Reminder that they want you dead

> April 2020
> USA ICU units are full
> black nurses have to decide who lives and who dies

Attached: nightnurse2018.jpg (780x480, 61.24K)

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yeah I won't be checking into any hospital if I feel ill.

>Context: this is documentary on on the St Louis hospital one of the countries, best institutions, revealing the chaos and burn out epidemic tuching the French Healthcatlre system since the latest budget cuts and personal reductions.
>From 28:18 to 31:00

>Black Nurse Anesthesit
>Instead of watching the patient she just wanders randomly in the OR
>Patient wakes up and starts caughing
>Surgeon ressure him and tells the NA to give him O2 and stay close to the patient
>Fatal mistake, how dare the old white man disturbe our Queen out of her deep methaphisical meditation
>She doesnt act
>The surgeon politely insists and reminds her of the procedure.
>She doesnt act and keeps wandering in the OR
>The surgeon gets abit upset and dares say to her that she never does her job, and that he always needs to insist for her to do her job
>She starts mumbling something in french ebonics
*scene suspiciously cuts*
>Restarts when she finally gives the patient O2
>She then resumes her Socratic Walk around the block
*scene cuts*
>Surgery ends
>She starts accusing the surgeon of having something personal against her.
>To witch the white devil nonchalantly answers by saying that he has no problem with our diva but that at the end of the day he is still a surgeon and her a nurse, and that she must follow his instructions. Injure to witch he adds that she as an NA should stay close to the patient and reassure him.
>Our queen snaps back and tells him that she didnt have the opportunity to do it
>Understanding he is defeated the white Satan walks out of the OR and disappears into one of the hospital's endless corridors, his voice forever reverberating his vanquished last words: "Are you joking lady, what opportunity are you talking about, that's literally your job"

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black women make horrible mothers. they raise their sons without fathers, and teach them that the greatest thing you can be is a ballplayer or soundcloud rapper.
they also permanently fuck up their daughters hair but putting chemicals in it and perming it.

Attached: 1527208648552.webm (202x360, 1.8M)

Blacks are too dumb to be terrorists
Stats of white males raping black females are almost zero
who cares
13% 50%
>domestic violence
Black males commit way more than whites

I think that we are going to get fucked more then italians. Just wait few weeks.

>People not getting this seriously
>Pubs working as always
>Schools and Unis working
>Not enough money for tests, so few tests done
>General corruption, uncompetant people making decisions
>Generally fucked healthcare system without resources

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She isn't even right about the statistics. If she wants to reduce crime, then she has to stop treating niggers and sandniggers.

if i survive this im gonna design a supervirus that literally only goes after blacks

I bet she'll be not even in hospital.

the number of black phlebotomist techs I've seen larping as 'nurses' is amusing

Kill all niggers always.

if that was my grandmother I would put a bullet in her skull

letting niggers into the west was the worst mistake we ever made

Reminder to not show mercy. It doesn't matter if they cry and how bad you feel for them, if they are poor little women, maybe even children. Do not show mercy for shitskins, they are evil to the core, their essence is to destroy and kill, and so we must eradicate them first inself defense. I hope you all know what to do when society collapses

why would you feel bad for a groid

Soon, fren, soon.

haha i hate niggers lol

That is what we tend to do. When you see someone down on their luck, sad, it's hard not to feel empathy. But darkies will never appreciate it, they will never be gratefull and go right back to undermining you

Tell me something I don’t know.

you might

i laugh at the starving child commercials

>"NOOOOOOOO you cant point out reality..... my marvel films told me they were human like me....... REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"


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Boomer experiencing vibrant culture that he voted for. Kinda based.

speak for yourself christcuck

Don't boomers and old people kind of deserve it though? I mean it would suck if it happened to your family members. But these guys are the ones who fell for the Jewish mass propaganda lies and imported people who do not care much for them due to the different ethnicity. You could say this is a form of poetic justice. Make bad decisions... expect bad things to happen.

man imagine being lied to your entire life, working paying taxes, and at the end when your broken and helpless, you are fed to niggers.... sad shit man, red pills might be essential in existence,.

None of those assertions are true unless you only count countries where whites make up 80%-90%+ of the population you retard

And then its meaningless. If you look at per capita, nonwhites are more likely to do all of these things in every single country they reside in anyway

Please try to prove me wrong nigger

Both sets of my grandparents were born in the 20s and 30s respectively in the US and Spain
They either had no idea about the jewish plot or were trying to survive the Spanish Civil War.
Even then the my US grandparents do have some responsibility for the troubles of today due to being members of the (((Greatest Generation)))

they might deserve it, but you dont know this man, he has been lied to since he was born, at any point in his life he might have had the chance to be red pilled of the nigger, but he was consumed by propaganda. in the end he is fed to monkies.

Statistically, black males are the highest risk for all of those except terrorism. Muslims get that award. Unless you're counting black male Muslims, because they're the top risk of all demographic groups for literally all violent offenses across the board.


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there are going to be some intensely violent scenes playing out in American hospitals soon

be sure to livestream your grievances and remember to pray for Israel to own the libs

why are there so many nigger nurses?

they cant really do anything for it so its not like it matters. plus these niggers will be the first to bail on any sense of social cohesion once shit gets real.

Also at least we are taking care of the spanish grandparents, my mother would never surrender them to that fate.
Can't say the same for my dad's parents
grandma died in a nursing home after getting Alzheimer's while grandpa at least died peacefully at my uncle's house
As much as I despise my dad's generation for fucking up the country I will not have my parents suffer that fate

he's so cute desu
he's got that mopey doomer look, i just wanna ruffle his stupid bowl cut and give him a hug

You expect a nigger to waste 2 minutes of their incredibly valuable time to look up publicly available statistics?

They are either to lazy or they know full well and lie to themselves and everyone else as a coping mechanism.

>permanently fucking up hair

Imagine this woman delivering you and your wifes baby.
>"Lemme put him in this incubato- Oh no he's dead :'("

nightmare fuel

I never go to the Dr or Hospital unless I am dying. I don’t even have health insurance right now, I’m avoiding that shit.

LCD hiring

>boomers sell the country, it's future, their own children, literally everything to the Jews
>final days will consist of being thrown around and beaten by a fat nigress
God is real and I thank him for this justice.

they can't get failed in the course, tuition paid for, can't get fired once they are hired

would break the nigger's neck

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Statistics are racist reverse satan.

Trusting a nigger with your life is effectively suicide and trusting a nigger with the life’s of children may as well be assisted murder.

They are probably the most malicious race on the planet, even kike doctors would be less deadly as they actually care more about money than anything else.


Without fail, every crazy eyed anti-white black activist looks like this. Mulatto skin tone, semi-kinky mixed race hair type, big "I'm smart" glasses, resentment and victim complex practically painted on their face. Every youtube video where a group of blacks are screeching at a white person for their privilege has these types. You never find a dark-skinned or regular looking black person.

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If that were my father I would kill her.

This guy gets it. Go to the hospital if you're dying, stay at the hospital if you want to be dead

>and imported people
Your descendants will say the same of you, and it will be no more accurate

They want to enslave and exterminate all non-Bantus (the greater Bantu group consists of Bantus, Jews and many/most Muslims). :
>In the Republic of Congo, where Pygmies make up 2% of the population, many Pygmies live as slaves to Bantu masters. The nation is deeply stratified between these two major ethnic groups. The Pygmy slaves belong from birth to their Bantu masters in a relationship that the Bantus call a time-honored tradition. Even though the Pygmies are responsible for much of the hunting, fishing and manual labor in jungle villages, Pygmies and Bantus alike say Pygmies are often paid at the master's whim; in cigarettes, used clothing, or even nothing at all. As a result of pressure from UNICEF and human-rights activists, a law that would grant special protections to the Pygmy people is awaiting a vote by the Congo parliament.[2]
>In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, during the Ituri Conflict, Ugandan backed rebel groups were accused by the UN of enslaving Mbutis to prospect for minerals and forage for forest food, with those returning empty handed being killed and eaten.[33]
>In 2003, Sinafasi Makelo, a representative of Mbuti pygmies, told the UN's Indigenous People's Forum that during the Congo Civil War, his people were hunted down and eaten as though they were game animals. In neighboring North Kivu province there has been cannibalism by a death squad known as Les Effaceurs ("the erasers") who wanted to clear the land of people to open it up for mineral exploitation.[34] Both sides of the war regarded them as "subhuman" and some say their flesh can confer magical powers.[35]

Cannibal warlords of Liberia:

Attached: cannibalism.jpg (580x335, 49.27K)

Very True

The day of the pillow is real. Imagine voting for commies who promised you "bennies", for open borders and trade so you can consume luxury at the lowest price while the real wage rate for younger generations gets holocausted by the same inflation that made your 60k shack worth 300k....

Thanks user, you're a talented writer and your efforts are appreciated.

I thought niggers were statistically more likely to do all of this despite being 13% of the population

Attached: 3 black teenagers.webm (460x816, 2.18M)

These are the worst individuals and they are frequently the most bottom of the barrel too

Look at that ape paw

UPVOTED! cause I can't spanish or whatever.
Seriously thanks.

>that flat affect
>that foam wedge under the arm
This man is clearly a stroke victim. Could have been the nicest man on the planet, fuck that sheboon and fuck anyone defending it.

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Jesus that chimp looks barely human
Also, why do i never hear of anybody tracking down some of these subhumans and give them their due? It would strike so much fear in them they'd think twice before running their mouth