Chinese people have, throughout their history, demonstrated a disregard for human life that is beyond our comprehension. It's in their art, their literature, their law, their norms. Their method of warfare is slow and sophisticated. This is why they must be contained: Defense.
Chinese are a geopolitical threat to the rest of humanity
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When Chinese history says ‘middle kingdom’ they mean ‘the center of the world’ with them at the top.
Chinese strategy, is to delay and deceive (Sun Tzu), while building up offensive and defensive capability, until a competitor can no longer even negotiate, but simply obey.
I want to see gook funny videos Yas Forums style. Wake the fuck up tardies. 12 piece tendie reward for best webm.
Chinks are every where.
Last 10 visits to supermarket and there's a Chink in front,
a Chink at the side,
and a Chink behind.
Now, you really notice them.
China has a very difficult problem preserving the empire and perhaps should not try so hard, but given that she wants to reclaim her ‘status’ in the world, and given that the fractionalization and civil wars in china have been a problem for so many centuries, and that the consequence for a power struggle would be so great for at least the Han, then it is somewhat understandable.
The Chinese are not insects. They are human just like you and me. They're helping the rest of the world fight the virus. We are in this together, don't forget!
China is a very poor country. But it has more population than the Western world, more population than the African world, about the same or more than the Indian world, less population than the Muslim world, and perhaps most importantly, greater racial and cultural homogeneity than any other people other than the Japanese - and that’s coupled with a ‘self righteous’ military, a history and culture of monolithic bureaucracy; no history whatsoever of what we call ‘rule of law’ or individual rights (sovereignty), or peerage; And a severe ‘chip on its shoulder’ for having been backward, and the loser of modern wars, and the poor choice of communism, which is contrary to the Chinese cultural ‘mythos’ that china is the ‘Center of the World’.
>Chinese are a geopolitical threat to the rest of humanity
yes we need to retake china once more
US and Russia need to work together to overthrow the Chinese government. The rest of the countries don't matter because they are a bunch of worthless pussies.
General McArthur wanted to continue the War (II) into China. Pres. said no.
Why is China trying to assert military power rather than simply ‘free ride’ on the Postwar (Bretton Woods) system, unless it is to conduct a war? The USA took over the British empire and uses the Dollar as a reserve currency to pay for protection of world finance and trade. Unless China wants to engage in something counter to world finance and trade, and the use of markets to lift people out of poverty, then why expand the military such that it is a threat to the Bretton Woods order? The only answer is that china seeks to impoverish the USA.
>Pres. said no.
cause he was a lil bitch, US had the resources to do it
Why are the Chinese so obsessed with preserving their empire rather than dividing into many competing states like Europe? I mean, that was the reason for the communist revolution…. to stop it. It was their ‘reformation’ and they failed.
The mistake was allowing the western financial institutions of London and New York to finance their rise
China has no allies. She only has dependents. This principle is central to east asian thought. There are no equals. In all circumstances someone is superior and another is subordinate.
Is he going to be alright?
Probably dead, unless someone saved him shortly after.
Chinese thought requires the preservation of harmony - meaning non disruption of the status hierarchy. Even if that means doing everything possible to avoid speaking the truth. This is a very paternal model of thought. It is not necessarily a bad one, for the simple reason that Chinese pursuit of harmony, and parenting is somewhat grounded in their (rather questionable) morality. That said, they will kill millions of their own happily if necessary, and have far less regard for human life than westerners (or Indo Europeans in general) do or can even imagine.
It hasn’t been. It’s state corporatism that has been successful in china. China is run as a for-profit corporation of 1+billion people, using the country’s intergenerational borrowing capacity to attempt to create a modern consumer economy by using that borrowing capacity to move vast numbers of people from villages to urban centers in the hope that it will generate sustainable economic velocity.
The outcome is good so far but just as the French revolution’s experiment is not quite over, that of china has a long way to go yet. It is a very poor, very corrupt country that remains very poor very corrupt.
God bless you, I'm running low on those chink deathclips, thanks user
I will literally never get tired of Chinks casually slaughtering one another, especially children.
Does anyone have the one where a line of schoolchildren gets off the bus and the driver just turns and runs over them all?
it's absolutely incredible and way better than fake media shit.
>that little green truck had a bad day further down the road
keep it coming
I have it, but only in audio because it uses the King of the Hill theme song.
Israel's sales of American developed military technology were instrumental in the modernization of China's miltary.
Our greatest ally. my @ss.
Pick a topic and I will post one.
>sending help to your expats so they can continue their takeover mission
>they're a threat
>spam mass-produced think-tank webms demonstrating their utmost incompetence
well which one is it, agent?
>enlist now at your local recruitment center
>Chinese people have, throughout their history, demonstrated a disregard for human life that is beyond our comprehension. It's in their art, their literature, their law, their norms.
It really is. There was a chink that banned Alice in Wonderland I believe because anthropomorphized animals might make chinks sympathize with them. Compare with Hitler to see how their culture and instincts differ from ours
Regardless, the entire world needs to hold China accountable for this fucking corona-virus mess.
They owe us tens of billions at minimum already from this damage.
All they had to do was operate their fucking markets like civilized human fucking beings, and they couldn't even figure that out.
We need to make absolutely fucking sure they pay it!
Holy shit years of life education and interactions flattened in an instant from lizardbrains who shouldn't try to drive vehicles..
accidents - human errors
What if the Chinese are so socially advanced that they realize that human life has no worth?
Less so than the US though. The Chinese regime isn’t actively spreading feminism, homosexuality, negro culture, jew worship, and transgender 8 year olds to the entire world like the US regime is.
Fights between them for sure.
"Oh no china big peaceful prease don't wrook at entire history"
All we hear is this Kumbaya trash their peddling yet they'll rip each other apart given a moments opportunity.
Are you sure that those agendas are nor paid by china?
a couple of fights over here user
Dude was dead either way. If the factory owner saw the footage of him breaking $25 worth of merch then he'd be fed to the dogs. Then those dogs would be get to the factory owner the next day.
Jewish people have, throughout their history, demonstrated a disregard for human life that is beyond our comprehension. It's in their art, their literature, their law, their norms. Their method of warfare is slow and sophisticated. This is why they must be purged: Defense.
how they he not see?
Man these people aren't human. Idk who is worse chinks or niggers.
I feel bad for the kid but I guess it happens everyday on this planet and after all, we are just a walking bag of flesh
It's simply two different enemies using two different strategies of conquering.
Let's see no empathy
If you want to cooperate first help us to get rid of Dickhead's gang and his multiculti bullshit.
Holy shit mad respect for that gook. Biggest power move a human can make
death to china and all chinese
death to china and all chinese
death to china and all chinese
death to china and all chinese
Fuck. They ARE insectoids. WTF is this "society"?
I don't really understand why I enjoy seeing these so much. I learned Chinese from multiple professors over 8 years and can speak read and write both traditional and simplified.
I know their entire culture and history from the 1900's on after the Boxer rebellion.
They fascinate me, they're incredible creatures. They struggle and suffer for no life of love, their love only extends to their immediate family and all rest are meat to be slaughtered if necessary.
All of these souls in their billions, wasted so carelessly, quickly, and in the same way over and over. It's exhilarating, seeing such tragic, and ultimately pointless suffering in mere screamingly painful instants.
It sustain me like no other meal. .
Not possible, I have too many, so choose wisely.
They are fascinating.
One is a country trying to expand its borders and power, the other is an ideological regime with a bear religion passion for erasing erasing white people and deconstructing every core feature of what it is to be human.
>yes we need to retake china once more
Anyone have the one of the gooks sitting around the table with a bunch of disgusting live animals on plates? It was like different sorts of fish and all that was sliced up but still moving, fucking disgusting