This person does not have any European genetics. Would you consider them "White"?
This person does not have any European genetics. Would you consider them "White"?
OP, I’ll totally discuss who is and isn’t white but FIRST I AM GOING TO RUN OUT AND BUY UP ALL THE TP AND VITAMIN C AND MASKS
There are white "arabs", such as assad. and then there are brown arabs such as rashida tlaib.
pic related are white-ish arabs.
The problem I have, or rather that confuses people about me, is that I'm a pacifist, I'm just not at peace. Being at peace isn't intuitively part of being peaceful to me.
No. She is an Arab. Arabs are the most closely related race to Europeans, but they are still different.
I dont believe that this girl is associated with the statistic. Afaik blue eyes was a mutation from northern europe, hence there must be a european ancestor.
there is a minority white population in the Middle East and India.
If that's the fairest they can get that ain't much
Yup aren't Arabs Caucasoids
Although wouldn't you say spics have more European connections (they are a newly made race though)
are they just white or do they have blue eyes aswell?
The Middle East was controlled by Greeks and Romans from 500 BC to 700 AD. After the Arabs conquered it, they raided Europe for slaves for 1000 years. So yes, there is a lot of European blood in the modern Middle East.
levantines are scientifically whiter than europeans
that wasn’t his question though
Arabs aren't close at all. Caucasians and Levantine people are closer.
the middle east pretty much WAS white until the islamic conquests. Levantines, Greeks, North Africans
judge for yourself
>Arabs are the most closely related race to Europeans
Only Levantine and some Syrians. Most Arabs are nigger mutts.
>This person does not have any European genetics.
Cypriot 5.6 %
I would choose to breed with any of them before even the most attractive blue eyed/blonde haired Europoids.
Yes. I pointed out that the premise of the question is false, kikel.
it's beyond skin color.
they have our facial structure.
another example
Fairly nice, but i want to see her without makeup
>coptic egyptian
>those big lips
jep she arb alright
>This person does not have any European genetics
Maybe you missed the part of history where most of those places used to be part of Europe, and Cyprus came back?
nice bait
do Assyrians count, Britanon?
She has the features of a white person but her soul is not white. She looks 3rd world
I am a egyptian mutt and look white.
inb4 pic unrelated
this is the mayor of Tehran
How is it false if she shows up with virtually no European? Your claim (whether it’s true or not is another question,) didn’t debunk anything related to the OP.
As I explained, much of the modern middle eastern gene pool is derived from Europe, but is not considered European today for historical reasons.
No, they are certainly caucasoid though.
Pic related is full blooded ainu japanese, same deal. We are all aware of 'deconstructing whiteness'.
Show skin.
>inb4 has the most most brownest skin on the board
thats fake. OP is gay and most likely a faggot.
I'm pretty sure those are Alexander the Great's rape babies.
I am the mayor of digits
If I met her, I would assume she is white.
What you’re saying is true for maps and man made borders, but DNA doesn’t work the same way.
Maybe to shitskins you look white
the women in this image do not look especially white. They are the same color as the man off to the side
you stupid mutt he just made the pic with paint, it's a fake
Just looks French.
these are not white, not even close. maby by your american standarts, but here we call those churkas or black arses. + Assad is half european. shitrab elites tend to take european wifes.
Egyptian actress Menna Shalabi
Christian Assyrians have a special pass. They're almost genocided now anyway
she doesn’t look white at all
I feel sorry for you yids. You just do not have the intellect that you used to have after all the interbreeding. You should really be more worried about the niggers breathing down your neck. They are coming for you.
23&me are fake and faggots
Arabs were descendants of Ishmael, but were mixed. So, "white" in the modern sense, but not pure Adamic. Not part of the promise.
not white
Okay faggot
Haven't we decided a decade ago only Europe is white for simplicity's sake?
why would you believe kikes when it comes to genetics?
okay Nassim
This thread is a psy-op.
It's very easy to try and discredit "race" by taking a random picture and associating with a random DNA profile to "BTFO those racists on Yas Forums!"
The girl is white; thus, she would necessarily have some European ancestry.
Fake and gay.
You're all gullible as fuck.
End of discussion.
she's qt for a non-white girl
maybe some, but asia has a long and complex history. We don't know a lot of things. But the languages of the Iranians and northern India have a common ancestral with european languages, suggesting the same origin
0% white 100% cutie
Nice way to admit you’re wrong and know shit about genetics. Whatever word we use for what nowadays has nothing to do with DNA. Even the whitest looking Arabs, for the most part, do not cluster with Europeans. Sorry Mohammed.
I may be a hairy man, but I'd wager my skin is paler than most on this board.
imagine my shock
100% my type.
Euro/ME mix produces GORGEOUS women.
Probably genetic remnants of the Arab slave trade
she a good little slut
It's a fake, a photoshop
not a qt even in a Brits book. What's wrong with you?
How is she not white?
yazidis are also white
white is an american concept.
there are arabs who identify as white, brown, black, etc.
most arabs are caucasian. they have our skull types, and our facial features.
pale arabs tend to have olive skin tones, like southern europeans. not a pink skine tone like northern europeans.
>viking mercs
>anglo merc
Just a small list of some white peoples that raped their way through the Middle East at some point.
They were bound to leave a mark in places.
No and I doubt that these results are for the girl in the picture because OP is a fucking faggot
pale doesn't mean white you sand nigger spic
That feel when the golems are hacking you with a machete
Gotta see the nipples first to be honest with you pal
Looks whiteish. But damn that looks like a turkish arm.
The whole northern hemisphere, europe, north africa, asia, persia, india etc. was inhabitated by caucasian whites. We already established that.
literally no argument re: DNA lmao
and so was he... the near east is mud territory, the few vestiges of the white elite is few and on the way out. Europe will have the same fate.
whites are northern indo-european / yamnaya descent
because most turks are just Greek rapebabies.
>not mentioning the aryan invasions
Black user identified
What a fucking chad
Post nose
Persia was more "fair"(aka white) than greece in that time,the arabs took a toll on the whole middle east
People are too used to seeing mutts and thinking they are white. I’ve seen very white-ish Turks who wouldn’t pass a gene test. In this case, an Instagram filter might make her appear “white” but you would never mistake her for a Nordic/Northern European.
my dream is to have a levantine wife
Some of the more ancient populations of the region like Assyrians have a incidence of R1b, one of the Indo-European haplogroups
Spare me your tripe, actual Spic. While your misbegotten kind were still behaving like cavemen, my people were establishing the building blocks of society in the cradle of civilization.
my arab is whiter and could easily be an incognito general/officer in germany
>if you're a fan
Woah that is actually very interesting
Wrong sex for Alexander
whites dont exist, its a made up term
look up the word caucASIAN and EurASIAN and you will find what you are looking for.
3 races, Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid.
99,9 % of arabs dont look like that
>from a region owned by Europeans for 1000 years
>no European dna
Lol no. You can obviously see arab face features in here
based steppe herders pozzed half the world with genes
aboriginal hokkaidan who looks a bit like whatever from western/mid/eastern europe
You're pathetic bro.
We all know what white is, and what it is not you rat faced, baby mutilating, ugly, arrogant, neopotistic, greedy, beady eyed, sweaty, paranoid, christ killing kike.
this one looks a bit more indo iranian
Mutts also think armenians are White lmao
i have a palestinian friend who cpuld 100% pass as a local and nobody ever thinks she might be arab
Levantines are our brothers.
>whole premise of the thread was DNA
>comes up with some (probably bull) shit, (now that you’ve proven you can’t back anything else up) about invasions “HURR premise BTFO”
>but the premise was about DNA..
>”hurr JOOz”
It’s not fake either
her midface is a bit longer than european whites, she’s nordic to the core otherwise
what sets them massively apart from japanese and chinese is that they have a mongolian sinodont tooth morphology and not the asian sundadont (different shapes as well as different amount of tooth roots)
If nipples are pink then they are white
>Southern Italian
>Levantines are our brothers
Of course they are
>t. s*cilian
not european
not white
imagine being such a shithole of a wasteland country that all you care about is muh white genes