Based zoomers
Belgian students pose in Chinese outfits for ‘corona time’ photo
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fuck chinks
fuck niggers
fuck jannies
lmao imagine if they die a slow painful death because of the virus. Corona time everybody!
would fuck her
Our new queen
This country is retarded.
Fucking Idiots. Now they'll be doxxed and harassed to hell and back because of this.
Cry more flip faggot
Blame mainstream media and cancerous society for this shit
Chinks will cry as they keep spreading filth and disease cause they can't resist boiling the muskrat they saw strolling in their backyard
Chinks are subhuman insectoid filth and the IJA did nothing wrong except leaving the job halfway
Even now China refuses admitting that it's their fault and blame Orange Man Bad instead.
Why doesn't the orange man nuke the chinks or spray them with raid? The time is well beyond its due for the gook.plague to disappear from this earth
micwowave youwsewf
cheap cwap commie chink
poow pwastic poop pwick
swoppy satanic savage swave
aww wook same
fake souwwess dim ugwy
weak gambwing opium addict
gweedy cheating wying thieving
diwty stinking pwaguing powwuting
stawving skewetaw spying fag
infewiow owientaw coowie kang
swant eye bwind dwive sunk junk papew shack
buwnt wice noodwe doodwe shwimp dick hack
ching chong ding dong fwip fong ping pong ming mong nip nong qing quong chicken wing wong zip
yewwow piss skin swopey fish head midge
bug face wat tooth bat bwood monkey bwain insectoid pig dog canibaw
nuke the gooked fuckee twaitow twash too west it dump mowe dumb dung
>Gen. 9:22-7; 10:6-20, Josh. 23:5-16, 1 Kgs. 4:30, Job 15:2, Isa. 2:6, Dan. 2:43-4
>Massacre at Huế, Thảm sát Huế Tết Mậu Thân, Persecution of indigenous peoples of the Central Highlands in Vietnam, Đàn áp người Thượng tại Việt Nam, We Were Soldiers, Big River, Big Sea, 大江大海一九四九, Hong Kong independence, 香港獨立運動, Tibetan independence movement, 西藏独立运动, Xinjiang conflict, 新疆衝突, 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, 六四事件, Female infanticide in China, Tian Mingjian incident, 建国门事件, Organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China, 對中國共產黨摘取法輪功學員及良心犯器官的指控, Film censorship in China, 中华人民共和国被禁影视作品列表, Battlefield 4, I.G.I.-2: Covert Strike, Criticism of Huawei, Chinese intelligence activity abroad, Intelsat 708, 2011 Type 094 accident, Traditional Chinese medicines derived from the human body, Terrorism committed by North Korea, Seoul National University Hospital massacre, Team America: World Police, 팀 아메리카: 세계 경찰, Hangang Bridge bombing, National Defense Corps incident, The Interview, Homefront (video game), Chichijima incident, Bataan Death March, Comfort women, Issei Sagawa, Murder of Junko Furuta, 女子高生コンクリート詰め殺人事件, In the Realm of the Senses, 愛のコリーダ, Bakky Visual Planning, バッキー事件, Karayuki-san, からゆきさん, Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, 福島第一原子力発電所事故, Feces use in Japan, 日本における人糞利用
Me top left in the panda outfit
the virgins over at aznidentity are shitting themselves with rage over this
enjoy not being able to find employment!
all cause of this
Normally yes, but Belgium is pretty much on lockdown since 2 hours ago so I doubt anyone cares about muh racism atm.
Also despite housing the capital of globohomo cuckery, Flemish Belgians are based and redpilled
>This is news in burgerland
Nobody gives a shit here
Sounds like your country is raycisst
and proud of it. Suck more third world cock juan
oh no
>Nobody gives a shit here
That's a good thing. Fuck "antiracist" bigots.
Based. Chinks ITT seething.
Belgian bros, redpill on me Belgium. What are the differences between Brussels, Flanders, and Wallonia? What are the best places to live? How do you see your country in 50 years? Etc....
We need more women like that over here.
t. Chang
Flanders is natsoc, balloons are commies. I'm not exaggerating. Brussels is where the niggers live, along with some eastern euros and russians. Only like 10% is belgian there.
The country is dead either way. The shitskins breed too fast... Unless corona breaks the shithole wellfare state before demographic replacement is complete. That school is in a nice place tho. One of the few left here.
Why do belgian women all have that retarded, fixed smile on their faces pre-menopause?
goddamn, I love being white.
What’s this?
Corona-Chan is pleased
Anyone who not a nigger & embraces nigger culture is a traitor & is seen as inferior by all other races, not just whites.
This. Belgium is the epicentre of globohomoism. I'm surprised any still see race differences I thought that would've been 1984'd out of them by now
>Nobody gives a shit here
Right nobody in Europe cares about racism lol nice damage control there spook
me on the top left
99% of anons unironically find the black haired ones more attractive though.
>prefers tatted, cake face roasties over 6/10 mid-tier waifu
Canada, you never cease to disgust me
Please Cuckada. Tell us more about racism.
Not everyone has garbage taste in women like you do, cuck.
Tranny fetishit detected
wtf is even happening here? 2 weeks ago politicians were telling Corona is no biggie and we could perfectly cope. in two days time public services are down to a minimum, bars and schools closed. And some politicians are giving the people shit for stocking up on food, telling it's antisocial behaviour. Imagine the gall on these pricks, we're almoust 500 days without government now. Watch them pound themselves on the chest for how they're handling this crisis. Next election is going to break this steaming shitpile of a broken country. I hope they get to experience 'mob rule' . Stupid fucking European shits.
Same shit here. Few weeks ago they were spreading bullshit like Coronavirus being pretty much the same thing with common flu and nothing to worry about and yesterday they announced that most places will be closed by law (except places like drug stores, bakeries, deliveries, super markets and private clinics). And they have the nerve to say that "it's about public health" while they already knew about the virus since last year when the virus started in China and did nothing about it and barely talked about it at the news.
Fuck China, fuck WHO, fuck politicians in most countries.
Also some fake news in Greece have the nerve to label everyone that tells the truth about Coronavirus at the internet and alternative media as "conspiracy theories". Fuck you, assholes: Shit that have been told by "conspiracists" for months are now confirmed by official sources and msn.
Imitation is the highest form of flattery
You own them Yankee pig dog
Hahahahahaha based squinty eye Chaddess
because Belgian women are retards
>t. dated a Belgian girl
Trumps wants Chinese students in USA schools Lots of them.
>This country is retarded
Based wop.
That kike nigger is a chink lover. He might pretend to hate China but anyone who isn't total retard can clearly see that he loves those chinky eyed untermenschen.