This sounds pretty good to me to be honest. I've been pretty unsatisfied with how Trump is handling the situation.
This sounds pretty good to me to be honest. I've been pretty unsatisfied with how Trump is handling the situation
I too am a dementiabro
are you kidding? trump went all out on this "declaring a national emergency" and utilising the whole private sector. oh right this is a mindless bot thats been churning out the same shit for a week now.
Yeah I.. the kids.. they stroke my legs... and the hairs.. the hairs they smooth them down nice like, and they say wow.
If you really think Biden would do a better Job for this country you are out of your fucking mind spambot.
>and I will always, always tell you the truth.
Because your brain is smooth
I'm riding with Biden
I feel that if Biden has to tell me that he is gonna tell the truth, he is not gonna tell the truth. He is corporate shill who is weaker than Hillary by all means.
>When I'm president, you can bet your corn-pop you'll have fewer personal freedoms
>Caused the stock market to crash
>Spent 1.5 TRILLION dollars America didn't have to bail rich boomers out of losing their 8th Yacht
>Taxpayers have to literally support Jewish bankers and the aristocratic WASPs and give them GIBS
>Giving actual GIBS to BILLIONAIRES
>handled it well
Joe Will Get It Done!
I'm with Joe!
Kill yourself, shill
Yes, definitely. Once again, Trump has fucked up and blames everyone else.
So tired of this crap.
If you don' realize Trump just stole 4300 dollars, or about 10,000 dollars from every tax paying family that does not have money in stocks, you're fucking cretin levels.
>the fed, the government, and america are the same thing
>loaning 1.5 trillion for 90 days is equivalent to giving 1.5 trillion
>i don't know anything about economics
Apart from the fake hysteria the left are pushing, what is wrong with the situation at the moment?
Fuck off faggot.
Yeah, remember the financial crisis when America loaned unlimited money to banks at 0% interest and then they couldn't pay it back because they increased their salaries so much and then America gave them the money again because the entire system would fail if they didn't get the money?
Then no one got prosecuted, no one gave anything back, and everything continued as "normal" but the average person was somehow poorer and the richest were somehow richer?
Biden would open all borders and ban surgical mask if he was president who is he fooling.
>I will always tell you the truth
Nigga THAT ITSELF is a fucking lie lmao
>computer, resolve: “this statement is false.“
>>Taxpayers have to literally support Jewish bankers and the aristocratic WASPs and give them GIBS
this shit is just beyond the pale honestly.
>I will always, always tell you the truth.
[this is not the truth]
such a meaningless platitude; he gives no concrete examples of what he would do.
You wanted third world mongrels in your country. You demanded open borders.
This is what you wanted, fag. Deal with it.
>and I will always, always tell you the truth.
You can't start a YLYL thread with this
>And I will always, always tell you the truth.
These words from any politician make me laugh.
Lmfao this is what you want, Canada
No one in America proposed "open borders" you fell for a Yas Forums meme.
whats that got to do with this? lol noone falls for when you try and dice words and weasel your way around not knowing anything about how the economy works
Why didn't you post the real tweet?
Biden had no idea this was happening. He called Trump a racist when he banned travel from China. Biden is basically a retarded person at this point
>you fell for a Yas Forums meme.
Shut up you fucking moron, I have eyes and ears, I can observe the political left for myself. Even now you parasites rally in the streets to denounce racism towards the Chinese and decrying the closing of the borders to Europe.
You must be trolling.
>have some empty words
>Sloppy Joe 2020, Make America Know the Thing
> Always, always
Double that like a double negative?
>t. literal fucking retard who has no understanding of how the (((fed))) works
Regardless of the level of preparation, The media would suck his cock all the way through the ordeal and speak of “unity”. The outcome would be the exact same.
>And i will always, always tell you the truth.
>Breaking news: president sleepy joe impeached after inciting racial tensions
your combination of ignorance yet confidence in how any of this works is really something
id suggest you muster up some humility and for the next few months spend some minutes a day reading about how the federal reserve, banking, the government, and the markets work to keep america as prosperous as it is
Our President shoved the doddering old policy bureaucrats out of the way as they meandered by with their reams of regs, and brought in free enterprise to save the day. The private market will run epic circles around government. These people are innovators, with a sense of urgency no politician ever had in their existence. Government officials do nothing but create hindrances. Innovation will now begin to move society forward at lightning speed and it is about fucking time. Covid is just the beginning. I look forward to the day it does not take literally hours to get a fucking driver's license even in the most rural areas of Texas. Bring it on Trump! Way to go!
>every tax paying family that does not have money in stocks
So, retards that deserve to be poor?
This retard promised to cure cancer if elected
get a real job you fucking troll farm parasite
...but he'd veto medicare for all which means he wouldn't change anything.
Trump: shuts borders
Hawaii judge: Overturns
Corona: gets in
Dems: Heh trump did this
Tomorrow he wont even remember there is a pandemic.
Corn Pop was a bad dude
During the swine flu, Obama didnt declare a national emergency until there were 1000 deads
>when I'm president, I'll just do everything better lol
wow I'm voting for that guy
He literally did it EARLIER than any liberal faggot - including Joe Biden wanted him to
He was attempting to downplay the severity to calm the public until the measures he'd set in place could begin to take effect.
Liberal media and the Democrat party stoked fears shamelessly to tank the markets to try and score points, so they pushed the country into panic right before it would have been handled anyways.
Dementia Joe and his shit evil party have caused every problem we have here. Literal, actual traitors.
>muh too late
he thinks Joebama would have closed down international travel.
>When I'm president
yea im ridin with biden
what do you mean he has dementia? thats pretty based, he also touches kids which is redpilled
you Trumpfags have no self-awareness. Have you ever listened to one of Trump's rambling speeches?
Yeah cus trust me bro, fuck that, the old fag has shown he can't take shit for criticism and is emotionally unstable apart from the creeping senility
>pol still defending "JUST A FLU,JUST WASH YOUR HANDS,BRO" drumpf
the absolute state of this shithole
Get fucked trannie
That is Trump's 2020 pitch.
Ima laff when he croaks from Corona.