Start building a library right fucking now

Get your hard drive, and start downloading anything and everything that may be of value should you lose access to your internet connection.

Tutorial videos and books for:
>edible plants/foraging local area
>medical/first aid
>building structures/shelters
>machinery/tool maintenance
>repair/maintenance of electrical systems
>solar systems
>craft skills of all kinds

Any and all skills that may help you survive without a reliable central system in your local area. It's all well and good to have a bunch of food and weapons but sooner of later your stores will run out and if things get bad enough, a little effort now will be invaluable later on. We all know how fragile the current system is and we know there are evil people who wish our deaths. Don't die because you didn't know how to make clean water. Make sure you are useful after this the train crashes.

Also, Don't forget your favorite music and art. Save what you can.

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Other urls found in this thread:!HbBXzIjC!AjsOUnEGMpcQPrWQG_MdEQ

post some links, faggots

I approve of this initiative.

most of this is /out/ related and a common topic there.

No :)

bumping for interest

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>start right fucking now
I started 10 years ago

I got some playboys I use to crank it to back in the day
I'll be alright

Please someone create an enormous library and post a mega or other filesharing link

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Imagine not having been doing this all along.

>he wants to live

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>still ZERO links


Attached: ass.png (619x767, 667.45K)

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This is like you OP.

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Here you go bros

isnt this shit compiled somewhere by now? surely /k/ has it

I already own physical books for the majority of these topics. Chances are, if you lose internet connection, power wouldn't be far behind.

>zeta talk
>pole shift
some good shit tho

Fucking sauce. Hope it stinks underneath

Yes. /k/ had the do/k/ument and that was improved into the ar/k/. Gifabytes of survival knowledge. I have it on an external drive.

how do you download all this?

a couple channels to get people started.

Primitive Tech (bushcraft)

Robert Noel(trapping)

I'll post more as I come across worthwhile channels as I'm not going to spend hours digging through individual vids. I'll be doing a quick check of 1 or 2 vids and leave the rest up to the discernment of other anons.
Most of my library is in book form so I'm mostly using YT for music, and other stuff you can't find in books.
Channels that cover the subjects related to how we got into this mess in the first place are also a good idea.

It's not enough to hoard toilet paper, you faggots have to panic download data?! Jesus fucking christ....

Can someone please give good physical book tips? Not discarding the PDFs, but do you know of anything great written the old Gutenberg way?

thanks user

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yea ive been starting already

This if internet goes down we’re fucked and I’d be more worried about having weapons than anything else


thanks for the warning, I already have a 200 gb folder :)

lol I did this in 2016
newfags late to the party

well where can i get it nigger?

That's what i did and i think it's the best thing to do

I was thinking that. We need to make a library
of survival.

You wouldn't want to survive if things get that bad.

You are going to be starving, fighting off bandits everyday, and dealing with the worst possible scenarios known to human beings.

Just download a video of how to make a noose.

Aldous Huxley - Brave new world

thinking of getting a solar phone charger too to put them all on SD's to use on a phone, I have an old spare one too. I live in cali and it's raining but we'll be getting plenty of sun soon.

Some user had a library he would post it on /out/ from time to time, it had anything you could dream of


Don't worry, I already archived all the anime.

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based and blackpilled

>freaking out over the common cold
good goy

Implying im not the bandit...

I already have a nice homebrew for floating hand gernades, get at me preppers, im coming for your TP only to burn it as I use a bidet and do not care

I'm going to be a raider in the apocalypse, who's with me? We'll cap at

We’ll see how based Rooftop Koreans really are

Here’s some history!HbBXzIjC!AjsOUnEGMpcQPrWQG_MdEQ

As I stated my Bandit craft includes a supply of floating hand gernades if you can give me what I want.... good for hurricane season

You live in an Island, bro. I'm between cartels and desert (North Mexico). The only reasonable option to me right now is to join the army.

>cityfags killing each other for the flu
You can't make this shit up

>All the books I'll ever want
>There's time enough at last

Not being a country fag seeing a golden opportunity to get a few notches

beat me to it

Has anyone got this all in a single download?
Going through every single one seems like a hassle.

Not going to matter when the power goes out. Buy an ereader, they're not expensive and they sip power. Get one that doesn't require an internet connection. Buy another for backup and keep it boxed and sealed from the elements. Get one that accepts SD or micro SD cards, and buy a few of those. Get weatherproof cases for the readers. Transfer everything to your sd cards. Invest in a good solar charger. This won't last forever, but it will give you a good few years.

... and print it all in hardcopy. there will be EMPs.

And political books.
Only the good ones.

>Imagine your decedents only viewing Liberalism through the eyes of traditionalists.

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Oof, the end is depressing...

Are libraries going to disappear over night?
Niggers going to rob all the learning books?

Is the internet going to be shut down? That would cause mass panick beyond any pandemic ever.
If they wanted the world to go right to hell, they'll tturn it off

Not with a boom and a bang but a cough and a whimper so went the human race

That reminds me, get or make a Faraday cage to store your readers, charger, and cards in

Good call

A true survivor, ladies and gentlemen.

I never said anything about surviving.

If everything collapses, you will be killed and your things will be taken by a group of people.

Checked and true, I am those people

I could've gone with this version

Do EMP's kill the corona virus or.....??

They are both founded on faulty enlightenment principles. Just convert already, fag

Nigger, we gonna rape everything in the city first, then we are coming for your retarded potato headed daughters.

It's not just about that. Books are banned and removed all the time for wrongthink or controversial content. It's a good idea to preserve and store any you feel might one day be banned for whatever reason. It's easier than ever to be an archivist and safekeeper nowadays.

Evola will not help you survive this, but will provide meaning in survival.

>14.8 GB
Holy fuck! Is this literally an entire library or something? Is it all worth it or should i prioritize something? Downloading that much will certainly take time.

USAF survival handbook.

I keep a copy in my bugout.

Goldmine. Thanks user.

No, but as time goes on the possibility of nukes or dedicated EMP devices being used in attacks gets higher. As I said, it costs next to nothing to preserve what you feel is important digital content nowadays, in any event. Everyone used to think once something got posted to the internet it was there forever, but important media gets disappeared all the time.

You seem to live in an alternate universe.
We are dealing with a virus.

Packs can be downloaded

I will survive, make an empire and explore the fucking universe, nothing will stop me, the gods are with me and i am with them

Say that to the impeding magnetic pole shift.

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