i have nothing but a disdain towards this selfish greedy ape nation
Mutts Inc
Which one, that's happening all over the world at the moment.
Pol user, that shit is hilarious
You use poor English, the word is "jealousy."
it makes me horny i just want to coom all over the public places
>a polack getting mad about not being able to buy cleaning supplies
you have the serf mindset
>tyre centre
Well their peasants sooooooo!
For real though why do all Americans look like pic related. Your average American is chunky middle-aged and balding, Worse than that is that they dress like they're on welfare.
Why does every single American dress like shit?
jfc, the amerishart meme is real
I don't understand hoarding toilet paper. Why? You can't eat toilet paper you can just wash your ass.
Sure this is murrica?
American "men" dress like little kids.
>gets mad about plebs panicking and buying tp
maybe we'll pay polacks to lick our assholes clean after we shit
Forgot the flag moshe!
Forgot the flag yid filth!
i just checked the metadata of this image.
it's dated 2011
die jew!
There's a time and a place for everything. No one's gonna wear slacks and a button down shirt when they go to shartmart.
based chads are prepared for the shit apocalypse
Shut up spic peasant!
I'm a first generation American but even I can't ignore just how disgusting your stereotypical American is. Imagine taking a shit, wiping your ass with paper, and thinking that sufficiently cleans your shitty ass.
>tyre centre
Try again faggot
yeah, I'm down with the jews dying off.
It boggles my mind how much toillet paper they buy. I get through the entire week with just one roll. Currently have 80 rolls stashed so that’s gonna last me for more than a year even if I get diarrhea multiple times.
Can the mutts here please tell me how much the average American shits?
Wiping is for savages.
>80 rolls
do you have a family of ten people?
it's not a picture of Americans. I'd guess U.K.
do you have these hoardouts over there in poland? here everything is fine, everything stocked up as of now. imagine putting all your savings into being able your wipe your shitter for years to come
Who gives a shit what some polish fucktard thinks
>give up the toilet paper!
why do we mostly witness this behavior from your shithole faggot?
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
That's not the U.S.
Based McDonald's Police.
god i hate normies
it is your duty to protect yourself and your family and be prepared
The scum Baby Boomers who howled for their colleges to drop dress codes back in the 60s and 70s didn't help. And then as soon as they got into middle and higher management in the 90s they started pushing for business casual.
Pic related is how women dressed in public in the Boomers' parents' time.
One roll? Are u a shit machine? I use a roll a month
because you're absolutely obsessed. you're in complete denial. germans are sick puppies all into scat and gay sex clubs. that's your culture
Some poor guy is going to need one toilet paper roll and he can't get one because these people decided to all hoard them at once.
If you aren't going to be a prepper in advance. You shouldn't be allowed to wipe stores clean of stuff at the last minute and keep other people from getting what they need.
I shit once or twice per day. If I don't balance my diet with fruits and vegetables, sometimes I get the bad shits where it seems your ass never gets clean. Those shits can take 4-5 flushes, over a roll of paper. So, I'm a 20-25 rolls per month person. I'm pretty healthy. Never had cavities. Healthy BMI. No prescription medications.
t. 37yo avg american
>one whole roll and multiple flushes
I shit A LOT but this is simply mind-boggling
after the first swing, they're both dying
this just can't be real
Imagine implying this is a pic from the US
There's no way this is true, a single roll lasts me two weeks. How could you need several flushes per shit? Are you eating 40 pounds of indigestible garbage that you just shit out?
>tyre centre
picture is from canada
lmao what the fuck is wrong with you, a roll takes me like 2 weeks to go through
>Move yourself
>You always smell so rife
>Sweater, stinking of the sewer
>Prune filled shelf
>Your death filled porcelain's caked
>Taking splashes, winner; pooper
>Smell yourself
>You smell the shits you take
>Poo and poo, a hint of fragrance spray
>Shake, shake that turd
>Or hope a pinch can break
>So the story goes
>Owner of a lonely fart
>Owner of a lonely fart
>(Oooh, much better than an)
>Owner of a broken shart
>Owner of a lonely fart
>Say, you don't want to chance it
>You've shart your pants before
>Feel it now
>The fecal on your thigh
>How you dance to lavatories
>You, poo'd yourself
>What a shitty mistake
>Is this the reason you are lonely
>De-flea yourself
>Give your ass crack a bath
>You've got to want to smell clean
>Owner of a lonely fart
>Owner of a lonely fart
>(Oooh, much better than an)
>Owner of a broken shart
>Owner of a lonely fart
>Owner of a lonely fart
>After my own indecision
>It surprised me so
>(Owner of a lonely fart)
>My gut said never question your meal at all
>In the end you've got to go
>You can feel it deep
>(Owner of a lonely fart)
>And don't you hesitate at all, no no
>(Toilet Jam Session)
>Owner of a lonely fart
>Owner of a lonely fart
>(Oooh, much better than an)
>Owner of a broken shart
>Owner of a lonely fart
Why aren't you laughing user? This is the show. This is the show!
I have a feeling that the whole toilet paper thing started out as a joke by some shitposters to see if it would catch on
how is toilet paper is going to help anyway?
i said
Fat people are fucking disgusting. Even in nice clothes these fat fucks would look like shit.
you're clueless, mutt. did you know in toilet paper is made in eastern europe? no need to stockpile that. i'm nt surprised you don't have bidets either, probably need a long hose and a pair of full time carers to aim it into those folds of fat.
>20-25 rolls per month
You nasty fucking rhinoceros
Nice clothes cost money which takes away from burger funds.
Fuck off reddit
Sundries are restocked daily. There isnt a shortage of anything.
>4-5 flushes
nigger what?
Why do American men dress so fucking ridiculous? Serious question. What happened to the suits and fedoras of the 1940's?
it reinforced masculinity and gender separateness
>complains about MURIKA
>pic is leaf Costco in Canuckistan
Dumbfuck polack is dumbfuck.
Sam's wageslave here, I love making them more angry with thier own stupid questions, supply lines aren't disrupted
I’m convinced the toilet paper thing is a normie social trend rather than any logic. Monkey see monkey do retard shit. Try walking up and asking them why they need so much toilet paper and I guarantee you’ll just get a blank stare as the cognitive dissonance starts.
While these mongoloids are buying toilet paper, I'm buying bullets.
great band
I use one roll a month.
I'm quite sure those fat fucks just want that other people don't have some.
Hello shill
We know u glow niggers want us to hate each other so u can start ww3
And that ur butthurt you'll have to Duke it out with a bunch of prepared Americans but u can suck a dick