Yeah, I'm not voting for him again

Yeah, I'm not voting for him again.

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Other urls found in this thread:

12k Americans died of h1n1 before Obama declared a state of emergency. Remember that.

No one gives a fuck.


>Anonymous sources familiar with Trump's thinking

We get another round of these? Oh boy.

Cool. Now let's not have more die now you retard.

>"source says"

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>fellow trump supporter, blah blah, nuclear codes.


yeah ok, heard that about Russia 1000x times.

Based trump

This. Whoever wins, we lose. (spoiler) I'm still going to vote for Trump though.

HIs balls will retract further and further up as the positive test numbers start going up

Let me guess

>anonymous sources


Mus be real news

Nothing he will do will stop his base from not voting for him. You fucking hook nose kikes have to deal with it for 4 more years

>Trump does something everyone agrees is right
>”Sources familiar with his thinking..”
This is so obvious it fucking hurts

you didn't vote for him the first time Jew.

We don't know how many have died though since we don't test. Bet a bunch of old boomers have died with it, and we just called it the flu, even back in 2019.

>"hey guys i know the world is beginning to end but trump trump trump trump baaaaaaaaaaad man!!"

Can these people go one day without blaming him for everything wrong on this planet.

Its definitely gonna hurt him, no doubt. When you're responsible for people dying, that kinda ruins your chances a bit.

Plus the economy is fucked after he promised to "bring more jobs" and all that.

>kike spreads some kikery

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Plus no wall... Didn't lock her up... Didn't drain the swamp. Most of us paid MORE in taxes, and now he's made us the laughing stock of the world, we're so unprepared we're fighting over hand sanitizer and toilet paper, our hospitals refuse to test people, and millions of potentially infected Americans will not only choose not to seek care, they will continue to work in our service based industry, up until it is so bad no one wants to be served. Sick people will not admit they're sick, since so many are already in debt and even living pay check to pay check.

get a real job

He isn't responsible for anyone dying. Laughable.

>anonymous source at a converged leftist publication
The buck can be passed all the way down the line to the Chinks' suppression of numbers as they went into half-a-billion lockdown bedlam. Jim Webb is the only contender, and they'll never run him. Enjoy your historic electoral Zogslide

yeah this lying jew is always pushing his shitty muh Russia books

he saved america and defeated the corona virus trump should be president forever shill

Yeah, that.

He fired the team that could have cured this in time.

>(((Seth))) (((Abramson)))
>(((blue checkmark)))

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>I'm a God fearing Conservative Republican but I can abide by this presidents behaviour! I'm gonna vote for the side that is against everything I believe in!

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Try again, his acting director of health and human services declared H1N1 a public health emergency when there were only 20 cases and no deaths.

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>He fired the team that could have cured this in time.
damn you're dumb

Gas the kikes and fuck their fake news

and? azar did that on january 31st, before there was even a single case mainland

You don't even live in the US chink.

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show flag

Never forget, every source that says something bad about Your Team is (((fake news)))

Sources that say bad things about Other Team are always true, though.

Yeah, you're gay.

Obama didn't declare a national emergency until there were already 1000 dead americans, that's not even debateable.
Public health emergency being issued by HHS director and national emergency are two different things.
Both were declared far earlier by this administration.
Again, these are facts.

Drive-thru corona testing is the most American thing a president has done for this country in 40 years. God bless

Those pesky Anonymous sources, liberals are really good at finding them when it’s convenient.

They've done post mortems and found like one or two.

You have no idea how many times some retarded virus from a shithole probably comes across the desk of the POTUS. Can't devote attention all the time to everything, Trump literally has nothing to do with CV and you're a retard sheep if you believe otherwise.

the only reason we know how many deaths there were because he did 1 million tests

It's like trumps tax returns. If he hides it people apparently think it doesn't contain anything bad

show flag or die nigger

>12k Americans died of h1n1 before Obama declared a state of emergency. Remember that.

Trumptards have been parroting this bullshit all day. It's like you faggots live in an alternate reality or something.

>the only reason we know how many deaths there were because he did 1 million tests
Yeah, 4 months later than we are now.

>Yeah, I'm not voting for him again.
Like there are not 3 former Democrats to take your place.

It was declared public health emergency in early april, wasn't declared national emergency until late october

yeah. im not even a trump fan but this is nothing until the details are released. there is some much stuff that goes on that goes on behind the scenes. Sometimes good and sometimes bad and mistakes are made.

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Fake news. Made up shit. Different say. Same bullshit from the desperate, lunatic left.

Politifact is run by the same people who own snopes you fucking retarded memeflaggot kike. Now gas yourself, Chaim

They won’t respond to this. I guarantee it. But thanks for pointing this out.


Imagine thinking an (((NPR))) (((source))) means anything at this point.

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The shilling has never been this desperate

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Seriously, Trump needs to drone strike these people.

where we are going there wont even be elections.

Like he needed any help getting re-elected lol

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Obama decided which states to help during a ‘state of emergency’ based on political considerations
Obama administration denied Texas federal disaster aid for wildfires raging over millions of acres
Obama administration previously sent assistance to Mexico to help with their wildfires in 2011
President Obama held seven campaign rallies before visiting Louisiana after Hurricane Isaac (2012)

>Thousands of future deaths

Can this source also tell me winning lotto numbers?

Rememebr when Dan Savage infiltrated the Gary Bauer (R) presidential campaign in order to try to spread the flu virus?
Savage licked door knobs, phones, keyboards, staplers, pens, etc. throughout Bauer’s office
Savage even handed Gary Bauer a saliva-soaked pen hoping to infect him with the flu virus
Senator Obama unwittingly invested in two relatively obscure companies, whose backers happened to include generous contributors to his political action committees (2005)
Obama bought more than $50,000 worth of stock in two speculative companies in 2005
Both companies’ other major investors included some of Obama’s political donors
Obama invested money in AVI BioPharma which was starting to develop a drug to treat avian flu
Two weeks later, Obama led in a legislative push for more federal funding to battle the disease
Obama initiated what he called “one of my top priorities since arriving in the Senate,” a push to increase federal financing to fight avian flu (2005)
Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved Obama’s request for $25 million to fight avian flu
Obama and Tom Harkin (D-IA) amended a bill to provide $3.8 billion for battling the avian flu
AVI BioPharma said it was likely to develop a treatment for avian flu “in a relatively short time”
Obama sold roughly 2,000 shares of AVI BioPharma stock a week later for a small profit

Obama invested $90,000 in SkyTerra, a satellite communications business
Principle backers included donors who had raised more than $150,000 for his political committees
Tejas Securities, a regional brokerage in Texas handled the investment banking for Skyterra
Tejas and people associated with it were major donors to Obama’s political committees
The company’s chairman, John J. Gorman, has held fund-raisers for Obama in Austin, Texas
Gorman also arranged for Obama to use his private plane for several political events in 2005
Jared Abbruzzese was the vice chairman of Tejas and a principle investor in Skyterra
Jared Abbruzzese and his wife contributed $10,000 to Obama’s political action committee
Obama claimed that he did not know he invested in either company until fall 2005
Obama’s spokesman said that after learning of it he sold the stocks at a net loss of $15,000
Obama declined to be interviewed about the stock deals during the 2008 campaign
“I thought about going to (billionaire investor) Warren Buffett, and I decided it would be embarrassing that I only had $100,000 to invest.” ~Barack H. Obama

Bernie will never win. He's a loser candidate for losers who can't get what they want in life.

Obama put up to $100,000 in an account at UBS, recommended to him by George W. Haywood
Haywood, a wealthy friend of Obama, was also a major investor in Skyterra and AVI BioPharma
Haywood and his wife Cheryl contributed close to $50,000 to Obama’s campaigns and committees
SkyTerra, the company Obama invested $90,000 into in 2005, changed its name to LightSquared
Air Force General William Shelton told Congress that the W.H. tried to pressure him to change his testimony to favor a company that turns out to be a major donor to the Democratic Party
Air Force General William Shelton is the Commander of Air Force Space Command (2011)
Anthony Russo is the director of the National Coordination Office for Space-Based Positioning
Russo also confirmed that the Obama administration tried to alter his testimony to Congress
LightSquared, a Virginia-based broadband satellite company, has been vying for permission to operate in a frequency band in the vicinity of our nation’s Global Positioning System (GPS)
LightSquared is funded by Harbinger Capital, a hedge fund owned by billionaire Philip Falcone
Falcone owns a majority stake in LightSquared and is a major donor to the Democratic Party
Falcone denied asking for special favors during his meeting(s) with White House officials
Emails surfaced showing LightSquared executives discussing donations to Obama’s campaign in policy conversations with White House officials
CEO Sanjiv Ahuja donated money to the Democrats during the FCC regulatory review process
Ahuja wrote a $30,400 check to the DNC on the same day Obama officials met with executives
Ahuja abruptly resigned following the revelation of his proximity to the Obama administration

It's funny how much this crisis blindsided the administration. you would think the US would have people constantly monitoring the world for potential threats and working to make contingencies for them 24/7. this has made it so clear that america is falling behind the rest of the world.

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>trump is owned by jews!
>let's listen to this jew about why trump is bad

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>(((NPR Source Says)))

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Yeah, this is a shill.

>Yeah, I'm not voting for him again.
It don't matter, libtards will be dead lmao

>testing back in january would have stopped all the faggots that come over LAST WEEK with the virus
This shit is everywhere because of foreigners and (((travelers))). I hope you plan on never helping a shit skin with this retarded mentality you have

Seeing as youre not an american, no one cares.

If Sanders doesn't win the nom we're fucked. He's not going to pass all the lefty shit he wants, Yas Forums. Shit will get pulled to the center if it ever passes. Trump is a retard, Biden is a retard, let checks and balances do its fucking thing and elect someone who actually has a brain.

If less than 12k die than Trump will win easily. You are an idiot if you think there will be less than 12k dead

>Breaking news: opinion article

Surely they're not biased.