Yas Forums humour thread. Other one's dead.
Yas Forums humour thread. Other one's dead
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Not funny, Asian + black is usually a really beautiful mix imo.
Asian/black people would dominate the world.
The smartest race and the physically strongest race mixed together? Best of both worlds. You crackers wouldn't stand a chance.
Holy fuck trips of death
Anyway The ratio is hilarious.
Brown Power:
White Power:
Based chink.
Unironically based.
>Bill Nye theWeimarguy
Checked for based southpaw.
Who the fuck pays you simps for this retardation?
Nog IQ: 85
Chink IQ: 105
Mix: 95 < less than 100 white average
And white people actually have the highest strength to muscle mass index. Check out bodybuilder forums.
Fuck that’s too real
Damn, nigger going for the bike even when he's unconcious
He’s not based because he’s against wm/af couples.
Mongols are so based it's basically immeasurable.
or it would be the frailest and dumbest
Here’s a similar one
>t.iphone poster
Its always left hook
95 isn’t dumb. My IQ is 93 which is around average.
Hahaha Germans scared of blackies. Nothing has changed since ww2 then.
Or everyone gets to neet in their grandmas basement
* not
Stupid autocorrect
You must stop them they'll be able to calculate the trajectory of every bullet on a drive by.
The ultimate nigga.
Post ten
>you don't have to tell me what happened, BUT EAT THE EGGS
But...that actually makes sense.
>8DB-8A0C-8(...).jpg (861 KB, 1125x795)
this is so perfect, thanks for the laugh you mongoloid level fuckwit.
"my 95 IQ is average"
couldnt see a more self fulfilling statement.
People with free time will find people like you and make you be silent. Keep posting, we'll be vsiting you.
This was in france..
Meme flag nigger
>MDE #JWOKE retweeted
What about what I said is funny??
Stop being an asshole, I’m not a dummy, I’m around average.
I don’t have a ton of pics of mixed people on my phone.
Looks like a good jav
Please, what game is this?
100 IQ is average by definition. Anything below is below average. Brainlet.
Drop the memeflag when adressing me, scum.
Black women have been brainwashed. How does such an ugly man get a woman like that?
93 is AROUND average you dummy.
These fucking mongols are so funny and based
have fentanyl you stupid schizo cuck ;-)
Missing he bros
I highly doubt that 100 is average when a big chunk of the population is fucking niggers who should be defined as mentally retarded.
Will this do?
Yes. It's the imperial gatekeeper. Never try to pull this shit again.
based and chengis khan pilled
What game??
Your iq is average in Israel
Okay? I am not Israeli though.
No, it isn't. Around average would be like 98-102. 93 is way below average because IQ is measured on a bell curve. If your IQ is 93, you're only smarter than about 32% of the world population. Basically retarded.
Are you a blind cunt?
What if it just turns out to be dumb, frail, and ugly?
Thats rad
Is he okay?
No it’s not. It’s around average.
No I’m not and I’m not a cunt.
Most based fucking German ever.
Magazine just falls out
what nigger gun is this?
Literally the only asians that are cool
100 is always average, no matter what. Even if the entire world became literally retarded, it would still be average. It has nothing to do with how smart of dumb everyone is. If everyone became dumber or smarter, what would be considered 100 IQ would just change in order to fit the average person.
not you again
can you seriously fuck off?
She cute
This mix has really strange face shapes.
>No it’s not. It’s around average.
If you're only smarter than about 32% of the world population, you're not "around average", you coping retard.
Oh shit
Tough cuck on the premises
>BillNye TheWeimarGuy
Don't worry, it's just the flu.
this account's ran by a white guy who's larping as an asian btw kek
Them shits are hardy
Where the fuck was this taken
Britain seems based.
I think she looks beautiful.
So I’m in the top 70% of smartest people in the population and a third of the population is dumber than me. I don’t see how that makes me a dummy.
Memeflaggot tries to tell me that guns are bad?
No, he's been laying low since some racially-charged tweets from 2013 emerged
don't bother on here bud
mongols are so based that they let no outside nations take polls/statistics of their internal affairs
She really does have to eat the eggs though
I don't know I dowloaded it from another ylyl. Seems to good to be real.
Rural England is the shit