This orange dipshit has lost me $142,633 over the past two weeks

This orange dipshit has lost me $142,633 over the past two weeks.

Fuck him.

Now that I have no money I’ll be voting for gibs.

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screen shot it.

Also what that story actually means is that in three short years he added almost 12 trillion to the stock market and only some chink batfucking bug person coofing has ruined it by causing a global pandemic.

Literally it takes one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse has been able to win any rounds against The Donald. Suck my dick, shareblue.

>he didn't buy the dip

>You didn't listen to Dr. Ron Paul.
Your fucking fault. We tried to warn you. You ignored us. You lost it all. It's over. This is the future you chose!

Orange dipshit just singlehandedly saved the stock market and OP chooses today to post this shit lol


Global pandemic tanks economy

Did you sell?

If you haven't sold, you haven't lost anything yet.

Are you some sort of low IQ liberal? Panic sets in as Chinese coronavirus infects the planet and you blame Trump?

You either inherited the money you just lost or you're full of shit. You aren't smart enough to have earned that much.

>obvious shill thread from shills hoping Yas Forums will be stupid enough to not realize the blindingly obvious fact that the economy is going to shit due to the coronavirus

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the dow jumped 2k today you dumb nigger

Haha, dumb faggot. Learn to trade.

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Perhaps you should have invested in less dipshit stocks, then.

Good, now when it rebounds it'll set records for fastest recovery and fastest growth and he'll slam dunk the election

did you buy high and sell low faggot?

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Make another Orange Man Bad thread when this one dies so we can lmao @ u

>Orange dipshit has lost me $142,633
I made fucking 8 threads 2 months ago BEGGING you to sell stocks! My threads got 10-50 replies before getting archived!
proof: Where the fuck were you? Why didnt you bump my thread? Were you miring that BBC slide threads? If you saw my threads and didnt sell you deserve to lose your hard earned money!

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$142.63 LOL your poor dipshit I make twice that in 1 day

Down all day then miraculously up over 1k in 30 mins?

Whose the actual stupid nigger

Doubt. Nice try you faggot commie shill. You’ve never had more than a three figure bank account. Now stfu and make my coffee

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>shops are literally selling out because product is moving so fast
No mention of this unprecedented boom in the economy...
>pretend stock market money disappears


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>I lost money!!!

You don't "lose" it until you sell it. If you wait a few days the price will pop right back up.

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its the altered media

It'll 'rebound' by monetary injections that your great grandchildren will be paying for. The economy is in full death spiral.

That's a comma retard. You're not a continental Europoor.

>dup made me gamble away all my money on jewish ponzi schemes

Total market valuation / gross domestic product (Buffet indicator) has been too high (~150%) since not long after we elected Trump. Brokerages have been nervous sweating for some time. Trends had us slated for a recession late this year to early next year. CCP virus brought that forward to today. Tack on WeWork and a few other big oh shits for good measure. Now the House of Saud and the remnants of the CCCP want a dick measuring contest over oil (Putin is likely to win, btw).

If you have lost money (you haven't, LARP), it is because either you haven't paid any attention, heeded any warnings, or have mistaken cable entertainment for "news." Not the orange man. Get fucked, faggot.

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You haven't lost shit unless you sold you fucking kike.

Stop having money, it forces you to rely on others

>fw richfag was always poorfag

>almost 12 trillion to the stock market
No he didn't. It was all smoke and mirrors. If it goes down to a little bump like this it ain't fucking real.

president trump said at the news conferernce they know who started the virus...who started its if its wasnt the usa or china

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>1 post by this ID
Fucking shill thread. Sage.

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If you haven't pulled your money out then you haven't lost anything.
Typical, uneducated, economically illiterate burger.

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My take is: If Trump takes credit when a good stocks run is happening (which is chaotic), then I call fairness when he is credited for a very bad run.
No double standards, motherfuckers.


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>Global Pandemic
>little bump
Maybe for AIDS dodgers like yourself maybe.

Trump running America into the ground like his failed businesses.

>This orange dipshit has lost me $142,633 over the past two weeks
Trump didn't create the virus and you didn't lose shit unless you were stupid enough to sell

>makes millions of dollars from his business
>somehow hes failed as a business man
Nigger tier logic

no you the the dipshit for buying at the wrong time

i bought up a bunch of stocks yesterday 2 hrs before closing an 30mins after open today i am up $4700

>all my money
you never had any money to begin with

Saving the stock market is like saving a shit in a ziplock bag.

it's not a good thing.

I lost the ability to sell my holdings at a price $142,633 above where I can now you stupid cocksucker

You don't have to keep your investments in stocks. What moron would see what was going on, the dow near 30k, market all time highs, an 11 year bull run and think yeah, I should hold. You couldve sold and rebought today or even later and made a very nice return. Even without the coronavirus, it was going to end eventually.

FED spent 500B on boosting the stock exchange

>11.5T already wiped out.

WTF did they think that would achieve?

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>Has a history of failed businesses
>Is not even a billionaire (only his word says so)
>Woulda been worth 3 billion if he'd just sat on his money he had when he was young
>Running up a giant bill for America
>Ron Paul is the only 1 pointing this out

That's a complete crock of shit

haha this

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Buy low, sell high, what part do you not understand ?

You got a huge chunk of that back just today, you stupid faggot. In a month you won't even remember.

Trump told me the stock market looked good a week ago you dumb fucker
I trusted him

>orange man is responsible for a chink born virus
Sharia Blue aren't sending their best.

Good. Stocks are for greedy parasites.

fpbp so fucking based

Sorry I’m not a dipshit and don’t want to store cash in my mattress you dumfuckkk

good. fuck you for being a nigger

Are ya'll stupid

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because it did. Anything can happen at any time to your stupid fucking stocks. its your job to study them. Not his job to make sure you keep your money.

Lol no you are the dumb fucker

>didn't sell 3 weeks ago
>wants pity

You played the stock market like a casino and lost, tough shit loser.

>Held onto stocks and didn't sell during a fucking global pandemic
Only got yourself to blame retard.

Not even enough for shit paper? That's rough bruh

The S&P is still 15% down YTD dumbass

Pull all your money out of the bank NOW, tell everyone you care about on Facebook to do the same.

You can't lose your money if it's in your pockets.

It's coming back just as it always does

“The Federal Reserve Banks are not a part of the federal government, but they exist because of an act of Congress. Their purpose is to serve the public. ... While the Board of Governors is an independent government agency, the Federal Reserve Banks are set up like private corporations.”

You sold? lmao retard

Nice try, KIKE, but no matter the president you would have lost ANYWAYS, and honestly you deserve it. RICH FUCKING PARASITE, CRY ME A RIVER HAHAHA

I hope you eat shit in san fransisco you are what is wrong with society

>he added almost 12 trillion to the stock market

isn't really all that impresive if he canlost all that money that easely desu

This was the Trump plan all along. Stupid Libs don't see it coming. Mexico now closing the border in fear of Americans infecting them. 4D self deportation and border closing with wu flu scare. Ameri-Spics gonna be running for the border to get away from yellow coof. Then Trump takes most of that 8.3 billion and redirects to wall. Monopoly Money economy crumbles wiping out Jew Markets and Banks. Trump switches US back to gold standard and eliminates the Fed to protect US economy. Gains support for de-globalization from majority of public. Cali and Texas turn Red again from lack of Beaners voting. Can now turn attention to doing something about the feral noggs. Like lifting weapon bans and letting the Coon on Coon hunting keep their pop just low enough so that they can still be used for menial labor and Popeyes orders. America becomes a near Ethno State and fiercely Nationalist manufacturing power house again. A 50 foot statue and National Monument is built to honor the President who saved the USA!

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Dilate tranny

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>I’ll be voting
Extreme doubt.

Ever heard of using bankruptcy laws to your advantage, you silly pajeet nigger?