spectroscopy has picked up even more elements, img related
>one negro in a hamster wheel can power a fusion device that remediates radioactive material
This is the future
Welp, no point investing now. Everyone working on that project is about to be suicided in order to keep gold prices high.
He said clean
>tfw Yas Forums is melting down
>tfw /sci/ is probably laughing maniacally with the cure
I have no words.
Stop everything. This glowing little fucker looks exciting. Explain to a brainlet wtf safire is. I get happy This Will Change The Future chills looking at This shit, who is he?
im to much of a brainlet to understand all of this
it's funny they never mentioned gold or silver even though it's a possibility.
just think of a post-scarcity society where not only can you get heat at a fraction of the power required you can make your own feedstock for whatever else.
it was first made an experiment to test the "electric sun" model and it succeed in producing a very hot plasma with very little power.
This means heating water with less power which equates to cheaper energy delivery, plus no radiation to speak of, and no chance of it going nova and killing everything
His names Wal Thornhill and the universe is ELECTRIC motherfucker.
Gosh if there was only some free energy we could harvest for billions of years that never polluted.
The main force in the universe is not gravity, but electricity. Our sun was not formed by particles being gravitationally attracted, but by electrical organization. They created a model of our sun on a very small scale using the electric theory, and now we are on the verge of unlimited energy.
>and was on all the time and never went away behind the horizon or clouds and we didn't have to rely on China for the equipment
We don't have to use that sun when we can make our own tiny suns.
Safire is a star too, don't be a bigot and discriminate because it's manmade
Based and Thunderboltspilled. Slowly but surely the electric universe is being heard and known.
>turn hydrogen into plasma
>create an environment within which said hydrogen plasma will self organize
An analogy would be putting water into an environment that is very cold. Such an environment causes water molecules to self organize into a crystalline structure. We call that crystal ice.
>use energy expelled by the plasma ball to boil yourself a cup of tea... or run a turbine, or sumfin.
The other method tries to manually organize the plasma with super powerful magnets... that method does sound kind of dumb though if self organizing plasma is actually a viable option.
Do you honestly think that those who own the world would let this be a widespread tech? They would rather have an empire of dirt than everyone having a higher quality of life. Did you see how the DoD is already backing it? If anything happens they will immediately confiscate it at word of their oil company overlords. It’s over. This is a farm planet where you are used up of resources just enough to not revolt or kill yourself.
>>and was on all the time and never went away behind the horizon or clouds and we didn't have to rely on China for the equipment
Energy can easily be stored in batteries (cough elon musk cough), glaubers salt under the soil, or even pumped upwards then run back downwards to power generators.
Also solar updraft towers still work at night because heat differences between low and high altitudes still are present.
The dude who ryan completely shitstomped? If anything he’s the one doing fake science.
So if the electric sun model is true wouldn't that mean that tons of other assumptions about science are wrong? Would all of the nuclear testing and development we have done still be possible assuming our models are wrong?
You are the problem.
Raytheon and Lockheed are involved in the project. Anyone who tries to suicide someone gets bombed.
What the fuck is wrong with bug chasing idiots like you?
I seriously have a hard time understanding the mentality of usually homosexual like you who want you die of nasty bugs in the system.
GOD: "Here my children, free energy forever, take what you want I won't charge you for it."
MAN: Nah, thanks I will just dig up all this toxic shit you buried deep in the ground to get it away from us, and burn it instead.
This. Honestly why do you think nuclear isn’t a solution even for most green parties in western democracy? You think those oil barons will just step down or use their massive billions in leverage to seize the tech and shut it away forever? If these people worth trillions who bend entire states to their will were actually worried about the planet ending human life in 20 years from climate change they would be going full on trillions a year into R&D. It’s about money, control and having massive amounts of power over their cattle and nothing else.
Thank you, leaf user. So then we're close to this happening? Man, imagine the end of oil, the end of the middle east. This can't possibly be. I feel hope
Am going to start watching his vids if he has them. Thanks
Yeah, there are tons of things we get wrong. If you look up any news from NASA they consistently say, "we were surprised to find..."
Our old model is not giving accurate predictions, and way too many objects out there defy our model. The Big Bang, the expanding universe, dark matter, black holes, and neutron stars are all in question.
The electric universe correctly predicted the nature of comets, and the old model did not. There are a lot more examples, but that's one that I remember.
Maybe watch the video.. \I've never heard of this before and it seems like sci-fi but if it's real it uses only electricity, and produces more than it uses, and can reduce radioactive material back to stable elements...
The way it's presented seems a bit too good to be true thouhg like some kinda new-agey kinda vibe to it
Look at the channel that made the video in the OP. It is the mouth of the rabbit hole if you want to climb down it.
That’s another problem with modern academia. They are so far down certain holes that they become completely closed off to other answers no matter how practice or how much evidence that there is for it. Just like anthropology or anything else. You get so far down into one path that you get lost and unable to even be critical.
Thanks user, how can i learn more? I have heard the phrase electric universe before but have never heard an explanation of what it is before today.
When people who don’t have competing energy methods and are worth trillions. So never or until all jews die.
If only we can get rid of the controllers more amazing tech will be ours
Starting to wonder if Tesla was right and if the shit they confiscated from him after death was real shit.
If you look at the older videos on that channel, it looks like these guys are pseudo-scientists. I'll admit that the experiment itself is interesting but I'd take it all with a grain of salt if I were you, especially on their applications claims.
Oh wow, another technology, just like the other technologies that exist that have had no effect on society whatsoever.
Oh wow a clear and concise explanation that doesn't explain any of the fundamentals which makes me think nobody working on this project understands the fundamentals.
Oh wow a claim that this is safe even though they said this can reach absurdly high temperatures, and requires absurd amounts of materials to contain it.
The word “pseudoscience” has come to mean “any evidence that goes against mainstream academia.” For instance race realism is truth but considered psuedoscience because it goes against the ideological goals of academia. It’s funny because those who use that word seem to be the ones practicing the very definition of it themselves. See: sociology where and axiom is that humans are blank slates. And they wonder why nothing replicates. I honestly have no clue if this shit if fake or not but what I have learned is that I don’t truth “facts” from authority anymore and won’t even make a judgement until I’ve studied myself.
Complete pseudoscientific drivel on par with flat earthers. Their whole foundational view is based on patently false information.