/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2024

► Detected: 145,336 ► Died: 5,416


Spain using hotels as hospitals

France closes schools and universities

More than 100 US colleges shut down, go online

Spain declares emergency, shuts down schools and public events

Survives 28 days in bacteria on surfaces at 4°C

29 year old doctor dies after 4 weeks

983,006 infected in Wuhan alone

Virus invades nervous systems

Patient tests negative four times, was infected

US hospitals: no tests, CDC: tests only for travel cases

Wuhan scientist predicted Dengue-like enhancements before outbreak

China province outbreak 52 times worse than admitted

210 dead in Iran, regime covers it up

China biowarfare program might have gone wrong

18:15: 785 new cases and 18 new deaths in France.
17:19: 2,547 new cases and 250 new deaths in Italy.
13:03: 190 new cases and 5 new deaths in the Netherlands.
12:56: 136 new cases and 28 new deaths in Spain.
12:48: 115 new cases and 1 new death in Spain.
12:42: 20 new cases in Kuwait.
12:26: 3 new cases in Poland.


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Other urls found in this thread:



>3675 TOTAL INFECTIONS +33,88%
>8 TOTAL DEATHS +33,33%
last update: 13.03. 19:00 GMT
source: Berliner Morgenpost

>RKI reports:
+697 = 3062 cases
+2 = 5 dead
updated: 13.03. 14:00 GMT

>8 DEAD (13.03.)
woman, 89, NRW, 03.03.: accute diarrhea, low bloodpressure, pneumonia, tested, ICU, 09.03.: lung failure
man, 78, NRW, diabetis, heart condition, 09.03.: heart failure
man, 73, NRW, severe comorbidity, pneumonia, 11.03.: lung failure
man, 67, BaWü, tested post mortem, 12.03.
man, 80, Bayern, comorbidity, 12.03.
woman, 78, NRW, 12.03.
man, 80, BaWü, 13.03.
man, 85, BaWü, 12.03.: tested, 13.03.

>german virologist: total cases represent data from 10 days ago

>RKI: 50 to 58 million infections during the epidemic in germany possible

Welt reports: "dog of a patient in hongkong does not carry the virus"

Minister of transport appeals to all citizens to reduce travel.
Ministry of health reports: 23 patients in ICU.
Minister of economy does not preclude temporary state involvement in strategical important companies.
Minister of economy and minister of finance: "We are going to help companies with tax cuts."
Second member of german parliament infected (both FDP). "I got infected, allthough I followed hygene-recommendations."
Heinsberg asks Bundeswehr for help, testing capacity reached.
Berlin: Foodbanks for the poor closing, health of workers has priority.
Lieferando to drop delivered food at doorstep.

UN-headquarter NY: phillipine diplomat infected, attended council of UN on monday
China sends masks, ventilators and experts to Itlay

source: Welt, Zeit, ntv, others

previous posts:

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>too early, not accurate
In the early stages of an outbreak, an accurate deathrate can generally not be precisely determined.
Some cases take longer to die or recover than others.
Even if groups of 100s of patients are studied, they might not represent the general population.

>testing capacity
The morbidity and mortality will be overrepresented, if only symptomatic, or only severe cases can be tested.

>time of detection
With delayed detection, and priority to testing severe cases first, morbidity is overrepresented.
Delayed detection also underrepresents total cases and therefore indirectly overrepresents mortality.

>clinical factors
The availability of medication and equippment will further influence the represented mortality.
With prolonged lack of supplies and/or equippment the "deathrate" will increase drasticly.

>geographical differences
Regions with smaller or larger risk-groups will have deviating morbidity and mortality.
With certain regions disadvantaged, both in testing and clinical capacity, there might be inaccurate, insufficient, or no data at all.

Over time, both morbidity and mortality, will find an average internationally, with small to stark regional deviations.
Time of detection and testing capacity will influence the "deathrate" the most, in early stages of an outbreak.
With a prolonged epidemic, clinical capacity and sustainability of ressources will determine the mortality.
Accurate data can be expected from regions with early detection, high testing capacity and sufficient ressources and clinical capacity during the whole epidemic.

Might be 5% - 10%

Average might end up at 10% in the western world, with unforeseeable deviation, depending on beforementioned factors.
Certain regions might report up to 30%, even reports of 50% are not unthinkable, if only hospitalized cases get tested and proper care is insufficient.

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► China 80,815 (3,177) ► International 64,431 (2,239): Italy 17,660 (1,266) Iran 11,364 (514) S. Korea 7,979 (71) Spain 5,232 (133) Germany 3,675 (8) France 3,661 (79) US 2,207 (48) Switzerland 1,139 (11) Norway 988 (1) Sweden 814 (1) Netherlands 804 (10) UK 798 (11) Japan 701 (19) D. Princess 696 (7) Belgium 559 (3) Austria 504 (1) Australia 199 (3) Greece 190 (1) Canada 158 (1) H. Kong 132 (4) Iraq 101 (9) Ireland 90 (1) India 82 (2) S. Marino 80 (5) Egypt 80 (2) Lebanon 77 (3) Thailand 75 (1) Indonesia 69 (4) Poland 68 (2) Philippines 64 (5) Taiwan 50 (1) Albania 33 (1) Argentina 31 (2) Panama 27 (1) Algeria 26 (2) Ecuador 23 (1) Bulgaria 23 (1) Azerbaijan 15 (1) Morocco 7 (1) Ukraine 3 (1) Guyana 1 (1) Sudan 1 (1) Denmark 801 Qatar 320 Bahrain 210 Singapore 200 Malaysia 197 Finland 155 Brazil 151 Czech Rep. 141 Slovenia 141 Iceland 134 Israel 126 Portugal 112 Kuwait 100 Romania 89 S. Arabia 86 UAE 85 Estonia 79 Russia 45 Vietnam 44 Chile 43 Brunei 37 Serbia 35 Palestine 35 Luxembourg 34 Croatia 32 Slovakia 32 Pakistan 28 Peru 28 Belarus 27 Georgia 25 S. Africa 24 C. Rica 23 Oman 19 Hungary 19 Bosnia 18 Latvia 17 Tunisia 16 Macedonia 14 Cyprus 14 Colombia 13 Mexico 12 Malta 12 Macao 10 Senegal 10 Maldives 9 Armenia 8 Jamaica 8 Afghanistan 7 Cambodia 7 Lithuania 6 S. Lanka 6 Fr. Guiana 6 Moldova 6 Paraguay 6 Dom. Rep. 5 N. Zealand 5 Réunion 5 Turkey 5 Cuba 4 Kazakhstan 4 Liechtenstein 4 Bangladesh 3 Bolivia 3 Chan. Isl. 3 Faeroes 3 Fr. Polynesia 3 Martinique 3 Monaco 2 Nigeria 2 B. Faso 2 Cameroon 2 Congo 2 Ghana 2 Honduras 2 St. Martin 2 Venezuela 2 Andorra 1 Jordan 1 Nepal 1 Ant. & Bar. 1 Bhutan 1 Caymans 1 Ivory C. 1 Ethiopia 1 Gabon 1 Gibraltar 1 Guadeloupe 1 Guinea 1 Vatican 1 Kenya 1 Mongolia 1 St. Barth 1 St. Vincent 1 Togo 1 Tri. & Tob. 1

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Oh that's a cute Corona-chan

LITERAL nothingburger

1/1000 chance of death if under 40

Guys, some strange guy tried to come in but I blocked the door. He may already be infected...

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Rate my PrEP boys

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I need the updated version
>pic related

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Have any of you guys saw a SK user in the last days? I really havent seem a single one for quite long even if they arent that common for something like the CVG threads i'm certain some would show up

did someone say corona chan pussy

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literally just the flu lol

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Is china exterminating the sick?


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bros someone died in my county doesn't this mean there are fucking thousands of cases here

Please share pic so normies get woken up. How many in America are sick?

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>Mexico is considering closing its border to stop Americans bringing coronavirus into its country


LMAO absolute banter

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We are supposed to get one for 150k


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I unironically love you corona chan.
You are such a blessing to this world.


>Countries shutting down across the western world
>US declared natural emergency, enacting Drive Thru testing centres via Google screening
>Italy collapsing in on itself as it locks down all non-essential services
>a nothing burger
This has reached far beyond irony at this point.




>If only I knew how bad things really are.

Well /cvg/? Which one is it?

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fuck off dude, stop spamming shit about germany, nobody cares, make your own thread

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Over 2000 threads dis gurl a big hobo nothingburger

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Love flat Coronachan desu

>Please share pic so normies get woken up.
im sorry, that is not in corona-chans best interest.

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yeah and you now what? i really not seeing many pasta anons either, considering they're all stuck indoors.


let him be bro, he needs to take his doggo out

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So tomorrow?


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Update on Louisiana

Now at 36 cases, up from 33 this morning and 19 yesterday. Gov. closed all schools, k-12, banned meeting in groups over 250 for 30 days effective 3/16

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i'm really fucking jealous of this, bros.


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One of those problems will deal with the other.

how long until the boomers start dropping like flies?

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Who draws these? I wish the artfags here had twitters or something.

Is this at all surprising? Wuhan was turned into a ghetto and they enacted widescale extermination via starvation and forced termination to stop the spread. Why do you think the curve flattened so hard over there?

Get VPN or maybe find a way to get illegal internet before its too late

deaths typically mean that the virus was there 4 weeks ago already and the region is already infested. The U.S. is testing far less people than Germany. That's why we have many cases here but few deaths.

Also Trump is a retard now. The virus was already in the U.S.
The travel ban does nothing.

Do you think the meeting of the crown and the black cube will take place?

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Oh shit
RIP venezuela

Why hasn't canada updated the numbers yet?? What's going on

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yesterday they were complaining about chinese coming to mexico illegally

You all been fooled by naughty dogs marketing team

i just came in from the infection zone boys. people are shitting it SO hard on the inside. went to a water store, girl got there before me, she immediately took two gallons.

saw some dude walking with a pack of TP, dude, just like nothing, out in the open, ballsy.

are you over 65 years old or something?
relax lmao

It's a shame this turned into a nothing burger now that the US has gone full war on it. Shit will be back to normal in a week or two
I was hoping for a proper happening for once

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Redditors making fun of old folks stocking. Who will be laughing when they're starving and coofing out their lungs?

If it gets really bad I'm gonna get fucked by raiders.
Tell me it's going to be ok frens

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ah shit
i also liked him as a pirate

What does a national emergency mean exactly?

Applauding President

The weak should fear the strong.

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Mason fag here. Hunker down and stay indoors. See attached image.

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Trump 16D Chess


Is Russia still two weeks behind because of the Julian calendar or what?

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>142783 infected
>5374 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little pandemic won't cause an extinction level event

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Gives them more funds available for use and speeds up the appropriation/implementation of those funds basically

Has anyone noticed how few are coofing in public? It's even less than the usual amount I'd expect. Almost none at all in the past few weeks. I personally avoid even clearing my throat, so maybe everyone is doing the same, or the coofers are actually staying indoors.

/fitpol/ I'm on an ECA stack will it increase my chance of getting sick? Trying to burn some fat and exercise hard

Just one more week of wagecucking and I'm free. Just one fucking goddamn week to get through and I can NEET.

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>US declared natural emergency
we also declared one over the border wall not that long ago
not a biggie

A travel ban still helps even if there is community spread

>dad planed a trip to Spain to sail on some boat
>doesn't want to change his plans, in spite of the pandemic and all of use begging him to don't go
>our governments closes the boarder preventing him from going
Thanks Morawiecki, just in time

Thank you user

this is a nothingburger, everything is fine outside

>90 cases now confirmed in Ireland
Oh boy

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>you know it's serious if your national congress is meeting on a Saturday and Sunday

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Will this be enough?

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Sehr gerne.

So I haven’t been paying attention the last few weeks. I got tired of all the “shills” and “kike” callouts.

Did the ADE meme get proven false?

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Idaho has 1st case will be announced at 5pm by governer

no more global warming!!

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You cant shoot viruses, american.

>literal pandemic that will kill millions of people
>"haha silly goyim praying to god"

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Just saved 15 minutes or more on my afternoon commute. Now I get to telework for the remainder of the month.
Thanks Corona-chan!

The crown does not affect autists, it is a scourge /soc



my dopamine receptors are so worn out that i'll probably never enjoy anything ever if this fizzles

Wasn’t it just a few the other day?

I went to the supermarket yesterday and I noticed the exact opposite. A lot of coofers.

A family member said a guy almost got beat up at work because he was coofing non stop. People are on edge right now.

just wait until all the doctor climate change data shows the world in the danger zone despite manufacturing grinding to a halt

>live at home in wa state (yeah yeah i know)
>mom's a nurse on covid-19 floor
>comes home, follows basic decon routine
>still unsure
i think i'm dead, bros. like for real. i'm sitting here in a gas mask since the wind blew my outdoor bugout tent over. i hate chinks so goddamn much.

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You are literally the dad in pic related

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Why can't I find him via google? That's weird.

Use soap you degenerate

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yo pray for italy. forreals. I feel bad for them

Yep. Once we devote the “power of the nation” to something it fizzles out fast. Corona was fun for a while, but she can go back where she came from. In the piss and dirt over in the EU and China.

>kill millions of people
maybe 10,000 max

We are basically in the "give in and die" camp, apparently. Trudeau certainly isn't too keen to even pretend anything matters anymore.

Just build nail traps and hide in corners and stab fuckers from behind (get a real knoife).

Simple as

it'll go exponential in your tiny island.
> F


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you won't

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>follows basic decon routine

meaningless, it literally spreads like the flue - just being in the same room in someone who's infected can infect you

> The kill millions of people
Maybe 10,000 max

I know that feel brother. These dopamine hits are hot stuff and you can get them in a number of places.

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Same he doesn't show up anywhere

Can he leave, come back, but just has to undergo 14 day quarantine? Or are all Poles forbidden from leaving?

I'm actually starting to not feel good bros.

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Next follows an accounting of the endtimes of the cities of the whites and the chinks:
"In the early decades of the 21st century the albino freaks grew complacent in their power and, for the most part, completely oblivious to the khazaryan vipers in their midst.
By the time the Israeli made plague hit the so called 'first world', it was already too late. The so called semites had a vaccine ready for themselves, and the virus was carefully engineered to only target whites and asians. This was actually very easy, due to their shared Neanderthal heritage.

Meanwhile, the Negro continued undisturbed troughout the pandemic that lay flat both western and eastern 'civilization'. This was by design, you see, as the khazaryans deemed the negro man the ultimate man-beast goyim slave for their eternal empire. Stronger, bigger and more fertile than their pale predecessors and yet a lot more docile. Or so they thought.

Deprived of their discoloured flesh golem to protect them, the enraged hordes of the negroes very quickly overcoomed the clever but feeble, inbred and insane "semites".
The khazaryan womenfolk most suited for breeding (as judged by the fitness and size of their milking glands) where lobotomized and put in chains, where they would be bred 24/7 by any negro that desired to do so. The elders and staunchest of zionists where also put in chains, right in front of their womenfolk-turned-breeding holes, condemned until the end of their days to watch as their bloodline was slowly bred out of existence by the indisputed might and virility of the blood of Africa, one thrust at a time.
The male half breeds would just be blended into fertilizer for cassava crops, while the females would recieve the same treatment as their mothers.

And so it went on until the last of the zionists died of old age, the last image on his mind being a half breed khazarian woman incoherently moaning as her behind dripped powerful, thick and vibrant African semen."

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Where will you be when trump cancels elections because polling is too dangerous?

>mom's a nurse on covid-19 floor
your moms a hero dude. real talk. putting her health on the line, just do the best you can to be clean man. make it your job.


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Can shoot raiders and (((government people))) though

Oh sweet child.

>implying he won't be coofing his lungs out in a week from now

I know my brother feel. These are the dopamine hits you can get hot stuff, and in many locations.

nothing burger nothing burger hehaw hehaw ohh i dont feel sonsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

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That’s crazy fast. Are they saying if it’s travel related/cluster area?

CHAD NATIONS: Fight the virus head on

VIRGIN NATIONS: Herd immunity



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threadly reminder that the numbers are completely meaningless

the only number that you can take anything from is deaths.

most countries are only testing people who end up in hospital. and most people who have this virus don't end up in hospital.
so stop posting the fucking numbers as if it somehow is indicitive or tells us something.

south korea is carrying out 10000 tests per 1m people. america is doing 5 tests per 1m people.

so fuck off with your stupid fucking charts you autistic retards.

This will be a wakeup call for Canada hopefully. Sweeping changes in our healthcare and employment system. Too many poors living paycheck to paycheck we need more gibs.

Someone needs to prove to me that China and Iran are actually telling the truth. I feel like their numbers are waaaaay higher.

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How bad is it so far? Is it just mostly in Helsinki or are people starting to panic elsewhere?

God bless you Deutsche bro.

My gf and I wait for you to check in every day.

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the outrage will be amazing
just wait until they quarantine NYC

Be the raider scandibro

We bumped it up to 4000 people per day now, though 2/3rds are either in Washington state or Jew York.


In my house, same as I've been for weeks

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>Berlin: Foodbanks for the poor closing,

nothing can topple quarantining an entire region surrounding your capital city tho

Which one of you made this comfy end of the world playlist?


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But herd immunity is impossible, it's like Herpes in that it hides in the nervous system which is outside of the realm of the immune system....

Nawww we love china they would never do that

We are also not testing nearly enough.

Buy aloe gel and mix with (isopropyl)alcohol to 40/60 if you want a gel

Just alcohol with water (70/30) also works like a charm and is very cheap (7 euro for a liter). I have put it in a spray container.

pure panic mongering
the US healthcare system is better than this

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It's called more testing.

Enjoy having your lungs raped for life.

Viruses can't tank stock markets, cause shortages on masks and toilet paper, or close borders either.

Meanwhile, on Oct. 18, 2019, also before the outbreak, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the World Economic Forum co-hosted an event in NYC where “policymakers, business leaders, and health officials” worked together on a simulated coronavirus outbreak.

Titled the “Event 201” pandemic, the high-level pandemic exercise “dropped participants right in the midst of an uncontrolled coronavirus outbreak that was spreading like wildfire out of South America to wreak worldwide havoc.”

“In the simulation, CAPS (the coronavirus) resulted in a death toll of 65 million people within 18 months,” according to John Hopkins University.

JFC tranny, get some other hobby.

it's not, most likely. depends how seriously your government takes this, hopefully better than "wash your hands." if you can get to the woods and bugout, now's the time.

i love that pic, saved

>My gf
normie bitte geh

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Further promoting globalism as an antidote to the hypothetical outbreak, participants in Event 201 proposed the following:

1: Governments, international organizations, and businesses should plan now for how essential corporate capabilities will be utilized during a large-scale pandemic.

2: Industry, national governments, and international organizations should work together to enhance internationally held stockpiles of medical countermeasures (MCMs) to enable rapid and equitable distribution during a severe pandemic.

3: Countries, international organizations, and global transportation companies should work together to maintain travel and trade during severe pandemics.

4: Governments should provide more resources and support for the development and surge manufacturing of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics that will be needed during a severe pandemic.

5: Global business should recognize the economic burden of pandemics and fight for stronger preparedness.

6: International organizations should prioritize reducing economic impacts of epidemics and pandemics.

7: Governments and the private sector should assign a greater priority to developing methods to combat mis- and disinformation prior to the next pandemic response.

I like how all the 14 year olds always shouting “shill” and “like” have all disappeared.
Like, now that the virus is thoroughly embedded in the US, everyone wants to be an optimist.


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>20% of cases are asymptomatic carriers
so they're immune?

Has he posted anything since Trump announced an emergency?

SO IS IT TRUE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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>implying it's still available during the 2week lock down
leave it for medical people.

I just started getting a headache bros and my temp went from 97.2 to 99.5 in 1 hour. I think I may be corona

Asking here since I can't find any reliable information on the matter:

What is the ideal 40mm filter to purchase for protection against Corona-chan, and more to the point, how long do they -actually- last when in use? I tend to see filters rated for 8-36hrs in "active contamination zones", which seems like an incredibly short amount of time. My risk of exposure is near guaranteed, so I'm probably fucked either way, but still, I'd like to know.

it's all yours.

such a classic webm. i cant help but wonder what happened to them. she surely divorced him.

Be good to your mom and treat her well. She’s likely going to see some real shit in the next few weeks.

anybody got that image with all the outbreak movies i’m bout to netflix and chill for 2 months

This. Experts suspect 100's of thousands are infected in the US, at minimum.
Nobody would even notice or give a shit if the media wasn't making a panic.

>500k infected, suspected by Johns Hopkind
>40 dead

Fucking kek, all you doomers are going to feel like retards in a month.

It's definitely odd that they suddenly stopped reporting new cases.

Hey I saw this in a book careful of the nypd cult bro

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Thank you, nice to hear.
I'm going to present info on course of disease over the weekend. Doesn't look too bad.

lol that will trigger a few on here to fuck and back


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His term would still end on January 20th 2021 at 12:00PM; we’d have a vacancy in the Presidency or go down the line of succession making the Speaker of the House next in line (since they have their term voted in prior to that date in January). Not holding an election doesn’t statutorily extend the term he was elected to and sworn into on January 20th 2017.

(It would also become an automatic SCOTUS case almost immediately, where an actual decision would be reached on above)

Why should you care about this if you aren't 70+, malnourished shitskin in third world shithole or some asthmatic retard?

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>Coronavirus case confirmed in my area

Odds I order Chinese food
Evens I cook tonight

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>be japan
>be birthplace of neets and otaku
>be lowest birtg rate in developed world
>be such a powerful collective of turbo virgins that even a global pandemic doesnt fuck you
i figured out why chink plague isnt destroying japan.

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Between 160 million and 214 million people in the U.S. could be infected over the course of the epidemic, according to one projection. That could last months or even over a year, with infections concentrated in shorter periods, staggered across time in different communities, experts said. As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die.

And, the calculations based on the C.D.C.’s scenarios suggested, 2.4 million to 21 million people in the U.S. could require hospitalization, potentially crushing the nation’s medical system, which has only about 925,000 staffed hospital beds. Fewer than a tenth of those are for people who are critically ill.

Let's hope Corona-Chan gets rid off all niggers & faggots

People here are starting to panic.
Apparently, one of the 4 infected went to a wedding some days ago

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Related? godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message4302338/pg1
(Take with a grain of salt obviously)


Better start paying for yourself bro
Shit is coming.
US is already way deeper in then the numbers make it out to be! Stay safe fren

We are fucked.

26 in Costa Rica now.

Just a flu, bro.

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we are going for this 1 place anglo ;)

Bois, it's time to make a Corona-chan godform.

Hail to Corona-chan, Sacred Lady of the Eastern Winds.

Coof three times facing China's direction then bow your head

In Corona-chan's name, let us be purified, Amen.

it still pains me that grandpa here is dying

Don't matter what we do here in the west to contain the virus now it's too late
China won

Mexico really is going to pay for the wall after all kek

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flatten the lungs, more like.

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What if the virus' DNA or RNA is actually a malicious piece of code, that when it is scanned by the Killer T cells, it causes an unintentional change in the DNA or RNA, similar to how an SQL injection works?

it's a movie

Is someone going to answer this?
I’m also interested in the ADE thing. Everyone was banging on about it. Now nobody wants to talk about it. Maybe the whole thing had gotten too real for the kids and don’t want to think about it.

But here you go;

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The dad was right. It wasn't dangerous. If he had trained his mind not to get infected by the unreasoned panic of women and children everything would have been fine.
Just pop under the table (perfect air pocket against the wall and defense against boulders) and then dig yourself out.
But instead his weak mind is infected by the growing panic of his children and wife and he runs.

Holy shit /cvg/, it’s like a war zone out there. I have never seen grocery stores this packed even for Thanksgiving. Nearby store workers are all saying the same thing. Basics are basically all gone. I only went out to get creamer, but all paper products, cleaners, soaps, medicines, and meats are gone

City Hall in Miami is shut down everyone there has Corona it's a good start

>only 1 new case in china


Guys. Gotta sore throat starting. Is this how it starts?

Have a summary an user made after watching the EVENT 201 videos
Talked about a lot in /cvg/ a month ago

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Lol still no "100,000 cases in Ohio."
How many days has it been stuck at no "100,000 cases in Ohio?" Four days? Five days?

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300k Chinese students in the USA and still nothing. Where is my fucking Holocaust Jim

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Why contain HER?

Never underestimate American patriotism mixed with American paranoia.

Every Billy, Becky, and Bob in the line at Costco is an expert virologist and already planning to implement strict home quarantine procedures. Virus will die here fast.

>isnt destroying japan.

The next italy

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Supposedly only 17 cases in my town but the panic buying began today

Think about this too. Crammed people and infected mingling. Two weeks from now another infection spike from all the panic buyers infecting each other. The workers too.

thanks bro, you too man.


WHO declaring a pandemic was a mistake. The amount of shills here triplicated in a few days thanks to that.

98-99% of people that get tested thinking they have Corona test negative, they are sick with one of any number of diseases you encounter in flu season.

You almost certainly don't have corona.

Here fren

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Headache/fever/dry cough are the start, apparently. Not heard much about sore throats.

How is that based? all of us here believe in the dignity and welfare of everyone of our race regardless of class, now fuck off you neoliberal dog

Right now China could conquer Japan and no one would help Japan. In many ways, China is being nice.

We either die or we are in short supply and are guaranteed a gf
so a win/win situation

literally zero evidence to support this.
and it would be completely unprecedented.
viruses can not hide in your nervous system.

>Superior healthcare system
Lol, it's really not...

Anons plz help.
I have information on a Malaysian national in posession of a Japanese student visa who is planning to break Spanish quarantine and travel to Greece in order to circumvent quarantine at his final destination of Tokyo. Individual claims to be free of SARS-CoV-2 at this time, but is obviously being unlawful and irresponsible. Furthermore I have positive information this individual may turn into a purposeful malicious spreader if infected.

>How do i get this info to the appropriate authorities in Japan?

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thanks guys. i'll let her know people are pulling for her. shit's getting real in wa state.

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We are engaging full Spaghetti mode. We will make it though

Dragon Wok or New China King?

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not necessarily. you can be recently infected and not yet showing symptoms,, but still contagious.

like you can catch it, then be walking around for 2 weeks shedding the viral load like dandruff and infecting everycunt, and then start feeling symptoms later.

I'll try but I'm a little bit retarded

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>going outside
wear gloves you dumb kraut


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don't go to major or big grocery stores anymore. my fucking family does but i fucking can't stop them. it's retarded.

i just went for any food this morning at like 5:30 at gas stations and there were only like 3 people there.



thats obesity.
don't know why they don't just say it.

Delusional retard hashtag lmao
My boomer parents are going out to eat every night, coofing with wild abandon, determined to give me their plague when they get it, and spread it around as much as humanly possible with their psychopathic selfish behavior. That is what the average american household is doing, you conservative inc., ideologue faggot. "American patriotism" lol get the fuck out of here.

Corona-chan is a gift and will purify our nation of you so we can have a country again.

Sounds good then.

herd immunity is possible you moron


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