Imagine living together with a cute right wing boy like in the pic. The ultimate dream

Imagine living together with a cute right wing boy like in the pic. The ultimate dream...

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We were right to fuck you in Winter war


I want to rub pps with his smoll feminine boy penis

The key to true happiness

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that there is a turk with contacts and a wig


Don’t blame the Finn. All the based ones jumped ship decades ago

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why is pol so gay?

Have sex ivan

Nice haircut

I'm still waiting for you to date me cute Finn trap.

Guilty homosexuals deserve the death penalty, God wills it. JESUS IS LORD.

A turk! Who is this monstrosity so I can avoid seeing him in the future?

I hate the modern Finns so much, ever since /bant/. They are the faggiest anons on this site.


dat nigga look like Laura Huhtasaari lmao

Don't you guys realize traps smell bad like actual men do? Testosterone tends to do that

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hot, lets see some nudes

Your mother was ok

That's a boy? Get the fuck out of here. That neck looks like it can snap at any moment. Can it eat solid food?

Ew sorry, I don't fuck twinks, I'm a democrat. LETS GO, JOE!

looks like it has hiv, can i poke it with a wooden stick?

What's perfume, retard. Women naturally smell bad too

People (incels in particular) become gay after a while when they realize they will never have a shot at having sex with an actual woman, so they settle for traps

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That's kinda based

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>What are titty skittles?

Is it weird that I find women sweat worse than man sweat

I will never understand how you faggot can get pass the smell of a man, no matter how much perfume or cologne a trap use, they will still smell like a dude when they sweat, that's a huge turn off for me, they smell like any other guy it doesn't matter if they are on HTR or had an operation

but how would you save the white race when bussy is an empty egg carton?

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I was thinking someone more like Link. if Link existed, I would genuinely be with him. Don't care if it's gay. I have feelings I cannot control when looking at him.

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I would partake in no degeneracy with this misguided young man. I will accept him into my home and teach him the ways of manhood. He will hunt with me, shoot with me, and spot for me as I for him. I will call him Son and he will call me Father. It is our duty as elders to reroute the youngsters unto the correct path. This degenerate abandonment of the younger generation is a travesty like no other.

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you'll get used to it

since when did this shit become acceptable on Yas Forums u queer

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>Being a sodomite
Hell is destructive !

I still prefer Finns to Brazilians
I’ve never seen a good post from a Brazilian


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Nothing better than a twink with a massive cock.

The worst thing is that this faggot has a bigger dick than me.

kek, brother. fpbp.

What's his name?? Please!

Then he washes is 100 layers of make up.

No I won't fag, I will not normalize degeneracy

You must only be around fat women


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No idea but it's safe to assume.

It that a Reptilian Trap?

>Soviet Union fucked the Finns in the Winter War
>what is the Battle of Varolampi Pond

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Faggot kys

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How do you know?

Uh how about a real wife to have kids with?

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Then I fuck his tight asshole anyways because I'm not a fag like you.

Vaginas are fucking disgusting.

Imagine still being alive. What a waste of time.

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That’s a girl though

Fuck that, monsterous things that emasculate like nothing else. Just get a bird pregnant and deny parentage whilst ghosting her.

Daily reminder that autists will preach to you that they are somehow totally not gay for feeling no attraction to the OP image.

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>win a war
>give up important territory and pay war reparashuns to your opponent

the absolute state of our year of the lord 2020 intelligence

Cute conservative traditional female wife is better

That's a girl you dumbass

Incel niggas only say that because they haven't had sex women because of how repulsive incels are

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I don’t care if it’s gay, it’s hot.

ha gay

holy fucking based

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>americans smell bad
You might smell bad, but I certainly don't, fatty.

No, I have, multiple times, and I've decided it's just not for me.

Depends...can I ravage his boipucci whenever I please?

It astounds me that so many men here see a mere toy in this young as opposed to a fellow man in dire need of aid. Truly, we live in dark times. what we must do to right this wrongs, I do not know.

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Finski bro things like that don't exist
Every BÓG HONOR OJCZYZNA man I know would crush its skull if they saw him a faggot is a faggot sorry but ill pass

>living together with a cute right wing boy like in the pic

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lol faggot

That wouldn't last as he would khs very soon.

A tranny meme that does nothing to change the fact that you still smell wrong due to 15+ years of being your actual sex with no hormonal alterations

Is that really a trap?

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> cute right wing boy like in the pic.

and the faggot op did it again
posting real girls as trap


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the hormone changes the smell they don't smell like dudes
Of course all of you faggots will refuse to acknowledge this and accuse me of being a tranny but whatever

So what, a guy wearing a wig, tons of make up and contact lenses? might as well just get a doll so you don't have to suffer their emotional outbursts every hour. No thanks.

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