Why are Americans so against the idea of "free" higher education? Isn't a more educated workforce a more productive one?
>hurrdurr nignogs free gibsmedat
But this can't be exploited for free/leeching type gibs. You still have to work to get accepted by the university you're going to, and you still have to do the course work to get through. This would be "teaching a man to fish" and would give any aspiring person a chance to better their standing in society by working. Why support overseas wars and various business conglomerates in bumfuck nowhere desertistan, Saudia Arabia, and Israel instead of the economic interests of the majority of our people?
Why are Americans so against the idea of "free" higher education? Isn't a more educated workforce a more productive one?
Other urls found in this thread:
>more educated
>more productive
just kys college retard
there is no free cake!
We have a severe crabs in the bucket mentality. Fuck everyone as long as i got mines attitude that spans every race. They all see someone down as a reminder their above.
How much is "free" worth, sport?
Answer that and then we can discuss the "why."
somebody has to be the niggers of society
>Mechanical engineers
>Computer engineers
>Civil engineers
>Literally anything STEM
All of the above contribute to society in meaningful ways
>Visual artists
A lot more hit or miss and ends up producing a lot more shit than gems, but you should be fine with that since you're already browsing Yas Forums.
>da joos
Worth less than artificially propping up your precious markets and housing bubble, gramps. ;)
The niggers still have to get accepted into and pass their university courses.
you already have the issue that everyone wants to become a doctor, engineer, code monkey etc
there are just not enough jobs for it and all your "educated" retards run around with PhD in dancing with 200k+ in debt working at mc dicks for 10$/h
there is a need for manual labor, there is a need for a tard playing the jewish piano just as much as there is a need for the guy that's picking up your trash
a nigger like you couldn't never even beginn to fathom how any country or society works
pls just stop and remove yourself from the gene pool
i know you want to flood the country with low IQ apes from the 3rd world so you can pat yourself on the back that "those poor people live so much better here with the minimum wage"
Why are you referring to Americans as an other despite posting under a US flag?
I'm no longer pursuing higher education, so making it free for other people doesn't directly benefit me. Therefore, I'm against it. Just as I am against things like public schools. I've already been through them, so I don't think we need them anymore.
your first mistake was confusing schooling with education
College =/= more educated or more productive.
It means more propagandized
because currently, our colleges are just producing people who do nothing 99% 0f the time. i refuse to help subsidize people spending money on dumb shit like lesbian dance therapy.
Most countries that have it also require high test scores to qualify... which would clearly be rayciss
Mood. Signaling this HARD. ^^^^^^^
>Engineer here. I used to build little houses out of lego as an infant so I decided to turn my hobby into a career. While working at Wal Mart, I perfected my civil engineering abilities in my spare time doing personal projects until I built a respectable portfolio. Now I make 300k starting as a self-taught civil engineer.
H1Bs are "better educated" and cheaper
The idea that college increases human capital is a myth. Much of what you learn in college is academic in nature and not really related to a real life profession. Not to mention you don't really retain much of what you learn. Your college degree is only valuable because it signals to employers that you are a comformist and a conscientious worker.
Oh you refuse to, huh?
So, if someone similar to you were forced to pay for free education, would they be more likely to drop out of the System and stop paying into it? Maybe even playing some Minecraft in retaliation?
Nothing is free
You appreciate things if you work for them
If you study hobby degrees you get nowhere but indoctrinated with Marxist rubbish.
Only STEM is worth anything.
Be an apprentice for useful roles in society. We always need plumbers, electricians, Carpenters. Always pay well
You sound like a simpleton.
You should be able to understand this.
Ok so people argument here is that people will do useless stuff, what about free STEM college, while the gender studies people have to pay their own education, will americans be on board with that?
Fuck off you Communist.
nothing is free
Because the debt/education crisis is a lot more complicated than the need to have somebody pick up the tab.
Higher education has been rotted to its core by everything from degenerate "best years of your life go party" social norms, to activist professors who corrupt disciplines and faculties, to ballooning "administrative" costs associated with do-nothing busybody offices/diversity commissars. Then you have to factor in things like irrational Boomer middle-manager hiring standards/expectations as part of what makes the cost/benefit analysis such a mess too.
By all accounts, an endless supply of Federal loan money as *already* exacerbated all of the above problems immensely. And every proposal for "free" higher education presently on the table amounts to just throwing even more money at the problem and calling it a day just because no individual student will see the debt incurred as a number attached to their name anymore.
"Make it free" is very literally a means of avoiding looking at the problem, not of digging in and solving it.
Because FREE means paid for by WHITES ONLY on behalf of NIGGERS
Nobody ever goes to the 'free' colleges in Europe because theyre all ranked at the bottom
Against the idea?
Public "free" k-12 is already a joke waste of money.
Why do the same to college?
Burgers couldn't even give their own folk the UBI, but gibsmedat for Wallstreet in a heartbeat
>free STEM college
colleges are already dogshit at removing poor performers from their programs, making it 'free' just makes it an incentive to push enrollment as high as they can.
Change the rules so that debt can be discharged in bankruptcy, and we'll see improvements.
Anyone with more than 2 braincells should be against it. Why the fuck should i be forced to pay for your education?
You are the main (only?) beneficiary. No one else. Maybe you should help pay for my investiments too.
Because while the professors who work in our universities may be communists, the rest of the human infrastructure are not.
Go tell the people who deliver your tendies that their just reward will be a feeling of accomplishment, in stead of a paycheck to buy gas for their trucks.
I'll wait.
So will you, I'll wager.
The basic idea here is:
>Boomer: "I couldn't get one so you must suffer the way I did and eat shit!"
Except that back in the day there was no need for degrees. Also "muh pensions".
>This would be "teaching a man to fish" and would give any aspiring person a chance to better their standing in society by working.
More likely, this would be teaching a man to accept that teaching man to fish perpetuates toxic masculinity and systems of patriarchal oppression.
of course not, it's free for students though
shame on america's education
Here in Germany we have (almost) free University, it is wonderful .
> everyone now has a degree
> they are now worthless
> new not "free" degree opens up
> dipshits whine that that should be free
> they are now worthless
> new not "free" degree opens up
and it goes on forever
*Same goes for losers who skipped college ofc.
What's the benefit for the regular dummy who has to pay for it all?
You wouldn't be getting free education. Staff salaries, textbooks, equipment, facility overhead etc, all has to be paid for. And no, the ebil corporations and government won't be paying for it. Joe Smith who works at the factory will be paying for it and Bob Jones at the dunkin donuts will be paying for it in the form of raised taxes. Paying for what exactly? For a bunch of retards to willingly subject themselves to being brainwashed.
>I hate evil corporations so much that I want a free education and degree so I can work for one
In your utopia, once it's 'free' you'll be complaining about how long it takes. Guarenteed
The US is so fucked lmao. No wonder you buffoons voted Trump into office if you can't even comprehend why higher education, especially in technical fields, is necessary and must be free.
What, pray tell, is so valuable about higher education? I graduate with a BS in comp sci. 95% of the information is irrelevant in the actual software engineering profession and the rest of it could be learned within months on your own from the internet
>The United States will see a shortage of up to nearly 122,000 physicians by 2032 as demand for physicians continues to grow faster than supply
Post proofs of oversaturation of engineers, please. I recognize there are needs for manual labor, but that's an unrelated issue.
>i know you want to flood the country with low IQ apes
Where did I say that? Why does subsidized higher education immediately equal migration in your mind?
College comes with a level of propaganda, yes, but practical knowledge and skills are taught there as well. It also shows to employers that a prospective employee for certain knows what the hell they're doing.
American colleges are simultaneously "the best in the world, producing the best of the best in all fields" and retard churning machines to many people in support of the current situation regarding this topic.
>in college forever
>hence never making money
>can't afford housing because not working
I can understand it, and the argument is flimsy.
No one is disputing that it isn't actually free.
You are delusional or underage.
>lose government funding if shitty students keep making it through
>milk money from shitty performers
>Average wages increase
>more tax collected overall
>better infrastructure and police
>How does this affect me?
>goyim, you can take this loan to get a degree
>all of what you said, but they're all debt straddled now.
Norway has what we call "masters-disease"-
you're not getting employment without a masters degree.
Sure you can do tradesm but we all look down on them.
Still its good that we pay more for the low types of labor.
>someone tell me why I'm a nigger?
So if university is free and accessible, why does Germany lag behind the US in terms of GDP per capita? Maybe higher education doesn't actually increase human capital?
>what's so important about ensuring the doctor/surgeon/researcher/civil engineer actually knows what they're doing?
Comp. Sci. is not the only major
I could see some sort of program where IN DEMAND majors were free, but send Shaniqua to $500,000 worth of gender studies classes so she can get a masters in kill whitey?
Miss me with that shit.
Im going to make this real simple for you, AMERCANS DONT WANT HIGHER TAXES.
You just witnessed banks and stock traders commit the biggest heist in history and you still want to be a good goy paying into retirement. I know I can't be the only guy here who doesn't give a shit anymore and won't give a penny to these swindlers ever again. What's the point of working yourself to death and paying kikes to rob you?
What the fuck does that even mean? They'll evade taxes? Crackhead lol
>a more educated workforce a more productive one
If college was actually good at educating, I might agree with you
As it is, I generally support the states that are making technical/community college free but not making 4-year university free.
Yes. Outline what secondary education requirements are for a 'college-tracked' middleschool student in Germany are in order to get into a 'college-prep' high school, then what the requirements are to be accepted to a college/university in most of Europe.
Consider that against the requirements in the US, given that most people live with one public school and severely weakened standardized tests (ACT/SAT) that are often waived by colleges as a requirement. Many colleges accept students with GPA as low as 1.5, since the loans are federally guaranteed.
>But this can't be exploited for free/leeching type gibs.
Is this a serious statement?
This is an 8th grade test from 1912. If you live in a city, you absolutely know people who have bachelors degrees who could not pass it. Expansion of education always involves degradation of education. People value other people's approval over standards, sad to say.
>Bankers and loan dispensers make inordinate amounts of wealth by trapping people in debt
>This drives the GDP despite nothing tangible being created.
>Thank you Shlomo for the strong economy!
>Studies computer science
You're a fucking retard if you enrolled into computer science and expected to be taught how to develop software. People like you only get to comp. sci because of the promise of money, without any regard for the field. All people like you eventually end up achieving (assuming they graduate) is being a subpar code monkey in some start up, at best. Should've studied comp eng, brainlet.
The greatest education system in the world has been attacked by zionists for decades.
Loans aren't added to GDP. I see your precious college education never taught you basic economics
Wages are determined by offer x demand. They wont increase if more people have degrees.
And even if they did, that is not a justification to force me to pay for your investiment.
Because Euro universities are more selective and we the taxpayer know we will be stuck with a bill, even in-state, similar ($20,000 for 2 semesters at UT Austin, sans room and board )to what you would pay to study as an international student in Europe ($22,000 for a year at University College Dublin). They also spend money on frivolous shit, like LSU spending millions on a lazy river while its library literally rots.
It's not like Europe with generally more vigorous tracking to keep university more selective as well as tuition for the locals in the range of
What do you think they're doing with all the money they're receiving? If someone is smart enough to dispense loans, they're smart enough to reinvest it into another business that is counted towards the GDP
If it's elite, then the pricetag doesn't necessarily matter if most people don't get to be part of the club.
It's true I landed a job at a startup (not sure I would call myself a "code monkey"). Not sure why you are sneering at me considering that even as a slightly underpaid junior software engineer with a salary of 80k, it's very likely I earn more than you do
And no, I don't think it will get better if you make a Bureau in between that will do the exact same thing.
you have to go back
Those people are stupid and deserve to be enslaved to something. I can agree about overhauling the fucked up banks, but the idiots they ensnared need to dig ditches or something useful.
Next time, don't be so fucking stupid.
Your argument hinged on corporations not paying taxes.
>all sorts of frivolous facilities
can't be running out of buildings to name after donors, bud
There will always be retarded ditch diggers and stone layers who don't quite get the contract shoved in their face brings "wow new thing." Why do you wish that upon your countrymen?
It was facetious newshitter
college is already free/heavily subsidized in most of europe and people don't do this
I am sneering at the fact that the whole point of your education missed you by a long shot and you're incapable of seeing what was it that it actually taught you (or was supposed to, there are shitty schools). I don't blame you, this is just the result of the massive expansion of computers and people are naturally attracted to the money generated from the industry.
>it's very likely I earn more than you do
Thanks for proving my point, I guess.
The free higher education should be, however, reserved for those who truly appreciate and are able of utilizing the knowledge it offers.
People want more money
>You still have to work to get accepted by the university you're going to
My private college has a 100% acceptance rate.
>I was being facetious
>even though I completely agree with the sentiment
Then you weren’t being facetious, were you?
This is the perfect answer to your question: why should college be free when free K-12 can’t even teach the average American (you) how to properly use facetious?
Americans use to be much better at using the English language, before the Department of Education became a thing. How is that possible, unless free and readily available education actually lowers the quality of said education?
Because if we pretend it doesn't exist, even more people will fall for it. Your's is a miserable and pitiable state, but one you made yourself. Your family didn't figure out how debt works, mine did. I deserve to live better than you.
Learn about the concept of supply and demand.
More education means more pseudo intellectual midwits who get indorturnated to not work and demand more education because master told them so. It's a cap buecracy that can't even bother to promote meritocracy and real education that teaches you how to do certain jobs.
Guilds are honestly a more effective system. Higher education is meant for the higher class so they can get big brained on philosophy, language, and diplomacy so they can effectively run a nation.
You are just another midwit OP and all you really want is more stuff. So if you want more stuff quit being a midwit and just demand at least a job from the government instead of you just get an education in women studies.
The "MUH FREE COLLEGE" crowd will never address your points, friend. They are literally dumber than 8th grade graduates from Kansas a century ago.
Nah, my argument hinged on raising the workforce's taxes to pay for everything. I could be wrong about corporations paying their fair share but according to Bernie they don't. Not sure who to trust now.
I just love it how people from that crowd always have such a poor handle on the only language they speak. Irony truly is the order of the universe.
Because it's an effort to make public education last 16 years instead of 12 or 8. If someone wants to extend their education to specialize in some higher level job, then they can work (and pay) for it. If we really need a higher ed job, there's grants and scholarships and paid internships to help support students.
But to answer your question with another question, how does having more stockbrokers, political consultants, and social workers help me in my daily life?
Because the free lower education is shit. Why would upper education be any different? Fix k-12 first, then we’ll talk.
>Worth less
Worthless. Very good, sport. You understand.
>Free = Worthless
And you have your answer.
lol people are still shilling that college is useful? kys
why doesnt the fed just give everyone 100million dollars? fuck you are retarded
If the entire academic structure was really about the pursuit of truth and innovation and the US was at least 90% white then sure. Currently? No way.