Stop with the racism and hate, you can do better!
After all we are all human beings!
I'm sure that inside you lives something beautiful, please, listen to that beautiful part of yourself!
Much love
Please, Yas Forums community
Other urls found in this thread:
No, I'm sorry.
why? I'm sure there's good in you.
That kid knows Kung Fru
We must take our lead from Germany!
Yes, of course. I'm sure there's bad in you.
Please kill yourself.
What is wrong with them? They just have a different culture from us :)
They actually pay taxes like everyone else and makes everyone life easier.
Exactly! That’s why I’m agreeing with you russanon! We must give up silly meaningless things like “culture,” and “heritage” if we are to move forward! We must... progress
People actually think like this. It's saddening.
But they aren't human beings.
The amount of fucking clips of children being beaten and run over. And nobody there bat's a eye. Nah.
Are they fuck.
Other cultures are just improving our own! Accepting other people culture shows defects in our own culture and this makes some people angry, but you just need to accept it, please.
I know I don’t understand it. Even larping that makes me feel filthy
Facebook tier bait. Try harder next time faggot
Fuck off you cunt
I'm sorry, I didn't get it.
What do you mean?
Just look at this beautiful children, he's the most beautiful thing ever!
How can you hate a creature like this *-*
This is a board of peace and Jewish supremacy. What sort of hate are you talking about?
Niggers aren't humans.
Fuck chinks and I hope they get exterminated ... Then humanity as a whole.
Niggers destroyed chicago. Chicago could've been a white utopia. In fact the whole country could be if not for stinking niggers ruining everything. And dont get me started on the filthy kikes
Absolutely not true! :(
the "beautiful" part of myself is telling me the world is an ugly place.
Fuck chinks!
They brought this shit upon us so they could go out as heroes and buy our countries for pennies because they are shipping us a couple of their surplus paper masks.
Fuck chinks!
80 years too late user.
Okay. I'll give it up. Now what do I do about all of the people attacking whites?
The world has beautiful parts too!
Just force yourself to see only good parts, the bad parts will be gone one day.
They have no authentic sense of Identity. White Identity isn't about the colour of skin. White Identity is about the colour of Virtue. It's poisonous because it enables the basest and most reviled creature to clothe themselves in virtues without needing to do a goddam fucking thing to deserve it.
There is going to be a bonfire of vanities. On this fire the will burn Western Civilisation as an offering to White Identity, but it's a myth. It's a fantasy. They'll only realise it when they're looking at the ashes of it in their blood drenched hands.
Fuck off kike
Some people are just uneducated, not everyone is like that.
Don't judge all people just because someone did something bad.
We are all human beings.
Ultimately, your efforts here do not matter.
Nor does any of mine.
Okay okay, I baited your retarded brains.
Fuck niggers, faggots and other degenerates.
Enjoy this video, user-cunts:
Congratulations in achieving nothing.
There is one race on Earth that thinks it's OK and normal to eat whatever the fuck you want, whenever you want. These people eat bats, foxes, cheetahs, live birds, eels, you fucking name it. And it is THE REASON for the Coronavirus.
All you're doing by encouraging this bullshit is GUARANTEEING that the problem will never be solved.
Grow a fucking brain, look at the source of the problem, admit it, and then do something about it.
You just told everyone what they already knew
Shut up Chang.
fuck you chink boy zipper head bat eating son of a bitch faggot
I used to have a chineze GF, i always thought this shit was a meme before i knew her.
She was always surpised how pidgeons would roam around the city here because in China they would actually catch them.
She and her chineze friends would never do the dishes with warm water, neither did i see them wash their hands that very often.
They worshiped Mao Zedong even though that guy is long gone, and are completely obsessed with brands like Gucci Prada because they genuinely thought that was the best ''quality''.
The average chineze person lacks so much common sense that it's quite dangerous, knowing how much influence and power the country is accumulating over the globe.
Seems fun. Accept other people culture.
Based and frenpilled
Wew lad you're going to jail for being a faggot
When asked, the migrants commented:
"it's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there."
>Stop with bullshit and just nuke my fucking communustic horde!
Just ask Donald. It would be very speedy and simply.
Why tf would i hate a random baby?