Why are boomers not afraid of Corona?

I told my boomer parents that we should probably stock up on food and my parents said we didn’t need to, so I asked well what happens if the grocery stores don’t restock for 6 months due to infections? And I shit you not, my boomer mother looked me straight in the face.. and said “it’s ok user, we will just order takeout”
I want to kill myself

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hubris and ignorance

It's literally retards like you that are causing the shortages, you stupid fucking jew motherfucker you

I’m literally gonna starve to death I’m a neet with no money
??? Take your meds schizo???

>don't prepare, if you prepare you'll cause the market to crash

The longer you live and see shit consistently not happening, the less you think shit's going to happen.

>virus effects 0.001% of the planet

>freak out burn everything hoard supply's

if only heart attacks were contagious

they survived the jungles of 'nam. why would they be afraid of a coof?

they are in denial because they can't imagine something bad happening to them and not their kids

theyve gone through a bunch of pandemics already

You are literally causing more deaths by hoarding supplies you don't even need you stupid low IQ motherfucker

Goddamn I deal with you retards EVERY FUCKING YEAR during hurricane season

Because they are old and lived through this shit. My mom had fucking Polio as a child and recovered. Truth is boomers dealt with a lot of diseases before vaccines and such became more widespread. Polio, whooping cough, rubella, measles, and more were all normal illnesses that you'd probably contract while growing up. Boomers were the last generation to really have to deal with those.

Plus they have faith in the system. They've seen shit get fucked up before, and it always gets better. Even after shit like Hurricane Katrina, stores got restocked in New Orleans fairly quickly.

user I think prepping is smart to do, and you should do it, but I think corona specifically will blow over given enough time

Ok boomer

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maybe because they saw this shit before
hiv , sars, bird flu, swine flu, now corona
all of them were blown out of proportions
if you arent prepared now get fucked you should always be prepared

I think it will be a fucking massacre

So when it turns out they were right, will you admit to being a complete Faggot? Or will you still blame all your problems on boomers?

he's unscannable!

fuck you, it's my stuff

boomers have been insulated their entire lives from negative consequences of bad politics and globalism. they have no basis to even comprehend how bad shit is going to get. they're fucking retards who will just trust "the government" or their boss or something to tell them what to do.

the only difference between flu seasons now and then is that now because of globalism they're turning flu season into prepper season. any widespread virus can go global and disrupt supply chains everywhere sooner than you can report on it.

Wow turns out Yas Forums is actually full of big brained boomers

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These fuckers faced diseases growing up that are now confined to third world countries. Tuberculosis, polio, other shit i cant even name because they eradicated them in the 60s. So now they think themselves invincible. Not hard to explain.

I've been buying food behind my mom's back.
You don't need a lot of money to make a big stash.

Other than that, even in total lockdown we've been told today by the Prime Minister that supply chains for grocery stores are now considered a necessary primary service like law enforcement or medics and that they will never be prevented from working.

I agree to this guy

Ok boomer

Yeah but I have zero what kind of stash can I wirh zero ruggerio?

if you have a relative that was around in 1957 ask them about asian flu.

You got in that situation for a reason, take a lesson from it. You're a failure dude, please stop lecturing other more successful people.

Get back in your nursing home

get fucked retard im 24
i still remember the swine flu shit it was propagated as some doomsday virus to end us all
sheep retard

because corona is for faggots

good high level scum from alpha male kills virus

Amazon delivers too. Do you honestly think Amazon is going to run out of toilet paper?

No fuck you the only failure is you kid because you take dick in your ass evryday at work while I chill

>grocery stores don’t restock for 6 months
how old are you, twelve?

If people don’t go to work due to infections means no truck drivers means no food delievry to grocery stores you fucning dumbass boomer

My mom won't even stock up on toilet paper because she doesn't like spending abnormal amounts of money (aka more than $20). Instead of going to the grocery once a week and spending $100-150, she'll go five times a week and only spend $15 each time. She thinks she saves money by doing that.
She even has a Costco membership but never uses it because spending $200 in one transaction would destroy her mentally. Boomers are weird.

Get five dollars and buy rice, unless you live in the desert where water's an issue.

In truth scarcity won't be permanent. If it happens it will come and go and come again.
So be ready with one/two weeks of food for a quarantine at least.

holy shit

And here we have an excellent example of the reading comprehension burgers are known for the world over

Cuz is a disproportionate HOAX

Kek my mom does the exact same thing no idea the logic

They will be in a week or two, you are just behind in the infection curve. I have boomer parents too who live in an area still relatively untouched by the infection. In the timeframe between the 24th feb and today, they went from the denial phase to the "It's just a flu" one, then straight to locking themselves up and going out once every two weeks to buy groceries.

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Because they're so far disconnected from reality they don't think anything bad can happen to them.
In their mind government will always take care of them and they're invincible.
Also the mentality
>Back in my day we endured this and that!
>Nowadays people are just soft

They're on par with people who think that crystal healing is going to keep them safe from diseases.


Nice try chink I’m not eating the foods that made your immune system weak

Imagine living through the value of the dollar slipping from 20$ to less than 1$. Imagine being totally uninvested from the stock market the entirety of their lives. They cannot even talk about everything they lost nominally. It's incomprehensible.

They've lived through too many nothingburgers that they are unable to perceive an actual crisis.
It's the 'boy who cried wolf' fable.

People being retarded like this is exactly why its hard to find toilet paper right now.

there are weekly and even daily sales.

so one week you can save $1 on a jar of pickles and you can save a $1 on shin ramyun the next week.

if you bought both last week you would only save $1 on the pickles

based mom knows what she doing

I told my parents they should start preparing to take precautions my mom told me when Jesus says it’s our time it’s our time nothing we can do about that now they’re going on some road trip across the country doesn’t bother me none If they die I get a seven-figure inheritance

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You’re a dumb motherfucker

I'm one of the drivecucks and there is no word of us getting any time off due to coronashit. NGL though I notice the roads are MUCH less traffic than usual, especially at rush.

You have to understand that boomers have lived through the golden age of the west. We will never know security, Freedom and luxury like the boomers did. The only big events that happened in their lifetimes were a couple of small wars in far away countries, It is literally implausible to boomers that this could actually directly affect their lives and the west as a whole.

Lifetime of never facing conflict and hardships

yes, it's a self fulfilling prophecy
like a bank run

People need to believe that they are mentally stronger than a fake virus. Then it will make your immune system stronger. It’s a battle of the mind that starts with physical wellness. If you fear that you will die constantly then you will it into physical form...

The closest apostles of Jesus were Jews; that means whatever you're talking about is something good.

The two staples of every boomer's personality

Hot take from someone posting on a board who's catchphrase is "nothing ever happens"

Those aren't actual boomers. I'm in my 40s and my parents are actual boomers (counting people born in the '60s as boomers is just dumb). My mom's from England and was born right as the war ended. Her mom went through some serious shit with her town being bombed relentlessly, and the rationing and running out of everything, and she passed her experiences on to her daughter. Growing up in post-war England also probably shaped how she does things. One of the things she always hordes even today is sugar because that was something that was treated and traded like gold during war rationing. She has a garden and cans enough food to last a long time if needed as well. When San Onofre was looking like it might be the next Fukushima she overnighted me iodine tablets before I'd even heard, and she'd already bought respirators for our current snafu before I called her. My dad has similar fear drilled into him despite being from the US as his dad was at Normandy and got a taste of what hell is like.

People who haven't gone through hard times don't understand what hard times are. They look at a funnel cloud on the horizon and don't make the connection that there's a tornado coming, or even what you need to do to prepare for one. Teach your kids to be prepared, teach them what things were like when services have failed in the past, as they won't learn it from life experiences until it's too late.

>Why are boomers not afraid of Corona?
because we have been through 4-5 of these.

wake me up when when it kill clusters of people

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