Why only Japan was able successfully to contain and kill it?

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Superior Aryan genes

Because your women were too busy sucking on BBC, and BWC to go out and contract It.

Zipperheads have a very very good border. It love you long time

Because the Japanese people are homogeneous and do exactly what their government and superiors tell them to do. They're not faggot little rebels like Westerners.

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Didn't you guys arrest a bunch of people then immediately lock them away? Removing the carriers has always been an effective method of disease control.


Japan knows the cure for everything is 2d wolf girls.

>Why only Japan was able successfully to contain and kill it?

Because the West decided to infect everybody and develop herd immunity, so the borders could stay open after the pandemic was over.

Ain't it nice to know that open borders to shithole countries are more important than dead white people to our rulers?

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Invincible Yamato Damashii

>Removing the carriers has always been an effective method of disease control.
But our leaders wanted herd immunity so the borders could stay open. If cornona chan had been stopped, fewer white people would have died, and the borders would have to have been closed to shitholes and their immigrants, to secure no reinfection.

White genocide can't be done without sacrificing the proles. .

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It wasn't nigger. Look at Russia and North Korea.

Because they're using HIV virals.

from China to Japan, it's like an evolution chart

Japs know better than to let in more filthy diseased foreigners and they have a culture of hygiene
Also we gotta keep the anime safe man don't wanna lose that precious resource

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Yeah, big BOOMER cock and big HUWHITE cock

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Who the fuck cares about Japs roasties

>They're not faggot little rebels like Westerners.
We in the west was given no choice about if we should close the borders and isolate the infected to stop coronachan, because our elites know that we would have taken it.

The anti-whites and the rich in charge needed open borders for more future immigrants, and dead white people to free up housing that the new immigrants need.

If you object to your own genocide, the FBI or similar in Europe come an arrest you, so our elites expect no backlash over the culling.

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>Because they're using HIV virals.
It's because they are tried to stop it, in stead of just trying to flatten the curve, so the proles don't rebel.

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>Who the fuck cares about Japs roasties
Shills tasked with the mission to obfuscate the planned culling the West is doing?

If whitey knew that they were sacrificed for open borders, they might rebel.

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FTFY :^)

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>Planned culling
>If whitey knew that they were sacrificed for open borders, they might rebel.

That's an interesting take, Norfriend. Of course, culling the boomers and fucking the economy is an accelerationist's dream...

Do I need to start Jomonposting again?

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Because Japan isn't playing along with the panic narrative.

Damn, chinks can't meme for shit. Bend your neck down, it's time to behead your ugly chink head.

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Nips already die from the deadly Japanese flu, the coronavirus would be competing with the common flu to see who kills the host first

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japs are 0% genetically aryan

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based and redpilled

Kill yourselves we*bs

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because Japan if freaking awesome, that's why


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Hiro, redpill me on Zainichi Koreans. So apparently they're treated like shit, but they have a wealthy ethnostate right next to Japan, but for some reason they prefer to stay in Japan as second class citizens instead of moving to Korea. Something doesn't add up.

I'm not a weeb, and you're a y*yoi

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Japanese people are indoctrinated to be germophobes and to avoid chinks and gooks.

Okinawans/Ruyukuans are more Jomon than them.

But Japanese are in between Koreans and Ryukyuans

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>Of course, culling the boomers and fucking the economy is an accelerationist's dream
But forcing the western governmets to stop Coronachan, because the proles know that the plan was to infect them all so herd immunity could keep open borders going, is even better.

If we stop coronachan in the west, the borders to the shithole countries would need to stay closed, so no more illegal immigrants or asylum seekers. .

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>They're not faggot little rebels like Westerners.
Our country was litterally founded by rebels, you bootlicking cuck.

A white cock a day keeps the virus away.

basically also spbp

>Because Japan isn't playing along with the panic narrative.
Are you really this retarded?
Japan tried to stop coronachan like the chinks, but the west planned on infecting all to get herd immunity, to save the open borders policy.

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Taiwan too

>Japanese people are indoctrinated to be germophobes and to avoid chinks and gooks.
Where do all you retards come from?

Japan tried to stop coronachan like the chinks, but the west planned on infecting all to get herd immunity, to save the open borders policy.

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and yet they're still whiter than you

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did you really? japan hasnt been testing that much recently right? trying to save olympics?

>Taiwan too
They too tried to stop coronachan, and so did Singapore.

We OTOH have governments that need herd immunity, so we can have open borders to the third world.

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I'm stationed in Japan and can't leave this fucking county for a few months, LET ME OUT

Is this considered a war crime in your cunt? Looks like just a bunch of superior Japanese dudes having fun decapitating weaker chinkoids.

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Koreans benefit from the high trust society of the japanese while being able to blend in as them, This give them advantage as a foreign parasite exploiting its host.

>japan hasnt been testing that much recently right
No need to do that, when they have fought the virus from day one.

Mama Merkel plan on infecting 70% of you krauts to create herd immunity, so she can continue to import rapefugees.

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We knew how to kill the chink virus, that's it. Shoutout to Dr. Ishii, based man.

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To live around beaners and niggers again?

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I live in a nice town back home.

>We knew how to kill the chink virus, that's it
So did the experts in the West, but their task was to first get R0 to 1.3, until max health care capacity was reached, and then keep R0 at 1 until herd immunity was achieved, and that is fucking more complicated.

The western elites needs their open borders, and fuck white people.

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>I live in a nice town back home.
Are you this fucking deluded, that you think some army grunt can avoid divershitty in the years yo come?

Your gov is willing to kill of white people to keep the borders open. (mine too)

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>to save the open borders policy.

I rabu Japan!

>>to save the open borders policy.
It's the only thing the western elites care about.

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Because nips quarantine themselves anyway.

Nigger I'm not in Japan by choice and I won't be sent back home by choice. It's not my call

They actually wash their hands and respect each others' personal space.

I don't buy it. I can tell them apart, there's no way Japs are going to let Koreans subvert them

Ishii looks kind of like Hayao Miyzaki because of the beard and hair. Coincidence?

>They actually wash their hands and respect each others' personal space.
Where do you retards come from?

Japan, Singapor, Taiwan tried to stop coronachan like the chinks, but the west planned on infecting all to get herd immunity, to save the open borders policy

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Looks like I hurt someone's lil ego. holy kek

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They're lying so the olympics don't get canceled

>/comfy/ majority white small town America

Based. What branch and why don't you like Japan?

maybe the country with the oldest population is lying to avoid panic.

>Japan by choice and I won't be sent back home by choice
How do you keep a family when you have no control, or is this just more white genocide policy from the US government?

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USAF, and I do like Japan but I also like guns and Chick-fil-A and I miss home.

Man Korean and Chinese really should be annihilated. I hope Japanese to rule my country once again

>They're lying so the olympics don't get canceled
And Taiwan, China, Singapore and 'Hong Kong are all lying too?

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obedience, yes, but also incredible willpower and autismal attention to details, especially cleanliness, hygiene and manners

Same. You know every time you eat Chick-Fil-A a faggot dies of aids. Good shit.

Why so self loathing, Kim? You people are usually so nationalistic. You all right big guy?

Best Korea avoided Coronchan as well, when I think about it.

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Chick Cuck A has been donating to fag charities now a days actually.

Because they surprisingly give a fuck about each other and will go to great lengths to help their fellows.

But that the West never tried to stop it, means nothing?

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Because Kim knows how his people were dragged into modernity

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US ally close to China, pit stop for US troops swimming to Pacific bases atm, guess why South Korea made it fast too.

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They haven't. They're just saving face and not testing people. Government approval ratings are dropping to record lows since they took so long to close the schools.

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2020 Olympics are still cancelled
deal with it

>most effective prevention tactic is social distancing
>half their population is made of neets

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So we're Japposting now?

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The are nationalistic and okay with racism


maybe bukkake is the cure

What’s the plaque aay

>2020 Olympics are still cancelled
But they will at least not die of Coronavirus, to keep the borders to the third world open for endless immigration.

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my supermarket is almost empty, earn some rice, rice nigger.

Kek only two posts in. I hope most of these are shills. I can't imagine that I'm walking around so many people every day that are obsessed with black dicks.

They were reporting honestly when they first got it, then realized they were the only ones doing it. When they realized the US was lying its ass off, the nips were like "fuck that, we aren't losing the fucking Olympics". Now JustAFluSA is closing down schools, niggerball, and Disneyland. Japan is going to have to confess soon too. Hey, at least Africa is amazingly immune to confirmed cases... Doctors are ABSOLUTELY PUZZLED.

Plot twist: they're losing the Olympics.

They're insecure hapas.

They didn't the first time, but as we all know the Japanese have been fucking with dark matter reactors for the last decade, and, well, since then decades don't actually matter, they've opened the gates to opposing mirrors in the passage of time and after the 6 billion died, they sent one back with a vaccine and a cure. but he could not disclose this information as they have a pan-dimensional code of quantum conformity.

this hero, this sage and saint will remain nameless, impoverished and disconnected with the society around him. it's a symptom of not having a history, and as tragic as it were, is, will be, the reverberations are inaudible as they ambulate through the fractal movements of time probabilities what humans quaintly call "the dimensions"

Europe and America deserve to be mutted for being sexpats and rapists

>maybe bukkake is the cure
Where do you retards come from?

Japan, Singapor, Taiwan tried to stop coronachan like the chinks, but the west planned on infecting all to get herd immunity, to save the open borders policy

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Go away Josh Luna your art sucks

So is that hapa larping as a pakket or is the pajeet larping as a gook?

this will be over by april. im not even kidding.


Zainichi are literally the Jews of Japan. They look like Japanese people and they are involved with left wing political agitation. They own all the pachinko parlors, brothels, porn, etc.

>Now JustAFluSA is closing down schools, niggerball, and Disneyland. Japan is going to have to confess soon too.
But the west is not doing that to stop coronachan, they do it to flatten the curve so the people don't rebel over crowded hospitals, while everybody is infected until herd immunity is achieved.

If many white people die, it's not really important, as herd immunity means that our elites can continue to import brown people from shithole countries.

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what the fuck are you talking about?
don't reply to me or my son ever again