The modern "Right" and Yas Forums

How can you lolbergs not see the obvious? You're no different from the commies, you live in some fantasy world where your 'true politics;' are somehow magically immune from the human condition. Neo-Liberalism is the inevitable conclusion of Classic Liberalism. Stalinism is the inevitable conclusion of Communism. Your system will always have a built-in entropy of its own principles as it compromises with reality.

The majority of people in colleges are our own people. They are products of faulty, biased systems and most should have their debts lifted. As Aryan peoples, we seek to liberate our people from the debt foisted upon them by our nemesis. For decades, we are told this isn't possible, and yet the Jewish power structure dumped 1.5 trillion back into their own pockets within the blink of an eye.

When it comes to the needs of Whites, there is a loong conversation, debate, and denial. But when Jews put their hands out, it's given to them without question. That is the reality, and when you see this reality, you revert to your dumb grug-brained political tribalism built in to you by your Jewish masters. You're no different from the blue-haired radlibs. You put a fake politic before your people. You are not Nationalists, you are brainwashed frauds.

These post-Trump refugees, from god knows where, are still spouting their 1960's William F Buckley bullshit cuckservatism which dictates austerity for the goyim and socialist splendor for Jewish interests. They act like utter boomers on this subject and it's exactly where Jewish power wants them.

You are my brother, you are my kin, and your debt should be void. They can spend trillions for (((them))) but not a single dollar for us! It is a travesty. The true Nationalist seeks to liberate HIS people, not keep them in chains with petty principles based on a false jingoism and austerity.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hitler is right and this crisis proves it.


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its my utopia, wich is not doable right now, but after the cleanse it will be.

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What is your point?

The goal is to move past the Republican, neocon, lolberg, etc. shit ideologies that have characterized the "right-wing" in the U.S. for so long and move towards a more European view of the Right.

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>Hitler supposedly kills literally HALF the world jew population and takes their wealth etc.
>4.5+ million jews show up in America during the world war years
>millions more show up in newly created Israel (created based upon the holohoax) post-WW2
>more jews alive post-WW2 and today than ever before
>jews far more powerful post-WW2 and today than ever before
Makes one think.

Some jews died in WW2. Jews were held in camps in WW2. Jews starved in camps in WW2. Jews were not gassed by the millions. There were no 'death camps'. There were no masturbation death machines. There were no railway cars that went directly into ovens. There was no systematic effort to exterminate all jews by the Germans. There was no 6 gorillion. Jews in camps had typhus and camps were de-loused with Zyklon B just like people, ships, and warehouses were all over the world.

The Germans were blockaded and starving. Therefore there prisoners starved as well. The combination of typhus and starvation due to the blockade and 24/7 nationwide bombings cutting supply lines and crippling the nation resulted in a lot of prisoners dying. In order to decrease the rate of typhus infection the bodies of the dead were burned, just as the allies did when they captured the camps. The concentration camps and deaths of some jews (likely around 300,000) was real. The 'holocaust' is an event GREATLY exaggerated in order to increase jew political power and their ability to manipulate others to their benefit post-WW2. Thus, it should be labeled the 'holohoax'.

The full truth about jews and WW2:


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Well of course. This isn't a new idea.

go back to your discord Bernie shill

It's pasta but it's tasty pasta. Lolbergs and boomercons need to understand this before it's too late.

You posted this yesterday. Why the obsession with student debt relief? What meme degree did you squander your time and energy on?

>Your system
larper detected

I don't like Bernie and I have no student debt.

I have no debt. The reason why this post emphasizes student debt is because I took parts of it from a conversation I had with a Brit user who opened my eyes on the issue and made me more passionate about it. Used to be a lolberg myself.

>memeflag calls others LARPers

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okay socialist faggot

Nice to see the lolberg-fascism pipeline in motion. Lolbergs tend to not realize that freedom can arise from collective/federal intervention. Laws and rules can be liberating. Laws that prohibit violence enable people to roam the streets more freely. Laws that create good communities create a more prosperous society.

Most impressive.

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>muh socialism
What do you call the $1.5T in bank funding announced by the Fed? The Wall Street bailouts? Why is socialism bad when it is done to better the community and push society forward rather than have people locked into debt servitude as an oligarchy controls the "economy" through numbers on terminals? The stock market has no bearing on real market dynamics. I hope one day you see the shit that is both Marxist and Keynesian economics.


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So this pissed off leftist started a thread but it turns out he doesn’t understand basic economics lmao.
Better luck next time, Bernshirt.

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What are you even saying? What is socialism in your mind? Anything that involves redistribution of wealth is socialist?

I haven't met an actually serious libertarian online in a long time, I think you're preaching to an absent choir.

>more jews alive post-WW2 and today than ever before

dude what even is population growth lmao


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>your 'true politics;' are somehow magically immune from the human condition.
Looking at how they're regulated by a racist Ai and enforced with death drones, not only are they immune from the human condition - they're forever as well.

How can you lolbergs not see the obvious? You're no different from the commies, you live in some fantasy world where your 'true politics;' are somehow magically immune from the human condition. Neo-Liberalism is the inevitable conclusion of Classic Liberalism. Stalinism is the inevitable conclusion of Communism. Your system will always have a built-in entropy of its own principles as it compromises with reality.

The majority of people in colleges are our own people. They are products of faulty, biased systems and most should have their debts lifted. As Aryan peoples, we seek to liberate our people from the debt foisted upon them by our nemesis. For decades, we are told this isn't possible, and yet the Jewish power structure dumped 1.5 trillion back into their own pockets within the blink of an eye.

When it comes to the needs of Whites, there is a loong conversation, debate, and denial. But when Jews put their hands out, it's given to them without question. That is the reality, and when you see this reality, you revert to your dumb grug-brained political tribalism built in to you by your Jewish masters. You're no different from the blue-haired radlibs. You put a fake politic before your people. You are not Nationalists, you are brainwashed frauds.

These post-Trump refugees, from god knows where, are still spouting their 1960's William F Buckley bullshit cuckservatism which dictates austerity for the goyim and socialist splendor for Jewish interests. They act like utter boomers on this subject and it's exactly where Jewish power wants them.

You are my brother, you are my kin, and your debt should be void. They can spend trillions for (((them))) but not a single dollar for us! It is a travesty. The true Nationalist seeks to liberate HIS people, not keep them in chains with petty principles based on a false jingoism and austerity.

>How can you lolbergs not see the obvious? You're no different from the commies
as if an authoritarian system is in the nature of humans .
commies are authoritarian and collectivists by their ideology, how is that comparable to libertarians?

This Yas Forums national socialist movement is a joke. Its as bullshit as leftist commie retards and their feminist bullshit. You know what you all have in common? No grasp of reality. Good luck with your vital space anywhere buy here.

In fact, freedom only occurs through collective laws and rules. The 'freedom' the libertarian dreams of is the false freedom of the wilderness, which humans escaped a long time ago. We escaped because it's an invisible prison of necessity and brutality. The freedom of the libertarian is submission to the rule of the market, or of nature absent human civilization. The libertarian is ultimately uncivilized.

So, do nothing then? You don't have to fight or use violence m8. Just fight in terms of values and get people who support your beliefs in office.

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How can you lolbergs not see the obvious? You're no different from the commies, you live in some fantasy world where your 'true politics;' are somehow magically immune from the human condition. Neo-Liberalism is the inevitable conclusion of Classic Liberalism. Stalinism is the inevitable conclusion of Communism. Your system will always have a built-in entropy of its own principles as it compromises with reality.

The majority of people in colleges are our own people. They are products of faulty, biased systems and most should have their debts lifted. As Aryan peoples, we seek to liberate our people from the debt foisted upon them by our nemesis. For decades, we are told this isn't possible, and yet the Jewish power structure dumped 1.5 trillion back into their own pockets within the blink of an eye.

When it comes to the needs of Whites, there is a loong conversation, debate, and denial. But when Jews put their hands out, it's given to them without question. That is the reality, and when you see this reality, you revert to your dumb grug-brained political tribalism built in to you by your Jewish masters. You're no different from the blue-haired radlibs. You put a fake politic before your people. You are not Nationalists, you are brainwashed frauds.

These post-Trump refugees, from god knows where, are still spouting their 1960's William F Buckley bullshit cuckservatism which dictates austerity for the goyim and socialist splendor for Jewish interests. They act like utter boomers on this subject and it's exactly where Jewish power wants them.

You are my brother, you are my kin, and your debt should be void. They can spend trillions for (((them))) but not a single dollar for us! It is a travesty. The true Nationalist seeks to liberate HIS people, not keep them in chains with petty principles based on a false jingoism and austerity.

10/10 post OP

I'm sorry, but did Bernie already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only Super Tuesday. Does not having the lead at Super Tuesday count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Bernie is still playing right now and he has been the best candidate in the race for how many years now? He's playing one of the worst politicians in the DNC who just happens to have a lead because he's feeding off the energy of SC boomer voters. But you know what? He still fucking sucks. Sanders is one of the best fucking senators in congress, he went 13-3 last year and would of won the 2016 nomination if the voting wasn't rigged. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make dumb topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Sanders wins. Oh look at that, Biden just forgot his name again when he needed to remember it, just like Hillary did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you stupid? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this sub again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Sanders topics because you're a hater who doesn't like him because he's good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a dumb southerner. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

>Just fight in terms of values and get people who support your beliefs in office.
That's not an option.

Fuck bernie. He's no ally to national socialism. His supporters would send us to re education camps, or kill us

Singapore, where 20% of GDP comes from government spending (compared to ~50% for the west) is destined for a neo liberal reformation. You heard it here first folks!

How's the political situation in Austria?

Take that pasta back where it belongs, plebbit.

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We know to kill every white on earth except Germans, but keep all the niggers because they’re a different race. Fuck you Hans. Go to hell.

I really like that flag

>How's the political situation in Austria?

Allies declared war on germany you fool. They were re taking rightful german clay.

its pretty cringe yeah

They invaded Russia and loss and deserved to be exterminated for this based on their own ideology. They failed to prove they were superior and thus should have been exterminated as the inferior species.

>When it comes to the needs of the poor and middle class , there is a loong conversation, debate, and denial. But when the rich put their hands out, it's given to them without question.
Fixed that for you. None of this shit has to do with you being white or with daaa joos. And as long as you think it does, you'll just keep getting duped by right-wing ghouls who are only making things worse.

What does any of the bullshit you just spouted have to do with national socialism?

This is the only good thread on Yas Forums right now. Shit has seriously gone down in quality even more so lately. Thanks for the effort big guy. Unfortunately most of the people that post on Yas Forums, twitter, discord, gab, etc. Wont be making the changes that are needed in society. The majority of people in these internet circles are literally in it just for the memes. They dont give a single shit about any of the problems that you and I actually believe in. Its the unfortunate truth, but it must be known. Because people like us cant just sit around all day expecting these fags to get up and join us.

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We need Tucker in office!

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National socialism is degenerate. Culture exists in the mind.

Wow, that image is a sad sight.

Here is that picture without the frame

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Nice picture.

>Bernie supporters are right wing Nazis
What world do you live in lmao? Is this your first day?

really hope he runs in 2024

Holy mother of based and checked. FUCK MEMEFLAGS THEY KILLED Yas Forums

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all of your arguments are based on people exterminate other people, but if i mean cleanse, i mean the very soil of our earth will get rid of you and your ilk because you are of the past and alas, you cling to it, so this will be your downfall, i don't need manmade extermination the future always starts slow, but its coming and it comes like a thief in the night.

It's /r/TheDonald. There was another mass migration because Reddit has "quarantined" their subbreddit, meaning you need to fork over your email to have the privilege of viewing it.
What will likely happen is that the stupider ones will fuck off somewhere else, and the smarter ones will join us. This has always happened to mass migrations to Yas Forums. It's sad it happened now, because the board was actually starting to not suck again

If you dont like it than you can fuck off monkey. Yas Forums has fundamentally been NatSoc with a side of AnCap for years, and you aren't going to change it.

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>What do you call the $1.5T in bank funding announced by the Fed?
Talmudic usury

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Why arent you on leftypol where you belong?

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t. 12yo larper from 8ch

>How can you lolbergs not see the obvious? You're no different from the commies, you live in some fantasy world where your 'true politics;' are somehow magically immune from the human condition. Neo-Liberalism is the inevitable conclusion of Classic Liberalism. Stalinism is the inevitable conclusion of Communism. Your system will always have a built-in entropy of its own principles as it compromises with reality.

The majority of people in colleges are our own people. They are products of faulty, biased systems and most should have their debts lifted. As Aryan peoples, we seek to liberate our people from the debt foisted upon them by our nemesis. For decades, we are told this isn't possible, and yet the Jewish power structure dumped 1.5 trillion back into their own pockets within the blink of an eye.

When it comes to the needs of Whites, there is a loong conversation, debate, and denial. But when Jews put their hands out, it's given to them without question. That is the reality, and when you see this reality, you revert to your dumb grug-brained political tribalism built in to you by your Jewish masters. You're no different from the blue-haired radlibs. You put a fake politic before your people. You are not Nationalists, you are brainwashed frauds.

These post-Trump refugees, from god knows where, are still spouting their 1960's William F Buckley bullshit cuckservatism which dictates austerity for the goyim and socialist splendor for Jewish interests. They act like utter boomers on this subject and it's exactly where Jewish power wants them.

You are my brother, you are my kin, and your debt should be void. They can spend trillions for (((them))) but not a single dollar for us! It is a travesty. The true Nationalist seeks to liberate HIS people, not keep them in chains with petty principles based on a false jingoism and austerity.

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>t. Civcuck
That might be the most sad thing ive ever read on Yas Forums. Ive never seen that get posted unironically before.