Supermarkets Rationing Products to Prevent Prepping

Supermarkets Rationing Products to Prevent Prepping
Why would they do this? Do they hate money?

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Private companies doing more to help people than the govmnt
As usual

What if it is in the toilet paper??? Buying mega rolls of cooroona. That's the spread factor.

The sudden demand is not good for the supply chain.

>prevent prepping
if you were prepped you didn't have to rush for Walmart to buy ten packs of toilet paper like a retard.

Stop appropriating the Prepper name for unprepared paniced retards. the Preppers are sitting in their bunkers now, not standing in line.

Waiting til the moment of the crisis happening is not prepping. That's panicking. Anyone who isn't a subhuman nigger had finished their preps a month ago.

I hope so. That would be for the best.

>preppers don't have this problem because they acted early and got the worm

stop hoarding tp cunt

>horrible disease breaks out months ago
>suddenly comes to my country
people 'prepping' now are mostly already dead.

you prep before hand because people panic buy

If you are shopping now and getting upset other people are shopping you are a panic buyer

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you have seen what was happening since Jan

don't cry now, you should have stocked up before the panic for basics


Im not even a prepper and I started accumulating hand sanitiser, cleaning products and food in January.
Now I have enough for me and my wife to last a few months without having to go outside and there wasnt any shortage or rationing at all.

>preppers don't have this problem because they acted early and got the worm
Feels comfy, lads.
Fuck all the last minute panic shoppers, they are getting exactly what they deserve.

it's because poos and chinks are driving around to every supermarket in a 100 mile radius and buying up all of the alcohol, tp, hand sanitizer and lysol to sell in their bodegas at a huge markup.

Yeah no fucking shit... The preppers have already been prepared. Why would they be in the mad scramble to get prepared?

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>Prevent prepping

These are panickers
Preppers set up months ago.

But I need TP for my bungholio!

>tinned vegetables
Absolutely fucking worthless. Enjoy starving to death with your gay toilet paper, tinned vegetables and pasta.

Don't confuse what these people are doing with prepping.
Prepping implies that you did something in advance.
Waiting till everyone starts getting everything at once and hoarding to wipe out supplies is not ok. You are keeping other people from getting what they need. And what there is plenty of. There is plenty of everything in America.
We go every day without needing anything. It's only as a result of people freaking out that creates trouble.

I'm gonna enjoy my deanz and beanz while sitting on the shitter surrounded by a throne of TP.

>Private companies doing more to help people than the govmnt
>breadlines are a good thing!

feels so good being vindicated. my SHTF box is sitting nice and comfy. no worries on my end.

I want to thank the anons on here for basically telling me to prep.

Nah I am a prepper, doesnt stop me from stockpiling more as long as it is possible

Could be like Toronto

god, people are stupid


its panic buying.

I have been prepping for a long time, but I`ll be damned if I miss out on buying the last stash of TP from under some unprepared cunts nose

You shouldn't be in the store at this point, a lot of the panickers are sick.

fuck that, the virus is dangerous mostly to boomers and old people. The prepping is done because of the economic crash

Doing it wrong imo.

Today the Austrian government put the whole country on lockdown, after declaring a partial lockdown only yesterday. People were in complete panic mode in many places, I had see this, honestly

I finished last week. My trip to the store in 30 mins will be for beer and popcorn.

You're a fucking retard

The sucky thing is that for those of us that didn’t hoard now we have to hoard. Damnit.

If you did not allready I would opt for the absolute basic package, 3 days food, 3 days water , a gun and ammunition

I've always had a couple months of supplies set aside. You never know if you're going to get snowed in or lose power for a few days. Being a little prepped should be common sense no matter the situation.
Those people aren't preppers, they're panicking asshats.

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Hopefully everything is restocked in a week.

funny thing is that in the olden days what you call "beeing a little prepped" was considered the absolute norm

If you're stockpilling now, you're not prepping.



I went to the store, all the canned goods and dry foods were full, TP, sold out.

fuck boomers.

I just expanded my earthquake supplies from 2 weeks to 2 months. I live on the San Andreas fault which occasionally rerolls a town.

Markets and just-in-time supply is confirmed retarded resource management.

your welcome, I was warning you faggots mid january and even further back in September that shit was going to be insane in 2020



Its been fun...

its not like they are going to make more money
corona doesn't make people eat 300% more food, the just buy more now, then next week when this is over they won't be buying
this week is a surge for them, next week will be inversely slow

>look another sold out store
pics or it didn't happen, nigger
and random empty shelves don't mean shit
show me the empty warehouse/storage rooms
show me the bodies
you can't
its just overhyped bullshit

The average American eats one roll of toilet paper per day.

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They already have money, what do they need more money for? You're on your own fucko.

What’s insane about it? People are being idiots and buying toilet paper for their prep item. Not even food, just toilet paper.

> In Cambridge.
> Highest STD and Infidelity rate in country/world.
> Fresh supply of Students coming and going every year
> Most multi-cultural Place in UK per square mile due to students and lack of segregation (London has big enclaves , not the same)
> 3/4 voted 'remain'. European Union Flags everywhere.
> Largest hospital in UK (Europe?), Addenbrookes Hospital.
> 1 confirmed Corona patient in intensive care
> 4 Addenbrookes staff fired today for stealing hand-cleaning supplies.
> Giant 20+Mil Mega mosque, where Turkey's Erdogan personally visited just before starting war-maneuverers on Greek Boarder.

> … Corona-chan pays to visit....

>This is what some of Sainsbury's shelves look like.


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>and this.

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Then why are you doing this? A virus only dangerous to old people isnt going to cause an economic crash so bad you can get food

Same need more beer and chips I have enough peanut butter water and tp to last a year and alot of batteries.

>even further back in September that shit was going to be insane in 2020
Would you mind restating that case, now? I'm curious to hear your predictions from the time, and how they've unfolded or been modified since.

Aus has been doing this with toilet paper for weeks. Started on food today

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