That’s what this piece of shit said today. Why the FUCK would anyone with a functioning brain cell in his/her head want this fuckTARD to be president for even one more day? I fucking hope he gets the virus and gives it to everyone in his fucking worthless family and they all have the very fucking worst outcome possible with this virus. FUCK ALL OF THE TRUMPS!
Other urls found in this thread:
can i get sauce
Boomers would. This is how they would respond too, so they see nothing wrong with it.
Simply watch his press briefing today when he declared a national emergency.
He didn’t eat the bats.
when did he say this? OP is a seething faggot.
because joe biden can't remember his name and the corporate/finance world will never let bernie be president
He said it today when he declares a national emergency. He was asked if he took any responsibility for the lag in testing and he said, “I take no responsibility at all.”
Imagine being so inept, lazy, and weak you blame the government every time you catch a cold. Faggot.
He is a fucker, a FUCKER, and it's getting to the point where even the most racist psycho right-wing nuts can't deny it.
Here are choices in November:
1. Vote for Joe like a sane person.
2. Stay the fuck home if you won't.
This man is a disgrace and the Republican Party deserves to be obliterated for a generation for enabling him to even ask for another four fucking years of shit.
lol brain damaged libtard OP
He said it just today during his press conference. I don’t give a shit one way or the other about Trump but I thought it was a pretty tone deaf thing to say.
brain damaged libtard would take FULL responsibility
god libtards are so fucking retarded, daily life must be struggle for them
awwwww you poor baby you. cry a little more before mommy calls you up for dinner.
what the fuck do you want from him? to dress up in a hazmat suit and start handing out elixer to people? lol the cdc and who draged ass for 2 solid months, i cant believe share blue is still shilling at a time like this
What is your point?
Shills are working overtime it seems.
>1. Vote for Joe like a sane person.
fucking kys
I stated my point. Sorry reading comprehension eludes you, friend.
>vote joe
Who's joe?
I'm not voting for a 78-year-old whose brain is practically dripping out of his ears at this point. He's like Brezhnev's last two years at this point -- the government would be entirely run by unelected elites and """experts""".
he said he took no responsibility at all in regards to the white house removing its pandemic team
which honestly, he shouldn't have to, because nobody not even leftists saw this virus coming
>reddit spacing
well thats the kinda faggotry that says it all
no thanks, but keep cutting yourself
Israel has 3rd highest infection rate percentage yet Donald doesn't travel ban that country.
The mestizo worker slaves and H1B poos slime in unabated.
Its like he is only banning countries based upon personal politics.
Since Zonald is surrounded by dual citizens and his family are arch Zionist maybe OP's wish will become reality.
shut up OP you fag
I like a lot of what the Don has done but that moment was absolutely brutal. That sjw chick completely embarrassed him.
WHO fags said "nothing to worry about" when he shut down travel from china you dumb fuck.
Q poofs!!!!!!!!
what the fuck is wrong with you?
china is obviously responsible, not trump.
what are you, retarded?
that was a stupid question that retarded reporter asked too.
do they not understand how outrageously biased they look when they ask shit like that?
it's disgraceful; trump should pull their press passes--access to the white house press pool is a privilege not a right.
>i cant believe share blue is still shilling at a time like this
They are using their forced leaves from mcdonalds to shill for some extra money.
Trump 2020.
we need my dude bernie. he woulda given that 1.5 trillion straight to the working class.
fuck the senile orange cunt he has made america a fucking despised laughing stock everyone in the world thinks you are all cunts and all he wants to do is suck putins cock
I want him to be a man and accept responsibility.
lol the CDC that he cut funding for? They're probably horribly understaffed. That's why trump had all these private corporations (target, walmart, CVS) up there speaking with him because he fucked the government organizations that would normally handle this kinda shit...
Do us all a favor, eat your own feces
I'm sorry, what does it mean to call someone 'a fucker'? And also, what is your first language?
Okay guys, I confess....
I take responsibility.
It started during the cold war.
Everyone caught a cold during the war and its all my fault.
There, glad I got that off my nose....
lol he doesn't do that. your wants don't matter to him. he's in this for himself and his friends
Boot licker and cum swirler detected.
kek. advanced faggotry detected
fucking fucker fuck fucking fucker. FUUCK!
Israel is Third in the world for RATE OF CORONAVIRUS TESTS
Fuck it. I bet you still don't get it.
lol dumb as fuck
Hahaha, what’s that asshole? Shut up. Bullshit thread. Sage.
N/A, just like when he "called Coronavirus a hoax"
>thinks about "swirling cum"
>calls other people gay
kek, imagine shilling this faggotry for free.
He didn't cut funding.
Did they take the bait?
This is not an original picture.
AAhahaaha COPE!
why would he take responsibility for something the chinks released, you dumb shill bitch?
go eat a big bag of dicks you sad little cunt you are a traitor loving shit stain enjoy coughing your lungs out because of the orange cunt
you aren't even american
It’s a selfie Trump took in Epstein’s apartment 2 years ago.
So he didn't...
Are you alright user?
what the fuck are you retarded
yeah, get out of here this isn't any of your business.
>dumb shill bitch?
Hey dumber MAGAFAG, the question was about taking responsibility for the lag in in not being prepared...not the virus itself you fucking twit.
>sane person
Pick one.
oh i better just leave then you really are a daft cunt lololo
>leftists can't stop seething
>are going to lose their fucking minds when dementia Joe loses even when we're all dying of chink aids
LOL fuck me you're right. I've been propaganda-d
why should he? Did obama take responsibility for the thousands and thousands of deaths from swine flu? you stupid fucking niggers are retarded. He isnt some filthy chinese peasant that eats bat shit for a fucking snack and then coofs all over eachother like the insectoid niggers they are. He isnt the liberal kikes that want open borders so this shit can spread like wildfire. go fuck yourself dude. if the world ever does collapse i hope you are turned into a gimp fuckslave for a band of faggot raiders.
shills out in full force tonight
Joe 30330
guess which one doesn't have a travel ban.