All sexual representations of minors, whether in the form of drawings, cartoons, animation paintings, computer generated imagery, sculptures or otherwise, has no artistic/aesthetic value and should be banned, censored or made illegal altogether. Present your argument(s) as to why or why this should be justified or not, including where you draw the line and your definition of sexual representation of minors.
All sexual representations of minors, whether in the form of drawings, cartoons, animation paintings...
Other urls found in this thread:
all pedos must hang
State your reasoning.
>I dont like this art so it should be banned
Sounds like something a pedo would ask.
stop being gay
lol whatever fag
Do you feel the same way about LGBTQ content, or is pedophilia somehow more permissible to you than same-sex relationships and divergent gender identities.
And? In b4 kys.
I literally dont care about a drawing regardless of its content, only a total faggot would want the government to control artistic expression. No exceptions
Yes nigga it's not real
define "Minors", 12,14,17,18 ???
12 and under i agree. 13+ should be legal in every possible way.
all negative images of anything unpleasant or immoral should be illegal and punishable by life in prison. you should not just be able to draw things without approval from the government and police.
permits and licences should be required for writing, drawing, and painting utensils as well as for paper. you should have to wear a body camera the entire time you draw anything.
writing about immoral or unpleasant acts is the same thing so the same protective standards should apply.
do NOT read or look at anything. no NOT listen to or create anything. it WILL be made illegal and you WILL be jailed retro-actively.
do NOT have any thoughts that have not been approved beforehand by the government and police.
We need honeypots.
What about all of the pedo Hollywood films? What about teenage cheerleading? If you're going to ban all sexualization of minors, do it right. No bikinis, no tight clothes. No leaving the house without being escorted by a man in the family. Sharia law, bitches
You'll be killing each other in the streets for basic goods in a couple months but you're mad at cartoons, typical britcuck.
I approve of burqas. They are good for facial recognition avoidance.
How do you determine that drawings are minors?
Wtf? So you think it should be legal to have nudes of a 13 or 14 year old? Nah man.
What? You're on the wrong trail.
Should I call the cops on you?
I am pro free speech actually. I just want to see what arguments can be made against such representations when there is no victim per se. I know the 'All pedos get the bullet/rope' matra. I find this interesting when it comes to no actual abuse being proven.
Again you have to define 'abuse' when it comes to such things. Nude does not = abuse.
>OP wants to outlaw drawings
>Drawings do not have an age
>There is no legal method of determining the age of a drawing
I'm asking OP how he'll overcome this legal conundrum. How will this law that he is proposing be pragmatically applied?
>comletely unable to enforce already existing laws concerning the real shit without completely collapsing justice/prison sytem in 48 hours to the point 500k+ member websites operate with impunity
>make more shit illegal that would increase the problem ten fold
Brilliant strategy op tell us more.
Oh you'll just get some prattle about muh degeneracy, "normalization", or even some religious morals, but in the end they're just saying it should be banned because they find it offensive.
If anything 2D is good because people can explore fucked up fetishes of all kinds in a 100% harmless environment and no one is exploited except for the consumer.
death to lolis
Well if it relates to sexuality, then yes, but if its a children's book or a comic then it should obviously remain legal.
If I draw a stick figure with a vagina and call it 10 should I be arrested?
The UK, Canada and Australia as well as a few other countries already have made it illegal though.
Cringe and not cunny pilled
Cheers to patrician tastes bongbro
Is there nothing in the cp laws about depictions? I'm honestly asking because I don't know. It can't be, no victim no crime.
Getting mad about drawings is the definition of whataboutism if you want to pull that buzzword.
Is the lolibaba legal paradox
^^^^^^^ 1000% this
art should serve the People and inspire them, not allow your sicknesses flourish in privacy so they can explode and ruin society
control art and you can moderate humanity from evil
And just like the real thing the laws aren't enforced at all. Look how terrified you are at browsing a website where you could come across a loli and go to prison for 50 years.
and that concludes my statement, thanks for listening
That's not how you use the word
nigger detected
>You see Your Honor, she's actually a 900 year old demon girl, and I would like the see the prosecution prove otherwise.
They could be art. For instance you could use it to expose the pedo rings that run society and show the brutal reality of what goes on.
so shall we ban lolita and other literature titles alike?
Probably, but it would be REALLY hard to enforce.
but i do have to add!
It's one of the most mindless buzzwords of the media of all time, it's not an argument for anything.
You took a slippery slide fallacy seriously.
just imagine
Based and Chinopilled.
Extend to all sexual representation, not just minors. No benefit comes from it for the individual or society
The world is fucking ending and this faggot is worried about fucking cartoons
It's hair splitting to argue this way "what about a stick figure with a vagina".
Obviously a sensible line will be drawn and a stick figure will not be included.
Only normalfags, reddit and tranny niggers hate 2D lolicon
While most sane people would simply look at the tags and leave,
only closet pedophiles can be so bitter to want to ban it outright
Hotbutton Opinion; The age of consent should be lowered to 14, but premarital sex should be punishable by 6 months in prison and a heavy fine. Marriages should be arranged at a young age and both men and women taught to respect the decisions of their parents and divorce should only be allowed in extreme cases with ample evidence of severe wrongdoing by one party.
Of course this only works without any signifigant population of niggers and tacos.
Go back to the 100th coronavirus thread then
it has more artistic value than a fucking "abstract" paint of a red square.
What about a brutal depiciton of a little girl being raped by a pedophilic freak.
This and cheating on your partner should be punishable by death.
Banned from Twitch almost immediately. Gotta protect thots.
Obviously that will be banned
Freedom of expression doesn't end where your feelings begin. If a work of art offends you, then that's your problem. A drawing is a drawing. Real children are real children. If you can't see the difference, you need to see a doctor.
Nah, don't agree. I'll do what I want. You gonna stop me.
You fucked your argument with the first word.
Your statement is an absolute, and is thus validly disproven with ONE counter-example.
Too bad, so sad, be less retarded next time.
It’s the same thing.
Yeah maybe we shouldn't have unlimited freedom of expression huh?
Some expressions are disgusting and subversive.
Why? It exposes the reality.
Young girlchildren are made to take daddy's dick. Antis are just jealous feminists.
You sound like a wing bitch.
Wtf are you talking about, this isn't hard to understand. Just be honest with yourself for a second.
Fuck you, you pearl clutching tradthot. Besides women need to be regulated not men. Women are such shit men are bailing out.
Digusting, posting children on a argument.
Well... it's not real. Retard.
I'm actually all for unlimited free expression with regards art. The disgusting, the subversive, you don't have to look at it. You don't have to fully understand or appreciate a piece of art. The state has no right to curtail the artist, just as the state has no right to curtail our right to speak our minds.
3 years after puberty they are developed enough to make children, therefore can no longer be children. That's the line.
Want to lick tummy.
Museums have lots of baroque and renaissance paintings of naked children. Should we burn them, Fuhrer Feminist?
>caring about lolicon and other drawn porn
>nation is filled with pedophiles and pakistani child rapist
Bongs have their priorities straight
Twitch is so blue pilled that I technically have a "free" twitch prime subscription and I still don't use their dumbass site
At least use another meme flag
There is literally no biological and evolutionary function for your sexual preferences yet you are all being shoved in our fucking faces publicly. Go suck a dick now that it's socially acceptable and gtfo of this thread, this is a straight male issue.
The reason why child pornography is illegal to possess is because its very creation necessitates a crime against a child, and therefore to allow its possession is to allow a market demand for criminal behavior.
No crimes against children are created when fictional characters are drawn, even in a sexualized manner. Therefore, no law banning it can be justified.
He is a pedo in denial, like closet faggots that want to ban faggotry
Do you have a loisense for that opinion mate?
>Sensible line
Lmao a victimless crime isn't sensible from the get go
so you mean that loli/shota hentai should be ilegal or that most ecchi anime should be banned?
I dont want it banned
I want you all dead
"Rights" are a spook. There is no such thing.
It is a purely legal term. You have the right to do something if you gave it to yourself by passing a law or constitution, nothing else.
>i support freedom of speech
>as long as you aren't saying things i don't like
Then its not freedom of speech then is it?
This terrifies feminists
I believe in the medieval style body immersed in dirt and head out stoning of homosexuals.
all representations of humans should be banned.
We do not discriminate drawings over other drawings.
Welcome to the internet honey. It's magical place were you can see things you may not like.
Well i can argue that you can use homosexuality as a form of domination, but this have no space on modern societies other than bannal sex.
There is no such thing as a "victimless crime". Everything reverberates and ripples through society.
>has no artistic/aesthetic value
Unless you're an omnipotent being, that's bullshit.
I don't care what you call it. I support people taking different stances on political topics. That doesn't include lewd art.
cherubs in classical art arent technically 'minors' despite being depicted as nude children with wings. They were supposed to represent spritual innocence. Do you suggest banning and emptying all the art galleries of these paintings aswell?
This terrifies me, are you a pedo or a shitposter?
Maybe we should ban porn in general then, and maybe violence and gore depictions?
this book was more about how grooming and the insidious lengths groomers go to in order to capture their prey. the author himself hints that it happened to him as a child.
>gay community opinions
Fuck off faggots, no one cares about your opinion
Hating on people for sexual preference should be considered a hate crime