Oh yeah? How about we fucking nuke you, gooks

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Other urls found in this thread:


how about you stop being a shithole

You'll be next, you snaggle toothed faggot.

Good. Trump will cite this in his push to move pharmaceuticals manufacturing back home by law. He can claim public health necessity and BTFO the pharma fags.


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This, also the fact that he's going to force the pharma faggots to be transparent in their costs which will drop prices or spur competition to push out cheaper drugs.

America produces no antibiotics. They're all manufactured overseas.

>gotta have world war, goys!
>fox news says so!
lolol this is hilarious
>y-youre still following the script right?

that was a great idea
very cool mr. shekelberg!

Here you go you dumb nigger.



Not helping Burgers for all that shit talking those peasants been doing. I wouldn't help em.

>geo-politics and world events are all real
>totally not scripted to create NWO
>fox news said so!
>oh what's that?
>you arent buying the official narrative any more?
>dumb nigger!
if it's all so organic why is it all so predictable?


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Half our leaders are probably on alzheimers medications so this could be a big problem

China's arrogance far outweighs their intelligence.

dumbfuck american

kill yourself

Nobody even gives a fuck about Australia. Your country literally offers nothing of value to the entire world.

Look at me. I am the God Emperor nao.

Attached: jew tears.png (307x363, 98.28K)

kill yourself

America isnt europe.

>memeflag kike weighs in

is this the level of power trump wishes he had? at least he has qanon. kinda like a dick extension for the dickless, isnt it?

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>triggered fucktard american spam posting and replying to every single comment in his own shitty thread.

but trumppppppppppppppppppppppppp

>at least he has qanon
hows them ZERO arrested, indicted and charged working out for ya?

I was predicted this from the very start. No one believed me.

God dammit people. When the vaccines for this shit come out that does NOT mean it's over. They aren't done with us by damn sight.

Strike now when they are weak or the world suffers the consequences.

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every time you doubt trump... somewhere... a boomer loses his retirement benefits.

Attached: boomer-meme-rekt.jpg (1324x1521, 689.05K)

do it cunt I double dare ya don't be a wuss

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Okay beer and that one song.

Then drop the dead out of bombers over Chinese cities. How effective will their quarantine be when thousands of old dead people are raining from the skies?

The proper nomenclature is chink

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>Buy up Canadian and American land out from under them
>Threaten to cut medication in what can only be interpreted as an act of war
You know what, fuck it - lets kill every last chink and claim China as the new White ethnostate. We can be close to all the Asian qt's and anime, there is no downside to this.

Trump planned all this, it's 8D chess

I'm all for it, right after we lynch every treasonous motherfucker that sold our country out to them.

remember that when trump collapses the united states. dont you DARE say it was an accident or someone else's doing seeing as he's soooooooo multi-dimensional


lol, why do chinks think they are in position to deny anything to anyone? It will literally take few months to turn Pajeets into new China (factory) and China into street shitting Poos

How about you pieces of shit develop your own medicine. Mustard race #1

Starve the insects.

Fuck off cunt

Checked. This

I thought sync swimming event was at the Olympics

But then Trump would end 100% of trade with Chicoms and sanction any country selling re-branded chicom bullshit into America.

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That's what we get for using chink slave labor to save money on manufacturing. Put all ceos in prison who sent manufacturing over seas. Buy american.

Absolutely pathetic attempt at directing aggression towards China.

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I must be OD'ing on vit C because this shit is hilarious.

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OP is based. Eat shit you slant eyed fucks

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Chink immigration to my country will also be even more restricted in the future. So many positives will result from the Chinese threatening to do this.




kek, muttoids screeching for cough syrup

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Just turn the keys already. It's going to go nuclear one way or another. Why not now?

>The boiling frog is a fable describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly.

Slowly but surely, the jews are preparing Americans psychologically for another world war.

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Learn to make penicillin from breadmold while you can

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Yes, they are also sewing the seeds to unite the world in Luciferianism. That said, denying a country medicine when you supply 90% of their supply can only really end one way if time is an issue.

How about we just ban all manufactured chink and Indian shit for eternity?

Why doesn't the government manufacture drugs for medicaid and medicare and VA????????????

^^THIS and then China falls for another century.

trump fuckin' pwns. no irony.

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After they steal the vaccine from us, they will deny reselling it at a reduced price? They don't invent shit.

Wait, they've found the cure already?

>1 id
>people still reply
Ok, are you retarded? Serious question

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More worried about opioid and bezo withdrawal desu

China's fighting the jewish propaganda.

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Fucking Pooh Bear has us by the balls.

It is very possible they always had one. The Great Leap Forward killed millions, the Chinese will die by the truck load for what they are told is "right". It is entirely possible this whole situation was manufactured.

So he thinks
Honey is a good trap

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1) That is a philanthropic act of a single person, not the government
2) What guarantee do I have that it isn't going solely to Chinese people in America?

Trump will unleash the US Space Force on those fucking insects.

orbital impact weapons in thirty